53.22% One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction ) / Chapter 32: Chapter 31: Cocoyashi village

章 32: Chapter 31: Cocoyashi village

Conomi islands - Cocoyasi Village.

Austin's group had just arrived at Cocoyasi village and were welcomed by the vicious gazes of the villagers, who were looking at them with caution and fear, especially at Brain and Austin, who both had swords with them.

Having a weapon on Conomi island usually means two things, either you are an underling of Arlong pirates or an outsider.

In both cases, the appearance of any of them doesn't usually bring any good news to the village. That's why the villagers glanced at Austin's group with apparent hostility and fear.

Austin, followed by his subordinates, strolled through the nearly empty streets of Cocoyasi village, searching for a restaurant. Along the way, the group noticed that they were avoided by the villagers who encountered them in the streets, prompting Austin to shake his head and continue his search.

Soon they found a restaurant, which was the only one in the village since Cocoyasi village is just a small town.

The group entered the supposed restaurant, which was totally empty, with some shabby chairs and tables scattered in the hall.

Austin's group sat at one of the tables, and soon the owner came to them with a wary look on his face.

" What do you want ?!" the owner questioned cautiously.

" huh?! What do you think?!" Zero scoffed, adding, "Of course, we want some drinks!"

" Are you outsiders ?!" The owner asked nervously.

" Yes, we are!" Brain answered before asking back. " Why are you asking ?!"

" Just have your drinks and leave this village, please. We don't want any problems here!" The owner said.

" Why, what's happening here ?!" Zero narrowed his eyes.

" It's ..." The owner hesitated for a moment, but at the end, he shook his head, saying, " Nothing!"

" Whatever! just bring us some drinks," Zero shrugged before replying casually.

The owner left to get them the drinks quickly while Austin watched his retreating back. From the last time he spoke with that kid at Gosa village, he was silent this whole time and didn't speak a word even since, clearly drowned in his world and thoughts.


Meanwhile, at Cocoyashi village's shore, a Navy ship with the symbol of the 16th Navy branch arrived and docked.

Captain Nezumi disembarked from the ship, followed by his whole unit of 33 men. His unit is divided into 3 teams, each led by a Lieutenant Commander and consisting of 10 soldiers.

Some villagers who were at the shore, mostly some fishermen, welcomed the Navy.

Nezumi pointed at one of the villagers present on the shore and asked with an overbearing tone. " Who is the representative of this village?!"

" We will send someone to call him. He will be here soon, Sir, " the villager, who was asked, replied nervously.

" Good," Nezumi answered simply and then ignored the villagers.

It didn't take long before Cocoyashi Village's representative, Genzo, arrived at the shore.

" My name is Genzo! I'm the representative of Cocoyashi Village," Genzo introduced himself.

" I heard there's a girl named Nami living in this village. Is that true ?! " Nezumi cut the chase and went directly to the topic, asking.

" Yes...Sir," Genzo hesitated for a moment before answering.

" Good, then take us to where she lives, " Nezumi said in a commanding tone.

" Why are you looking for Nami, sir ?!" Genzo asked in a concerned tone.

" Humph, that's none of your business," Nezumi narrowed his tiny eyes, adding, " Or are you trying to intervene with the Navy's work ?!"

"No, Sir, I will lead the way. Please follow me!" Genzo hurriedly said.

" Lieutenant Commander Rayan!" Nezumi called one of his 3 direct underlings.

" Yes, Captain!" Lieutenant Commander Rayan saluted as he answered.

" Stay with your team here while we leave for our task," Nezumi ordered.

" Yes, Sir!" Rayan replied firmly.

Soon Captain Nezumi left, followed by the two other Lieutenant Commanders with their respective teams, leaving Lieutenant Commander Rayan and his team as guards for the ship.

The Navy passed through the village under the curious gaze of the villagers and headed directly to the Mikan grove, where Nami's house is.


Back at the restaurant, Austin noticed the noise outside, prompting him to turn around to look at the restaurant door. And just as he did so, he spotted the Navy passing by. He couldn't help but frown upon noticing the officer leading them.

A slim, dark-haired man with a strongly mouse-like appearance. His eyes are constantly narrowed, while his facial hair consists of a thin goatee and six long, wire-like whiskers on his upper lip.

