It was a quick and abrupt movement by Rowan. Casually stabbing one marine and subsequently punching Nezumi's face—all marines were caught off guard, and by the time they raised up whatever weapons they had in their hands, Rowan was holding Nezumi by the neck.
"...P-Pirate Slayer," One marine whispered in realization upon getting a closer look at Rowan's face, "Why..."
Nezumi, already having fainted from one blow alone, was foaming in his mouth. With his eyes showing white and the blood flowing down from his nose, onto Rowan's hand, the marines found themselves stuck on their feet, unable to gather enough resolve to pull their triggers.
"For 2 years, Arlong's been having some fun in this village and beyond." Rowan chuckled as his grip on Nezumi's neck tightened, "The 16th Marine Branch, the closest Marine Branch to Cocoyasi Village, has been turning a blind eye to us."
Rowan saw, the various marines who attempted to attack Arlong. Some of them harboured a good will of arresting the East Blue's greatest criminal, and some others were driven by their ambitions to reach a higher rank in the Marine. But if there was one trait that they shared, it was that they never joined hands with said criminal—unlike Nezumi in front of him.
A monthly fee to pay just for the sake of living. Rowan, as he hunted for bounties and conducted various thefts, got to see that those fees didn't go to Arlong solely, but were shared with Nezumi, under the condition that the marines left the Arlong Pirates be as they saw fit.
"And you call yourselves marine."
Rowan felt nothing for those filths. Be it remorse or rage, there existed none. All that he had for them, was disgust.
Rowan's grip on Nezumi's neck tightened even further. The unconscious man's eyes popped out from the pressure, and his face gradually become pale from the lack of blood flow. In a current state, without a doubt, Nezumi will end up dead within seconds.
"A-Aren't you afraid?!!"
Then, one marine shouted as his pistol-holding hands trembled.
"You'll be wanted!!! From the East Blue's best bounty hunter... your status will be brought down to that of a notorious criminal!!!" The marine tried to aim his pistol at Rowan, but his hands shook far too much. Scared to shoot Nezumi instead, the marine couldn't do anything but bark, "L-L-L-Let go of Captain Nezumi!! A-And walk away!!"
Rowan frowned. He loosened his grip over the unconscious Nezumi, causing the latter to drop to the ground. Then, he cackled,
Unable to conceal his hilarity, Rowan's body shook in silent laughter. As he did so, he raised his foot up, and—
—brutally crushed Nezumi's neck, and ended the man's life.
"I'm not afraid of becoming a wanted man. Rather,"
The marines felt their hearts drop. After all, watching their leader dead, seemed to suggest that none of them will be escaping here alive.
"I'm afraid that I may let a single one of you bastards get away, alive."
Under the moon, a knife gleamed dangerously, now held by Rowan. The marines gulped in sweat, filled with fear and regret—though they weren't sure what the regret was based on.
Staring at the knife in his right hand, Rowan grinned. It was a grin of glee, the murderous one that belonged to that of a demon.
And at the next moment, Rowan vanished from their eyes.
...Swoosh. Multiple heads flew within the dark before the marines could react. The knife cut through their throats as if cutting through butter.
BANG! BANG BANG! Out of panic and desperation, the marines shot everywhere around themselves, not caring even if their own got shot as a result. Screams of agony came from everywhere, and as the bullets continued firing all over, the blood splashed throughout the area like rain.
By the time the ammos of one marine ran out, he found that all his fellow marines were on the ground, dead. As he breathed heavily from the fright, he found that Rowan was standing in the middle of corpses, completely unscathed.
"D-demon..." The marine whispered as his arms helplessly lowered, "G-Grim reaper. In... inhumane. Have... have you come from hell to punish us...?"
Thud, the marine then knelt on his knees and held his hands together in plea.
"P-please... I have parents to take care of. I-I am not rich, and as you can see, I am weak. Please... I must return alive... h-haven't you had enough? I-Isn't this enough of a punishment?! Please!!! J-Just let me go!!"
"...Punishment? Let me go?"
Rowan, dropping the now-dull knife and walking toward the marine, bickered,
"For years, you've been demons of my life, rendering me miserable and desperate. For years, I've been enduring, awaiting to quench my vengeance."
To the eyes of the marine, Rowan's eyes seemed to be glowing in a crimson red.
"So, demon, you say? Grim reaper? Inhumane?"
The marine's legs trembled uncontrollably. Dropping the ammo-less gun in his hands, he watched as Rowan closed in on him,
"Vahahaha... I'm simply returning what I received from you. And what punishment? Do you think I'm some justice crap like your colleagues?"
SLAP! Rowan slapped the cheek of the marine, causing the latter to kiss the ground. In this state, Rowan leaned down, grabbed the marine by the back of the latter's head, and lifted it up. Through the teary vision, the marine saw one thing: the psychotic eyes that held nothing but maliciousness. Rowan smiled,
"Don't be mistaken. I'm killing you, simply because I enjoy doing so."
A knife was driven into the marine's skull, placing the man to immediate death.
Dark into the night, the village was surprisingly bright, due to many villagers holding torches that blazed vigorously. Their expressions held all the accumulated anger for 2 years, as well as the desperation—that there was nothing that could set them free now.
"THAT DOES IT!!!!!" Unable to contain his rage, Genzo roared to the dark sky, "ARM YOURSELVES!!! IT'S TIME TO FIGHT!!!!!"
Sickle, rake, axe, and whatever they had—the villagers screamed as they lifted them up.
It didn't take them long to figure out that the marines held hands with the Arlong pirates. Truly, there was no one who could save them... no one but themselves.
