68.96% One Piece: A Swordsman's Path / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Killer of Observation Haki

章 20: Chapter 20 Killer of Observation Haki

Boris Hideout, Deserted Island.

"Hmm~ guess you have something up your sleeve, no wonder you seemed confident at the start"

Said Boris to Rox who had covered his eyes with a white blindfold, his tone somewhat serious, not underestimating Rox at all, earlier all that was just to down the confidence of Rox, his improvement had truly shocked him.

In just one and a half year, the other party was able to improve this much, this was a miracle to him, especially when the other party was just growing up, just 12, a tender age.


Rox didn't say anything in response, and drilled the swords in his hands to the ground, the grey kimono above till the black sash, opening to reveal a strong, sturdy body without any scars or anything similar, like a piece of diamond.


Next moment, Rox held the hilt of sword again, leaving an afterimage rushing towards Boris, an air cutting sound in the air.

"Too slow!!"


Shook Boris his head in mocking, disappearing from his place, appearing around 100 meters away, behind him blood flying high in the air, Rox motionless on his place, his back facing Boris, a long gruesome wound on his chest, blood seeping down.


But instead of falling down, Rox calmly turned around, his eyes looking straight into Boris, the wound on his chest recovering at an incredible speed, blood stopping already, little by little, the ripped off skin recovering.


Boris saw the recovering wound of Rox, his eyes widening from shock, too shocked to even speak, he never knew Rox had such recovery power.



But Boris didn't get time to ponder much on the situation, Rox once again at the same speed as before, rushing towards him, hurriedly bringing the axe before him, weapon hitting sound in the air, Rox pushed back again.

"You…Haha…what a surprise…I can get an even bigger amount for you…you really are my lucky star!!!"

But the shock in the eyes of Boris was quickly replaced by endless excitement, laughing like a madman, eyeing Rox like a treasure.

"Not yet!"

Rox ignored the laughter of Boris and muttered to himself, his eyes under the blindfold closed, a mental image of him and Boris created in his mind.

In the imaginary world, Boris had a huge amount of green aura surrounding him, and he himself had red aura around him.

But little by little, that red aura around Rox was lessening, vanishing in the body of Rox, but not completely, Rox fully focused on that.



"It's useless no matter how many time you try!!"

Time and time again, Rox kept attacking Boris, but every time Boris prevailed, blood kept flying in the air, wounds appearing on Rox and recovering equally fast, Boris speaking out in a cruel tone.

"It's now!"


Rox who suffered another wound, calmly muttered to himself, rushing towards Boris, the world again turning into a mental image, Boris still with huge amount of green aura around him, but no sign of the earlier red aura around Rox, completely vanished.

"No matter how many times you try, it's impossible for you_____!!"


Said Boris again and while doing so slashed the black axe again, but his voice suddenly halted, eyes widened, a deep cut on the shoulder of Boris, Rox with blood dripping down from his swords behind him.

"This…my blood…you…"


Touching the cut wound on his right shoulder and seeing the dripping red blood, Boris with a shocked face inquired looking at Rox, but the response was again Rox turning into an afterimage rushing towards him.

"Don't ignore me!!!!!"



Roared Boris angrily, slashing the black axe madly, only to hit nothing, a red light passing by him, blood splashing on the ground, a long red wound on the chest of Boris.

"You…why can't I feel your breath…? what did you do?"

Asked Boris with some clarity in his eyes now, the wound on his chest waking him up to reality, the other party was really injuring him, and the reason was pretty simple, he couldn't feel the aura or breath of Rox at all.

Everyone has an aura, and Observation Haki uses that aura to predict moves, sense danger, everything depends on that aura or breath, without that aura or breath, Observation Haki is useless, and that was happening with him right now.

In his perception of Haki, Rox seemed to have completely vanished, and with just eyes, he couldn't capture Rox who was moving at a speed invisible to naked eye, resulting in him getting injured.

"What did I do?... I just killed your Haki…next is your turn"

Hearing his desperate question, Rox for the first time replied, a calm look on his face, waving the blood dripping swords in his hands.

"Finally…the gap is gone…mother…I can finally avenge you and leave this hell…"

Muttered Rox inwardly, an emotional look on his face, he was just a normal person from earth, and yet he had to experience so much after crossing to this world, only he knows how he has kept himself sane all these years.

Inhaling the same breath and living in the same place with the person who had killed his mother and uncle, this was the worst torture for Rox.

But now that he had made the Observation Haki of Boris useless, the gap had been lessened a lot, and now he finally had a chance to win.

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{AN and Spoilers Alert}

This ability is kind of similar to Shanks, in the latest book by Oda, 4 billion volume. Shanks is known as the "Killer of Observation Haki". He basically does the same as Rox did now, unsettling the breath of his opponent or hiding his own breath}




Navy_King Navy_King

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