22.22% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 8: Day 4x1 - Death Roll

章 8: Day 4x1 - Death Roll

"Tell me where you're hiding him!"

You still weren't fully used to the whole sleeping the day away but you slept a lot better than yesterday. The rep had must have picked up on the fact you'd be sleeping in the morning because he didn't call. Your dreams were playbacks of the previous night all blurred together.

You woke up feeling refreshed and ready to sleuth more. As you went about your routine you put your 'thinking cap' on.

There was still a lot to think about. Even if you fixed Bonnie there was still the matter of what had happened to him in the first place.

Nobody seemed to know and you kept forgetting to ask the rep if he knew. All you knew was that he was 'slain' a year and a half before the incident with Gregory. And that Vanessa was not working there when he died.

It had to have been murder; there was no way you could come up with any alternative. The club indent, the crushed or fallen dents from some kind of height, damages that look to have been from a fight. It was clear as day to you. It couldn't have been an accident.

The biggest problem was who and why. Vanessa and Gregory were automatically ruled out because they weren't even around. Based on their reactions to Bonnie; that ruled out Freddy and Chica. That left Sun, Moon, Monty, Roxanne and that Music DJ guy. You figure to rule the DJ out because he seemed too big to even leave his area. You hadn't met him yet but based on the picture in the flyer he was too big to do so. Or rather if he did, it made no sense.

You doubted his huge hands could even comfortably wield a golf club, let along hit someone with it. Unless Bonnie fell on a club? There were lots of possibilities.

Not to mention there were other unnamed animatronics you had seen in the plex like those endos, old animatronics in the bowling videos and possible other retired animatronics. The plex held a lot of secrets.

You hadn't interacted with Roxanne at all other than her possibly threatening on your first day. There was also that threat to kill you if you interfered with her game against Gregory. And you haven't seen Monty at all. You think you may have seen him yesterday with Vanessa, going to the...golf course. Huh, it was Monty golf after all. Why didn't it occur to you he could be the prime suspect? You facepalm yourself at this revelation.

Across the room your phone goes off, playing the chase music from the terminator film. It snapped you out of detective mode. You were in the middle of cooking some stir fry so you to not go hungry tonight. It was slapped together with leftovers you had in your fridge and some added seasoning. Taking the pan off the burner you answer your phone.

The time read 6:00PM and sure enough, it was the rep.

"Evening, (Y/N). Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, of course. I want to talk to you about your recent work." You caught hints of cheeriness in his voice, not the malicious kind though.

"I'm listening."

"Well, first of all, I would like to say good work so far. To be honest we thought Bonnie to be irreparable. Especially after all that time."

"Thanks." Come to think of it you never got his name.

The rep clears his throat. "The main part I wanted to ask you about was your note at the end. Hypothetically speaking, would you be interested in a full time position as robotics manager slash engineer? H-Hypothetically of course."

"Yes, definitel-" You already knew your answer.

"Well, before I can offer anything I need to legally tell you that the past few managers have...." He pauses. "Incidents with the animatronics and are no longer with the company. Legally I also have to tell you that the company has a bit of a history with..." He was trying to find the right legal words. "...disappearances and that some of our managers have had deadly...incidents on the job, aswellassomepatrons." He sped through that last part.


"BUT. I can say with utmost confidence that no technician manager since then has since gone missing."

"Because you can't hire any?" You felt like throwing in a snarky comment, just for fun.

"R-Regardless of that. I can personally verify that since last year the plex has had no disappearances at all. The issue has been-uh-resolved." He sounded very hard to be confident. You could almost feel him sweating through the phone. "But you've worked a few days it's completely safe right?"

"About 'last year'. That wouldn't be related to the incident with the band last year would it?"

The rep lets out an audible sigh. "So you know then?" He sounded defeated.

"Freddy explained a bit of it."

"Darnit. Well, it's a long story and that was a previous era of our establishment. It took a lot of time, work and volunteers to bring the plex where it is today. I can give you my word there hasn't been any incidents since then."

"Alright, sure. If the position were open I would be very much interested in joining."

The rep was both overjoyed and relieved that you were still interested even after he gave his spiel. He was desperate enough that gave in to all of your demands for the position. In shame he also explained that all other candidates had refused the position after hearing what had happened before. You felt it necessary to ask what exactly went down. Maybe it could reveal some clues about Bonnie.

