"So, what can you do" questioned Nami with narrowed eyes.
We were in the lunge of the ship. I was sitting in a reversed chair, with my arms crossed on the back of the chair and my chin leaning on my forearms.
Sitting opposite me were Sanji, Nami, and Usopp. In the corner, seating on the floor were the two people that were kneeling before. All of them had serious expressions, even though Usopp was just faking it and dying of fear on the inside and Sanji just had the hots for Nami so he took this opportunity to be near her and maybe even show off a little.
"I can do whatever you want me to do"
"What was your position in your old crew?" asked again the girl, the only interested in the conversation.
"Well...when I was a kid I was a swabbie, mopping the deck each day, then I was tasked with bringing gunpowder to those at the cannons. A few times I have been the quartermaster and even the captain. But for the majority of the time, I was the sailing master, with just a bit more privileges than normal."
"What, even the captain?" exclaimed shocked both Nami and Usopp, Sanji was too busy admiring the girl to care about what I was saying.
Seriously, the two strange people that were kneeling before were paying more attention!
'Fucking dog, it's a miracle you're still alive.'
I just couldn't fathom how and why no girl killed him yet, he's such easy prey!
Maybe he's in this state only with this girl? Yeah, possible. If he were this way with every girl, he wouldn't be here.
"Yeah, good memories. Well I have been captain just three times, but surviving three mutinies is still proof of my abilities" I boasted
"Abilities of an incapable captain!" responded Nami with sarcasm
"Shut it, kid, I am talking about my survival abilities"
" Don't talk like that to my Nuaamiii-swuaa-"
Nami just punched the blondy in the head. I like her more now, he was starting to get frighteningly irritating.
"In how many crews were you in?" asked the long nose
"Mhmm...four. The majority of the time it was just the captain being killed, it was rare for things to be so bad that I needed to change crew"
"What do you mean the captain was killed?" asked again Usopp
He seems to be the more naive. Even the two strange people in the corner were not surprised and were just muttering between themself things like "as expected from pirates" or "they are truly brutes" and the like.
"Yea. It was not an everyday occurrence, but every few years happened. You know, the usual squabbles. It was usually because the captain didn't want to share some women or treasure. Maybe some noble made a deal with the crew or simply because the captain's head started to be worth a little too much." I started to explain
"Women?" interrupted Nami, I could sense hate, anger, and a tinge of fear "You raped women?"
I could feel negative emotions from all those present directed at me. Surprisingly, it was Sanji the one with the most intense reaction. He was already on his feet, fists clenched hard, ready to pounce on me.
"No, I did not. But I hope you do not expect me to be a knight and have saved those damsels"
The others calmed down a bit at my answer, but I could still feel that Sanji's anger and hate did not decrease. At least he didn't seem to want to kill me.
'Fucking stupid, what does he want, that I risk my life for someone else? And for a fucking prisoner?'
Well, I lied. I did rape a few times, but it was just when they were too mentally broken to answer my questions. The majority of the time I promised them protection from the rest of the crew if they willingly had sex with me. It is more enjoyable if the woman is proactive. Of course, I was lying to them.
The others would kill me if I protected a prisoner, even more, a woman prisoner.
I always preferred going to a brothel. Even if I had to pay, at least the women were experienced and they enjoyed the sex instead of crying.
All this, of course, the kids did not need to know.
"You still disgust me" murmured Nami
"Are you controlling the route?" I asked, just to change the topic
"Yes, of course" she responded, but still giving a look to the strange compass at her wrist
"What!?" exclaimed surprised, she then run towards the door, probably to readjust the route seeing her reaction.
Well, that old man did say that the Grandline is outside of any common sense.
I cut out the voices of the two strange people in the corner, who were showing off their knowledge of this sea, but really, Crocus said the same things, and even in a less enervating tone.
It has been less than a day since I was sent here.
There was some information on the crest the god left, namely what is my gift.
For starters, he changed my race. Now I am what is called a fish-man, even though my appearance didn't change, but at least I can now breathe under the water and even talk to marine creatures.
I will also grow taller, even though I was considered pretty tall in my old world, being 172 cm.
Fortunately, what I am already wearing will grow with me.
In fact, The Sea God enchanted everything that was ejected from the sea with me. My clothes and boots, besides growing with me, will repair and clean themself when in contact with the sea.
