17.19% NM12 / Chapter 54: Chapter 48 - Vacation

章 54: Chapter 48 - Vacation

A/N: This chapter will show some snippets of the changes in the Kingdom of Walano in the Summer Islands.

Thanks to Fierymatter and Ascalon on SB for beta-ing, and Ascalon's the one who helped conjure some of the unique words I used for this chapter.

Chapter XLVIII: Vacation

23 AC

Elaegelle Targaryen

The ship gently rocked in the waves as it traversed the Summer Sea, its masts billowing in the wind. Clear overhead skies with minimal cloud cover ensured smooth travel without choppy seas or turbulent winds, though the crew and passengers have had to endure a much hotter sun.

"Wow, so this is the ocean! It's so big and vast!"

For a dignified princess, most nobles would chide her and say such childlike glee was unbefitting. Neither Arin nor Belandra, on the other hand, cared about such inane concerns.

"How does it feel, travelling on a ship?" Asked Arin.

"It's amazing! It rocks with the waves, there's so much water and sky, and I think I just saw some birds flying by!" Elaegelle exclaimed excitedly.

Arin smiled wryly, "Travel on the sea long enough, and you might not enjoy the rocking waves so much."

"But why? It doesn't seem so bad," Elaegelle said innocently.

"Maybe not right now, my dear," Belandra said, "When you have to travel more frequently by the ocean, you will get our meaning."

Elaegelle simply nodded as a trusting child ignorant of the world's perils.

"So we're really visiting the Summer Islands…" Elaegelle mouthed, "I always read many stories about it, though they tended to vary differently in how they portrayed this mysterious place."

"How so?" Asked Arin, "Were you reading those tomes issued by the Citadel?"

"I was," Elaegelle nodded, "But then I started reading those published by the University-College of Kooratoreem [1], and they painted a completely different picture than what those crusty old men wrote."

"Which ones do you prefer, the books by the Citadel, or by the scholars of Walano?" Asked Arin.

"The latter," Answered Elaegelle, "They seem a lot more interesting and informative than the Citadel's."

"And that's good, because you know the difference between shoddily tailored lore filled in with the barest scraps of imagination and properly constructed lexicons that endure throughout the ages," Belandra smiled, "I once asked my family's old Maester about the authenticity of the Citadel's lore. Suffice to say, he was… condescending."

Arin patted Belandra on the shoulder before saying to Elaegelle, "We'll be landing at the port of Kooratoreem in two days' time, so be sure to enjoy the ocean as much as you want."

"Okay," Elaegelle said, "By the way…"


"The ocean stinks," Elaegelle commented, wrinkling her nose.

Both Arin and Belandra stifled their chuckles.

"Well, for what it's worth Your Highness, I dislike the ocean too," Ser Jaehaerys offered, "I'm very much a landlubber myself."

"Have you gotten into the habit of using such crass language, Ser Jaehaerys?" Elaegelle asked with mock surprise, "It is most unbecoming of you."

"Beg your pardon, Your Highness, but you have not been much better in that regard," Jaehaerys smirked knowingly, "And gods know just who is to blame for that."

Arin held up his hands with a plastered expression of mock denial, and Belandra simply snorted in amusement.


Kooratoreem (Tall Trees Town)

As the port came into view, the galleon they travelled on slowly inched closer to the stone pier as dockworkers moved like a well-oiled machine to prep the ship for docking. One tossed the rope and deftly tied it to a stone post, another moved the gangplank into position, and once they were given the all-clear, the passengers of the Arrasyarha [2] disembarked.

Once the paperwork was signed, the harbourmaster bowed to Arin's party as the Mareqavi and Targaryen knights fell in line to escort their charges.

"Elaegelle, welcome to Kooratoreem, capital of the Kingdom of Walano of the Bareelooryger (Summer Isles)," Arin said to her.

Elaegelle's eyes opened with wonder as she beheld an entirely new civilisation. Everywhere she looked, she saw black-skinned men and women milling about their daily lives, the sun's rays illuminating the port like the early sunrise. So much of the city was unique; the way the houses were built, the richly-colourful robes the locals wore, the alien tongue that bombarded her ears and the smell of strong spices permeating the air.

She felt so out of place that she inadvertently found her legs shaking with both uncertainty and excitement, brimming with youthful energy.

As they walked towards the Princely Palace, she could see many temples dedicated to the Summer Islanders' Ten Thousand Gods [3], built with immaculate carvings with striking attention to detail as they depicted gods, beasts and men in a cacophony of wordless stories told to those with eyes to see, a feat she thought impossible on most forms of stone. Incense burned strongly, and prayer chants could be heard from both priests and worshippers.

