3.22% One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction ) / Chapter 1: Transmigration!

章 1: Transmigration!

East Blue – Unknown Island

Inside a cave on the Island lay the body of a man who seemed to be in his twenties. Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and began to breathe heavily, and soon, he started screaming while holding his chest and head as if he was in severe pain, and it took him 2 to 3 minutes to calm down.

Suddenly as if he remembered something, he inspected his surroundings and started moving in a way that implied he was a highly trained soldier. After he finished searching the cave, ensuring there were no dangers or enemies in the area, he sat down and began to calm down, recalling what had occurred before.


The Man name is Austin, a Captain in the army commanding a company-sized unit composed of 200 soldiers. Despite being only 28 years old, he was a respected leader because of his charisma and achievements in the army and also because of his high success rate in the missions he was responsible for.

In his last moments, Austin was on a mission with his unit to eliminate a terrorist group that took over 1000 citizens as hostages. The mission succeeded, but Austin died because he stayed at the back, covering for his men to retreat safely with the hostages. In a moment of despair and as a last act of resistance, the terrorists activated the hidden bombs, which blasted the whole place, killing Austin and 9 other soldiers of his units who stayed with him at the back as cover for the retreating team.


" What happened?! " Austin looked around while breathing heavily.

Suddenly, he felt severe pain in his chest and head. "Ahhhhh! What the f*ck is this pain?! What's going on here?!!"

After 3 mins of suffering, the pain finally starts to fade away and return to normal.

" Ah! Finally, sh*t! What was that?! Even the bullets and the knives' cuts wouldn't hurt like that, it felt like all my bones were being crushed and reformed again, and my organs were being toured only to grow again " Austin remembered something " Wait! Sh*t! I need to retreat fast."

Austin stood up and started inspecting his surroundings, looking for an enemy or any sort of danger around. After a While, he sat down, thinking of what just happened.

" I'm not in the stronghold of that organization. I'm in some sort of cave! " Austin was puzzled " But I have seen the site maps, and there's no cave in the area! Which means I'm not in the surrounding area of that organization."

As if struck by lightning, Austin noticed that he was wearing only a light white shirt and black pants.

" Huh? wait! where is my uniform? Where are my gear and equipment? Am I being captured?! " Austin took a deep breath to calm down " I must search outside this cave to know my location and see if I could send some signal to get help."

Suddenly, Austin heard a voice in his head, and something appeared in his vision, which seemed to be a blue tableau with a text inside glowing in a black line.


Transmigration Completed

The Supreme Conqueror System initializing… scanning host… assessing capabilities, potential, and history… synchronized completed.

The System is successfully bound with The Host.

Welcome To The Supreme Conqueror System Menu :

1 - Character

2 - Inventory

3 - Statistics

4 - Awards & Quests

5 - The Supreme Conqueror Shop

6 – Database


Austin froze in his place as if he didn't want to believe what he saw.

" What?! transmigration ??! a system ?? don't tell me it's that thing from novels and animes! " Austin took a depth breath " let's calm down. I need to understand my situation here, so let's check this System first."

Austin started reading the text in front of him and exclaimed, " Hooh! Supreme Conqueror! What a name, that's Cool! Let's see! How do I check what's these choices?! "

Austin tried to choose one of the choices and succeeded.

" Ho! So this's how I chose one! It felt like 'clicking' on it, but with my mind instead " Austin smiled " Well, that's a good thing because at least I wouldn't need to use my hand and start 'clicking' in the air like an idiot when people were watching, assuming they can't see the System like those novels and that only I, who has the System, can see it."

" Alright, let's see what this is " Austin glanced at the pannel and 'clicked' on the first option.


Character :

- Host Information :

Name: Ray D Austin

Race: Human

Level: 1

Experience: 0/100

- Stats :

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

Charisma: 10

Available Stats Points : 0

- Skills :

Detect - Level 1 ( Max )

Available Skills Points : 0

- Traits :

Control Emotion ( Passive )


Austin opened his Character menu and was elated to discover it was simple and easy to understand for just about anyone.

" Ray D ?! is this my name now ?! " Austin thought for a moment " this reminds me of the D family in 'One Piece' " Austin shook his head " At least the other things are simple, Stats, Skills, etc.. the typical System I have always seen in the novels and animes."

