.Hans after gathering Pigmen corpses and selling them went over to the register and got his money,It was 2000 dollars enough to feed him and his soldiers for 2 weeks.
While walking home Hans Started to talk to his soldiers more often.That day he asked one of them
"So what kind of things you guys like eating" and the man suprisingly replied "Never thought of it Sir,but if i had to choose i would say Meat Sandwiches" and the others agreed.This continued until they arrived at home and all of them did their schedule.
The Man Up The Tree still continued to stay there because of his horror of the things he witnessed. When there was no one left he jumped down and grabbed his sword then made his way to the desk.He quickly started to search the record of the day to find out the guys who killed that many pigmen.45 minutes Later he finally found his name.It was Hans,but still couldnt find the location of his house.
Hans finished preparing the food for him and his men.After they ate he thought he could maybe play poker with them but there was only one problem, 2 of them didnt know how to play and those to didnt want to learn Poker.Hans told the 2 of them to go get the cards then they could roam around the house.After 4 games the score was 3-1 which was the soldiers won most of the games.
Hans prepared to sleep while his men was on guard.Just when he was about to sleep a brick was thrown into his window and it caused the window to break and scare the ever living out of Hans.
Then a man jumped into his home and pointed his sword at him and telling him "Are you Hans?" Hans was about to answer then suddenly 3 Of his soldiers rushed to his room and pointed their rifles at him.
The room was in a standoff everyone was waiting for the other side to make a move.And the ancestors of Hans knew about this to and they were waiting,waiting for the right moment to make one soldier shoot at the man or even,Giving Hans the urge to shoot the man.Right in the head.
Hey so finally the 3rd Chapter or Volume whatevet you want to call this.
I finally have my motivation back so i can kinda focus on the book, anyway
Good Afternoon Good Evening and Goodnight People
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