54.66% One Piece : Comparison Broadcast / Chapter 128: Chapter 127 Buggy's Foreign Object Splitting Practice

章 128: Chapter 127 Buggy's Foreign Object Splitting Practice

Sengoku: "Damn it!!! He let out so many criminals from Impel down!!"

Sakazuki: "Straw Hat Luffy!! You are death!!"

Tsuru: "The reason why Impel Down exists is mainly to prevent those Devil Fruits with powerful destructive power from being obtained by evil people again! It was impossible to break through there, but because of Luffy's accident, The prison was breached!"

Borsalino: "Jinbei also played a vital role!! "

Sakazuki: "Anyway, it's all because of the pirates!! Pirates should be damned!!"

Ghost Spider: " Admiral Sakazuki is right!"

Doberman: "Damn pirates!!"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!! Why do you keep barking! Didn't you find something very interesting??? The video on the white borderd screen has been played to us This moment is now.....!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "If you say it like that..., it's really true!!! Then this screen should be over!"

Shiki: "It's over!! Can't wait to turn Marine Headquarters upside down! Hahahaha!!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "What!! End? No...! Impossible!! I haven't been revived yet!!"

Kaido: "Forget it! Even if there is another question later, you still can't answer..."

Charlotte Linlin: "Mamamama!! You are so miserable!!"

Sengoku: "Damn...!! Is the big war about to start??"

Compared to Rocks, Sengoku's mood is not much better

At this time

The screen with the red border gradually brightens up...

The screen appears!!

Merry and Thousand Sunny sailing on the sea

Compared to Thousand Sunny, Luffy is still more used to staying on Merry. 

Moreover, the current Merry has been transformed by the jet shell, and it is almost a perpetual motion machine of wind energy, so there is no such thing as a waste of resources

As for the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates

Usopp needs to observe the sea conditions on the Lookout tower of the Thousand Sunny 

Sanji follows Kalifa's ass every day

Zoro practiced on the Thousand Sunny, because there is a practice room specially built by Franky on the Thousand Sunny, which is deeply loved by Zoro

"Luffy, why did you sail the Merry out during the day?"

Buggy usually also practices on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, but when he is not practicing, he will go to the Merry

Luffy lay on a recliner and said with a smile: "I think if the Merry is kept in the cabin of the Thousand Sunny, she will feel very lonely"


Buggy had an unbelievable expression, and smiled wryly: "The ship has no consciousness, how can it be lonely?"

"Ah ha ha...."

Luffy also laughed at himself, "I know it's like this too, but that day when we took the Merry into the cabin of the Thousand Sunny for the first time, I felt that Merry was very scared and lonely. ....Don't laugh, I know it's a bit stupid to say that. But that's how I really felt at the time, and now, every day, when I go out on the Merry, I can feel her happiness. Also, after sailing for the past few days, I feel more and more that the Merry really has its own mood swings!" Luffy laughed 

"Bastard Buggy, run to Luffy if you have nothing to do! Hurry up and go back to practice on the Thousand Sunny!!" At this time, Nami came over and threatened. 

Buggy spread his hands: "You've also been going to Luffy's place during the day, how dare you criticize me?"

"Idiot! I have to take care of the orange orchard!!"

Hearing that Buggy actually connoted her, Nami punched Buggy on the head in anger.

Buggy split into tiny particles like sand, then quickly flew to the side, and reassembled. 

He pouted: "Everyone told you to move the orange orchard to the Thousand Sunny, which has a sun shed specially suitable for planting! Then why don't you move it?"

Nami said angrily: "I'm afraid that the oranges will be broken when transferring them!! Why are you so verbose, hurry up and practice!"

Buggy wanted to say something, but saw a series of arms connected from a window on the side of Thousand Sunny, and then saw Robin stepping on the arm ladder and walking over. 

Robin gave Buggy a blank look: "You guys are really incomprehensible!! Hurry up and practice"


Seeing that Robin was also talking about him, Buggy suddenly froze

Okay..., good men don't fight with women!!

He walks back to Thousand Sunny, stepping on the arm ladder that Robin just made. 

"Thank you Miss Robin!"

Nami hugged Robin's arm happily and acted like a baby

Robin smiled, how could she not see Nami's thoughts on Luffy?

So she usually helps Nami cover up and create a suitable two-person space for Nami and Luffy...

"Did you hear that?" Suddenly, Luffy jumped up from the reclining chair 


Nami and Robin showed confusion in their eyes at the same time. 

Luffy shook his head again, also a little confused: "Oh... Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night"

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, I'm going to practice Haki too" Since officially becoming a partner of the Straw Hat Pirates, Robin has worked harder in training!!

As a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, she is very worried that when danger comes one day, she will not be able to help everyone!!

"I'll see if the oranges are ripe!" Nami went to the back deck. 

Luffy rubbed his eyes, then lay down on the recliner

But the moment he just lay down, he bounced up again!!

He suddenly looked around, looking around, when his gaze swept across the mast of the Merry, he suddenly froze there...!!

found it!!

Under the sun, a petite figure wearing a goose-yellow raincoat and rain boots is sitting on the crossbar of the mast, with his two calves swinging happily

The moment he saw this petite figure, the petite figure was also looking at Luffy

Luffy's eyes instantly burst into deep shock!!!

Because when he saw the happy arc on the corners of the mouth of this petite figure, he also felt the happy mood swings expressed by the Merry!!!

This kind of happy mood swing far exceeds the level he felt on the Merry any time before!! 

is her!!

It's the Merry!!