" Let's go to the Inventory, " Austin smiled " Even though I know what it's, I still need to see if it's limited or without limits."

Austin opened his Inventory and was welcomed by the sight of a grid-like space inside with a black background and white borders. After checking this space's boundaries for a while, Austin was dancing with joy because he discovered that his Inventory was unlimited.

" Good! I was afraid I would have a limited Inventory " Austin breathed a sigh of relief " Alright, let's see the third choice."

Austin opened the Statistics menu and found endless lines of numbers and categories such as 'Amount of beasts killed', 'Amount of people killed', 'Amount of Pirates Killed', 'Amount of Marines Killed', and the like. Of course, the numbers weren't limited to killing only, as there were many more fields.

And as one could expect, most of the numbers here were a solid 0 since he had just come into being from nothingness less than an hour ago.

" Huh! wait, whaaaaat! Pirates! Marines! What! Wtf? Don't tell me this World is like the 'One Piece' world! " Austin noticed something " And what is this amount of Kills? Do I have to kill people? Don't tell me I have to kill people to upgrade my Level."

" I was killing people as a soldier defending my country and the citizens in my previous life, " Austin sighed " But I was okay with that because I have never killed an innocent person before, and also, I was up against criminals & terrorists, so it was my job to eliminate them as a soldier before they harm our citizens."

" Hell! I even died trying to rescue some hostages from terrorists, but to kill people just to upgrade my Level, " Austin shook his head " I don't think I can do that, Sh*t."

" Let's check the other's choices first to understand the whole thing " Austin glanced at the rest of the options " Hmm, Awards & Quests next."


Awards :

* Pirates : ( Based on Bounties )

Bounty between 1 - 10 Million Berry ( 0 Enemy )

Bounty between 10 - 50 Million Berry ( 0 Enemy )

Bounty between 50 - 100 Million Berry ( 0 Enemy )

* Marines : ( Based on Ranks )

Rank lower than Captain ( 0 Enemy )

Captain ( 0 Enemy )

Commodore ( 0 Enemy )

Quests :

The Beginner :

Description: search through the different menus of The Supreme Conqueror System to understand its Functions.

Rewards: Beginner Pack & 100 Shopping Points.


Austin opened the Awards menu and saw the previous information, which left him speechless.

" Berry?! Bounty?! " Austin exclaimed and took a deep breath to calm down.

" I'm now ninety percent sure this is the World of One Piece. But still, just in case, I don't want to raise my expectations higher just to be slapped by reality at the end as it turned out to be another world similar to One Piece World," Austin sighed " Alright, let's see the fifth choice."


The Supreme Conqueror Shop :

1 - Weapons

2 - Skills

3 - Items

Available Shopping Points: 0


Austin opened The Supreme Conqueror Shop menu and found Three Options: Weapons, skills, and items.

He chose the Weapons Section first and was greeted by a whole list of various weapons like swords, daggers, knives, guns, etc. He then entered the Skills Section, and he did find some interesting skills.

Yes! Austin found the 'Haki' and the Rakushiki ( the Six Powers ) skills!

Next, he checked the Items Section and found many items, such as Ships ( low - middle - higher grade), food, water, etc. But what truly surprised him is that he did find some things that weren't in the One Piece World, such as Healing Potion ( low - middle - higher quality ) and Poison Antidote Potion ( low - middle - higher quality).

Austin noticed one similarity after checking all three options: the Shopping Points, which are, unsurprisingly, the currency needed to buy something from this Shop!

After that, he checked the last option, which is the Database. It was a typical encyclopedia-like menu with characters, places, items, and miscellaneous knowledge labels.

It was pretty empty right now, as expected, but there were a few entries, like one for the Character menu, Inventory, Statistics, Awards, and The Supreme Conqueror Shop.

Austin checked them out. He started with the character menu and found some explanation about the stats, as stated by the description:


Database Menu :

1 - Explanation of the Character Menu :

* The character sheet is the quantization of the Host's very being. Everything about the Host is calculated and reduced into numbers to give the Host a chance to grasp his qualities and faults, which will help the Host improve on them throughout his journey in the World. However, they are not just numbers that can be shifted about or played with as the Host pleases! They represent the realized potential put in numerical form and will play a vital role in the Host journey!