' With this man's appearance, I'm sure something bad is gonna happen.' - Austin narrowed his eyes, thinking. - ' Well, after witnessing that horrible sight in Gosa village, I needed someone to vent my anger on.'

' And what's a better option other than one of the scums responsible for that tragedy!' - Austin's eyes glow dangerously. He quickly stood up and said to his subordinates. " Let's go!"


At Mikane Grove, Nezumi arrived at Nami's home with his men, accompanied by Genzo.

" Is this that girl Nami's place ?!" Nezumi asked, but the one who answered him wasn't Genzo beside him, but a young woman who came out of the house.

" Yes, It is!" the young woman answered loudly.

Nezumi turned his head and looked at the newcomer. She was an average-sized young woman with light blue hair, blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin. Her right arm and chest are heavily tattooed, and she was wearing a beige sleeveless shirt, blue trousers, a Bracelet in her hand, and purple sandals.

" Are you the thief girl known as Nami? ?!" Nezumi questioned with narrow eyes.

" A thief ?!" The young woman, Nojiko, raised her brows at the Navy officer's remark, but nonetheless, she still answered his question, ".No, she isn't here, but I'm her sister, Nojiko!"

" Ho! So you are that criminal sister, Chi chi chi chi," Nezumi said and laughed lightly.

" What does the Navy want from my sister ?" Nojiko questioned with narrow eyes after she heard Nezumi call Nami a criminal.

"Our information has it that your sister is hiding the treasures she stole from pirates in this tangerine orchard," Nezumi grinned as he added, " Therefore, I'm here to confiscate all the property she has stolen."

Both Genzo and Nojiko were shocked by his words as the latter hurriedly said.

" What's the meaning of this ?! Is this what the Navy should be doing right now?" Nojiko looked at the soldiers, yelling, " The Arlong pirates have killed people and even destroyed towns! He is ruling over this island and trampling all over people's lives." Nojiko pointed at Nezumi and continued, " Yet you are ignoring that major problem, and instead, you are raking in some stolen goods from a thief. Is this what the government stands for?"

" Chi chi chi chi," Nezumi laughed in response before playfully asking, " Silly girl, do you think you are dealing with me on equal footing?" He smirked and looked at his men, shouting, " Find the stolen goods!"

The Navy soldiers complied and started searching the orchard for the hidden treasures.

" People all over the island have been waiting for your help for years now! How dare you just pass them by and come here." Nojiko yelled more, but alas, her words had no impact on the corrupted Nezumi.

" That money is meant to save Cocoyashi village! What gives you the right to take it away, Navy man?!" Even Genzo yelled at Nezumi.

" Huh?" Nezumi looked at Genzo and narrowed his eyes, asking, " Are you saying that all the villagers already know about this, which means they are also thieves, and we should arrest them?"

Genzo and Nojiko panicked when they heard this. Their faces turned pale because they didn't want to cause trouble for all the villagers.

" My sister is an officer on Arlong pirates. If you touch her treasures, Arlong won't let you off." Nojiko quickly said, trying to change the topic from the villagers while throwing Arlong's name as a threat to the Navy.

"Arlong, huh?" Nezumi said in a low voice, much to the joy of Nojiko, who felt like her warning worked, but alas, her hopes were shattered by Nezumi's following words.

" You still haven't found it ?! We are looking for 100 million Berries here, not some grain of rice!" Nezumi yelled at his men.

Nojiko glanced at Nezumi in astonishment, and she asked subconsciously, " How do you know how much there is?!"

" Huh? Ah! The 100 million!" Nezumi smirked evilly and shrugged, saying, " I just got the feeling there's that much. Chi chi chi chi."

As if struck by lightning, Genzo and Noijko stood there in a daze before the latter understood something as she yelled in disbelief. " Don't tell me Arlong sent you here!"

" Who knows?" Nezumi grinned as he responded." We are simply dealing with thieves as any government worker should,"

" Captain, we found something." One of the Navy soldiers suddenly yelled.

" Ho! Finally, Chi chi chi chi " Nezumi went toward that soldier and saw what appeared to be part of a wooding box buried in the ground.

" Good, dig here and take out the box " Nezumi's eyes shined as he ordered.

