/ Anime & Comics / One Piece: The Pirate Survival Guide
After an unexpected encounter with the infamous Truck-kun, Ling, an ordinary young man from the modern world, finds himself face to face with a god who offers him a second chance at life. Reincarnated into the dangerous world of One Piece, Ling has the opportunity to fulfill one wish as compensation for his untimely death. However, instead of seeking great strength or overwhelming powers, Ling makes an unusual request: to obtain the Toki Toki no Mi—one of the most dangerous Devil Fruits, granting the power to manipulate time
作者 S1NN
Yo I love the idea of your fic But the issue with the fic for me is what he asked for as compensation. Why would any body make that kind of wish, I thought that a sane person that wants to go to the one piece world and could think of the possible dangers of a time fruit could make a better wish than that, like come on!! Why can't he think of a way to safe guard his safety first then think about a fruit ( for example : wishing for a fully controlled personal space that contains the toki-toki nomi so the mc can customize it to what ever he wants be it future tech/something else or since the mc is so obsessed with the potential danger of the fruit just outright destroy the fruit ) Anyways author thats my complain about your fic aside from that u are doing well