* Strength denotes the Host's physical power in all direct applications, including the ability to lift heavy items, striking power with a blade, or the maximum pulling power when nocking an arrow.

* Agility denotes the Host's physical speed when moving, attacking, or taking similar actions. It also has the added function of stabilizing coordination and control. For example, if the Host reaches a value of 500 points in Agility, the Host will constantly adapt perfectly to his increased speed.

* Stamina denotes the Host's physical resilience and vitality. This encompasses Host resistance to diseases, or to put it simpler, all forms of bodily harm, direct or indirect. It determines the Host's general physical Endurance and how virile/fertile the Host is.

* Charisma denotes the Host's physical attraction and verbal prowess. This includes matters of the seduction of the opposite or same sex, infatuation, and the general emotional reaction you will receive from those around you. It influences the Host's ability to persuade, negotiate, swindle, and deceive.

* To acquire Experience Points, The Host needs to kill/defeat any being - living or unliving - based on their Level. The received amount is fixed, regardless of whether The Host kill/defeats someone or something with ease or through ingenuity and suffering. Experience points can also be obtained through unique means later on.


This is the resume of what Austin found on the Database about the Character Menu. He then entered the Inventory Menu section on The Database and found nothing new, as he already knew it was unlimited.

Austin also didn't find anything new in the Statistics Menu section either because it's already simple and obvious.

Lastly, He checked the Awards Menu section and found the following information.


Database Menu:

2 - The Awards :

Pirates with Bounties and Navy officers with official Ranks.

Pirates With Bounties Between 1 - 10 Million Berry :

* The First enemy: 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Second enemy: 90 Stats Points & 9 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Third enemy: 80 Stats Points & 8 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Forth enemy: 70 Stats Points & 7 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Fifth enemy: 60 Stats Points & 6 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Sixth enemy: 50 Stats Points & 5 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Seventh enemy: 40 Stats Points & 4 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Eighth enemy: 30 Stats Points & 3 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Ninth enemy: 20 Stats Points & 2 Skills Points & Shopping Points.

* The Tenth enemy: 10 Stats Points & 1 Skill Point & Shopping Points.

* After the Tenth enemy: 1 Stats Point & 0 Skills Points & Shopping Points.


[ To be able to gain Points, whether they are Stats Points or Skills Points, the enemy needs to be killed or defeated. As for the conditions of defeat, the enemy has either to admit defeat, lose consciousness or flee gravely injured.

As for the Shopping Points, it depends on the enemy Ranks if they are Marines or their Bounties if they are pirates, taking into note the exchange rate of 1 Shopping Point = 1 million Berries. ]


" Ho! So basically, after the tenth enemy, I will start to get almost nothing, huh? " Austin thought for a moment, " Which means I can only kill or defeat 10 pirates with a bounty between 1 and 10 million berries, and if I want more Awards, I need to search for stronger pirates."

" Hmm, I think it's logical because otherwise, I will just target the weak enemies and start getting stronger endlessly," Austin sighed " Well, I guess I shouldn't be greedy."

" The bright thing is that I wouldn't need to kill people because I could defeat them instead, " Austin nodded in satisfaction " Plus, having an option is better than not, even though some pirates still need to be killed."

Austin then continued looking for information about the 'Supreme Conqueror Shop' Menu on the Database. Still, he didn't find something new except that each 1 Shopping Point is equivalent to 1 million Berry and that he can exchange the millions of berries for Shopping Points, but he can't do the opposite thing around.

And with the information about the Shop, Austin finished looking through the Database.

" It seemed like there was no magic to it, all that I consciously knew was recorded into the Database. It seemed I couldn't look at a person and know their entire backstory " Austin shook his head and smiled afterward because at least he got another chance in life after his death.


( Author :

Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

This is my first experience in writing, and I know there will be a lot of issues, especially since I'm not very fluent in English, so I am sure you will encounter some grammar mistakes. Still, I hope you can support my work and be patient with me because I promise to improve further and learn from my mistakes!

In the end, if you like this chapter, remember to comment and share your experience and thoughts about it with me. I will be happy to read and respond to every comment.

Finally, I thank everyone who read this chapter <3! )

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