" Nooo!" Nojiko yelled as she pounced at the Navy soldier and attacked him.

" Huh?! You dare to attack the Navy ?!" Nezumi barked and took out his pistol, ready to shoot Nojiko, but the latter didn't flinch and stood her ground bravely, prepared to defend the village's money with her life.

Just as the tension was at its highest level, and everyone thought Captain Nezumi would shoot the woman, a horrifying pressure and killing intent descent on the area, pressing on everyone present, and freezing them in their places.

Shortly after, a man's voice was heard. " Yo, Everyone! I see that a lot of interesting things are happening here!"

Everyone looked in the sound direction and discovered three men walking toward the orchard from the village's direction, a huge bald man, an old man, and a young man.


15 Minutes before, Austin and his group followed the Navy to the orchard from a distance, and they witnessed the entire events that transpired between Nojiko and Nezumi.

" It appears they are sent by that pirate Arlong, my lord," Brain said with a frown.

" Yeah, who would have thought that the Navy would become the lackeys of some pirates, " Zero added, clearly surprised by this discovery.

" Hmm, that actually inspires me of something!" Austin murmured, thinking of an 'interesting' idea. As time passed and he began contemplating the pros and cons of his new idea, an evil smile started appearing on his face.

While Austin was deep in thought, the events on Mikane Grove were developing fast, as, at this moment, Nojiko attacked a Navy soldier.

" My lord, should we intervene?!" Sebas' question brought Austin back from his thinking as he looked at the orchard and noticed that Nezumi had taken out his pistol.

" Yes, it's time for us to take action!" Austin looked at his subordinates and said, " Brain stay here and guard the area. As for the rest, follow me."

Austin then activated his 'Predator Mode' skill and walked towards the orchard where the Navy soldiers were, interpreting them by saying.

" Yo, Everyone! I see that a lot of interesting things are happening here!"


Back to the present, everyone was looking at the group who had just walked into the scene. These people were apparently responsible for this pressure and killing intent they were feeling.

Austin passed the frozen soldiers casually and walked toward Nezumi. The latter hands were shaking as he was confused and terrified by what was happening and by the man walking toward him.

" So you are Captain Nezumi ?!" Austin stood in front of Nezumi, looking down at him.

" Yes...Who...are you?!" Nezumi asked with a shaky voice, but he could tell, just from his appearance and clothes, that this person was probably a pirate.

" I'm the one asking questions here and not you!" Austin narrowed his eyes.

" What...do you want?" Nezumi asked, confused about this pirate's purpose.

" Hmm!" Austin grabbed Nezumi by his neck, lifted him to the air, and repeated in a deep voice, " I said I'm the one asking questions here, not you."

"If... you lay a finger... on me! You will... regret it, the Navy... won't let... you off" Nezumi was terrified as he hurriedly threatened Austin.

" Hmm!" Austin shook his head before calling out, " Zero!"

" Yes, my lord, " Zero responded.

" Slaughter everyone from the Navy here," Austin ordered while still looking directly into Nezumi's terrified eyes.

" Right away!" Zero grinned widely in response before he started using 'Soru' and 'Shegan' to slaughter every marines soldiers present.

The unlucky soldiers and officers couldn't even fight properly due to Austin's 'Predator Mode', prompting them to fall miserly under Zero onslaught.

" You!... Are you crazy!" Nezumi said while trembling.

The poor man was really terrified now by this turn of events, and not just him, as even Nojiko and Genzo didn't expect the situation to change this dramatically with the appearance of these three men.

Zero didn't take long to finish all the 20 marines soldiers and the two Lieutenant Commanders because everyone could barely move under the suppression of Austin's Skill.

Seeing that Zero had finished his task and the only people still alive were Nezumi, Nojiko, Genzo, and his group, Austin canceled his 'Predator Mode'.

After letting go of Nezumi's neck, prompting him to fall to the ground, still trembling from what he had just witnessed, Austin smirked and said, " Now, let's start from the beginning."


( A/N: If you like to read some chapters in Advance, you can visit my Patreon page! You will find there up to 5 weeks' worth of Chapters in Advance.

P@treon: https://p@treon.com/Asbarta. ( There's an 'A' in the place of @ )

Discord: https://discord.gg/qqHc4PprW9. )

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


