75% OverWatch: What if / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

章 6: Chapter 5

"Hello, party people!" I greeted everyone with a smirk, before taking the flank, firing at anything that moved, which was most of the robots. Seeing a police officer and an omnic next to a girl on the ground, I took out the other grenade from my pant's pocket and threw at the robots that were advancing on them.

Instead of the smoke being released when it was on the ground, the smoke covered the sky right on top of the robots and then them. Loading my gun like the old man would do his prior to his rockets, I shot a beam that took at least half of the usual charge, letting me with 35 shots before it would need to cool down.

As soon as my smoke was hit by the beam of blue laser, the entire smoke started burn, and the flames fell on top of the robots, melting them. 'Ok... Not embarrasing... I'll have to apologize to Oli then for being a dick...' I thought to myself and scratched the back of my ear sheepishly.

Of course, there was other people that joined as well. Some flying robot who greeted the monkey, and then, light came from the cloudy sky. As soon as I was hit with it, a blonde woman with wings on her back landed swiftly right next to me and the down blue clothed girl.

"Hello, Vik." She greeted me with a smile of surprise. "Hello, aunt Mercy," I greeted back.

As soon as she healed the girl, "Do you need healing as well?" She asked me with a knowing smile. Chuckling and scratching the back of the ear, "Umm, maybe later?" I spoke, making her sigh. Of course, the good mood was ruined by the [FUUUUUAA] of the big robot that was now standing up. And as if that wasnt enough, we were getting flanked by the footsteps of another one.

"How many are coming?" I asked aunt Mercy, since she flew here, she might know about the enemies coming here. She gave me a smile that hid her worry, "One more with more small ones." She answered. Giving her a nod back. I turned towards the damaged big robot who was getting ready to do a big attack, but surprising me, "You don't have to worry. We have our shield." Aunt Mercy spoke and then walked to the rest of her team, greeting them.

My eyes didn't leave the big robot, whose chest opened up, revealing a laser cannon, "Uh... Are you sure about not worrying?" I asked back, following the blonde woman in concern. "INTERLOCK SHIELD!" The drifter brunette spoke and with her old man, I assume it was her old man, both slammed a transparent shield right in front of us.


The laser and the shield met. The father and daughter duo handling it very easily, making me drop my jaw. "Mei, your backpack!" The monkey spoke to the girl behind me who was taking care of a kid. "That could work!" She spoke and she took off her backpack? Is that a backpack? That's not a freaking backpack, that's a freezer but in a backpack! Okay! That might be a backpack!

"Guys, not to be rude or anything, but does she have two backpack?" I asked, feeling the thud of the footsteps getting too close from behind us. And as expected, another undamaged giant robot showed itself.

Getting no answer, "I'll take care of it then!" I shouted back, tabbing my scouter twice, connecting it to my rifle. "Please this better not be a prank, Oli." I muttered and started shooting as soon as I saw 5 arrows on my scouter. Instead of the usual beam or pulse shots, nothing happened other than the marks on my scouter getting down to 0 after I pulled the triger on my rifle 5 times.

"Do whatever you need to do!" I shouted to the girl who was wearing winter clothes in freaking Paris and she was back on working on her so called backpack... "Was something supposed to happen?" The woman in orange tight clothes asked me, refering to me shooting invisible bullets at the place where I predicted the giant robot would stand, making me nod in uncertainty. I was too busy thinking about my trump card than her brit accent, so I didn't comment on it. Though I like her accent.

After two other steps, the flank giant robot stood right in front of me, while the team was taking care of the one in front of them. The huge robot that was on our flank copied the one in front of us. It's chest opened up, ready to shot a laser cannon down on us. With a 3 second timer going down appearing on my scouter, "HERE COMES THE FIREWORK BABY!" I shouted.

The sound of jets made the ones that were free look up and seeing what looked like 5 misiles coming down at where we were. And when the timer hit 0,






The misiles hit the huge robot, each hit completyl destroying the machine and the little ones that was coming at us. With the entire flank cleared, "Now, the other one." I spoke, making everyone stare at me wide eyed and then smile.

With the flying jet omnic taking away the attention of the huge one from us, the big robot decided to take out the mosquito omnic. With rockets coming out of it's shoulder, they were fired at the flying jet omnic. The flying robot started, well, flying around the buildings, which were empty thankfully, and then towards the sky to minimize the property damage.

