60.86% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 70: The Waifus are complicated (Part 1)

章 70: The Waifus are complicated (Part 1)

Late at night all the people who were on the deck of the ship regardless of whether they were a child or an adult, man or woman, passenger or worker, rich or poor... everyone was loudly celebrating having survived the Hulk Pirate' attack without suffering personal damage or material loss.

And also without exception all surrounded and cheered their saviour! Frederick Freed! The most famous, feared and at the same time loved bounty hunter in all of West Blue!

Everyone wanted to get as close as possible to their hero and swing him through the air as only a lucky few...due to space and physical capacity limits...were getting the chance to do.

Everyone wanted to get as close as possible to their hero and swing him through the air as only a lucky few...due to space and physical capacity limits...were getting the chance to.

Everything was happiness, everything was fun, everything was positivism until...

"I don't deserve to breathe"

"I want to reincarnate in a mussel"

"Mites are more valuable than me"

"My name is too pretty for someone like me"

"The placenta should have lived in my place"

Dozens of people who once partyed like crazy fell to their knees with a twenty-seven years old rock star level depression



And among those depressed people was a very noisy girl who was recently woken up by the noise of the celebration and asked for explanations… something that momentarily stopped the party and took Fred out of the bubble of complacency that his fans had put in him

And like most of his standing fans, Fred also focused his attention on the depressed people and the girl who had just appeared

'This voice... is the same annoying voice I heard in Raymon's office' Fred thought after doing some memory, but was her appearance that caught his attention the most 'Her appearance...


In front of Fred there was a little cute girl about nine or eleven years old with fantasy pink hair colour adorned with two cute little girl braids. Round eyes with long eyelashes, especially the lower ones and also large pupils that, despite appearing black from a distance up close had a light pink color just like her hair.

'Yeah… she looks a lot alike… also…

This outfit...'

Since he reincarnated in this world, Fred had seen quite a few women and girls with pink hair, but few wearing a Gothic lolita outfit with so many frills, carrying a royal crown on her head and using umbrell… specially at night… with such particular design.

Not to mention, she had a mob of depressed people around her 

'Super loud voice…pink hair…Gothic lolita…depressed people…

Maybe she is...'

Fred still wasn't 100% sure... maybe 99.99%, but someone just confirmed it for him...

"Hey girl! Can't you see we're celebrating that..." Shouted one of Fred's fans, who...


Was pierced by a ghost and immediately fell on his knees extremely depressed "I don't deserve the clothes I wear"


And with this Fred completely cleared up his doubts...

'NO DOUBT! IT'S PERONA!' Fred thought quite happily upon see someone he knew 'The user of the Horo Horo No Mi and one of Zoro's future ships'

However, while he was happy, something completely different happened with the rest of the crew.

"NANIII!!!??? GHOSTS!!!?

RUN!!" Almost all the passengers and crew screamed as they took refuge behind Fred, their hero, the strongest guy there and who also had strange powers

Because the One Piece world Fred lived in was as real as the one in his past life, the official characters were hard to recognize sometimes. The Perona in front of him wasn't anime or manga character, but flesh and blood humans with completely different designs and 13 less years from her first appearance... and having a pre-pubescent voice didn't help either.

Until now Fred had seen celebrities in the newspapers and had even met famous One Piece characters like Hina, Dr. Hogback, Victoria Cindry... and no one else...

At most in this world their appearance was translated into a softened cosplay version of their original designs that made them seem somewhat ordinary, as if they were more or less normal people, without much difference between them and the extras… except for honourable exceptions.

Especially the slightly cartoonish characters like Perona were the hardest to recognize when translated into realistic designs. For example, Perona eyes changed a lot in this world to adopt less cartoonish characteristics in her case.

Reason why Fred had his doubts when seeing this character in real life

'Wow, I didn't expect to find an official character here, although she was certainly from West Blue as well.

Ah what nostalgia... it's so fun to find characters from my beloved One Piece inside One Piece' Fred thought, who was lost in his inner world while the world burned around him again, this time due to an annoyed little girl with superpowers 'If I'm not mistaken now he will be about ten years old, five younger than me...

Hmm... from what I understand she hasn't been recruited by Moria yet, just like Dr. Hogback...

I don't know the exact date when Perona joins Moria's gang, but if my memory serves me correctly, it will be three years from now when Hogback is recruited... and Perona was already with Moria then

So…could Moria come to recruit her right now instead of three years?'


You're the one to blame for all this fuss!?

Because of you I'll get wrinkles!" Perona yelled at Fred, who was certainly the most suspicious person here. The people she had depressed had been cheering him when he arrived and now he was acting as a human shield for the other passengers. "APOLOGIZE!






However, Fred paid no attention to the girl's demands.

He was too busy with his extremely important ramblings to pay attention to the tantrums of a somewhat spoiled brat 'Will Moria be around here trying to recruit her?

Will he try to recruit me too? Maybe he might want to use my body as a zombie? Or maybe as a shadow to power up the zombies?

I hope that's not the case, frankly!

