23.52% Overlord: World of Gown / Chapter 4: Adventurers

章 4: Adventurers

Resounding metallic footfalls echoed along a dusty path, accompanied by fainter steps that made little effort to conceal their presence. These routes, particularly near the Forest of Tob, posed considerable dangers, even to adventurers.

"First, we stop at the village and tell them we are friends of Ainz Ooal Gown, called Momon the Black, and Nabe, his companion." Ainz instructed Narberal, who listened attentively.

"As you wish, Lord Ainz." She replied unknowingly.

"Not Lord Ainz. Just Momon." He reminded her.

"Yes, Lo-Momon."

Finally, she uttered the name correctly. However, Ainz had long realized the difficulty in altering the behavior of an NPC, especially when it concerned one of the Supreme Beings.

"It is important that we keep our real identity hidden. No hasty actions without my approval, alright?"

"Yes, L-L- Momong- Momon."

'Uhh… I just hope she doesn't behave like this before the village. Well then.'

They ventured into a new region abundant with tall grass that hindered their visibility. Nonetheless, they pressed on, following the path that led to Carne, only to sense enigmatic entities lurking ahead, hiding in the grass.

"We can see you there. Come forth!" Ainz commanded the mysterious figures guarding their position, but upon seeing Ainz, they moved from their posts.

"Now, don't move, would ya." As Ainz spoke, goblins emerged from all directions, lightly armed and capable of speech. "Why have you come here?" One asked.

"We come to visit the village. We are companions of Ainz Ooal Gown." He replied. Simultaneously a girl stepped forward from the village, the same girl Ainz had saved during the attack, though he had erased her memories of his undead nature.

"Your friends with Ainz Ooal Gown?" She asked eagerly.

"Uh, yes, we are. I am Momon the Black, and this is Narbe, my companion." He informed her, hoping she wouldn't recognize him by his voice.

"Allow them entry, everyone! Friends of Lord Ainz are our friends too!" With those words, the goblins ceased their hostile behavior towards the armored man and even made way for them to enter the village.

'Ah, I see. These must be the goblins summoned by the horn. I was momentarily taken aback. However, had the village been attacked, I would have been informed long ago. Everything is secure.'

Entering the village, Ainz noticed numerous new structures that had been erected. Most prominently, a small wall now stood as a testament to the villagers' determination to defend themselves against further assaults.

"Ainz told me he saved this village, am I right?" He asked, seeking confirmation from the girl, despite already knowing the answer. For him, this was a necessity to make his undercover identity even more believable.

"You're right! He was awesome! Thanks to him, we all live! What a fantastic thing to think about." She unexpectedly responded in a lighthearted manner, showing no sorrow for the fallen, since the good given by Ainz was bright enough to give them hope to go further.

"I should have followed him, but I stayed behind. Yet we won't stay long. We want to visit the city, E-Rantel."

"The city? It can be quite bustling, to be honest. Are you considering becoming adventurers, perhaps?"

"Perhaps, we still haven't decided on that matter. We merely wished to ensure that everything was in order in the villa-" Ainz was interrupted by another voice, that of a goblin stationed as a lookout.

"Miss Enri! Nferia is just about to leave!"

"Nferia? Wait, I'm coming! Sorry Sir Momon, gotta say bye to a friend." The young woman hastily excused herself and vanished.

'Nferia, who's that?' Ainz pondered, wondering if he was a friend of hers. Since he had not heard or seen him when he was here the last time, he theorized he must be a friend from the city.

"My lord. Letting you stand here is unforgivable. Give me the command to execute this girl."

Narberal's ability to speak her mind so plainly shocked Ainz. Fortunately, she had to wait for his instruction.

"N-No Nabe!' We are not here to kill! And remember, call me Momon! Momon! Not my lord!" He explained to her once again, hoping she would finally grasp it.

"Understood." Despite her disdain for the insects around her, Ainz's words were an order. And she had to follow them despite her negative opinion about humans.

"Now, let's check on the Village Chief. Then we leave." He said, proceeding toward the elder's house.