My cutlass has the same enchantment, while my flintlock pistols are normal. The god said I will find better guns here.
He changed another thing about my body, something I couldn't understand, but I did understand the effects of the change: I won't need to shit anymore.
I will still need to pee, but now I don't even have an asshole.
The last thing he gave me was the crest itself. The crest will gradually reinforce my body and spirit.
He said that at the start the reinforcement would be greater, to shrink the gap between my first world and this.
What I now know is called Observation Haki, is the result of the increase in spirit.
"Island in sight!" I screamed from the crow's nest.
'What a strange island' was my first thought. From this distance, I can only distinguish four enormous cacti.
As we were getting closer, I could see other cacti of lesser size, but still gigantic.
"Now then, we ask you please drop us off here" said the male of the two strange people. Both of them were doing a strange pose on the taffrail.
The funny thing is that the crown of the male didn't fall even when he bent his head
"Thank you for taking us here, my honeys!" continued the female.
What strange hair she has, but still beautiful, I cannot deny that
After saying something else together, they jumped into the water.
We were still a few hundred meters from the coast.
"Mah, what strange people" I muttered ignoring the comments of the rest down below.
To welcome our arrival were rows of cheering people, but I could sense it was just an act.
It happened even in my old world. Not with entire towns, but there was always a few females willing to open their legs just to kill you when you least expect it.
They were often successful, as they didn't even need to do anything to be approached and coaxed into having sex.
Their male counterpart preferred to get us drunk, but rarely worked as someone who offers anything in a place frequented by pirates is extremely suspicious.
Even then, the method most used by both gender was to just wait for their target to get drunk. Easy kill. Something I learned pretty early, as my first captain was killed when drunk, for an argument over a woman...my mother.
That's why I rarely am drunk. It helps I can hold alcohol pretty well.
After being greeted by the major, we were invited to a banquet.
"They sure do not hold back" I muttered.
Zoro and Nami were past the tenth opponent in a drinking contest, Luffy was becoming a ball for how much he was eating, literally.
Sanji was surrounded by women, at least twenty of them.
The last of the bunch, Usopp was telling those willing to listen to him of their adventures...just a bunch of lies, I can feel it.
"Hey, are you not enjoying the party?" asked a cute girl offering me a mug of beer. I was sitting against the wall with an empty mug.
"Yes, it's been a while since I enjoyed myself this much. I am just exhausted, you don't know how demanding it is interacting with these guys" I answered, after taking the mug from her hands while indicating with my chin those who were on the ship with me a while ago.
"Ahaha, I can imagine. How come you are with them, then?" she curiously asked, nearing her face to mine. She had long curly black hair gathered in a low ponytail, green eyes, and red full lips.
"Oh no, I am not part of their crew, they just gave me a lift to this island" I clarified, turning my face towards hers.
Our lips were a few centimeters from touching. I was tempted, extremely tempted and I could feel she was too, just turned off by me being a pirate.
"I just want to sleep, do you have a room?" I continued, lowering my voice.
"Yes, follow me, I will take you there" she readily replied.
As we walked away, I could feel eyes on us, following my every movement, so I took a barrel of alcohol with me, just to stall for a bit of time. If even when they outnumber us in the hundreds, they prefer to get us drunk, it means that they will not attack me till I am conscious, even if isolated.
A few of them ended up following us.
She took me to one of the houses near where was the party.
"Here, this is a guest house for five people. The others will probably sleep directly where they are, so this is all yours."
"Do you want some company with that?" she asked in a seductive tone eyeing the barrel I was carrying.
I could feel she made up her mind. Probably telling herself 'he's not with them or 'it's my job' or something similar.
"If is yours, then I happily accept" I replied while giving a courteous bow and indicating with one arm the door.
She smiled and entered before me, swinging her hips a bit more than necessary.
I give a wink in the direction of those following us before entering the house.
I could feel the panic in the stalkers before they went away. Probably afraid of alerting me and ruining the work of Sally, the girl, with their presence.
A/N: I do not plan to write rape scenes nor sex with blackmailed girls. I just thought it is realistic for a real pirate to have raped someone, even more for someone who has been one for six decades.
I plan on eventually introducing romance, but I do not know with who or how given his character.
The easy route would be him being noticed by Big Mom and married to one of his daughters.
Comment the love interest/s you would prefer, but do keep in mind his personality if you chose the harem route because I don't see how he could care for more than one person other than himself.