
章 58: Chapter 58: ANGELS AND DEVILS

The crowd held their breaths,

While Stacy hoped for the best,

But rather than aiming for the head,

He aimed for the sky,

and instant fear was what she felt.

What was he doing?

The monster roared while the others laughed at his false aiming,

Sellena felt uncomfortable in her seat,

"Even if he did shot him in the head, he's still too weak,"

Asmodeus remarked with an excited grin,

"Then why put an unfair fight? If victory couldn't have been?"

Sellena spatted out, as Asmodeus brimmed.

"For entertainment. Demons like it so much when people suffer,

It makes us feel...much much better,"

"Disgusting creatures you are,"

"And so are you, with such many wars,"

Sellena quieted down, and continued to look,

The demons cheered, but the skies then shook,

The field protecting the palace suddenly broke down,

As the archangels gathered, "Lucifer, surrender now,"

Behold! They appeared, so lustrous in the sky,

It seems like the man with arrow, was an angel in disguise,

Lucifer was angry, how did the man sent them the signal?

While he simply grinned, "I traded my life, to save the mortals,"

Lucifer fumed, the archangels have never left heaven for so many years,

And now they came? In hopes to instill fear?

After the angel signalled them, of the exact location he was in,

Then could it be possible? That this year he won't win?

The thought made him even more angry and he signalled Satan to merge with himself,

Of course Satan agreed, wanting to help,

The other demons quickly scattered for their own,

Wishing somehow, this tragedy they could have known.

The lower angels quickly scooped the humans they could save,

While other demons, snatch away what they could rave,

The battlefield was noisy, and Mar could not move,

Even when the crowd, bump to her and shove.

She cried and broke, remembering the wars she endured,

The loud noises of Syria, and the reason she moved,

The death of everyone she loves, and the reason she lost her voice,

And now she succumbed to the trauma, and the overwhelming noise.

But a rushing man quickly held out his hand,

"Mar, it's better if we band,"

Ken said, eyes both in worry and relief,

As Mar was still shaken, couldn't hardly believe.

She quickly hugged him tightly, as Ken carried her up,

"I will never leave you again, now that I came back,"

"The world is damned, how can we survive?"

"Why doubt? When we have God on our side,"

She smiled weakly, and held him tighter,

"Thank you, for being a fighter,"

Ken returned the act, and smiled wide,

"Tell me things later, now we have to hide,"

The angel Amaris, saw the running pair,

And helped them hide, with concern and care,

And while they were running, Sellena spotted the man,

And quickly rose her hand, as she boldly stand.

The moment she did, a triangle quickly appeared in her hand,

It was so bright, that everyone stopped to understand,

Ken looked, and saw the woman in his visions,

He rose his own, and there came the same condition.

From that point on, it was clear that they were both needed,

So Amaris quickly hid them both with his wings, as Asmodeus did so too, though already weakened.

Uriel, who then recognized the woman, quickly came to her aid,

But Asmodeus quickly blocked him, with his golden blade,

Shocked but not intimidated, Uriel flew to hurt him once more,

But there came a barrier, the one Asmodeus saw before.

It seems like Sellena was protected, when a threat near her arrives,

And such fact, Asmodeus heavily admired,

He was injured so he knew, he wouldn't have the upper hand,

But unless the fierce Sellena, was in his sole command.

Belphegor, too, was having difficulty with Gabriel,

As he needed someone, to help him defeat the archangel,

He quickly grabbed Sellena, and to her then tell,

"Lend me your nightmares, and all be well,"

He visited Sellena's dreams, surprised of what there, dwells.

She shrugged, not wanting to help the demons win,

"Stop moving around, or I'll break your neck too thin,"

Belphegor said, in a voice harsher than thunder cracking,

As Sellena still refused, although she recieved a slit on her cheek, yet again already bleeding.

"Hurry, Belphegor, the angels are destroying the walls,"

"I got it now, I promise you, today isn't the day we'd fall,"

A thousand dark tentacles, emerged from Sellena's mind,

"I'm quite happy, of what I am able to find,"

Asmodeus roughly pulled her out,

As Belphegor went south,

Fighting their counterparts with all their might,

It was a horrifying, nighmarish sight.

The little boy quickly hid behind the tables,

As Jegudiel reached out to him, although he's still feeble,

He carried the child, even when he's fighting Leviathan,

"It'll take a while, before this'd be done,"

But the archangels saw, that the longer they stay,

The more humans will die, the more blood will spray,

So not wanting any harm, to the humans they've saved,

They retreated for a better plan, hoping their return won't be late.

Sellena watched happily, as he saw the little boy escaped,

Then she was left with melancholy, seeing that she would have to wait,

She was gripped tightly, by Belphegor's hands,

"You knew this would happen, huh? You're still under their command??"

Beelzebub quickly stopped him, as Asmodeus contemplates,

"With angry wramblings, we can't defeat them at this rate,

We lost our monsters, our entertaiment and the others,

If we put our pride foremost, we'll be the sole one to suffer,"

"Well, we'll have to make sure this woman is bound to hell forever,"

Mammon suggested, followed by evilish laughter,

"She is weak, and her barrier is her only protection,

Which ONLY activates, when there's a huge threat in inspection,

Her purity and life is something, the angels are protecting,

But that doesn't stop us, from doing her other forms of pain, such as scratching,"

Lucifer smiled, and seeing his reaction, others agreed,

Except for the worried Asmodeus, who doesn't like the deed,

"Knowing her skin, it would be such a waste,

If her assets will be destroyed, without me having a taste,"

"Stop being too absorb in your fantasies,

It will all heal eventually,

And if we find a way to break the barrier,

You can act upon your urges...immediately after,"

Lucifer said in a chilling tone,

As Sellena frowned, how can she fight alone?

She tried to stop herself, from expressing fear,

Even though she knew, to dangers she's near.

They tried to explore, trying to get as many information off of her,

"Do you dream of them? Have you saw them before?"

"Where would they move next? Why did your hand glowed?"

There was just too many things, that all of them want to know.

With the time she spent with them,

She knew she was disesteemed,

But rather than believe she was,

She took advantage of what they believed was fear.

She embraced their miscalculation,

So to not arouse suspicion,

She allowed them to belittle her every being,

Without knowing what direction her mind is fleeing.

They underestimaded her,

And she made sure, it will be one of their biggest mistake after.

tigerpaws tigerpaws

Thank you for reading! I appreciate your presence! Chapter coming out soon!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C58
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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