He rapped on the wooden door, wondering if it had been replaced since its wood seemed rather new. The last time he had been here, it appeared more weathered. The current one seemed freshly crafted from a tree, an imperfect piece of workmanship yet sufficient for regular use.

As the door swung open, an elderly man dressed in modest yet distinguished attire emerged, with his wife standing behind him. It was uncommon for a knight to visit this village, let alone within the same month.

"What can we do for you, Sir?" The old man's anxious voice trembled, fearing that the knight's purpose might be less than favorable since the last visit was anything but friendly.

"I simply wished to see for myself if all is well here. And it appears that my friend, Ainz Ooal Gown, has done an excellent job." He assured them, invoking the name of their savior and witnessing their faces light up as their fear dissipated.

"You are friends with Lord Ainz Ooal Gown?" The man asked, both surprised and intrigued.

"Yes, we stayed behind to hunt some monsters in the woods. He told us he went on, and when he came back, he said on our way to E-Rantel, we should see if everything is alright here." Momon recounted, fabricating a tale in the hopes that the villagers would believe him.

"Ah, of course! Since Lord Ainz saved us, everything has been better since! Please, come inside, and allow us to offer you a refreshment! Oh! How could I forget to ask for your name?."

"There is no need. My name is Momon the Black, and this is my companion, Nabe. While we appreciate your generous offer, we must continue our journey to the city." He informed the elder, whose countenance displayed disappointment.

"Of course, Sir Momon. But our home will always be welcome for you. I wish you good luck on your way."


With that, he departed, leaving the elder to retire once more. However, the same girl hurried toward them, which they had met earlier.

"Sir Momon! I apologize for having left you here! So, are you planning to stay or continue your journey? We have plenty of food!" She offered the towering man, but Ainz raised his hand to decline.

"Thank you for that offer, but we have to make our way towards the city."

"Sure! If this is your first time traveling to E-Rantel, beware not to enter the woods. Stay on the road, and all will be good! It's said that a terrible monster lives there, the one who rules over the Forest of Tob. So, be safe!"

'A Monster?' Ainz mused. 'And they didn't bring themselves to hunt it? Maybe it's because the humans here are just too weak. But there have to be stronger ones, right? Like Gazef, I'm sure similar people exist. Maybe not with the same mindset, but strength.'

"Thank you for the tip. We will make sure not to leave the road."

"Alright! Then if you excuse me, I will have to look after my little sister. She sure will be hungry by now."

"We will not halt you any longer then. We will visit again until that day. Stay safe." Momon bid her farewell.

"Don't worry. I will." She assured him, waving back at them for the last time before vanishing behind a nearby house.

With that, the two warriors departed from the village. For Ainz, it was a relief. He sensed Narberal's mounting anger, reaching a point where she could have unleashed a massacre. But she restrained herself, as he had wished.

They traversed the plains, the sun shining directly overhead, obliterating all shadows. The gentle breeze caressed the grass and bushes, a far cry from the world he once knew.

'It is truly a beauty. I could lie down and look up at the clear sky all day. But that wouldn't be a good image. Maybe someday in the future.' Ainz reflected, his thoughts drifting away.

Yet, he pressed on toward the city, passing rocks, trees, and bushes, seemingly ordinary and unremarkable. However, to Ainz, it brought a sense of solace to his undead soul, witnessing the beauty of nature firsthand.

"Tell me, what do you think of humans, Narberal?" He unexpectedly posed the question to her.

My Lord, humans are nothing more than insignificant insects to be crushed beneath our feet. They are unworthy of any Supreme Being, especially you, my Lord." She responded with a mix of anger and fear, for there were also humans who had once invaded the Tomb, albeit only up to the 8th Floor.

"That is a very delusional mindset, Narberal. I won't compel you to change your beliefs but try to find a way to coexist with them. As we will be spending a considerable amount of time among their kind." As he told her thinking was a fraud, she immediately thought of killing herself. But she didn't, just as Ainz said he would not force her.

