Obito in Bleach Obito in Bleach original

Obito in Bleach

作者: Ultimate_Gambler

© WebNovel

Welcome to the Soul Society


God:"Hello boy."

???:"I'm dead aren't I."

God:" Hahaha Yup. I will give you a chance to reincarnation with wishes but you have to tell me a joke that will make me laugh."

???:"What did the cover say when it feel off the bed."

God: "Hmmmm I don't know."

???:"Oh Sheet hahahahahahahahaha."




???:"So how many wishes."


???:"Do I get to decide where I will reincarnate."

God: "No but you can use a wish and because I'm nice you can decide when with the wish too."

???: "For wish 1 I want to reincarnate into bleach in soul society and 80 years before the beginning of the story."

God: "Granted."

???: "For wish 2 I want to reincarnate as Obito Uchiha when he had the purple outfit with white and black mask with all his power,knowledge and experience but not memories."

God: "Hmmm so at the time when he had his Sharingan and Rinnegan, very well granted."

???:"For my final wish I want immense energy reserves wether it is chakra or reiatsu. And if it's not too much to ask can I have all Obito's outfits too."

God: "Very well you will be reincarnated with Captain level reiatsu and 3 tails level chakra they will grow through the years. Goodbye boy.

-Division 2 Captains Quarters- (12:30 PM)

Soi fon: 'Yawns' "How annoying I need a better Lieutenant." She said stretching after finishing her and her lieutenant's work.

Getting up she heads over to make some tea still thinking of a way to replace her sorry excuse for a lieutenant. While waiting for the tea to finish she senses something in the room.


'I know I just sensed something here.' I place my hand on my zanpakuto's handle. Suddenly a portal opens at the ceiling and a figure falls down to the floor.

'Sigh why me.' Looking at the figure I see a man wearing a black long-sleeve top that covered his neck and chin, a pair of black gloves/boots, and a pair of black pants. He had short, spiky, black hair an inch guessing he was about 6 feet. His face was kinda handsome but the right side of his face was covered in odd seemingly wrinkles.

But that wasn't the most interesting part no that was his eyes they were so strange yet so beautiful. His right eye had red iris and three stretched triangles evenly spaced around the pupil that each curve at the top around the eye to form a circle. His left eye was completely purple with six black rings.

'His reiatsu is a captains level who is this guy.'

He immediately closed his left eye and his right eye turned to regular black eye. His reiatsu became small no more than a 16th seat.


'Shit she saw my eyes and it's Soi fon so she is going to interrogate me.' Obito thinks

"Who the hell are you." Soi fon says coldly.

"My name is Obito Uchiha my I ask where I am?" He said in a deep voice before blocking a kick from soi fon who appeared behind him.

"Tchh...You are in Seireitei in 2nd division Headquarters." Soi foi landed then spun and kicked Obito back into a wall.

"Never heard of it I was dying then next thing I know here I am." Obito said getting out of the wall and blocking multiple fists then grabs Soi Fon's arm and throws her across the room. 'I'm planning to use the original's story if he needed.'

Soi fon narrowed her eyes. "You mean you just arrived in the soul society and you already have captain level reiastu and enough control to lower your reiastu that much. You expect me to believe that."

"Well my eyes boost my powers immensely so when I turn them off my power gets smaller." Obito said. 'Such bullshit although they do boost my power my reserves aren't that small.'

Disappearing Soi Fon presences vanished from the room before she reappeared behind Obito with a pen grabbed from her desk aimed at his spine.

Quickly flipping around Obito palms the pen out of her hand and uses his other to send a fist into her stomach. Soi Fon gets thrown into a table getting up she grabs 2 chairs throwing one at him.

Obito directly punches the first chair as it explodes Soi Fon had already thrown the other chair above him without him noticing.

Soi Fon sends a punch at him and gets blocked then back flips away from him throwing some chair debris at him distracting him before disappearing again.

'Damn she disappeared again where is she wait is that a CHAIR!' Obito barely dodges the chair that Soi Fon kicked down from above him. "Barely dodged that UGHH—."

Before he could get up Soi Fon appeared in front of him and kicked him in the stomach. As he slides back he grabs her foot pulling her to the ground.

Soi Fon made a move to stand but Obito grabbed her waist and tackled her to the ground after some rolling around he pinned her down with both her tiny hand above her held by one of his and her legs trapped under his.

Their faces were close so close that they could feel each other's breath. They stare in the eyes of each other in intense silence before it is broken but the sound of the tea pot whistling.

This distracts Obito enough for Soi Fon to kick him off her and get up with a sling tint of pink on her cheeks.

'Damn she beautiful.' Obito thought as her stares at her getting ready for another assault.

"Enough let's talk." Soi Fon suddenly said.

Ultimate_Gambler Ultimate_Gambler

Hello, Author here I’m happy and excited about this fanfiction and happy your reading.

I would love to hear feedback and constructive criticism. I don’t know everything about bleach or Obito so if you find mistakes please tell me so I can fix it.

This fic will be heavy Obito/Soi Fon but I might add some side pairing with other like Toshiro/Rangiku.

I hope you enjoyed.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


