75.65% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 87: Maginified (Part 2)

章 87: Maginified (Part 2)

Somewhere in the big world of One Piece

In an extremely gloomy room, too gloomy without any need, a person was standing in front of a desk.

A person with delusions of grandeur for having some individual power and authority over others that for some convenient reason couldn't be clearly seen. Not his face, body or clothing, just his blurred silhouette.

"Sir...Mr Nobody...

Almost a day has passed since Bege started his confrontation with Fred but the mole that we have infiltrated in Bege's gang hasn't contacted us"

And in front of him, sitting at that desk was another person who was impossible to distinguish due to the poor lighting in the room, but who conveyed several times more individual and organizational power. And that anonymous person finally spoke minutes after being informed, when he finished the paperwork he was filling out before the interruption

"And that could mean many things, but I think these three are the most likely reasons…

The mole is unable to report to us because the rest of his gang don't leave him alone after the victory against Fred and we will see that kid's body displayed somewhere in the next few days...

The mole has died during the assault, but Bege has emerged victorious...


Fred has slaughtered the entire Bege gang, we have lost a good collaborator, we probably won't be able to get the Akuma No Mi he promised us and that humanoid pest with many ridiculous nicknames will become an even bigger pain in the ass" Mr Nobody said without getting up from his chair, without even looking his lackey in the face. "Which of these three possibilities would you bet on?"

"Without a doubt the first option, but... as you have told me many times, I tend to confuse what I would like to happen with what's likely to happen, that's why I prefer not to bet" The anonymous lackey responded, somewhat frustrated by the attitude that his boss showed towards him, but without losing respect for him in the slightest, and even trying to win him over. "Much less if that guy is involved."

"Wise but boring decision, just the way I like it" Answered Mr Nobody finally willing to look at his lackey, but only to give him an order "Send someone to investigate the outcome of that battle before addressing this topic again.

Rambling is highly unproductive."

"Of course sirs, but…

What do we do in the event that Fred has won? Shall we go after our Akuma No Mi and… eliminate that nuisance once and for all?" The anonymous subordinate asked, not hiding his dislike towards Fred in the least.

It wasn't the first time that he or someone from the organization proposed something similar, providing all kinds of arguments. Fred was affecting his business, his reputation, his patience or simply eliminating a rival and preventing him from becoming more powerful over the years.

However, his superior...

"We? Nothing

The chances of getting the Akuma No Mi back from his hands are low and resentment, especially over stupid things like yours, are bad advisors and bad motivators in business." Answered Mr Nobody emphasizing that he wasn't satisfied with the irrational behavior of his subordinates and that he wasn't willing to feed them. "Yes, it's true that over the years Fred has killed many of our collaborators, has affected our business and has made us look quite bad in the eyes of the world, but…

There has never been a direct confrontation between us and I don't want that to change anytime soon.

Everything becomes very strange and unpredictable when Fred is involved and now that he has the power of a strange Akuma No Mi everything can become even stranger."

"But... this..."

That answer left his subordinate completely dissatisfied. He hoped that on this occasion, where they had probably lost such an important collaborator as Bege and an Akuma No Mi, he would finally get the green light to kill Fred.

"Sir, I think…"

"Don't get me wrong!" Mr Nobody interrupted before wasting time listening childish tantrums that he was going to disavow anyway. "I have no doubt that we could kill him if we want, but I'm not sure what price we should pay to completely eradicate this twisted vengeful psychopath acclaimed by the masses.

If you try to solve a problem but the cost may far exceed the benefit, it's better to let that lesser evil continue to exist, even if its existence bothers us."

"Yes sir" Replied the lackey, who accepted that logical explanation, although part of him refused to accept that order. "As you order…"

The footman wasn't happy with this decision and Mr Nobody was aware of that. His hatred towards Fred was very deep and he grew everyday with every press release that praised him. 