The locals also wore very strange headdresses - head-wrapped turbans or veils - and sported black markings on their faces and arms, what Arin called tattoos. Elaegelle had to admit, she was intrigued by the thought of wearing such unique decorations herself.

Soon they arrived at the Lorabaapilaareu (Starlight Palace) [4] where a coterie of Max-Wuadok awaited them, decked in shining half-plate armour, the engraved letters gleaming with a soft light.

"Welcome back, Grand Duke and Duchess Rada," The lead guard greeted them, before turning to Elaegelle, "And we bid you welcome, Your Highness."

"The pleasure is ours," Arin said, "Is Tarral indisposed?"

"No, Your Lordship; he is merely finishing a meeting with several diplomats from other Summer Islander kingdoms," The lead guard informed, "His Lordship Xholtha and his Lady wife are in the solar, awaiting your arrival."

"Thank you," Said Arin, "Come, Elaegelle."

The Starlight Palace was a work of art and a defensible stronghold, its construction initiated when Tarral Xadoq took back the Kingdom of Walano and purged the old elites wholesale - nobles, priests and rich merchants alike. The architect in charge was a woman who would later be credited for birthing what came to be known as Walano Revivalist Architecture: Ranoso Qhalan [5].

Counted among Tarral's Exiles [6], she held grand aspirations to be a worthy successor to her father Balar, who himself was a famous architect. She was rejected by countless masters who saw no benefit in educating a woman in a man's craft, and rather than be dispirited she turned her disappointment into anger, and conducted her own independent studies on various styles of Summer Islander architecture.

When Prince Tarral and his entire retinue was exiled after losing a rigged duel, she willingly joined and never looked back. In Dornia, she excelled in her studies and was even commissioned for a dozen projects when she earned her spurs. Her method of vengeance was to completely outshine all other Walano architects in the entire kingdom, building not only the Starlight Palace but also planning the layout of the brand new Kooratoreem and several other palaces and castles, thus stealing their opportunities and forcing them to leave to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

As one would say in Walano: "Fear not the loud tantrum, but the quiet anger. [7]"

When Elaegelle walked through the palace grounds, she could see influences from other cultures; from the Rhoynar, there were onion domes, overhanging eaves and horseshoe arches in the very structure, and projecting window screens that provided privacy and shade; from the Valyrians she could see pinnacles atop onion domes and pointed arches, and towers jutting out like stalagmites; from the Andals and Essosi she saw open pavilions built with a distinctly Walano flair, with octagonal roofs that served as leisure spots where people chatted or played board games.

The interior of the palace itself was equally grandiose and aesthetically pleasing, and everywhere she went she saw intricate carvings, bright paints and multi-coloured motifs, horseshoe arches holding up a very high ceiling that somehow made the interior cooler than outside.

"My goodness! I never thought I would be impressed with foreign architecture like this," Ser Jaehaerys exclaimed.

"All part of learning other cultures, Jaehaerys," Belandra said, "Experience the foreign and the unknown, and you will have a more colourful life than isolating yourself in your own home."

"Perhaps," Said Jaehaerys.

They soon reached the solar, where they were greeted by Druselka and Bholtha Xadoq, the former embracing Arin and Belandra warmly.

"It's so good to see you, cousins," Druselka greeted, "And good afternoon to you, Elaegelle."

"It's nice to meet you, Druselka," Elaegelle smiled, though she felt slightly awkward receiving a hug.

"Looks like you're doing good as always," Arin remarked, "I find it hard to believe it was not this way ten years ago."

"You can thank the dedication of our people and the technical expertise you donated," Bholtha shrugged, "Please, take a seat; we've prepared some tea and snacks for you all."

Servants brought in platters of different snacks from biscuits and dried fruits to multi-layered rainbow-coloured cakes and flaky pastries, and each one tasted heavenly. Elaegelle almost stuffed her cheeks full with sweets before she had to be stopped by Belandra, who gently chastised her.

"How do you find Kooratoreem so far, Elaegelle?" Asked Druselka.

"It's amazing," Elaegelle smiled, "There's so much to see, so much to experience, and I only just arrived. It's a bit of a shame we're only staying here for two weeks."

"Kooratoreem is always open to friends of House Rada, Princess Elaegelle," Bholtha said, sipping his cuppa, "You are free to return whenever you wish to."

"Where's Prince Tarral, by the way?" Asked Elaegelle, "Is he still busy with work?"

"Yes, it appears so," Said Bholtha, though there was a slight strain in his smile.

The astute Elaegelle noticed it was not just the Xadoqs, but Arin and Belandra Rada as well.