He gave you a condensed version of what "officially" happened with last year's incident. In short, you learned that the animatronics had gotten infected with some sort of virus and there was a massive fire in the plex. The resulting event caused major damage to all the animatronics requiring the plex to shut down temporarily to fix everything. He didn't get into the specifics of how exactly the animatronics were infected but you figure you'd find out later anyways.

They referred to it as the SB-9 incident. In the end he said he would get on the paperwork done ASAP but that he would give you an official signing contract come the end of the week. He also mentioned he had an extended report of the incident he could give if you wanted but you declined, it seemed irrelevant for now.

(Y/N), Head Technician. You liked the sound of that.

"Was there anything else you needed?" His whole tone was upbeat now.

"Yes actually." Finally remembering what you needed to ask him, you do. "Do you know how Bonnie got decommissioned?"

"Honestly. I don't know. One morning he was just found like that. No explanation as to why or what happened. We were going to do an 'autopsy' but then the body vanished. It's been gone until a few months ago when it re-appeared randomly. The first time he was found was...If I remember correctly it was in the-uh-race course. Yes. That's where they found him. He was last seen on security cameras entering the golf course. We didn't have any footage of him after that. That's about all I can remember. Why do you ask?"

"I have a theory that Bonnie may have been, well, murdered. Say I repair him, what's just stopping the culprit from doing it again?"

"Hmm. Well, the security guard at the time was fired a few weeks later. I wouldn't worry about it. The things that caused a lot of issues at the plex are gone, destroyed. The SB-9 incident, while terrible in the short term has made the plex much, much safer. It's likely your 'killer' hasn't been to the plex in years. Really, since Freddy and his friend solved the whole issue there hasn't been any major events at the plex."

'Freddy's friend' was probably just Gregory; he must have been trying not to name him because it could cause legal issues.

"What about finding the body? Any security footage from that day?"

"To be honest, I haven't really looked. It's likely one of the bots brought him there. They have a mind of their own sometimes."

"Well, if you remember anything about that night could you give me a call? I've been sort of conducting my own investigation."

"Alright. I'll be in tomorrow. I'll ask some of our older employees if they remember anything."


"Alright then, (Y/N), have a good night, and welcome aboard." The rep said cheerily. You said bye and hung up.

There was still a bit of time before your shift. You get your stir-fry and sit in front of the TV. The news was on. You take out your phone and begun dumping all the notes you know about "Bonnie's case" down.

You also do a bit of research into what is publicly known about Bonnie's disappearance but find nothing except for a few forum posts from annoyed parents that their kids favourite animatronic up and disappeared.

The rest of the evening goes by quickly and sure enough you find yourself at the entrance to the plex waving to Vanessa.

It had grown colder since yesterday and you were wearing a hoodie to compensate. You packed some more energy bars though with the big meal you had you should be fine.

"Management told me about the 'new' position. So you took it?" Vanessa started off.

"Yeah, I don't mind working here."

"Ha, I can see that. I don't know what you said to Freddy last night but he was giving it his all today. Apparently he was way better with the kids too. You'll be good here."


"I am a bit surprised you joined even after that whole the whole spiel he gives." Vanessa said, referring to the rep.

The both of you enter the plex. She gave you a pat on the back as you both enter.

"Well, he said there hadn't been any issues since SB-9 and both he and Freddy gave me a rundown of it so I guess it is okay."

"Oh, you know about the incident? Yeah, there haven't been any issues since that day. The plex changed a lot since then."

"Hey were you working during then?"

Vanessa looked away. "Hmmm." She paused. Picking her words carefully, she said. "Long story short, yes, I was on duty when it happened. I'd rather not talk about it though."

"Ah, sorry. It's okay. I didn't mean to pry."

"It's fine." Vanessa said looking ahead again, "Oh, by the way if you get a chance could you speak with Monty? He was acting up today, even more than usual. "

Monty was acting up? "What happened?"

"Apparently he's just been out of it today. Even snapped at a parent. I think it's whatever got Freddy down yesterday. You managed to cheer up Freddy, maybe you can help Monty?"

"Alright, I'll see if I can find him. Where does he hang out?"

"If he's not in his room try the golf course." Vanessa said pointing in the direction of the course.

"Sure." You give Vanessa the thumbs up and continue on your way to parts.