Mr. Nobody feared that if he failed to control the impulses of his valued subordinate he might act on his own to take over his direct competition and put him in a very compromising situation.

For this reason Mr. Nobody tried to appease the beast within him

"Let's be patient...

I hate him too, but sooner or later that arrogant kid will grow up, go to the Grand Line, hopefully he'll die there and everything will go back to normal in the West Blue without us having to lift a single finger.

"Don't let what that fifteen-year-old kid does, says, or someone says about him affect you." Said Mr Nobody, who finally got up from his chair to speak face to face and from a similar position to his subordinate, if it weren't for the fact that his size and muscle mass exceeded his "Even so, make him an offer for the Akuma No Mi that he... got.

He may be willing to sell it, after all that fruit is only useful in the right stomach."

"I will do so." The lackey agreed, trying to take a deep breath to suppress his desire to ignore his boss's orders and go after Fred. "I hope I succeed."

"Employ several intermediaries so that whoever has to request the purchase of Fred doesn't know who started the chain and... ask them to be nice to him" Mr Nobody said, reminding his lackey once again that he shouldn't mix his feelings with the work he had assigned to him "I insist to make it clear to you, I don't want our paths to cross if it can be avoided.

"Think with your head... as you usually do whenever your mind isn't clouded with hate."

"Yes, sir…" Replied the lackey, who angrily erased from his head some counterproductive ideas to carry out the mission in the terms that had been required of him. "At your command."


Like every morning whenever he was on the island of Narhad, the big 1,2m falcon known as Captain Mcnugget flew above the skies. Not only to exercise and enjoy the breeze, but also to remind the rest of the forgetful birds who was the boss in that airspace.

And today he had plenty of reasons to show off!

Thanks to the strange power of Fred, the weird he took care of, now his body had become hard and shiny like metal, increasing his status before the pathetic meat birds that couldn't compete against steel... or so Stephen said...

However, that wasn't the only change in Captain McNugget nor the main reason for making this morning flight.

Today was a very special day for Captain Mcnugget, since he finally felt that he could be of real help to the people he loved so much and who now saw the same landscape that he witnessed through his eyes, literally.

"I finally have a castle!" shouted Perona, who was leaning dangerously out of the window that had become the left eye of her favorite hawk. "A flying castle named Hawky!"

"He's neither yours nor his name is Hawky!

He has a name and his name is Captain Mcnugget!" Protested Fred, whose protective instinct prompted him to grab Perona from behind fearing that she could fall 

As was now evident the candidate to eat the Shiro Shiro No Mi to become a human... or castle hawk... was Captain Mcnugget

Like Bege, the steel falcon could now house people inside himself and discreetly carry them wherever he went, but unlike Bege... among a long list of differences... Captain Mnugget still maintained the ability to fly through the skies of a normal falcon

With this move Fred managed to make the Shiro Shiro No Mi profitable in the best way he could think of. Turni his beloved, faithful and even intelligent winged friend into a fascinating flying castle that could trouble his enemies and help his allies on and off the battlefield.

A winged castle that, like Bege, could also manifest within itself to interact with the people who lived inside him


"What!? You prefer Hawky?" Fred protested indignantly upon hearing that someone who was almost a son to him renounced the name he himself gave him "Damn traitor."

"Fred, we all prefer Hawky, don't take this the wrong way" Roxanne said on behalf of everyone… 

And everyone just like her, sat staring at him with their arms and wings crossed.

It was evident from their coordination that they had reached a consensus behind his back and that this was clearly an intervention against Fred and his horrible taste in naming living and sometimes non-living things.


Ok... criticism understood..." Said Fred, reluctantly forced to give in before moving on to a topic he was more comfortable with. "But let's talk about serious topics again.

What do you think of the functionalities of our portable flying castle, Mr engineers?"