"2 years ago, we swore not to throw our lives away!! No matter how painful it may be living under their rule, we swore that as long as Nami was fine, we would limit ourselves to a fight of endurance!!" Genzo slammed his fist against a nearby wall, "BUT THIS IS HOW THEY ANSWERED US!!!"
"Now that our only chance of liberation has been denied, there is no longer any hope for this island!! But we shall never forgive those fish-men who dared to toy around with the kindness of that girl!!!" Genzo looked around him with his eyes blazing in determination, "Any objections?!!!"
"""SO LET'S GO!!!!!"""
Everyone here knew, that they couldn't afford to win against those fish-men, one who were at least 10 times stronger than them. They will probably get wiped out, and the village of Cocoyasi will be no more.
However, by doing this... Nami will at least attain her peace. Along with Rowan, who's been suffering with her for the past 2 years, she'll be free—free from this huge burden that they couldn't dare to estimate.
But then, before the villagers were about to march, Nami, having reached the site, cried,
The villagers all turned to see Nami. Though huffing from the exhaustion of running for an extensive period of time, Nami forced a bright smile, one that looked painful to the eyes of the villagers.
"Please just wait a little more! I'll try my best again, so please! Ha... haha... I promise... I'll raise enough money once more! It'll actually be easier this time, c-considering how I've improved, and if... if Rowan helps also... h-heh, I mean, he's the best bounty hunter in the East Blue now, you know!"
One 12-year-old girl was wriggling with her utmost effort, trying to prevent the worst possible outcome that she could ever imagine.
'Nami...' Genzo couldn't hold it. Biting on his lips, he found his eyes moistening up. All the anguish that he's been holding in, and all that shame and guilt he felt...
"That's enough...!"
Genzo embraced Nami before she could say more,
"You know that doing such a thing would be futile! You, with Rowan, carried all our hope for long enough!" Genzo glared at the dark, toward the direction in which the Arlong Park lied, "You've fought splendidly! I know that working with them must've been more painful than a thousand searing knives!
...You did well, Nami."
Genzo released Nami and stepped back. As Nami stared at him in tears, he stated,
"And you can leave this village now."
"What?! B-but...!"
"Nami," Nojiko, standing at some distance away, spoke with a grin, "You're cunning and you've got what it takes to survive out there! Also, you just said it! Rowan's pretty strong in his own right!"
She placed her hands on her waisted and huffed with energy, trying to seem formidable by acting Bell-mere. Her face then softened up, "You can't be tied up here. After all, you got a dream to fulfill, right?"
Taking a step back, Nami shook her head with her eyes closed tightly. Whipping out a knife, she pointed it at the villagers, "NO!! STOP, ALL OF YOU!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM HURTING ANY ONE OF YOU AGAIN!!"
2 years ago, the scene in which the fish-men brutally beat up the villagers after killing Bell-mere... the nightmare was replayed in Nami's mind. And she couldn't bear to see that again, even if she knew deep in her heart that Rowan was right since the start—that Arlong will never keep his promise.
Nami muttered weakly, "Y-you... all of you'll die."
"We know."
Genzo abruptly extended his arm out and held Nami's knife by its blade.
Nami panicked and watched as the blood dripped out from Genzo's hand, but he didn't exhibit any pain. Nami tried to pull it back, but Genzo's grip over it tightened, enlarging the gash on his palm.
"It's no use!" Anther village, Nako—the doctor of the village—stepped up, "Our hearts are set!"
Genzo simultaneously exclaimed, "NOW MOVE OUT OF OUR WAY, NAMI!!!"
The warcries. The loud roars ringing in her ears. Nami fell to her knees as the villagers stormed out. She currently felt despair, and wished that all of this was just a dream, that when she closes and opens her eyes, she'll find herself next to Bell-mere, who'd—
—say... good morning... to her...
Nami's eyes headed to her left shoulder where the Arlong pirates' mark was engraved. Glaring it at hatred, Nami's right hand reached for the knife,
Without thinking any further, her knife headed to her own left shoulder, intending to rip the mark out of her skin—
"...Quite riled up, aren't you?"
Behind Nami was Rowan, standing with a huge sac on his shoulder and drenched by blood that dripped down from his body.
The knife, before it could reach Nami's shoulder, was prevented by Rowan holding onto Nami's wrist.
In a calm expression, Rowan asked the girl, "...So, what did Arlong say?"
Upon his question, Nami completely collapsed. Pouring out all her anguish, she cried,
"He... he didn't admit it!!! That despicable, pompous, disgusting, filthy, pathetic fish!!! He acted like he knew none of it!!! A-And... and that laugh of his...!!!"
Nami's breathing quickened. Filled with tears, Nami felt as if her head was going to explode.
"…I… I couldn't do anything. You were right…"
She lifted her head up and gazed at Rowan. As Rowan slipped the knife out of her hand, Nami whispered,
Her hair was disheveled. Her tears mixed with her sweat, before falling to the ground. Her arms were frail, and her legs were exhausted from moving around for the entire day. The dark bags were under her eyes, showing just how tired she was. However, uncaring of her status, Nami pleaded,
"T-the villagers... Nojiko, Genzo-san, Dr. Nako, Sam, they... they went to Arlong Park. It's nothing but suicide. W-without a doubt, they will be killed by Arlong..." Nami's head dropped powerlessly,
"Please... save them."
Tap. A hand was placed on Nami's head. It was a bloody one, but Nami didn't mind as it caressed her hair.
Rowan's chuckle was heard,
"...It took you this much to give me the trust."
The sac of money dropped next to her. Letting go of Nami's head, Rowan began walking with Nami's knife in his hand. Nami watched Rowan from the back, and Rowan firmly said,
"I will."