"What's the matter?" Asked Elaegelle.

Arin hesitated to answer, as if not wanting to ruin Elaegelle's good mood with cold, harsh facts.

"My Lord Rada… might I accompany Her Highness on a tour of the Starlight Palace?" Jaehaerys suggested.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Said Arin, thankful for the save, "Druselka?"

"Of course, just a moment," Said Druselka.

Once the assigned guide led both Elaegelle and Jaehaerys away, the solar was now filled with a solemn quiet and a thickening tension that grew with every passing second. Their faces were grim, their shoulders tense and their lips pursed into frowns.

And Arin was the first to break the silence.

"What is Tarral up to?" Arin asked.

"He's been entertaining dignitaries from all across the Bareelooryger," Bholtha answered, "I say entertaining, but it's really more a shouting match between them and him, and you can guess why."

"Why am I not surprised?" Asked Arin, "I've dealt with my own fair share of suspicion and outright hostility directed at me for my own actions."

"In all honesty, these nobles and priests can be claimed by the Oarsman for all I care," Druselka frowned deeply, her eyes burning with a smouldering anger, "They never faced warfare like we did, why should they complain so much? Better yet, how about they stop complaining and start doing something more productive with their lives instead?"

"Because they are just that petty, Druselka," Belandra answered matter-of-factly, "Since they can't match you or take you down by conventional means, they'll settle for getting on your nerves every step of the way to soothe their own egos."

Druselka grumbled, but said nothing.

"I believe they are more afraid of us than insulted," She remarked.

"There is more," Added Bholtha, "I've heard very concerning rumours that someone is plotting to assassinate my brother."

"They are?" Asked Belandra with concern.

"It is mere hearsay, nothing concrete," Bholtha clarified, "Although I can't say it's not possible either."

"I do not like Tarral," Druselka interjected, "He is arrogant, self-assured and filled with thoughts of invincibility. He's drunk on his success. He fully believes he can take on all the Summer Isle Kingdoms by himself and anyone else who attacks because of our strengthened armies and navies and our alliance with you."

Druselka heaved a sigh.

"But as much as I hate to admit it, him dying would cause instability in our kingdom," She admitted, "A good number of our own people despise the Xadoqs due to the revolts years prior. If Tarral dies, other kingdoms will try to fan the flames and make us more vulnerable."

When Tarral committed his purges, a good number of the Walano smallfolk rebelled, partially instigated by loyalists to the old regime but mostly as a result of fear and terror in the wake of such an unprecedented wave of violence spreading throughout the kingdom.

Angry mobs with no decent leadership or tactics were easily slaughtered in droves, and though peace reigned afterwards, there remained those who nurtured a lasting hatred for the Xadoqs even now.

"In all honesty, I cannot bear to see my brother die either," Said Bholtha, "He may be arrogant right now, but I know he wants only the best for Walano and our family. Besides, there are none in the other Summer Isle Kingdoms we can trust anyway, and they've always been looking for an excuse to sabotage us."

"Even then, you will need to shore up your defences in the event they initiate hostilities," Arin suggested, "Can't hurt to be too careful."

"We do have our General of the Army, a star graduate from East Point and veteran of many battles," Bholtha smiled, to which Druselka simply shrugged with a smirk.

"There is something that bothers me, though. Something that just doesn't make sense," Said Belandra, "Why is Tarral not married even now?"

In the world of the nobility, siring children to succeed the house and propagate the bloodline was one of their foremost prerogatives, and for that reason nobles married as early as sixteen. This way, in the unforeseen event that the ruling monarchs cannot have children for any reason, relatives were able to succeed and thus secure the bloodline.

And yet Tarral did not take any wife even before his return to Walano, not once. When asked the reason why, he was stubbornly tight-lipped and refused to elaborate further no matter what.

Bholtha simply sighed, and asked, "Can you please keep this a secret?"

Arin and Belandra leaned in closer.

"What is it?"

Bholtha sighed, "He is sterile."

"What?" Belandra narrowed her eyes in disbelief, "How?"

"It's an old injury he sustained while hunting," Bholtha explained, "He was maimed in his manhood by one of the local wildlife, and while he was saved, it damaged his ability to procreate beyond repair. He does not want this fact exposed, and feels that taking a wife or a lover would lead to this secret being exposed."

"So it's a matter of saving face," Arin concluded, "But is it purely for him, or out of consideration for others, unlikely as it may be?"

"He is being considerate, if only to avoid causing a scandal," Druselka quipped, "Though it has caused a large number of unsavoury rumours to spread about him."