"Y-Yes, my Lord." She replied, her voice laced with unease.

As they traversed the vast expanse of grasslands, something shifted, yet nothing seemed different. They could sense the approach of numerous creatures, small and big.

"Be ready, Narberal!" Ainz cautioned the battle maid, though she was already poised for action.

Emerging from the forest, roughly a hundred meters away, a group of goblins and ogres came into view. Disgusting creatures possessing low intellect, incapable of proper speech or coherent thought, driven solely by their animosity toward humans. They brandished crude weapons, wooden clubs, and leather armor.

'They have some bad luck meeting us here.'

Instantly, he leaped toward the two ogres, effortlessly cleaving them in half with a single strike. They had no time to react, their lives extinguished in a blink, witnessing only the splattering of their own blood. The goblins met a similar fate. Narberal soared into the air and unleashed a lightning spell, reducing the vile creatures to ash with a single blow. There was no restraint this time. They were free to exert their full power, as there were no witnesses. Ainz desired to accumulate as much experience as possible, so he tried to kill as many as he could. However, he wondered if these low-level monsters could even give him substantial growth. As a level 100 player, the amount of experience required to reach level 101 was immense, doubling with each subsequent level. He needed to find an efficient means of leveling up without decimating the entire planet.

In under a minute, silence descended upon the area. The corpses of their fallen adversaries littered the ground, motionless but not decaying.

'So they don't drop crystals or anything. They just stay dead.' Ainz remarked.

He surveyed the surroundings, searching for any surviving creatures, until his gaze fell upon a wounded goblin crawling desperately toward the forest. Fear and pain engulfed its being, and its instincts urged it to flee. Every time it heard the sound of the knight's armor shifting and turning, it quivered. The goblin continued its arduous crawl, never daring to look back, relying on the concealing cover of the tall grass. Suddenly, it noticed the looming shadow above, casting darkness over its frail form. Slowly, it mustered the courage to turn its head, only to encounter the armored figure wielding two greatswords standing above him. Silent, the warrior said nothing. The goblin began to weep, albeit quietly. Then, the knight's right arm ascended, and with a swift motion, the goblin ceased to exist.

'They are really disgusting. But how are the ones in the village completely different with almost humane features, just that their skin is green? But these ones are even different from them! Maybe because they got summoned, they are not the exact same species? Who knows how this system works.' Ainz contemplated.

He deemed all the creatures in the vicinity eliminated. Turning to Narberal, he declared, "We are done here.", and proceeded past her back toward the path. She followed suit.

Once more, they embarked on their journey toward the city. The sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the land, yet still far from completely setting. The rest of their journey transpired in silence, no words exchanged. Yet within the tranquility, Ainz's mind buzzed with myriad thoughts. He could finally devote his attention to himself and the world around him.

'There is so much to do, so much to research. The staff, who would believe it now to be a world item! A strange thing to say, but its powers will surely benefit me. But which would be the best way? A mystery to even one as myself.'

The path led them to a flat expanse, leaving the forest behind.

Nothing to look at. Ainz only stared at the horizon. No farmer, smith, merchant, adventurer, or traveler did they meet. Nothing but the still wind blowing. It was refreshing but also frightening. Nothing to hear meant nothing exists, nothing that had sentience.

Then the horizon changed, forming a gray wall. With his enhanced vision, Ainz could see what it was.

"We are here." He broke the silence and told Narberal the message. Yet she already knew.

"Yes, my lord." She replied, still and calm.

As the town loomed closer than ever. However, something felt amiss. Smoke billowed into the air, and the sound of ringing bells pierced the atmosphere.

"Do you hear that?" Ainz inquired.

"Yes, my lord."

"Now you need to call me Momon. We have a job to do." He corrected her.

"Of course, Momon." She acknowledged with composure.

Proud she did not make a spelling mistake, he walked toward the entry gate. But the gate lay abandoned, devoid of guards. However, it remained firmly shut, the reason for which was still unclear, though Ainz suspected the worst had transpired already.

