100% Out of Spite / Chapter 1: Out of Spite - Chapter 1
Out of Spite Out of Spite original

Out of Spite

作者: TheFalling

© WebNovel

章 1: Out of Spite - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The list of things I hate is small; one of the things I hate the most is hot weather. It's uncomfortable, it's almost unavoidable, it makes everything around you worse.

A new hate I recently developed was hate of ROBs. I get it, I really do, they are bored. But why the hell couldn't they bother someone else!?

I had just finished my fucking finals! After a fucking month of just studying until I could no longer do so, I was salivating at the thought of just relaxing.

I wanted to sleep for 12+ hours and do absolutely nothing else for at least 5 days in a row. Not fucking walk through a desert!

Couldn't rob just wait 10 fucking hours for me to at least get some sleep!? Why kidnap me while I'm walking to my car!?

Goddamnit. At this rate I'll die of dehydration. Scrubs weren't good for walking through a desert, I could already feel spots on my exposed arms and neck begin to sunburn.

"You motherfucker, you can transport someone from one dimension to another, but you can't give me some water and something to cover myself with!? Or at the fucking least not leave me stranded in a desert!"

Silence was my only answer as I kept walking. My throat burned after I screamed at the sky. It wasn't the first time I cursed at rob and it wouldn't be the last.

How did I know I was robed? Well that's easy. I either had an aneurysm because of all the stress the last month had put on me, which was unlikely, because I was a healthy guy in his early twenties. Or I had been robed on my way home after taking my last final test.

… Now that I think about it more carefully, being robed was rarer than having an aneurysm wasn't it? Nah, fuck rob, and fuck his mom, and fuck him again because why not.

What did the survival rule thing say? 10 days without food and 3 without water? I'm sure that was for people who weren't on the move and stranded in a desert but whatever.

According to google it should've taken Moses about 13 days to reach Israel from Egypt. How long would it realistically take me to find some semblance of civilization?


Apparently much longer than what I hoped. It had become night and the desert's temperature had taken a massive dive.

I kept rubbing my hands together underneath my shirt in an attempt to prevent frostbite. I was pretty sure the temperature was at subzero degrees, and I had no intention of losing my fingers.

I glanced at the horizon and felt the desire to curse at rob more. Unfortunately, my throat felt too parched and painful to do anything.

I glanced backwards and couldn't really see a difference between what was in front and this. Was I walking in circles? Studies confirmed people usually ended up walking in circles after a while of having no sense of direction. My only clue that I was going forwards during the day was the sun, but at the dead of night, and with no moon in sight, I had no clue.

I shivered as I felt another breeze pass over me. This was ridiculous. Why the hell was I left in the middle of nowhere. I could have been left outside of a town, hell even inside a forest would've been better than this.

I dragged what little will I had left and glared at the horizon once more.

"Fuck you." My voice came out raspy, and I felt my throat burn. "Fuck you."

I felt my strength leave me as I fell face first into the sand. I had never walked for this long nonstop, the fact that I was walking on sand didn't help much.

I closed my eyes and tried to pull myself up using my arms. "This is just like going to the gym and reaching exhaustion."

With a final push I stood up once more only to immediately fall again.

I sighed as I felt the coarse sand on my face. "Really? You bring me here, just to have me walk? Is that how limited your imagination is, or is it just how bored you are?"

I heard thunder in the distance, despite there not being a single cloud in sight. I would've been able to enjoy the night sky as it was were it not for how tired I felt. Seriously, fuck rob.

Suddenly it began raining, the wind picked up and basically ragdolled me across the sand before a heaviness settled around me, as if gravity had decided to fuck with me in particular.

"You ungrateful bastard! Is complaining the only thing you can do!? Fuck you this, fuck you that, at least thank me for giving you a chance at greatness!"

Struggling, I turned my head to look at the voice and saw a beautiful woman. A shame she was such a bitch.

"Oh come on! What is wrong with you! Can't you see what I've done for you? You lived in a boring earth, one where the stuff you could accomplish were limited by the way humans are made there. Here your potential is limitless!"

I finally had a face to yell at. "If you had bothered to ask me what my thoughts were on this maybe I wouldn't be cursing you!"

"Ohhh boo hoo! I was given the chance to explore a world unknown to me, to grow stronger, to actually matter!"

I felt some energy return to me as I glared at the floating woman.

"As I just told you, fucking ask first! Do you think I'm happy about this? You think I'm happy knowing I won't see my family again, that I'm happy I'm exhausted and dehydrated!?"

She threw her hands up. "I was going to make a deal with you! Make a Faustian bargain!"

"Oh yeah? And when were you going to do that? When I finally started begging for help? When I felt hopeless? Is that why you left me in a desert? So that I would accept any shitty deal you gave me!?"

"Yes you fucking idiot! It would have been a great story! One where you could have become a tragic hero! A cursed villain! Have a journey of self realization or even fucking acceptance! But you had to get all pissy about it!"

"Oh that's what this is all about. You wanted something entertaining to watch and I didn't follow your script. How. Fucking. Sad."

The air around me, already quite heavy, got even heavier. I felt sand dig into my skin harder and what little air I'd manage to breathe in was punched out of me.

I heard the wannabe goddess growl, and looked at her in the eye as she pointed a finger at me.

"Now what am I supposed to do with you? You're no fun and leaving you to die here will make me this week's laughingstock."

I struggled more than I've ever in my life but managed to flip her the bird.

Her growling intensified before she harrumphed, took out a chalice out of nowhere, and threw it at me. The chalice landed inches away from my face and dug a bit into the sand.

"Well, there you have it, power. If you fucking die with it, it's no longer my problem. Goodbye pathetic human."