"Some say he is secretly homosexual and keeps a harem of male prostitutes on hand," Bholtha listed off with his fingers, "Some say he is afflicted with a curse that leaves women unable to love him, only scorn him; some say every woman he lays with is soon killed to satisfy his urges for female blood."

Druselka merely rolled her eyes.

"Then let's pray the peace holds for now," Arin suggested, "And that nothing untoward happens. I have to ask though; how much longer does Tarral intend to keep this secret?"

"As long as he needs to, according to him," Druselka replied, "Other than that, he hasn't told us."

"He's stubbornly tight-lipped on this, I might add," Bholtha said.

Which meant they don't know exactly how long he planned to keep up this charade.

"Disregarding the duration, exactly how has he managed to keep this secret in the first place, and for ten years straight?" Asked Belandra, "I find it hard to believe that he kept such an important secret for so long, especially when the line of succession is in question."

"Well, on that, he actually adopted our daughter Drusaya as his successor," Bholtha answered, "He presented an argument to the court that kingship should be duty and not a right to be entitled to, and that as the old nobility sowed chaos simply because they felt they were 'owed' their privileges. To that end, he declared his intention to appoint an heir he feels will do right by his duty, and who can be groomed to succeed him without feeling any sense of entitlement."

"Why not you?" Asked Arin.

Bholtha simply sighed, "I just happened to not be chosen, that's all."

Arin then asked, "I highly doubt that alone can dissuade the other Summer Islanders; what else did he do?"

"He made a pledge before the Goddess of Fertility, that he would sire no heir of his own to ensure his chosen heir has no unnecessary competition," Bholtha answered, "Personally, I doubt this truly dissuaded the naysayers, but making such a pledge is rare, not least because it is considered sacrosanct in our culture."

"Please elaborate," Belandra pressed.

"We call this the Pledge of Celibacy," Bholtha explained, "Such a pledge is rarely done because it forces the ruling Prince or Princess to foster the heir apparent by himself without siring or adopting any more children to succeed the throne and continue the royal bloodline. It is also risky because even though warfare was restricted to duels, assassinations are still a viable political tool, and if care is not taken, the heir may be slain and the lineage ended. As for exactly why it's considered sacrosanct, I'm afraid to say the real reason has long since been lost to time."

Arin simply shrugged. "I suppose no one wants to risk trying to break the pledge, directly or indirectly."

"That is correct," Bholtha said.

"Well, at least Tarral took care to ensure a tight alibi for his actions," Arin said, "But Druselka, are you sure you're alright with Tarral's actions right now?"

Druselka said, "Tarral or not, my home's here now, and I'm bound to the Xadoqs. Whatever happens next, I'll weather what comes with them."

Arin smiled and said, "Then I pray for your good health."

For now, it would have to be enough.


As Elaegelle wandered the corridors, she encountered numerous servants and guards who courteously addressed her and bowed with respect as befitting decorum, Ser Jaehaerys following close behind.

She had to admit, it was nice to see the Bareeloorygeri not care about her status as a dragonless rider, though it was more because dragons were not an integral facet of their culture.

Just then, she accidentally bumped into someone, and she was quick to curtsey and apologise.

"My apologies, I did not see you there."

"It is nothing."

Elaegelle heard a very gruff and dismissive voice, and she saw the face of the voice's owner.

Stoic until carved like granite, fixed in an eternal sneer as if he had no reason to be cordial, his veins bulging until bursting, his eyes narrowed to thin slits. Elaegelle swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling as if she was staring down a greater monster.

"May I ask who you are?" Asked the man.

"Elaegelle Targaryen, Princess of House Targaryen," Said Elaegelle.

"I am Tarral Xadoq, Prince of Walano. I must say, I didn't expect to see a princess of House Targaryen here," The man answered, quirking a brow, "Your guard?"

"I am Ser Jaehaerys Calderon, in service to Her Highness Elaegelle Targaryen," Jaehaerys greeted.

"Mm. Come follow me; this isn't the place to talk," Tarral beckoned.

They entered Tarral's personal solar, a mostly nondescript room save for the stacks of documents on his table and the rows of bookshelves full of more documents both finished and unfinished. Tarral beckoned for Elaegelle to sit opposite him at a table, with Jaehaerys standing stiffly by Elaegelle's side.

"What brings a Targaryen Princess so far from home, might I ask?" Said Tarral.

Most people felt the urge to be anywhere but near Tarral, and often fervently wished to look away from his piercing eyes which resembled a predator's. Elaegelle, on the other hand, merely stared back without flinching, as if she was unafraid of the man before her.

"I'm being fostered with Grand Duke Rada of Dornia, and part of it involves taking occasional excursions to other lands and cultures abroad," Elaegelle explained, "Lord Arin says it's especially important to experience other cultures to broaden my perspective."