"The undead have begun attacking the city. Be ready to fight an army, Nabe." He warned, his tone brimming with gravity.

She remained silent, aware of her duties. The closed gate posed no obstacle for them. They effortlessly jumped up the wall, granting them a panoramic view of the entire city. It was a sight both breathtaking and harrowing. Buildings smoked, the air filled with the cries of mothers and children, and men screamed, but the undead remained eerily silent. Chaos enveloped the city, escalating with each passing minute.

"The graveyard is over there, but we will first clear the town of all undead, and then we can focus on the culprits." Ainz announced.

"Understood." Nabe replied. She took to the air, gripping Momon's shoulders, and soared toward the battlefield. Descending upon them from above, a hero coming to their rescue would surely leave a lasting impression, an objective Ainz sought to achieve.

Now, directly below them lay a horde of zombies and skeletons engaged in battle with a formation of soldiers. Ainz signaled Narberal, and she promptly dropped him, guiding his descent to ensure a precise landing.

The scene was horrifying, with monsters attacking the city from within. The guards, weary and demoralized, seemed on the verge of collapse. Yet just as they teetered on the edge of defeat, something crashed into the midst of the horde. Dust billowed, obscuring the view of any near. Only the sound of swords slicing through bone reverberated in the air. The guards wondered what had transpired. And when the dust cleared, a tall figure clad in black armor stood amid the fallen undead. He wielded a greatsword in each hand, and a small red cape fluttered in the wind over his shoulders. By his side stood a striking young woman, her hands gripping a sword. Most of the men stood in awe, astounded by the unknown warrior who had single-handedly dispatched countless undead with astonishing speed and precision. And curiosity compelled them to ask who he was.

"Who are you?" Asked the oldest-looking soldier, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"Who am I? I am the one to save this town. I am Momon the Black! Now, excuse me. I have more undead to deal with." The man declared, his tone resolute and brimming with determination.

With those words, he vanished toward the impending threat. The guards stood frozen, their voices caught in their throats. They dared not utter a word after that display.

"He was no adventurer. Then who is he? A hero?" Pondered one of the guards, his mind grappling with the enigma before him.

"Embrace yourself. You have just witnessed a legend. The Legend of Momon the Black. Hero under men." Replied another guard. They continued to gaze at the departing figure, their mouths agape, silently contemplating the hero they had just beheld. Their ruminations persisted until he vanished around a street corner, and the sounds of darkness faded into the distance.

The warrior carved a path through the sea of undead, invigorating the spirits of those who witnessed his heroic deeds. Hope surged forth in the darkest hour, embodied in the form of this formidable hero, towering in strength, stature, and charisma. With each swing of his blade, he felled dozens of undead foes. His power was immense, leaving even the seasoned warriors in awe. He arrived in this hour of despair, a beacon of hope and salvation. Many spoke of him with countless questions, but there was no time to answer, for the warrior relentlessly tore through the enemy's ranks with unwavering determination. No undead creature was spared in his onslaught.

Ainz and Narberal fought their way toward the source of the undead, the graveyard. Narberal remained ever vigilant, ensuring no threats approached her master.

"We enter now, but beware of strong enemies. There may be some hiding here." Ainz warned, aware of potential dangers lurking within the graveyard.

With that warning, the duo pressed forward, engaging the undead in one of their natural domain. Though their numbers seemed to dwindle, many still rose to challenge them.

Undeterred, Ainz and Narberal fought until they reached the end of the path, where a structure loomed before them. However, the sound of battle emanating from within caused them to halt.

"Nabe, stop!" Ainz commanded. Together, they listened to the commotion inside. It was undeniably a fierce fight, but the exact nature of the conflict remained unknown.

"We will enter no matter what." They entered the building. Descending the stairs, they entered another room, where a foul miasma of negative energy hung in the air.

"You will be brought back to the Theocracy, criminal!" A voice boomed from the adjacent room.

Ainz tightened his grip on his dual swords, preparing to confront these adversaries. His steps were far from stealthy. As he made eye contact with the source of the commotion, he beheld a group of robed men bearing a striking resemblance to those he had encountered near Carne Village, albeit garbed in different colors.