As you get to the ceiling walkway to take your daily look down you stop. At the end of the walkway was one of the animatronics.

It was dimly lit, the coloured ceiling lights lighting up parts of the walkway. There was a figure standing at the end of the walkway, blocking the path. Though dark you could easily make out who it was.

Montgomery Gator, or as everyone called him, Monty.

He was designed after his namesake, a gator. Had a long jaw. He had a multicoloured tail with segments in patterns of yellow and green. His chest area and bottom of his jaw were yellow as well. The top of his head was all green with a pair of star glasses covering his eyes. Based on pictures you had seen he supposedly had a mohawk but it was obscured by a cowboy hat he wore. His legs had scale patterns and arms some kind of spotted black pattern on it with spiked bracelets on each arm. His hands and feet were purple, matching his shoulder pads.

This was the current bassist for the band.

He was leaning against one of the rails holding the walkway up, arms crossed, head down. His cowboy hat covering his hair. You had to admit he looked cool, standing in the darkness. His tail flicked when you saw him.

Maybe he just wanted to talk? You approach cautiously, ready for anything.

When he sees your close enough he unfurls his arms and stands in the way blocking the path the exit. It looked like he was breathing heavily, the way he was idling. You could just barely see his eyes behind starry glasses. They emitted a bright purple glow to them. It didn't look friendly.

He looked you up and down, red eyes locking on to you. You briefly saw some kind of beam from them. Was he scanning you?

"So you're the one fixing ol' big ears, eh." Monty said finally. Behind the modulation was a southern drawl.

How did he? Shoot, Freddy must have told him, that idiot. Or maybe Chica did?

"So what if I am?" You make your best attempt at standing firm though still slightly intimidated by him. It occurs to you a second later that you probably should have just feigned ignorance. It didn't seem like he was going to give the friendly reception that Chica and Freddy did.

"I don't know what you think you're doing but you'll stop it. Tonight." He stared right at you, flicking his cowboy hat up so you could see his eyes fully. "I don't know how you found him but you won't fix him." Monty says. He lets out a growl that sounded like a boat engine starting up. Needless to say but you start quaking. It was clear he wasn't here to introduce himself. You take a step back.

Fight Theme (vs. Monty)

Artist: Eternvl Svdness

Song: Hologram

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYna_JO-hVU

Maybe you can still play dumb? "I don't know what you're talking about." You barely get out. Your throat starts to dry up.

He stomps forward. "Don't lie to me." He snaps. "I know your game. You think you can just replace me?" He snarls at you and lunges forward. You jump back and he missed. Monty lands on the grate and pulls himself up. His hat falls down to the race course.

You look back. The whole walkway was a maze but you couldn't see an alternate route to the other side. Freddy's room had a shortcut to parts. Maybe you could duck there? Your mind starts racing. Vanessa had to be nearby. But you didn't have your watch. You left it in Bonnie's room.

Monty stomped forward, the whole walkway shaking.

Wait, there was an alternate route across. You just had to manoeuvre around him.

Monty roars. It sounds like a jet engine. It echoed throughout the whole race course. He was through with talking.

Now was time to run.

You run back taking a hard left at the first turn you see. You can hear him stomping behind you. "Get back here!" You can hear from behind you.

You fidget with your tazer holder trying to unlock it. Your mind racing and heart pounding. You could feel adrenaline starting to surge.

Wait, the charging port! It could boost your tazer. And you had the cord on you! Monty was fast but not fast enough you couldn't catch a few seconds to look around.

To the side of the walkway was a maintenance door labelled EMPLOYEES ONLY. Monty was in the way but you juke around him, waiting for him to get just close enough. You go the opposite direction to bait him away so you could get a direct path.

Once successful you get around his line and run as fast as you can to the door and port.

You got your tazer out. If only Freddy was here, he could take on Monty. The tazer should work you think. While running you notice the stomping stops. You turn back to see Monty in the air, swinging on the rafters to get ahead. He lands in front of the door easily beating you to it.

For heavy animatronics they sure were agile. Monty just laughs at you. "You can't escape me." He said ominously.

You weren't going to get to the port. Your next bet was to make it to Rockstar Row and alert Vanessa, Freddy, Chica, whoever you could find.

