Ron was on his knees on the ground and nodded meekly. I crouched down to his level with Harry and I pulled my wand up to his face. "Episkey," I murmured and the blood stopped leaking and the nose seemed to look a lot better. I took a deep breath and searched for my handkerchief. In my back pocket, I pulled it out and wiped the excess blood off his nose. Ron looked super red in the face but I ignored the flush on his face and made myself busy wiping it off.
After the blood was mostly wiped off I looked at the bloody handkerchief. I raised my wand again and whispered another spell. "Scourgify," and the handkerchief became spotless. "Wow, you are bloody good at magic," Ron said. "thank you," I said absentmindedly as I placed my trunk on the trunk holder above the seat. My dress was the same usual colour and I smelled like soft pansy flowers.
My dress was a dark purple with a white blouse underneath. I hand a dark green brooch like hair clip in my hair. I knew I looked good because I had been preparing it in secret for weeks. I felt slightly embarrassed at how vain I had become and how important my looks were to me now. It was my way of presenting myself and how powerful was. How now matter what I face I always look my best.
It was my armour, something I wore to show people I was fine on the outside, that nothing could hurt me. The more I hurt I was the better I looked. I sat down on the seat next to Harry and gave a little smile. "Could any of you explain what happened back then," I said with an inviting smile trying to look kinder. If I wanted to get the information it was best to look kind and trustable.
Ron flushed and Harry scratched his head. "To be honest I would not know, the wizarding world is kind of new to me," Harry said. I raised my eyebrow. "What is your name?" I asked Harry as if I didn't know already. "Oh- sorry my name is Harry, Harry Potter," He said fumbling with his hands.
"Bloody hell, your Harry Potter, I am Ron, Ron Weasley. Do you- you know," Ron said rambling awkwardly trying and failing to contain his excitement as he questioned if harry had the scar. Ron gestured to his head. Harry smiled and pulled his hair back. I let them have their moment before they returned their gaze back on me.
"Oh- I am Pansy Parkison," I said with a glided smile. Ron's mouth practically dropped open as he looked at Harry as if he had seen a ghost. "Could you please tell what happened back there," I asked as Ron started nodding.
"Well umm, you became quite the celebrity really. You disappeared off the map, nowhere to be seen or found but all your accomplishments were broadcasted. Your notes on magical theory have been shown by your Tutor Sewle. She showed all you did in shorts amounts of time and you became like a fairytale story. A ghost. No one really knows if you existed or not but then you were shown in the papers the last few years and every time you do appear in Diagon Alley and the papers catch news of you, you are wearing the best dresses," Ron rambled.
I didn't show it but I felt fury build up inside of me.
posting this in the hopes that karma returns and I get to go to my bookstore!!
jk kidding enjoy!!