"Halt, Who are you!" Demanded a man of apparent importance. The rest of the group focused on the enigmatic warrior and his companion, ready to strike. Their ranks comprised both magic casters and close combat fighters positioned defensively. A lifeless man and a young girl stood among them, unconscious but still alive.

"Who are we? Who are you? Are you responsible for the rising of these undead?" Ainz inquired, his gaze fixed upon the men before him.

"No, we are not. But who are you, and how did you even get here? The undead are swarming everywhere!" Questioned the man, revealing enough information to indicate he was not an immediate threat.

"I am Momon the Black. And how I came through the undead?" Ainz raised his swords triumphantly. "With my two swords, slashing through the masses." Ainz proclaimed.

"You cannot possibly... Well, fine. I will take your word for it, for now. However, your name does not ring any bell. You are clearly not from this region, are you?" The man inquired further.

"No, we just arrived from a long journey and saw the city under attack. We swiftly eliminated the undead, rescuing the innocent citizen." Ainz responded, drawing inspiration from his friend Touch Me.

"A hero, indeed. Our organization may not reveal its identity, but we require heroes of your caliber. You can save humanity from danger and the brink of extinction. What say you? Should you accept, you shall be rewarded with a meaningful purpose and a worthy cause to fight for. Adventurers are mere individuals playing at heroism, but with us, you will become a true hero—the embodiment of humanity's strength." The man offered, extending a generous proposal. However, Ainz remained unfamiliar with the man and his organization, deeming it a trap or highly untrustworthy.

"I decline. I am a man of the people, not a recruit." Ainz replied simply, rejecting an offer that any other man might have accepted.

"Our doors are always open, Momon the Black. Farewell." The man and his troops departed, two of them carrying a woman and a young boy on their backs. Ainz did not know who they were, nor did he intend to investigate further until they left.

'Who are these people? They look suspiciously similar to the ones from Carne. Maybe they are from the same nation? He said something about Theocracy, so I guess it's right. But I would rather not start a fight as Momon. As Ainz, I would capture them. But I will let them live to spread my name, even when it arrives at my enemies. I never intended Momon to be a secret.' Ainz pondered.

As he prepared to depart, he found no clue of the people he had encountered. Not a trace remained, not even a footstep.

'Did they use [Fly] or maybe even teleport? Until now, flying and teleportation were thought to be out of the reach of the humans from this world, but I was wrong again.' Ainz contemplated.

Exiting the graveyard, Ainz and Narberal met a crowd of people eagerly awaiting their arrival. Children, elders, women, and men surrounded the great hero. It was he who had halted the undead, he who had fought against the relentless enemies of life. A Raven Black Hero and his companion, Nabe. They had become the focal point of adoration and reverence. The tale of their heroic deeds would spread far and wide as they would be praised for their actions taken today.

The crowd cheered, their voices united as they celebrated. Even the wounded and scarred gazed up at Ainz with awe. Yet, no emotions stirred; he knew he was merely seeking fame to win the people's hearts.

As he walked through the streets, flanked by crowds of people.

"Sir Momon!" A middle-aged man spoke, his voice rising above the clamor.

"Who asks?" Ainz inquired.

"I am Ainzach, Guildmaster of the Adventurers Guild of E-Rantel. I have a proposal for you, Sir Momon. But why don't we continue this conversation in my office?" the man suggested, extending his hand to Ainz. The similarity in their names caught Ainz off guard, but he showed none of it.

"Very well." Ainz agreed, shaking the man's hand. Together, they followed Ainzach to a building that Ainz assumed to be the Adventurers Guild.

Inside, countless unfamiliar faces focused their attention on him and Nabe. They all recognized him as the city's savior who had single-handedly turned the tide. There was no disrespect, only the highest praises. As they made their way through the crowd, whispers and rumors began circulating, each weaving a different tale. Yet, none could capture the truth.

