33.33% One Piece : Satan / Chapter 3: The devil's hands

章 3: The devil's hands

On a certain island, A man runs around an island as if his life depended on it, and it depended.

Cornelius has been running and running around the island for 1 month nowCornelius fell to the ground exhausted, his legs giving out.

he sat on the beach and reflected on his progress

''I've been doing this for a while now and so far the only thing I've managed to do is get faster, at this rate it's going to take a long time before I can do Geppo.

Geppo is a skill that only people with enough training can show. like cp9 agents who have been trained since childhood. At this rate of training Cornelius might take a year or more to get it, he doesn't want to be on this island for that long.

'I don't think I have a choice, I'll have to risk it

Rising, Cornelius returned to his camp.

It was a campsite with a fire pit and a hammock that Cornelius made over the month, there were some tools like the ax he had made and a bag of apples that Cornelius had stocked up.

Picking up an apple, Cornelius ate it and soon felt his energy slowly returning to his body.

One thing Cornelius noticed is the food of this world, it wasn't normal. In addition to being delicious, there was something else in this food. he would run all day but as soon as he ate the apple he felt stronger it was like the apple was full of steroids

''Oink! Oink!

A wild boar came out of the forest as if it had smelled the food.

It was the Boar that Cornelius had found, over the month they had become friends.

''Okay, OK, here Glutton''

He then threw an Apple at him, which was swallowed at once.

In addition to sharing the food, the wild boar became his sparring partner. He named him Glutton.

Glutton was very strong, Cornelius never defeated him but over the month he managed to last longer and longer

Cornelius had a theory about the physiology of this wild boar, he apparently grew up on this island eating this fruit and was much bigger and stronger than a common wild boar.

Cornelius thinks that One Piece's food is somehow involved in this process, Throughout Luffy's journey it is noticeable that people and animals get bigger and stronger along the journey, Cornelius is 2.10 meters now but if compare to the one piece character he has a normal height, to say the least. He recalled that the stronger the sea, the more common it is to find people with ridiculous heights like Whitebeard who is 6 meters tall, he thinks that the secret of these ridiculous physiques is in the food. Leaving that aside, for now, he has a decision to make.

Taking a sack that Cornelius had placed on top of a tree near the camp so the Glutton wouldn't get it, he took the Devil Fruit he found.

So far he hasn't eaten it, because he didn't want to risk it, eating an Akuma no mi is a roulette wheel, you can either hit the jackpot and gain godlike powers or be stuck forever with a horrible and completely useless power like the Jake Jake no Mi that can only be used by someone else. Cornelius has no idea what his fruit can give him since he's never seen this weird hand shape in the anime, but on the one hand, he might even gain an ability that allows him to fly.

But in exchange for that, he will lose his ability to swim forever.

Holding the fruit in both hands, Cornelius reflected on this decision.

'Looks like I'm going to have to risk everything, Geppo is harder to learn than I thought, and I haven't seen a ship the whole time I've been here' Cornelius remembered Gaimon an anime character who was trapped in a chest on an island for 20 years never being rescued.

Seeing no way out, Cornelius took the fruit

''Please, Oda-sama give me something good


Cornelius ate the fruit as quickly as possible because of the shitty taste he knows it has.

'It's the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten '

After finishing, Cornelius felt something change, his hands started to turn red and change shape the red rose to his elbow and stopped

His hands were now completely red, he had no nails anymore his fingertips were like claw points now

He sawed off his fist. he could feel it, the strength of his hands became frighteningly stronger. his whole forearm got stronger

Cornelius knew it wasn't just that, he took the ax he had made and when he touched it he felt a red energy coming out of his hand and covering the entire ax and then the energy returned to his hand. and then came a sudden headache bringing with it a flood of information into his mind, it was as if he had scanned the ax in his mind, then the ax glowed red. Cornelius felt that he could transform the axe, it was as if he had control of every atom of the axe.

He dropped the ax

The ax stopped glowing red and Cornelius felt he lost connection.

picking up the ax again The ax began to glow red again

Cornelius then tried to change the ax trying to turn it into a better axe.

after some time, he made a perfectly sharpened axe, it was like a modern axe, made of stone and bamboo, but very well crafted.