Although the matter in front of me is too outrageous, Luffy can be sure that this petite figure in a goose yellow raincoat is definitely the source of Molly's emotions!!

"You...are the Merry?" Luffy asked subconsciously. 

Then the ship spirit didn't respond in any words, but seemed to be extremely excited and happy about it 

"Can't understand people's words?" Luffy was a little surprised, and then tried to wave at the ship spirit

Then he saw that petite figure on the mast suddenly disappeared!!


Luffy was startled

But then, in front of him, the ship spirit appeared out of thin air!!

Without any restraint or shyness, the ship spirit threw herself into Luffy's arms. 

Luffy subconsciously hugged the ship spirit, and saw the ship spirit leaning his little face on Luffy's chest, with a satisfied expression on his face

At the same time, Luffy could clearly feel the mood swings on the Merry. 


Yes, this is a super happy mood!!


When Luffy reacted, he fully realized how outrageous this matter is!!

No wonder he felt the emotions of the Merry many times before, he thought he had some kind of hallucinatory mental disorder, but he didn't expect it to be true!!

Luffy excitedly hugged little Merry to find Nami

Nami was also scared silly

However, when she stretched out her hand to hug Little Merry, she found that her hand went directly through Merry...

Nami's face darkened, and she said depressedly: "Ah? Why can't I touch her?"

"Haha! I don't know either! But I can" Luffy laughed loudly, and tossed little Merry a few times. 

Afterwards, Luffy told the news to his partners!!

Everyone was shocked, only Franky stared out his eyes: "Oh my god!! This... this, this, this... this is the legendary ship spirit!!!" 

"Ship spirit??"The partners all looked at Franky with a confused face. 

Franky immediately told everyone about the ship spirit

It's only now that everyone understands how outrageous this light-yellow petite figure is...

"You guys have to know that ship spirits only exist in legends!! So far, no ship has been recorded as having a ship spirit, and our Merry is the only one!!" Franky said in shock . 

"But... why only Luffy can hug her, but we can't?" Sanji asked very depressed. 

Zoro curled his lips: "Could it be because you, a perverted cook, are so perverted that the ship spirits are afraid of you?"

Sanji suddenly became furious: "Fart! Can you touch her?"

Zoro shook his head: "Who said that? I haven't touched her so far, how do you know I can't??"

"Then go touch her now!" Sanji pulled Zoro and walked towards Luffy

"I don't want to!!"

Zoro shook off Sanji's hand and said disdainfully, "As long as I don't touch her, you can't prove that I can't touch her. At this point, I am currently ahead of you!


At this time, Franky explained to everyone: "The ship spirit can only be seen by someone recognized by this ship. As for wanting to meet her, there is no record of this..., either because Luffy is the captain? Or is it because Luffy has the deepest bond with this ship? In short, this must require a very harsh condition!!"


At this moment, there was a violent explosion outside!!!

Then, the blazing light shines brightly outside the window!!

"what happened?"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates rushed out

When they came to the deck, they saw the cleaning crew trio looking at an empty treasure chest in front of them with a dazed expression

"what happened?"

Sanji rushed up, and looked around Kalifa nervously, "Is Miss Kalifa injured?"

Seeing Luffy and others coming, Lucci spread his hands: "Just now we found a treasure chest floating on the sea surface, on which was written a tribute to the Sea God, so we salvaged it."

"As a result, when I opened it, it turned out to be a signal flare! If I'm not mistaken, someone in this fog may be monitoring us""

Although it seems that he got into trouble, Lucci still has the courage to take responsibility, and quickly analyzed the possibility. 

Luffy looked at the wooden barrel treasure chest, and saw that the words "Sea God's Royal Treasure" were indeed written on it. At first glance, he would indeed think that it was a treasure paid to Sea God by someone else. 

Obviously..., this was done on purpose!!

"Well, your analysis is correct. But if it's a group of pirates, that's not bad. The Sabaody Archipelago has a Marine Base and we just so happen to be in need of some money" Luffy said. 


Hearing what Luffy said, the trio of cleaners were stunned

"Catch a pirate??"

Kaku widened his eyes and said in shock. 

Luffy shrugged his shoulders: "Just making money by the way, is it worth the fuss?"

The trio of cleaners are humble and don't dare to say anything

Just feel speechless

Pirates catch pirates for bounty?

It's the first time they've heard of it

As you get deeper and deeper into the Florian Triangle sea area, the fog on the sea surface is getting thicker

Because of poor visibility, Luffy temporarily drove the Merry into the cabin. 

On deck

Buggy is standing with a piece of wood

Looks like nothing is done

But if you look closely, this piece of wood has been vibrating slightly!!

"It's really close, it's close"

Buggy shakes his head depressedly

Since seeing Luffy's Devil Fruit awakening in Little Garden, Buggy has a new goal for developing Devil Fruit!!

Everyone is Paramecia Devil Fruit....Since Luffy's Rubber Rubber Fruit can be awakened, can't his split fruit be awakened...??

After coming out of Little Garden, Buggy has been practicing active splitting over and over again, while trying to split external objects!!

He has done experiments with many things and found that the inorganic matter can respond to his splitting ability, but the organic matter has almost no response to its splitting ability!!

That's why Buggy focused on Training this splitting ability on inorganic matter!!

The reason for using wood for training is not that there is anything special about this piece of wood, but because Buggy used this piece of wood for the first time to practice with inorganic substances

"Obviously I already feel it, but it's always a little bit worse, damn it! Even if I can't keep up with Luffy, I will be leave by him!!Come again! I must awaken!!" 


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C128
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


