33.33% One Piece: I was born as Celestial Dragon?! / Chapter 1: Celestial Dragon.
One Piece: I was born as Celestial Dragon?! One Piece: I was born as Celestial Dragon?! original

One Piece: I was born as Celestial Dragon?!

作者: Alekzi

© WebNovel

章 1: Celestial Dragon.

In a room, a young man in his 17s or 18s was sitting on a chair, while looking at the screen in front of him. The room was ordinary, with a small bed next to the wall and a small desk in front of the window. There was also a closet for clothes and posters on the wall, mostly from different animes and TV shows.

This young man is Ryu, and he is an ordinary High School student in japan. He has decent grades with his own group of friends, but he also has a hobby, which some might frown upon, but it is something he enjoys. It is watching anime; he enjoys it and doesn't care what anyone thinks about it.

Today was another ordinary day; he went to school, suffered through the classes, and finally could go home. Once he was home, he instantly booted up his PC and started going through animes to watch, but since there wasn't anything new to watch, he returned to his old rabbit hole, called One Piece. He finally finished the Whole Cake Island arc, and it is soon time for the highly anticipated Wano arc.

But before he could start watching, something mysterious happened. Ryu was about to click the One Piece with his cursor, but then he noticed everything going dark...

''Hmm?'' Ryu looked around him and saw nothing but darkness around him, ''Power outage?'' He thought, but when he was about to stand up, he couldn't feel his limbs.

''W-What?'' Ryu was shocked and tried to move his arms, but it felt like he didn't have them anymore, ''What is happening?!''

Ryu anxiously started looking around him, trying to find salvation for his current peril, but everywhere he looked, only darkness remained.

''HELP!'' Ryu shouted, he could hear his voice, but it felt like his voice didn't travel anywhere.


Suddenly a pair of dinging noise was heard in his head.

''What was that?!'' Ryu exclaimed and looked around him, he felt the voice coming very near, but he couldn't even see his own body in this darkness, let alone others.

[Reincarnator: World One Piece]

''Eh?'' Ryu exclaimed, he thought he had misheard what the voice said, but he couldn't think about it long because a vortex of white light appeared behind him!

''NO!'' Ryu cried out, but the vortex instantly sucked him in.

Ryu's body and the white vortex disappeared in an instant.

Only a slight beeping noise was left in the dark void.

*Beep* *Beep*

[Reincarnator: World One Piece - Successful]

After those words, the beeping noise disappeared, and the dark void was now indeed... empty.


''Where am I?'' Ryu asked after the initial shock was over; the words Reincarnator: World One Piece was ringing on his head.

''Reincarnation? B-But that is impossible. Am I hallucinating?'' Even though Ryu is in disbelief, there is a slight feeling in him telling that everything is real.

''If I am getting reincarnated... One Piece would definitely be a dream come true.'' Ryu said aloud, ''But it is an extremely dangerous place... If I am born in one of the 4 seas, that gives me the safety I need, but if I am born in Grand Line... or worse, in New World! Then I am dead!''

The fear started assaulting his mind; he had to leave his fate for a coin toss; he could end up everywhere. One Piece is a world of strength and a world of piracy.

Ryu thought about the pirates, who could sink an island with wave of their hands.

Then he thought about the true villains of One Piece world... If you meet the Celestial Dragons, you must hope that you don't catch their eye; if you do, you will spend the rest of your life in slavery.

Even though Ryu loves One Piece, he still thinks living there is far from comfortable; maybe it would be fine if he had the strength or some kind of cheat to help him.

But so far, there is no sign of cheats or even entering the world. He was still stuck in some kind of white-colored river, going who knows where.

''How can I survive in that place...'' Ryu tried to scratch his head, but he still couldn't feel his limbs; he is an ordinary human from Earth, not even a very athletic one. How can he survive in a place filled with sea monsters and giants?

''Just have to wait and see...'' Ryu hates to leave everything up to fate, he likes to be the one who controls his destiny, but now it is all down to coin toss. Either his second life is going to be very short, or it will be something incredible.


It has been 6 days since Ryu entered the river of reincarnation; he has thought about everything that could happen to him in the world of One Piece, he thought about joining Marine's to get some safety, but he scratched that idea, he isn't planning to be a toy for the World Government, and he doesn't even believe that he can survive being in Marines!

It is common knowledge that weaker Marines are cannon fodder! They die instantly!

He still doesn't know what year he will be born in, not sure will he be born before canon or after canon. He hopes that before, like 20 years before, would be fine. But if he was born like 50 years before... Then his anime knowledge is useless.


''Hmm?'' Ryu perked up his ears; he definitely heard something; he turned his head around and saw the river ending and portal appearing!

''I-It is time?'' He gulped and prepared; his future will be decided now.

Ryu's body entered the portal and disappeared from the river of reincarnation. From now on, the previous Ryu doesn't exist. Only the One Piece Ryu does.


'Feels weird... Where am I?' Ryu thought in his mind, he was still seeing only darkness, but he had a hunch that if he managed to open his eyes, he could finally see where he was.

With his nonexistent strength, he started to slowly open his eyes.

His vision was blurry at first until it became more evident. He saw gold and white-colored ceiling with a spacious room. He turned his head slightly, which felt incredibly hard to do for some reason.

But he found the reason soon.

His limbs were tiny! His whole body was small, covered in some kind of soft-looking blanket.

'I am, baby...' Ryu didn't think it was shocking; it would make him feel worse if he stole someone's body. Born as a baby was fine for him, but the next few years will be incredibly dull for him.


Ryu perked up his ears; he heard a door to the room opening; he couldn't turn his head, so he decided to wait. The anxiousness inside him grew.

A shadow crept towards the small bed. Ryu finally saw the glimpse of the person.

The man in front of him was wearing a white robe, which resembled a spacesuit. He also had some kind of bubble or glass case around his head, with an oxygen tank.

''Celestial Dragon, HOW AM I SO UNLUCKY!'' Ryu cried out, but the Celestial Dragon heard only childish mutterings from the baby in front of him.

The Celestial Dragon grabbed Ryu and looked at him straight in the eye, ''Welcome home, my son...''

Ryu went blank after those words, 'I was born as Celestial Dragon?!'

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
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