Whatever the winter clothe girl, Mei, was doing was finished and she gave her backpack to the gorilla, who threw it after the skin tight legging girl put some bomb on it.

The woman, whose name was Tracer, started blinking towards the backpack? and taking it in her arms, and flying towards the robot. "Umm, are you guys crazy or crazy?" I asked them unsurely, my eyes not leaving the arm of the robot slowly moving and heading towards Tracer.

Without any delay, I took aim and started firing at the robot to slow down his movement, but my pulse shots were doing nothing to the huge one. With each second going forward, the metallic hand was approaching the black haired woman, while I was preparing myself for the first casualty in this battle.

"RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!!" A cybernotic voice shouted, making me snap towards it. My eyes wide from seeing another figure heading towards the hand that was about to splat Tracer, while spinning in the air no less. The samurai looking guy took his blade and freaking cut the hand in two!

"I think I found someone cooler than the old man." I muttered with my jaw wide open, my eyes not leaving the samurai. While Tracer was safe and doing what needed to be done, my eyes didn't leave the samurai guy who dashed into some robots and took care of them with his shuriken. Without realizing it, my inner kid self came out for the first time in a while, and I was mimicking his shuriken throws and that mimick was stopped by a certain blonde woman clearing her throat.

The mess with the giant robot was already dealt with, meaning Tracer and the flying omnics was back with the group... I immediately stopped, and looked around, finding myself the center of attention. With aunt Mercy smirking, the samurai guy next to her who I heard chuckle very lowly. Mei, the winter wearing girl, the drifter brunette who had an expression of ease and amusement, the old man who was laughing his ass off. And the monkey that had a relaxed smile in this chaos, yeah... I just... failed the first impression, didn't I...

Slowly standing back upright, "Nice to meet you all," I greeted them with a nod, trying to go with a strategy, which was immediately seen through by the drifter pretty brunitte, "He's trying to act as if nothing happened!" She pointed it out. Like, what the fuck. Don't point it out, leave me with some honor or something. "Nothing happened." I replied to her blankly, hiding my embarassement. Making her go in a fit of giggles.

Hearing me, the enthusiastic guy just started laughing more wildly and loudly, making me frown. "Aww, he's so cut'" Tracer blinked to my position, wrapping an arm around my back, to which I immediately hissed and grunted in pain. "GAAHH!!"

I removed myself from her one armed hug, making her freeze and the joyeus mood was now gone. Walking away from her, "Sorry, just... I'm badly hurt right where you put your arm," I told her. I didn't want her to think I was some douchbag that didn't want to be touched or anything. "Oh, I'm sorry abaut' that', lov'." Tracer replied with concern and her accent.

"Don't worry about it, eh~" I tried to mimick her accent, making her giggle and the mood came back to normal. While she went around to introduce everyone to the winter clothe girl, Mei, I was accompanied by aunt Mercy and the... omnic samurai guy? "Let me see," She ordered me, making me sigh. "Right here?" I asked her, making her raise an eyebrow at me, expecting me to follow her order. Which I did, "Fine..." I replied.

Slowly taking off my jacket, I was left with a simple yellow shirt. Fun fact about clothing colors. If you want to make a good and memoriable impression on someone, the color yellow should be your choice. In my case, a dark blue jacket, my military pants, and the yellow short sleeve shirt.

While I was trying to take off my shirt, everyone again turned towards me, expecting something. "What?" I asked them, confused. "Could we know your name?" The monkey spoke, making me go "Ahhh," in realization. I hadn't really greeted them yet. Before I could, "Your shirt," I heard aunt Mercy order, making me frown.

"Name's Viktor, Soldier 76 sends his greetings or something." I muttered, trying to buy time. I didn't want to go naked in front of all this people. And though I trust aunt Mercy, it's embarrasing to show my body to strangers. Hearing my name and who send me, Winston let out a beaming smile, "I see, nice to meet you too. My name's Winston." He introduced himself.

And with how hyperactive Tracer was, she started to introduce herself and the rest. "I'm Tracer, the big laud guy is Reinhardt', the guy yau mimicked" She pointed out, like, what is their deal?! Leave me alone! I'll be teased by Oli anyway, I don't need another one. "Is Genji, she's Echo, Mei, yau already know Mercy, and lastly Briggit'!" She finished by pointing and blinking to everyone's position and then standing in front of me.