He tested the axe's edge on a nearby tree, the tree looked

like was made of butter offering no resistance. so he threw the ax at a tree.

He threw the ax with all his strength

The ax flew in the air at incredible speed and hit the tree, cutting half of it at once, before the ax broke from the force.

''it seems that the material is not strong enough''

Cornelius noticed something, he wasn't good at throwing things before. To test his theory, he picked up some rocks and faced the ocean.

He then threw the stone, the stone came out at a speed and bounced in the ocean several times before sinking.

He then took the stones and tried to juggle

he started with 5 stones and progressively increased it he continued until he reached a juggling of 30 stones, at that point his hands were almost pos image while he made surgical movements, he then stopped

Cornelius noticed that in addition to the supernatural strength in the hands, they were extremely precise and fast, he felt as if they almost had a life of their own and that he was a mere spectator

He then continued to test his skills

One hour later

Cornelius looked at his camp, it was no longer the same camp

There was a very well-made wooden hut and inside it was a table and a bed.

The fruit that Cornelius ate was the Hand Hand no mi, which gave her practically magical hands, he could analyze and change the Matter of the things he touches at the atomic level. Of course, there are limitations to this power, more complex shapes take a long time to analyze and he can't just mold forever, as he made the hut he noticed that it was getting more and more tired. His fruit worked similarly to Law's fruit, the more he uses power the greater the energy expenditure. He reminded Bartholomew Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu no Mi fruit that did unbelievable things like removing people's pain and fatigue, as well as being able to teleport people and repel any attack. the power of the paw was incredible and went beyond what the name suggests.

Cornelius believes that his Hand Hand no mi has even greater potential. It was as if he had won the hands of the devil himself.

''Hey Glutton, let's train again''

Hearing his name, the boar that was resting in the shade nearby took off, before he needed to spend the whole day beating a tree to get food, but now that Cornelius arrived he has an easy life

Glutton, has been training with Cornelius every day and has created a friendship bond with him

Hearing that it was time for training, he soon perked up and got into a fighting stance.

Cornelius faces the Boar

This boar has been defeating him every day, but today will be different.

Glutton aims his fangs at Cornelius and makes his charge

Cornelius doesn't move and waits for him with open arms


Cornelius grabs the boar by the tusks, and it is dragged along the beach but he manages to stop the charge.

'Before I ate the fruit, that pig sent me flying with its lunge and knocked me down now I can hold it!'

Glutton made a shocked face. before he loved to play with this human now he suddenly changed

Cornelius didn't waste the opportunity and punched the boar in the face, the boar was sent flying, breaking two trees in the process, and fell to the ground unconscious.

Glutton has been knocked out!

Cornelius was amazed at his strength

''no wonder why the Akuma no Mi is so desired in this world, the power they give is incredible, you go from a common human to a superhuman so easily''

Looking down at his red hand, Cornelius had an idea. He didn't know if it would work but he's going to try anyway.

He went to the unconscious Glutton and touched him.

The red light started to wrap around the pig but unlike the ax, it was slower and it was taking time to cover the boar's body

After 20 minutes of waiting the red light returned to his hand and Cornelius felt a headache ten times worse than the pain he felt with the ax but now the boar started to glow red and Cornelius felt he could change it.

Little by little the boar changed its coat from brown to white

Cornelius started to get tired, molding a living being was different from molding an object. power consumption was tremendous.

after the boar was completely white Cornelius fell to the ground exhausted

His nose started to bleed and he almost passed out right there from exhaustion.

''The consumption of this power is insane, if I had gone further maybe I would be dead by now

He then took a break and ate some apples to regain his energy.

Cornelius reflects on his powers. Aside from his strength, and the surgical precision of his hands, He had the power to Analyze and Transform

Since he can only shape after analyzing, shaping complex things in battle is out of the question for now. If his skill consumes the user's energy like the law fruit, he should focus on training his body and his stamina in general.