Since Hawky, the falcon formerly known as Captain Mcnugget, ate the Shiro Shiro No Mi, turning into a metal falcon fortress, the owners, managers and workers of FreedSteel had some of the questions about that complex fruit 

Are the cannons of this Akuma No Mi built-in as standard? Is it possible to exchange them for more modern assault weapons? Can the user manipulate these cannons at will at all times or does he need people inside to fire them for him?

Is it possible to modify the internal and external structure of the castle? If possible, could the user manipulate them at will or do they need external labor to make the modifications? Could extensions be made to make it bigger?

What level of control does the user have over his own interior? Could he monitor everything in real time at all times? While he was paying attention to his insides and even materializing there, what was happening with his real body?

Did the castle come furnished as standard? Were the flooring, furniture and even decorations over which the user has control already incorporated into the castle? Was it possible to control furniture other than what came standard in the castle? Could the marble floor be changed to put parquet?

Where did the electricity come from that illuminated areas without natural light and powered appliances, such as the refrigerator? Where did the water that the waifus Nami and Carrot used to bathe inside come from? Where does that water go once used? Was it recycled? Maybe pissed on by the user? If something moderately large and solid fell down the drain was pissed on too? In that case, was there a risk of genital tearing?

Questions and more questions that after a rigorous analysis could finally be confirmed

"The inside of Hawki's body has become almost a dream come true.

He's capable of modifying everything inside at will whenever he wants, including the layout of the rooms, what's in them, and even manipulating these elements in impossible ways." Stephen responded with excessive motivation, especially when he realized that he could develop one of his greatest passions within this bird. "I think we could even set up a small production line here at practically zero cost."

One that can be modified and controlled at will to our needs whenever we want!


"Once the castle itself assimilates some type of asset, furniture, decoration or static element that fits with the castle theme Hawky will be able to create it inside it as many times as he wants, wherever he wants and even manipulate them and combine them 

As Stephen rightly says, the applications that we can give to its interior are superior to those of being a simple home, a method of transportation or a flying artillery bunker." Answered Marlon with more sobriety despite being as fascinated as his son. "It's a shame that this duplication and manipulation ability doesn't work with ammunition, food, money, raw materials... and that items created inside the castle cannot go outside."

"Nothing is perfect, if this power was so convenient, Bege would have put up more of a fight... although I am sure that we will be able to use it better than them" Fred said, happy to see that Bege's fruit had far exceeded his expectations despite to not be perfect. "But don't worry too much about ammunition, unlike with Bege we're few, so we won't waste space with ostentatious rooms

We will have a lot of storage space, not just ammunition."

"And with your powers the storage space is multiplied several times" Roxanne said, adding even more optimism to the equation "Goodbye to logistical problems"

If having the ability to reduce boxes full of tons of products to the size of a poodle's tooth to carry them in bags and pockets was already convenient, having the ability to store thousands of them inside a castle compressed to the size of your falcon was already abusive.

It wasn't as convenient as a space ring with almost unlimited capacity of the martial arts novel, but it was practically unbeatable in the world of One Piece.

In this way, everyone was burning with passion for the possibilities that this Akuma No Mi could offer them.

"The important thing is to replace those standard cannons with our defensive and offensive systems" Marlon shouted, eager to start this project as soon as possible… after finishing the other big project ""This place allows a great level of customization!

I'm going to have a great time in here!"

Right now, in the heat of the moment, everyone would like to dedicate themselves completely to improving Hawki, but unfortunately their schedule was already full beforehand, so they would have to wait a while before they could fully furnish their new apartment.

"Yes, more work...

Train, study, put the finishing touches on our Den Den Mushi, design our future military and business strategy, learn to coordinate with... Hawki... to master the castle better, start my projects to create super animals and super plants, train predators to turn them into weapons of war at my command, pack things for the trip…" Fred sighed exhaustedly as he sat on a chair that Hawky had made appear under his ass before sitting down "I'm not going to sleep at all for two months... I almost miss hunting pirates."