"Uh, I'm gonna need some help with remembering the names," I replied to them. The second robot that was taken care of by Mei's backpack made it snow for some time now. Which was interesting to me. What did her backpack contain for it to completely freeze and destroy a robot like that.

My attention was on the snow that was falling and the big hammer guy decided then to reply, "Don't worry, we'll help cause time waits for snow man!" He shouted. While Briggite "gahhh," and others let out some kind of noise in pain regarding the pun, others like Tracers giggled. I blankly stared at the old man for a while, registering the words.

[Snort!] "HAHAHAHAHA" I started laughing, holding my belly. It was a terrible pun and joke. I mean, I could understand Briggite grunting in pain from hearing it, but it was so terrible that I couldn't hold my laughter. And joining me, the old man also let out his wild and loud laughs.

"Hahaha... Hahaha, HAAAaaaa, I like you old man." I told him, making him stop laughing and instead chuckle loudly. "And so do I!" He announced. "Okay, I've given you enough time, come on." Aunt Mercy spoke from behind me, tabbing my head to tell me to hurry up. I mean, she could try to heal it through my clothes, but that would only be temporary.

She needed to really check my injuries for her to heal it to a degree that wouldn't open itself, and then wrap it up in new bandage and let my body naturally heal it. Her powers were very potent and if she completely healed my back, there was a high probability that my body's natural healing ability would lessen and become useless, because it would depend on aunt Mercy's powers.

Though she was at least understanding and with a quick look to everyone, they averted their eyes and started doing something else, leaving me quietly with aunt Mercy, Genji, and Brigitte. I mean, I could understand Genji cause the man was a beast, so in case of another attack, he could be there to protect both of us. But Brigitte wasn't really needed, which led me to staring at her, basically trying my best to make her uncomfortable so she would leave.

Only it backfired, she started mimicking me when I was throwing imageniary shuriken, which embarrassed me, so I averted my eyes, ignoring her existance. Though she was gigglging at that, aunt Mercy explained the question I had about her. "She's a healer like me. And I'm her teacher,"

"Oh," I muttered, still ignoring the teasing look I was getting from the brunette. With the help of Genji, I removed my shirt, while my back was facing the trio, I was seeing the monkey, Winston, talk with the policewoman and her omnic partner about something.

Under my shirt, I had bandages thanks to aunty, Ale's mom. Everynight and everymorning, before going to sleep or after breakfast, she would come with new bandages and change my old ones. Though it was amateurish, it was better than nothing and plain clothes on top of it. Something that I was originally going to do, which would be stupid but I was stubborn as heck to not go to a hospital.

Though I didn't heard any words from the trio behind me, I sensed the mood getting grim, so I didn't say anything. Though I did feel aunt Mercy's hand slowly loosening the bandages. The reason for that was because after leaving Ale's home, I didn't change the bandages because I didn't know how to. Oli was too busy with fixing up my weapons, so I didn't want to bother her.

So for the 2 days straight, I had my old bandages wrapped around me, which lead to them being glued on my back. And if that wasn't worse enough, the battle only worsened this situation. So, I could understand the trio's mood behind me. And I was surprised when I got a light slap the back of my hand by an armored hand. "Why didn't you switch your bandages?!" Brigitte scolded me.

Rubbing the place that I was hit on, "Because I didn't know how to." I answered her. Though I heard her sigh, not another word came from her. "It's glued to your injury, Vik. It'll hurt when I remove it." Aunt Mercy warned me, though in response, I only nodded.

Taking that as a signal, she slowly removed the cloth, making me go stiff and rigide everytime she tried unglueing the bandage. I didn't want to let out any whimper, so I just dealt with it. It was my fault to not learn about first aid, and now I was paying for it.

"How did you get this?" Aunt Mercy asked with care, something that I was beginning to notice thanks to spending a week with Ale's family. I was breathless from trying to stop any whines or grunts, or hiss of pain. So, I shrugged my shoulders, which was a very bad move, cause aunt Mercy was removing another glued spot and me moving my shoulder and in turn my back just ripped the thing apart from my back. "Gr-... Some gang member threw a grenade at a kid." I answered her truthfully, a little grunt of pain leaked so I used that to distract them and tell them the reason.