He may be the weakest Shickibukai, but I'm not going to underestimate him… and killing him won't give me an economic benefit either

I could get benefits of another kind, but in general I would get more problems than benefits right now unfortunately...

In fact, I don't even intend to underestimate this little Perona...

She's physically weak, but her powers are fearsome, they nullify all defenses and make you say very ridiculous things...



And that lack of interest and attention irritated the puerile and spoiled Perona in a more aggravated way than any insult.

"HEY YOU! LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" Perona yelled at Fred as she spawned three of her Negative Hollows 

And directed them at Fred!

One of the many applications of the Horo Horo No Mi is that it's capable of creating intangible ghosts called Hollows that the user is able to control at will. Specifically, the Negative Hollow that can drain the will of any person it comes into contact with. Immediately falling on their knees and become very negative about themselves, sometimes to the point of wanting to commit suicide… but without killing themselves

And those dangerous non-mortal ghosts...


Pierced Fred, who had been too distracted by his own thoughts! 

And that little mistake...

It had no repercussions!




The ghosts went through Fred without depressing him in the slightest!

Something that surprised the passengers, who saw or experienced the devastating effects of these ghosts in their own flesh. To Fred, who knew that Akuma No Mi almost perfectly after seeing how it worked in the manga, anime and some movies...

But especially Perona...

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH???" Shouted Perona, who practically bulged her eyes, jaw, and even her snot out of place upon witnessing such an absurd impossibility "WHY MY NEGATIVE HOLLOWS DON'T AFFECT HIM!?"

Perona had no idea why her hitherto infallible Negative Hollow had completely failed her with Fred, but Fred but Fred thought he knew why.

'Oh… I see… my therapy is successful…

This makes things interesting'

As the fantastic Captain and God Usopp demonstrated, if a person was already negative they weren't affected by the Negative Hollows of the Horo Horo No Mi... and Fred had always been a very negative person. In addition, there was also the recent shock therapy to remember the advantages of being extremely humble so as not to forget that despite his recent success e was still a microbe extremely vulnerable to death within this world, galaxy, universe, multiverse and omniverse

A mentality that could help him in the future not to take unnecessary risks in the case of not having all the information and the chances of success weren't at least 99.99% without without sunk costs

Yes, a mentality that clashed with his goal in this life and especially with his recent goal of fighting complicated enemies with suicide tactics to obtain power-ups... but this contradiction didn't bring Fred out of his state of extreme negativity

A state of mind that rendered Perona's powers ineffective!

"I can't believe it doesn't work!" 



NEGATIVE HOLLOW!!" erona yelled as she created dozens of her phantoms and commanded them to pass through Fred one after the other and sometimes at once. "NEGATIVE HOLLOOOOOWWWWWW!!"

And Fred, seeing for the second time that this ability really had no effect on him and that therefore he was out of danger, returned to his mental realm to debate with the person he appreciated the most, himself.

'Yes, my extreme negativity is a perfect shield against her ability so I have nothing to fear from her...



But obviously I'm not a heartless dude... I would never hurt an innocent little girl... even if she's a bit annoying... especially when she's not bad at all and... I liked her character '

However, while Fred continued to think with absolute calm, Perona suffered one of the biggest crises of her life.

"It's impossible!

Why does it work with others and not with you?" Perona yelled as she sent her ghost to more people besides Fred to see if the problem was her fault or not "NEGATIVE HOLLOW!"

"Don't cry at my funeral, I don't deserve it"

"What a relief...

My powers are still working..." Perona said after the experiment as she faced what was probably her natural enemy. "So is it your fault?"

However, Fred didn't even hear the question, he was still in his inner world 'That is! I could recruit her!

She has an extremely useful ability in many aspects and despite not having a combat profile, she was quite competent in the future.

She knew how to navigate, cook and act as a guide for people without orientation among many other things'

"Fall to your knees!

COME ON!" Perona yelled as she grabbed and pulled the immobile Fred's leg to knock him over as her ghosts continued to pass through him "How many kilograms does your leg weigh? This isn't normal!"

But Fred remained undeterred, both by the material and immaterial "attacks" of the Gothic Lolita loli Perona 'Her personality isn't a problem either

Yes, she's noisy and annoying at times, but those details can be corrected with the techniques I learned in the mythical TV show [The Dog Whisperer].

She was loyal to her superior most of the time and also quite friendly, after all he helped Zoro for years even though they started as enemies...

All in all, she's a good girl...

Yes, she did bad things when she worked for Moria, but she hasn't done any of that yet, I'll guide her on the right path' 

"Say something ridiculous and embarrassing like everyone else!

IS NOT DIFFICULT!" Shouted Perona, who after verifying that she couldn't bring down her enemy tried to negotiate with him showing what he was supposed to do with living examples "LOOK! IT'S DONE LIKE THIS!"

"Sorry for breathing the same oxygen as you"

"The worms that will eat my corpse in the future deserve someone better than me"

"If I reincarnate I deserve to be a box of shrimp"

But it seemed as if Fred's super-developed ears had been dull for quite some time.