"You don't say. That makes two of us" Sighed Stephen, who fell on his ass on the floor trying to emulate his friend, since he couldn't establish a magical connection with Hawky to induce him to make chairs appear at the moment he wanted. "I don't want to bore you with my list but... just having to adapt Hawky, create your new semi-biological weapons and build A FUCKING HUGE SUBMARINE I have enough work to not sleep in these two months"

"Are you sure we need a boat or submarine with Hawky?" Asked the giant astral projection of Perona, who was flying out of the castle with Hawky while his real body slept in a little bed that Hawky had materialized. "HE CAN FLY!

That's better than traveling over or under the sea!"

Unfortunately that idea wasn't as wonderful as she thought.

"Although it's true that… Hawky… body is extremely convenient as a means of transportation, it's not perfect...

Yes, virtually... Hawky... could fly over all the seas without stopping for a second thanks to the vitamin supplements and anti-sleep drugs that we would provide him from inside... and he could even rest floating in the water thanks to my initial requirements in preparation to make him eat the fruit." Fred responded that, although he fully trusted… Hawky… he didn't want to take the risk knowing that there were quite a few weaknesses that a normal method of transportation don't have. "But he could get tired, get sick in the middle of the flight, encounter a tornado or who knows what other mishaps of living being

Think of…Hawky…as an emergency escape method, storage, surprise attack element, and fully armed flying fortress rather than a perfect, foolproof vehicle between islands"

It hurt to hear that, after all the idea of sailing the seas inside a living flying castle was fascinating, but they understood that they could expect or demand so much to Hawky. Much less force him to travel for days in dangerous seas with them inside him.

But they could...

"Ok, but speaking of flying fortress…

Can Hawky transform into a giant flying fortress?" Marlon, Stephen and even Perona asked with eyes full of hope while they begged like children "Please please!

Please please!

Please please!"

A plea that Fred and Hawky had been waiting for for minutes: "Ok, Captain Mcnugget, you heard, your audience cheers for you."


"Ok...Hawky... you've already heard, your audience cheers for you" Fred corrected after that protest "I'll have a hard time getting used to this name"

After hearing his actual name, Hawky's body began to mutate...

Suddenly his metallic feathers took on a stone-like texture and then ihisbody, substantially larger than that of the average falcon, began to grow exponentially at a rapid pace.

Still in the air, in less than three seconds its body grew to reach 70 meters in length and 50 meters in width!

In this form, his body seemed to be made up of a strange hybrid material between steel, flesh and stone with some windows that showed that there was something inside that gigantic living structure that seemed to emulate a castle.

A castle with a door with a trapdoor in its belly so people could enter, small legs that went inside its body to facilitate flight, an extremely sharp battering ram beak capable of destroying anything that collided with it and dozens of cannons throughout its giant structure

Cannons that were also present on its long wings, each one even larger than its main body, which didn't move to keep the giant fortress afloat.


To maintain the castle theme and at the same time allow Big Hawky's wings to fly, propellers and thrusters emerged to allow one of the fastest animals in the world to retain his title even in this form

A title that had to be revalidated, since with the increase in its size its speed increased as well as its size.


A heart-stopping speed with which Hawky, Perona, Marlon, Roxanne, Stephen and Fred took to the skies like they never thought they would until very recently.

"Fred, the fact that you can now extract Akuma No Mis and can use them in this way...

Was that part of the plans you shared with me a few days ago?" Asked Stephen, who had become a little sentimental about flying inside something very similar to the airplanes Fred had told him about when he was little. "I sense that's not the case."

"No... I wanted to make sure my theory was true before changing our roadmap.

The plan has changed again" Fred stated as he contemplated the landscape he had helped create. "It's always changing... and improving."

"Well, now I think it's a good time to share it with everyone" Said Perona, who joined the conversation with his astral body. "Before changing it again."

"Hehe... of course...

In two months we will…"


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

Second part in few days. It's going to be a pretty long second part.

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C87
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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