After a while, Glutton finally woke up

Cornelius didn't do anything too crazy with him, he just modified his melanin turning him into an albino Boar

Glutton looked confused not understanding what happened

Cornelius then took an apple and fed him

''Here friend, regain your strength, from today things are going to be interesting SASAHAHAHAHAHA'' Cornelius laughed

then stopped shocked

He found that he now had his own weird laugh.


A week later, you could see Cornelius running on the beach, but now his speed was incredible compared to what he had been before.

Cornelius then went around the island and stopped when he reached his camp he then took out an hourglass he had created with beach sand and wood to measure his progress.

''10 minutes eh? I managed to beat my record again ''

His time a week ago was 20 minutes

He's been experimenting with his power over the week and has discovered some interesting things.

He can modify himself

First, he started small, he accelerated his metabolism. Then he began to shape his muscles, turning them into stronger and more resistant muscles.

He didn't get big or anything like that he just got a more defined body

The modification was not instantaneous it took the whole week to mold

He focused more on the leg muscles. if it were for Cornelius to guess he has legs as strong as Sanji's legs before the new world, now. he is now getting closer and closer to being able to do Geppo

Also, he found out that he was training wrong, his goal is still Geppo but he found that he must learn Soru first

Soru as Geppo is one of Rokushiki's six skills that allow the user extreme speed and is said to be the first skill learned when training Rokushiki.

Cornelius then took a position

It is said in the anime that to use Soru you must step on the ground 10 times in the blink of an eye, so Cornelius tried it




But failed, he didn't step fast enough

He continued to train all day but he couldn't do the technique

Exhausted Cornelius ended the day and went to his cabin to rest.

There he prepared his dinner, a bunch of apples because that's all he had on this island. he took a stone knife and started to peel the apples, he noticed that he created this habit of doing work that involved precision with his hands.

He peeled the apples perfectly without breaking the skin once, and in the end, he had perfectly round and smooth apples. without losing any part of the fruit

That precision was so satisfying, it reminded him of the satisfaction videos he used to watch.

He sat at the table and enjoyed his dinner, on the table there were also the other jobs that he did to relax

He had a perfectly accurate wooden miniature of a certain Boar, a wooden miniature of his Devil Fruit, and one of himself.

The carvings were perfect and precise, he became a master sculptor in a matter of days, thanks to his magic hands.

After eating, Cornelius once again reviewed his progress.

''Rokushiki turned out to be more difficult than I initially thought, I greatly underestimated how difficult the CP9 agents' training was to learn.

it's no wonder that few characters demonstrate knowing how to use the Rokushiki '

Rob Lucci once said that whoever dominates Rokushiki will have the strength of a hundred men and he wasn't kidding when he said that.

With the help of his Hand Hand no Mi he managed to skip months or maybe years of muscle development training, but each time Cornelius developed the muscles it took longer and harder for him to develop them more

Cornelius then took a more radical step to further accelerate his training.

He sat up in bed and looked at his legs, to strengthen them further he would have to go beyond the muscles, He will have to modify his bones.

He hadn't done this before for fear of screwing up and getting crippled, but seeing that modifying the muscle won't be enough for him to be able to learn Geppo, Cornelhou changed his mind and decided to have this operation.

He started first breaking the bones in his leg, the pain was surreal his bones were being broken like glass and then being reformed

Cornelius continues this process for about five hours

After much suffering the first leg was ready. he bandaged her with the bandage he had made before, then he ate some apples to replenish his energy

then proceeded with the surgery on the other leg, after another five hours

Cornelius finally finished the operation, with a bloody nose and all sweaty from exhaustion Cornelius passed out but he managed to finish both legs.


The next morning Cornelius woke up

He got up and right away he felt different, he was feeling much lighter, and his legs were much better than before. taking off the bandages he examined his legs

They looked healthy and he felt no pain or discomfort.