Finally, they reached a room where two chairs awaited them. Ainz and Ainzach took their seats while Ainzach settled into the chair behind his office desk.

"Firstly, on behalf of the Adventurers Guild and the city of E-Rantel, I express our deepest gratitude for saving this city." Ainzach spoke, his voice filled with the utmost respect.

"It was nothing." Ainz replied, striking a pose like a true hero, though he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "After all, it is common sense to defend the weak!"

'This is so embarrassing!'

The old man's expression shifted slightly, a small smile appearing beneath his mustache, though he attempted to suppress it.

"The words of a true hero. However, I did not bring you here solely to praise your deeds. I am offering you a high rank, which I would not typically extend. But given the strength you have displayed, it is only fitting. It would be disrespectful to make you start from the bottom. So, I propose offering you the highest rank from the outset. A man of your caliber will undoubtedly be a valuable addition to us, as there is a need for Adamantite Adventurers."

Ainz grasped the old man's words' underlying intention: to recruit him to their cause. However, it didn't seem driven by greed. The old man genuinely desired Ainz's part as an Adventurer, which aligned with Ainz's own aspirations. Accepting the highest rank seemed too easy, prompting Ainz to inquire further.

"So all that I did was considered to be of the strongest tier? Those were just some low-level undead, or is this world really weak? I will have to meet other Adamantide Adventurers to find out."

"Mmh, an interesting offer. But tell me, Ainzach, what do you gain from this?" Ainz brought up an interesting question.

Ainzach responded sincerely, "I gain two strong Adventurers, nothing more." His words resonated with honesty, leaving Ainz convinced that he wasn't distorting the truth. It was truly what he desired.

"In that case, I accept your offer and join the Adventurers Guild." Ainz declared, finally agreeing to the proposal.

"Then let us seal the deal with a handshake." Both men stood, shook hands, and resumed their seats.

"The paperwork can wait for later. For now, why don't you celebrate?" He told Ainz, who was not in the mood for that.

"I must refuse. Celebrating just after the victory is never good. After all, the enemy could always still be alive, ready to strike one at the weakest point. But I will gladly fill out the paperwork." Now he left Ainzach dumbfounded. A man who was not drawn to alcohol or fame, humble but arrogant. A true hero, perhaps, or just an act? Not that he knew.

"Just head downstairs to the reception. Let them know you're ready, and they will guide you through the process." Ainzach instructed.

"That we will do. Now, if you excuse us." Ainz and Narberal thanked him and exited the room, going downstairs to complete the paperwork. A crowd of Adventurers awaited them, eager to witness when Ainz received his necklace, a symbol of his membership.

Approaching the counter, Ainz informed the receptionist of his readiness, and she promptly handed him a form. He instructed her to fill it out for him.

"Age?" She asked.

"21." Ainz replied, though mentally, he was far older. And at him telling his age, the woman raised her head to look at him for a couple of seconds as if in disbelief of his age.

"Very well. Here is your necklace with adamantite plates." She retrieved two boxes, and Ainz opened them, revealing black leather necklaces adorned with dark purple plates. Both he and Narberal donned their new symbols of membership. As he turned toward the crowd of Adventurers, they erupted in cheers, welcoming the newest members.

"Sir, one last thing?" The receptionist interjected. Ainz turned his attention to her.


"What will your team be called? You'll need a team name since there are two of you." She explained, prompting Ainz to consider the question.

"Our team..." The anticipation in the room grew palpable as all awaited the announcement of their grandiose name. However, Ainz found himself at a loss. 'A name, a name. Come on, it can't be that difficult!' He mused. Then, it struck him.

"...Darkness. Our name shall be Darkness, Momon of Darkness, and Nabe of Darkness!"

The crowd greeted the simple yet brilliant name with respectful cheers. However, Ainz had little inclination to revel in the moment. He swiftly departed the Adventurers Guild, accompanied by Narberal, in search of a keep to rest in.

"Nabe, let us find a keep to stay in," Ainz commanded.

"As you wish, my lord," Narberal complied.

solidium solidium


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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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