'Besides, she's Waifu Material in the future!

And having comic relief with me would be nice to get over my grim and bloody adventures with a smile.

My viewers... if I have them... surely would love this development...

Yes, I have to recruit her before Moria does...

But how?



Hmm... I think I've come up with a good idea...'






BUEEEEHHHH!!!!" Shouted Perona, who between tears of impotence hit Fred's legs with her small and soft fists repeatedly "REACT IN SOME WAY!!


No one had ignored her for so long, let alone someone she needed an immediate response from. This continuous lack of attention became a torture for the mind of the loli Perona, who cried harder with each passing second, as if someone was harassing her despite the fact that she was the sole initiator of the conflict.

Cries that finally brought Fred out of his state of hyper concentration "Um...little girl whose identity I don't know...

What's your name?"


My name is Perona

Sniff..." Perona answered as she wiped away her tears, somewhat calmer now that Fred was paying the attention she needed "Someone have a handkerchief?"

"Ok Perona...

Sorry if we woke you up, but making this much noise wasn't our choice nor was it inevitable.

Recently some pirates have attacked this ship and we have had to fight them making a lot of noise in the process.

¿Can you be a little understanding and stop using your powers on innocent people?" Said Fred as he bent down to have a conversation in a more effective way and also wipe her tears and snot with his handkerchief. A conversation in which he tried to provide reasons and make that child see that what she was doing was wrong for many reasons "They're victims like you that wanted to sleep tonight

Dou you understand right?"

A successful approach. 

"Yes…maybe you're right" 

Perona began to calm down and figure out the situation after analyzing her surroundings full of naked or semi-naked corpses of pirates 

"But… but…"

Even so, Perona like the spoiled little child she's was reluctant to completely accept this reproach and to consider that what she had done was completely unjustified.

"But but...

You were all screaming, laughing and having fun!



Reasoning was of little use with her in this state...

Just as Fred anticipated from the start!

The previous conversation had only been an approach to pave the way for their final solution.

"Oh come on Perona... don't cry...

If you keep crying and getting angry…" Fred said as he showed his ultimate weapon against crying little girls "Po the bear will be very sad!"

Without Perona seeing it, Fred turned one of his hairs into an adorable panda cub whose appearance had an immediate effect on Perona.


SO CUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Yelled Perona, whose eyes suddenly turned into hearts, instantly ending her anger, whining, and tantrum "SO LOVELY! SO FLUFFY! SO… SO…


Although the appearance of a panda cub would soften the heart of any girl, Perona was a great bear lover, or at least she had an extreme fixation with them. Which is why Fred's dirty and even classic tactic was bound to work.

"Let me hug him!

Please! Please! Please!" Perona said as she jumped repeatedly with excitement trying to reach the adorable little panda that Fred created with the Life Life No Mi and that he kept holding in his arms out of Perona reach "I need to hug him!" 

Predictable actions and words by a little girl that activated the second phase of Fred's plan.

Using the panda cub as a ventriloquist doll with an extremely cute voice that would project perfectly thanks to his training in the art of impersonating people "Hi Perona, I'm Po I'd love for you to give me a hug, but...

I don't like hugging bad girls...

Are you a bad girl?"

"NO! I'm a good girl!" Perona answered, almost believing that the cute little bear wast the one talking to her "I'm a very good girl!"

'She's taken the bait' Fred thought as he brought the panda a little closer to Perona, but still unreachable with their difference in height "If you're a really good girl...

Will you stop making a scandal and doing ugly things to these good people?"

"YEAH! I swear Mr Po!" Answered Person, more anxious, excited and happy to see that the cute Po was getting closer to her "Come with me... come with me..."

And in view of this success, Fred repeated the play "You will stop using your Akuma No Mi powers with them!"

"YES! OF COURSE!" Perona answered almost automatically upon see that that soft animal would be closer to her if she asnwered positively "No more Negative Hollows"

And one more time… approaching the panda to Perona a bit more "You will apologize to them for having frightened and depressed them!"

"YEAH! I WILL ASK THEM FOR FORGIVENESS!" Perona said as she tried to put on the most genuine regretful face she could "PEOPLE! I'M SO SORRY!!"

"Will you hug me and caress me with a lot of affection, love and care?" Said Fred as Po made super adorable faces and gestures

An adorable spectacle that ended with any kind of reasoning ability of Perona, who could almost touch that source of black and white cuteness "OF COURSE!

With all the care, love and care of the world Mr Po"

"Will you join the Fred group and work for him from now on?" Fred said as he…almost…put Kumachi directly into Perona's hands.


Of course I'll do it!" Perona answered, who after this answer finally received Kumachi in her arms and hugged him tenderly... she was able to use her brain again with a certain normality "I'm going to...

Wait… THE WHAT?!"

'JACKPOT' Fred thought, that after closing that deal with his Pact Magic couldn't help but make those thoughts of victory visible with one of his typical creepy smiles and malevolent faces 'MUA HAHAHAHAHA!!!'




You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

Second part in few days

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C70
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