Seeing no problem Cornelius then went out for his morning run picking up the hourglass, he turned it around and got ready.

as soon as he started to run he took off at an incredible speed he left a trail of dust as he ran

he soon circled the island

And he went to the hourglass to check the time

''five minutes!'' Cornelius was shocked he cut his record in half in one day

He then tried Soru again


He managed to do it! he tested it a little more until he got the hang of it, then he did the race once more but now using Soru

The gluttonous Boar that was near the camp was scared he could only see a shadow of a figure running along the beach


Cornelius was ecstatic his heart was pounding with emotion a kind of emotion he had forgotten existed

The feeling of actually being alive, he is enjoying becoming more powerful

He couldn't get that smile off his face.

He then looked at the Boar who was staring at him thinking he had finally gone mad.

''Looks like plans have changed once again glutton, we're not going to learn just Geppo anymore, we're going to dominate all of Rokushiki!'' Cornelius gave a devilish smile

Glutton felt a shiver run down his spine.

Cornelius just didn't notice one thing, his personality was changing. if the old Cornelius were to meet the current Cornelius they would say they would have nothing in common, but Cornelius was too distracted by his newfound strength to realize that now.


Five months later

Once again on a certain island beach, there was a man, but she wasn't running this time.

Cornelius was facing the Boar, he was shirtless wearing only his black pants

His body was all defined, he is still thin but he was completely defined

His beard had grown, the only thing that didn't change was his iconic red hair that looked like two horns if one saw it from afar.

He was looking at the boar solemnly


The boar took it apart and then charged with all its might at Cornelius


The Boar came with all its weight, but as soon as it hit Cornelius it was like he hit an iron wall


He couldn't move Cornelius even an inch and couldn't even cause a scratch on his body.


The boar over the months was almost being forced to train with him now

Again the boar made another charge


This time Cornelius' body behaved like a sheet of paper, no matter how much The Boar tried to attack him he never managed to hit.

After a while, The Boar fell right down to the ground due to exhaustion.

Cornelius over that five months managed to learn all Rankyaku at least at a basic level, if Cornelius were to compare to Cipher Pol agents. He would say that he is still not at the level of a full Agent, but he is much more advanced than Nero, who was a newly trained Agent.

The Tekkai and Kami-e were from Cornelis were the least he had mastery over, that's because he hated training them. To train the Tekkai he had to let the Boar hit his body repeatedly until he managed to harden his muscles. Kami-e, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Tekkai, to train Kami-e he had to relax his body to the point where he could move on his own.

Rankyaku and Soru is a different story, as Cornelis was focused on training mainly his legs, he got good mastery over these skills. having a proficiency level comparable to or perhaps better than weaker CP9 members like Kalifa and Blueno

And finally Geppo and Shigan, Cornelius can do Geppo

now, it was when his record reached one minute that Cornelius started to be able to jump in the air, being the skill he needs to get off this island he has a very deep proficiency in this technique.

Now Shigan was by far his biggest improvement compared to the other techniques, due to his Hand Hand no Mi Shigan was easily learned in a week, Cornelius seeing his potential in Shigan did not stop training. Now Cornelius dares to say that not even Rob Lucci has the level of proficiency as great as he does in this technique. This was all due to his Hand Hand no mi which naturally gave him incredible strength in his fingers.

"OinK, Oink''

The Albino boar snored, he was on the ground looking at Cornelius wanting his daily reward. After all training, Cornelius would give him an apple as a reward.

Looking at the Boar's demand, Cornelius got to his knees and patted him on the head.

''Don't worry buddy, tomorrow I will finally get off this island. Because of all your help with my training, I will give you a special reward'' Cornelius said with a smile on his face.

and the Boar had stars in his eyes in anticipation of receiving his reward.

Cornelius then placed his index finger on the Boar's head.

''Here is your reward''

Then a line of red compressed air came out of his fingertip and punctured the Boar's head killing him instantly, the red line didn't stop and pierced about 8 trees before disappearing, making a hole through the trunks

Cornelius looked at the now-dead body of his supposed friend with a smile still on his face and said ''Sorry buddy, it was nothing personal. but I can't bear to eat another damn apple on this island'' Cornelius then picked up a knife and handled it deftly between his fingers

''Tomorrow I'm finally going to get the hell off this island, but today I'm finally going to eat meat SASAHAHAHAHA!

he then started skinning his supposed friend

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


