33.33% Not Forever but Always / Chapter 3: #3 Grateful

章 3: #3 Grateful


  I reach home in a panic mode only to see my four best friends Kaedyn, Carter, Anthony and Patrick fighting like cats and dogs over god knows what and I am sure Kaedyn has messaged me to get home to pick his side. He does it every freaking time. 

  As I enter the living room as Taylor was right behind me with all the shopping bags they all look at me as if I have snatched their girlfriends. All of them stand up saying," You MORON you went shopping without us?" 

 I was like here it goes,but before they or I could say anything she appears she is my love,my life,my whole freaking world. I can't imagine my life without her. 

She says,"You naughty boys stop teasing my baby. Also it's time to celebrate he has made a profit of $20million this time. I am so proud of you my love."

    "Thank You Mom. I wouldn't have done it without you" I say and hug her tightly. Mom is very emotional right now or let's just say whenever I achieve something she gets emotional. 

    "Awwwww this is such a sweet moment. Group hug pleaseee." Carter says and everybody hugs us. Carter is the most emotional one in the group. Even though Carter and Anthony are twins,they both are total opposites. Anthony is a very outgoing man whereas,Carter is shy and emotional.

    "I am proud of all you boys. I am so glad you all have made it on your own and are living it as well. I love you all equally." Mom says.

    "Come on now, don't lie 

Caroline you love me a little more than everybody else." Patrick mutters. Everybody laughs and suddenly I realise that they all have forgotten they were fighting. I realise how lucky I am to have these bunch of people with me. 

   As everybody settles down I hand over all the shopping bags to my mom saying, "I hope you like them mom". 

  She tries to scold me but then Anthony says," Uh huh,Your scolding will go in vain. Don't waste your words on this man Caroline. He won't be listening to you on this." 

   "That's true mom. You deserve this and much more. Besides, you taste in clothes and bags and everything else is very bad." I tease her. 

   "You should be doing all this for your girlfriend son,not for me." Mom says.

   "Mom I don't have a girlfriend and even if I do have one in future I would continue to pamper you"I say.

   "What if she doesn't like it? What if she tells you to stop doing it?" She asks.

  "Well then I will stop…" before I could complete my sentence,Anthony interrupts saying,"You asshole,you would stop doing it only because she asked you to.?" 

   "First listen to what I was about to say. You idiot. I would stop dating her" I complete my sentence. 

    "You are a really lucky mom,Caroline" A voice came from behind all of us. We all turn our heads at once and we see a house help is rolling the wheel chair towards us. We all stand up, I go towards him and sit down to be able to talk to him and say "No,dad I am the lucky one who got A mom like her and a Dad like you. I love you both" 

   "Absolutely,we all are the luckiest that we know you both." Kaedyn says from behind and all of them agree saying "TRUE THAT" 

   Mom gets a little emotional again and leaves the living room. She always does this when she is about to cry. 

   "Everybody come on,the dinner is ready" Mom calls us all. We all head up to the dining table and start eating while talking and laughing about all the things under the sky. 

   Kaedyn,Carter,Anthony and Patrick leave after dinner and I head on to my room after saying good night to my mom and dad. 

   I lay on my bed, close my eyes and think about my friendship with those four,I am literally blessed to have them in my life. They are my 3am,my 3pm and my every time buddies. We are all 5 totally different people. Kaedyn switches his girlfriend every week and claims to be the most eligible bachelor. Carter never  lets any girl near him whereas girls are dying to be his girlfriend. Anthony is a flirt and is a self-proclaimed "Love-Guru''. Patrick is in relationship with my sister Venessa,they are high-school sweethearts and I love them together. As for me,I am a little reserved person but if I have people I vibe with then I am the most outgoing person.I fall asleep thinking about all these things. 

Author POV


The next evening.

Pia finally manages to sneak out of office before time and heads on to go to the mall Tyler has decided to meet. As she reaches the mall,Tyler practically screams at her saying,"What the hell are you wearing? Don't tell me you wore this to the office." Everybody around them begins staring at her and it get awkward for Pia to say anything,she still manages to say,"What's wrong in this dress?Yeah,I have worn it in the office." 

    "You really have guts to talk back to me here. Also, YOU are asking me what's wrong in the dress? Well,it ends above your knees and has a deep front neck.You look like an absolute slut. Wait. Hold on a second. Are you having an affair with somebody from work?." He raises his voice even more. 

  "No,Tyler I am not having an affair with anybody. Please believe me,I beg you please. I won't wear such clothes anymore. Trust me please Tyler." She legit begs him with tears in her eyes and people were staring at them. 

       "It's ok I believe you. And next time don't answer me back that way. Got it?" Tyler tells her in a very bossy tone. 

   "Yes I won't" Pia replies while looking down and hiding tears. 

    "Hey babe are you crying? I am sorry ,I said it because I care for you and I know how guys are,I hope you know and understand what I mean" Tyler starta sugar coating Pia again,and yet again she falls for his tricks and says,"Yes,I know you care for me Tyler. I am sorry. ItWon't be happening from the next time."

   While all was going on,one person from the crowd was observing the whole scene very carefully and angrily, if it wasn't for his friends he would have hit Tyler then and there.

   Then,both Tyler and Pia head on to a shop in the mall and start choosing what to buy. That's when an attendant comes there and asks Pia,"Ma'am did you like the dress sir bought for you yesterday?" Pia was confused and as for Tyler he was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say,as he was about to get caught. 

   "Sorry? I didn't get you." Pia replies to the attendant. 

   "Ma'am Sir was here yesterday and he bought a very beautiful black dress and I supposed it was for you and I am asking about the same" The attendant explains. 

   "Uh..Umm Buddy you have the wrong guy,I wasn't ummm really here yesterday and I didn't buy any dress." Tyler tries to clarify.

The attendant tries to say something but Tyler interrupts him saying and la,"Come Pia let's go to some other store. I don't like anything here. 

      Pia gets a little suspicious as Tyler only stumbles while talking when he is either not telling anything to her or when he is speaking utter lies. Pia couldn't really figure out what was going on and asked Tyler,"Were you really here?"

   "Are you suspecting me? And no I wasn't here why would I be here? I am broke remember? Also I should be the one that should be suspecting you for wearing that to office" Tyler Says very sternly as if he wasn't at fault. 

   "Obviously I am not suspecting you. I was just asking you a simple question. And about the dress I am wearing I ready said sorry about it Tyler. I am really sorry" Pia says in a very apologetic tone. 

   "Yeah Yeah that's alright" He told her. 

They both head on to a different shop and choose whatever they need. When both of them were standing in a queue to get their things billed and Pia was standing in front of Tyler. Taking the advantage of the situation Tyler messages Anna saying, "Was about to get caught today baby,but managed to dodge it.Anyways Coming home soon,Love ya." 

  "Don't you dare lose our Gold Digging machine.Also remember If that bitch goes out of your hands then we are screwed,broke and homeless"  Anna replies back. 

  "Ya,ya don't worry. She is a total fool and doesn't suspect a thing. Don't worry babe" Tyler texts. 

  Right behind him was the same man who was watching them fight before. He witnessed all the things and was fuming in anger. The man then left the store angrily. 

  "Hey buddy,can you do me a favour? Am at your store in the mall. Can you put a bill on me? Ya,the girl is in white top and a pencil skirt. I owe you one buddy" The mysterious man felt sad for Pia and just paid her bill without knowing who she was and even he did not understand why he was doing it but he did it. 


So,who do you think is the Mysterious man?

If I have made any mistakes,please feel free to notify me about them. Also Please don't forget to vote and support me. Really need your support♥️


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  • 世界の背景

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