Tarral slowly nodded, "How do you find Walano?"

"It's amazing, and it has a very exotic feel that can't be replicated elsewhere," Elaegelle answered, "I hope to experience more of what Walano has to offer."

Tarral smiled slightly, his smile vanishing like air.

"Then enjoy it while the peace lasts," Tarral said grimly, his eyes staring into the distance.

"Prince Tarral?" Asked Elaegelle.

Tarral then faced Elaegelle, and she saw in his eyes familiar emotions that she herself once felt: Anger, disappointment, betrayal and paranoia.

She felt such emotions when her own siblings started bullying her terribly for being unable to bond with a dragon, and when the other nobles whispered maliciously about her. She remembered trying so hard to bottle up her emotions, occasionally venting them to her parents and Ser Jaehaerys in private.

Tarral then said, "I don't see the peace in Walano or Bareelooryger (Summer Isles) lasting much longer, so make sure to enjoy the peace by then."

"...You believe war will erupt?" Asked Elaegelle.

"Sooner than most would believe," Tarral said grimly.

Elaegelle simply nodded.

"Is there anything else you want to ask me?" She asked.

"No," Tarral answered.

"Then, I take my leave," Elaegelle informed as she got up.

And yet, rather than immediately leave the room, she paused in her movement and turned to face Tarral, an alien look of concern on her face.

"Yes?" Asked Tarral.

Elaegelle found her mouth flapping open and close with no words coming out despite her best efforts, unsure of what to say to him.

Eventually she just said, "Don't let whatever's bothering you hold you down; they're just young brats throwing a temper tantrum."

Smirking, Tarral slowly drew out his curved sabre for Elaegelle to see. The blade was long, thick and wide with a fuller carved on each side and a swollen tip, wavy ripples visible on the steel. The handle was straight with a disc-shaped crossguard and pommel. Ordinarily, it would be a heavy weapon to wield, certain to chop enemies in twain in one strike, giving off an air of authority in the hands of its wielder.

"This is Duujalogui, Traitor's Cleaver [8]. My personal weapon and my favourite." He said, "When those who had me unjustly exiled were tried for their crimes, I personally lopped off their heads."

In other words, I should not worry so much about him? And here I thought he had too much to deal with on his plate.

"If you say so," Said Elaegelle.

There was nothing more left to say.

And so she left without another word.

[1] The University-College of Kooratoreem was founded not long after Tarral reclaimed his princely post, in a bid to educate the masses of Walano in the new ways and strengthen loyalty to his kingdom.

[2] Arrasyarha - Translates as Arras's Sun Gift, and it serves as Arin's flagship in the Ducal Navy. It was named after his late grandfather in his honour.

[3] Ten Thousand Gods - A generic term used to refer to the Bareelooryger's many gods across countless cults throughout the isles. Among the locals, they are referred to as the Wobango, an exonym derived from the Walano word 'wubinga' meaning a large body of water. 'Wubinga' was a term used to describe the Summer Sea by the Bareeloorygeri.

[4] Lorabaapilaareu (Starlight Palace) - A masterpiece of the Walano Revivalist Architecture pioneered during Tarral's reign, as part of his bid to cement his authority and legacy as a father of change and innovation. Centuries later, it still serves as the capital of government for Walano.

[5] Ranoso Qhalan - Famed for her excellent skill but also her hot temper, she has been a very proud and stubborn person few can truly get along with. Nevertheless, Tarral kept her as Chief Architect of the kingdom for her talent and to spite those who oppose him and his reforms.

She was tasked with creating the Walano Revivalist Architecture, so that his dynasty would be remembered as a true successor to the old regime - a symbol of pride and authority.

[6] Tarral's Exiles - The unofficial name given to the retinue of the Xadoq brothers who followed Tarral Xadoq into exile. Since then, the Xadoqs wear that title with pride.

[7] A quote that entered common use when Tarral Xadoq was questioned by his defeated rivals on how he snatched a victory after defeat.

[8] Duujalogui (the) Traitor's Cleaver - A sword crafted with the latest advances in Rhoynar and Walano metallurgy and spellcrafting. Its design has inspired the creation of a type of sword the locals call the Omozo.

A/N: The architecture of the Kingdom of Walano is inspired by Hoysala Architecture from Karnataka, India between the 11th to 14th century AD and Indo-Saracenic Architecture created by the British in the later 19th century. I had a lot of fun writing the architectural descriptions.

I also studied the different types of African blades for Prince Tarral's sword, derived from the Omozo sword originally made in Benin, West Africa

next chapter
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