And she disappeared along with the unnatural weather and pressure. I sighed as I managed to finally breathe once more and looked at the golden chalice again.

It radiated what I can only call a miasma of madness and a promise of malice. It was also a chalice I immediately recognized. A chalice I was not too happy to see.

"Demon's extract huh?"

I mean, it would solve my problems but… That bitch basically wanted me dead.

I felt a smirk begin to form, an unbidden one. One that felt unreasonably good to have.

"Alright, I'll play your game. And I'll make you regret your decision to leave me this."

I would just have to not go crazy. How hard could that be? Esdeath did it… Actually she was the only one who has ever done it wasn't she? Everyone else just died… meh.

I pushed myself up again, just until I was kneeling, there was no way I would be able to stand up. With shaky arms I grabbed the chalice's handles and brought it closer to me.

The idea of drinking something was nice. Admittedly, the knowledge it was basically cursed blood did put a damper on my thirst, but whatever.

I took off the lid and looked at the swirling red liquid held inside the chalice.

"This is such a bad idea. It could screw with me in so many ways. Shit… Welp, bottoms up."

I began chugging the blood till I drank all of it. I didn't want to stop in fear I would not drink it all.

It tasted… like I was drinking blood, how unexpected. Please notice the sarcas-

"Oh shit!"

I held my head as I got the worst migraine I had ever felt. Voices began screaming in my head and I felt emotions not my own start to bubble up.

The voices… They were laughing at me. Assuming I would succumb to them, to their emotions, to their will.

Did this cup of blood think it was better than me?

"The hell do you think you are!?"

I felt the emotions recoil before the intensity of the unending wave of malicious thoughts they were picking up.

"You think I'm going to fail against something this cliche? To some cursed shit? Fuck off."

It recoiled again, this time the voices stopped. The feelings though, they multiplied. I began to feel a hatred for all life spring inside me. A need to kill everything, to murder and end the pathetic-

"That's all you got? I've seen and read enough stories to know how your type works. You, my friendly blood, are predictable."

For a moment I had peace and quiet as the emotions and voices completely left me. Before suddenly I hated myself. I hated how I was alone. I hated how I had put myself through many nights of just studying for the next test. About how little I went to the gym. I hated how I treated everyone I knew. I hated how-

I gasped as I slapped myself. "Jesus. I'm sorry blood, that was totally unexpected. Though as I just proved, you can fuck off trying to manipulate me."

I grinned a smile I was sure was bloody at the chalice resting in my hands.

"Now, please be a dear and submit."

I felt my own body shiver as the blood I had drank began to infuse itself into me, rebelling all the way. I felt some parts of my body twitch violently. Muscles cramping and spasming.

The voices and emotions came back with a vengeance, all of them telling me to kill, torture, make anything suffer.

"I have surpassed your stupid mind games! Submit! I refuse to lose to some random blood!"

The quaking in my veins stopped, the voices stopped, and the emotions and feelings that were not my own disappeared.

I took a deep breath before I began laughing. "Ya stupid cunt." My body shivered as I felt the pain of the muscle spasms the blood had caused me.

I took a look at my chest and saw a tattoo begin to form.

"You think just because some cursed blood has killed everyone but one person who has drunk it I would die? You must underestimate the heights my spitefulness can reach then! Fuck you!"

I fell backwards and hit the sand as laughter continued to come out of me like a stream.

"Fuck you and your Faustian bargain, I win. I fucking win."

"You did."

My laughter died as I heard the voice once more. It came from behind me, and I would have turned to look at her face so I could see what kind of expression she was making, but I didn't have the energy to do so.

"Now what? I really don't think you came back just to hear me gloating."

She came into my field of view as she stared at me with contempt. "And you'd be right. You are a stain on my record, and I refuse to kill you directly."

She exhaled explosively and glared harder at me. "Guess you'll have to die somehow else."

And then I was falling. For a brief moment I saw the portal I had fallen through before I hit grass and saw the night sky vanish as it was replaced by the sun being right where I was looking at.

"I'm getting tired of saying fuck."

"Then please die here."

"How about no?"

She ignored me as she pointed forward. "If you go south from here you'll find yourself outside of Minas Tirith. Since you didn't like the Vacuan desert, maybe you'll enjoy Gondor."

I stared at her while I tried to remember what Minas Tirith or Gondor was.

"Rohan's troops and Aragon's party will arrive an hour late to the siege of Minas Tirith in this universe."

She turned towards me with a sadistic smile on her immaculate face.

"Will you let everyone in the city die or will you fight for them?"

And she was gone again.

Now then… where the hell was I this time?



I have come to a realization. The first fic I wrote was something I did to decompress. It was my escape from all the stress school was causing me. Unfortunately, that awoke something in me that makes me want to write a story every so often.

The thing is, I really hate it when authors start a really interesting fics and then just let them die out of nowhere. So as the hypocrite hater that I am, I have stopped myself from writing any other fics… at least until now.

So, I plan to continue this. A way for me to continue destressing once in a while, and to not annoy myself by being too self conscious about my own hypocrisy.

This for example was a fic that was a plot bunny that got the better of me and was going to be centered in RWBY, but then I got to watch LORT for the "first" time. I'd watched it before when I was really little and really didn't remember anything. And I started writing this like 3 weeks ago… So now this story has spiraled in a weird way my plot bunny was able to conjure.

So here I am, writing something that I found interesting and I hope people will also find fun to read.

Now, I want comments, I want all the comments. Don't care if they are silly, dumb, or whatever. In my opinion, the best thing I got out of writing my previous fic was getting to read all the comments and shit.

So please, leave a comment or whatever, they are extremely fun to read. They're very rewarding.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
error ヒント