"Hm, honorable." Genji spoke for the first time, "Meh, less honor, more instinct I guess." I replied. "That's what makes you honorable." He shot back. I couldn't shot down the compliment. I wasn't honorable. If I saw a weak point of my enemy, I would take advantage of it with no issue and exploit it until they were defeated and no more a threat.

For almost 5 minutes, aunt Mercy took her time to undo the bandages, while I was enduring through the pain with no sound. Kidding, some grunts or hisses did go through. But aunt Mercy was kind enough to stop for a few seconds and let me breath in air every now and then. "It'll take a while for it to heal." Aunt Mercy informed, making me nod. "Which is why you'll be coming with us." Brigitte, the drifter girl continued, and hearing that, I was about to turn to her to reject.

"And you have no say in this." The blonde woman spoke, halting me. Immediately, plans of escape entered my mind. I wasn't going to be kidnapped and jailed inside another house once more. Though I was glad and happy with aunty and Alejandra and Carlos, no way would I crash with Overwatch. That would only spread rumours about me joining them and then, everywhere I go, Overwatch this or that and I'll be targeted by Talon.

And as if she had mind reading ability, "Don't try to escape, Viktor." Aunt Mercy told me. Immediately, my instinct was screaming danger, danger. Why? Cause she used my full name. And she's pissed off if she uses your full name. I had some demonstration while she was destroying my mentor with her words. A man that would always growl at people was silenced to nothingness while facing her wrath.

"If you try to escape, Genji and Brigitte here will tie you down and force you. Either come willingly, or we'll drag you with us." Her words were sweet and gentle. But her tone was freaking ice cold. Like, seriously. The old man was a demon whenever he would train me. But I was used to him being broody all the time. I've only met aunt Mercy a couple of times and not used to her demon mode.

I litteraly had goosebumps which led to me dropping my head in surrender like some kitten. "Good," I heard aunt Mercy spoke and then a warmth feeling wrapped itself around my back, the needle like pain from the air on my back was now gone. I felt like I was in a hot steamy shower, but it was only focused on my back.

Feeling tired, "You can rest, it's okay." I heard aunt Mercy's gentle voice. Almost like a calm sound, my eyelids felt heavy. Though I sensed a hand on my shoulder preventing me from moving too much while being healed, I didn't mind it. Taking her on her offer, I closed my eyes and then, darkness took over me and my heavy body.

<Pov Change>

"Is he okay?" Brigitte asked the older woman, her eyes not going away from the extreme burn marks on the back of the 21 years old. "He'll be fine. He's as strong and as stubborn as his teacher." Mercy replied with a sigh of exhaustion. "I am surprised that he could move in this condition, let alone fight." Genji muttered, respect was clear in his tone for Mercy and Brigitte to notice.

"Like I said, stubborn as hell." Mercy answered, looking at the fourth degree burn. Though it wasn't a lot, there was some of his spine being exposed and as expected, some nerve damage. "I'll work on a suit that would help with this." Briggite answered, his eyes not peeling away from the injury. "...I would appreciate it very much." Mercy answered her, her eyes going dazed, remembering the first time the kid in front of her came with her previous leader.

The only thing that had changed from that time and this time was that he had learned to trust people. In the past, the kid would never let himself fall asleep while being surrounded by anyone, even her. It had taken him a couple of more visits for him to fall asleep while she was healing him but he would never if there was anyone behind him while Mercy was healing him. But now, he had just met strangers and was willing to let his eyes close, his back exposed.

He had truly changed, but at the same time, not changed at all. He still had that pride of not letting a whimper escape his mouth, not wanting to show any sign of weakness. But she understood where that pride and habit came from. She had volunteered enough around the world to see kids like him afraid to show weakness in front of anyone, even when they had a life or death injuries. But kids like him were a rare breed.

"Mercy?" Brigitte brought the older woman's attention back to the present. "It's time to go," The brunette told her teacher, who nodded at him. "I'll help," Genji spoke. While Brigitte took one arm, the ninja took Viktor's other and supported him to Mercy and Genji's lift since Winston's jet was destroyed, Brigitte and Reinhardt destroyed theirs.

When Mercy was done with healing, she took Viktor's jacket and covered his back, while taking his shirt in her hand. "Let's go home." Winston, the gorilla spoke with a smile after getting Genji's signal. The others sent some look of concern directed towards their new mysterious teammate, especially Tracer and the monkey, Brigitte just gave them a signal with her eyes, telling them "later".

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