Seeing the place you entered from you make a mad dash to it, ignoring Monty. All this running was starting to wear on you. I should be able to at least make it to the Row, you think. The backpack with your tools on didn't help unfortunately. Wait a minute. You take off the backpack. It was durable enough. Putting the tazer away for a second you pause.

You let Monty get closer and chuck it at him. He swats it away with ease and you use the distraction to run back to the lobby. Just before you get to the end you look behind you. Monty was nowhere to be found. You look forward again just as Monty lands in front of you. His jump shook the whole walkway. He had the lobby route blocked with arms outstretched.

"Where do you think you're going?" Monty said smugly. He still sounded angry. He steps forward maniacally.

"Give up, (Y/N)."

The walkway was close enough to the lobby edge that you could jump it if you jumped from the railing. You try a football manoeuvre. Pretending to duck right you move left. Monty saw through the facade and grabs you by the scruff of your hoodie and slams you against the walkway.

In an instant all the wind is knocked out of you as your back slams onto the metal. You drop the tazer.

"Got you now!" Monty shouted. He was right. You didn't have any time to recover when he stepped on your stomach knocking any remaining air in you. His foot was about the size of your chest. There was no moving anywhere. It didn't help he was also several times your weight. He pressed down crushing your ribs. The adrenaline and shock was making your ignore any pain you had. Oh god, you hoped nothing was broken.

He could have easily killed you then and there but was savouring the moment. You got a clear view of his purple foot and black claws as he held you in place.

He lifted his paw off your stomach and moved it to your head. You could see his purple sole clearly. It had a crease in the middle where the foot bends. You were going to die here weren't you?

"Th-th-hey'll decomis-ss-ion you for this." You pleaded in-between breaths.

You search around the ground for your dropped tazer. You grab it.

Monty just growled in response. You stammer. "You're b-b-better than this?"

"You don't know me!"

"Why do you hate him so much?" You barely manage to say.

He takes his foot away from your head and stomps it on your chest again. You groan in pain. "That doesn't matter!" Monty spat back.

You grip the tazer tightly and flick the switch on. It emits a buzzing sound. Monty was too intent on pinning you at the moment to notice.

"You're gonna stop fixing him. Then you'll tell me where you're hiding him!" Monty demanded.

"Okay-okay, I'll stop fixing Bonnie. I'll stop." The pressure lightens. Just he lifts his foot up you jam the tazer right in his foot. The electric shock seems to reverberate his body. His voice gurgles as the shock hits it. It sent his system into a pause state. Instantly the pressure from his foot ceases and he starts to lose his balance. With nothing keeping him upright he falls back landing on the ground.

Being able to breathe again felt nice but you couldn't find the energy to get up. You were left panting on the ground. Using what energy you could you start to crawl away, keeping an eye on Monty. You hold your tazer up, ready to strike again.

The shock didn't put him out for long and he was already back up. "You'll *huff* pay for that." Monty said grimly. He clutched his chest slightly.

"That's enough!" You hear Vanessa shout from behind you. You lift your head to see Vanessa and Roxanne standing behind Monty. Vanessa was holding some kind of gun. Monty turned away from you.

"To your room. NOW!" She shouts at him. From what little you could see, Vanessa looked pissed. You couldn't tell what Monty looked like.

"B-but you can't. He started it." Monty said, scared. It looked like he was cowering at Vanessa. His whole attitude changed. He was flailing his arms about.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Let's go now!" Vanessa said aiming the gun at him.

Monty takes one look at you and glared. But, under threat of both Roxanne and Vanessa he just acquiesced and followed Vanessa. Without any energy to get up you just lie back down.

It goes without thinking but you figure now that Monty had to have been Bonnie's "killer".

You hear Roxanne walk up to you. She kneels and looks down over you. "Are you okay?"

You just groan in response. Your back hurt, sides hurt and the adrenaline high was wearing off. The shock was just setting so you just gave up trying to get up. Roxanne's eyes do the same scanning thing that Monty did earlier.

"Well you haven't broken anything. That's good. It looks like he just bruised you."

"Y-you can tell?"

Roxanne smiles. "Of course I can. I'm the best after all. I can tell when any one is hurt. Here. Don't move." Roxanne places her hands underneath your shoulders and butt, lifting you up bridal style. She pulls you close to her. Instinctively you grab on to her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I won't drop you."

odaocer odaocer

I made an image in SFM for this story. See here: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Under-A-Vengeful-Eye-925979191

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


