60% New Valyria / Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Arc 2, Allies

章 21: Chapter 20: Arc 2, Allies




The citizens of the Free City of Pentos watched as the cavalry and foot soldiers, of the Brotherhood marched towards the palace of the Prince Gessio, the Prince of Pentos. Some looked on in awe and some in fear. But most on the awe side, then on the fear side. They watched as the Commanders lead the company, all on great black stallion. Leading everyone was the Head Commander himself, Jon Snow, to his left was the Second Command, Mance Rayder, and to the right of the head commander was the Commander of Smiths, and the commander's best friend Gendry Baratheon.

All the while this was happening the Prince of Pentos watched from his window. Watching as the greatest Company marched towards his home. He looked on as the three dragons flew move his Palace, with three mighty roars. He looked back down to see that the Brotherhood was at his door, with Jon Snow looking up at him with a glare.

Jon looked up at the Prince of Pentos, who was on his balcony. The Prince wasn't a handsome man, he was overweight, with his hair and beard constantly oiled, he was also hated in his own city. Jon looked to his left to see the Prince's replacement, Magister George.

George was a man of thirty-name-days, he had pale blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin, and six feet tall, and he was most definitely wasn't overweight. The man also had a wife and a thirteen-name-days. George was his ears in Pentos and his Head Captain of Sales. He was his trusted with politics and a man worthy of the title of Prince of Pentos. Being born in the city, as a commoner and raise in the ranks of politics, and money. But another thing that gives him power over the other Magisters and the Prince is that he has the love of the smallfolk, and Magisters.

Jon was taking form his thoughts by the door in front of him opening. He looked up to see that the Prince was gone. Jon looked to the door and saw a girl with a cloth around her neck, and a lot of her skin showing.

"Greetings Head Commander Jon Snow, and Magister George." She spoke as she bowed her head, when they entered the Palace with a dozen Unsullied guards, "If you'll come with me I will show you to the hall."

Jon and George nodded, "Thank you." Jon spoke, with a smile.

The girl lead them to a hall, which had about two dozen guards, a table full of food, and four chairs. The girl turned around and looked to them, "The Prince will be with you in a few. But for the time being please enjoy the food, and wine."

Jon nodded and walked over to the table and took a seat at one of the four chairs, he was followed shortly by George. Jon looked at the food, not touching anything under suspicion that they might be poisoned. He looked to George and saw that he was doing the same.

Jon and George slowly started a conversation about the wealth of the Brotherhood. With George being the Head Captain of the Sales, he was one of the few who knew how much gold, the Brotherhood had, and was in the Brotherhood's vaults, and such. Jon found that the vaults were quite full, with there being four large vaults, Norvos, Braavos, Lys, and Yi-Ti, all of them being guarded by four dozen guard, and the only key to open them with Jon. All large vaults being a third full. The Brotherhood also had about three dozen smaller vaults in various places. But they also carried a small amount with them, when they move about from one place to another.

It took about fifteen minutes until the Prince finally entered the room, to see two annoyed men. The prince smiled in greetings, it was fake, "Commander Snow, and Magister George. Welcome to My House."

Jon rolled his eyes, "You know why we're here Prince Gessio." Jon glared at the Prince, "Now bend or give your title to George here." he gestured to the Magister beside him.

The Prince shook his head, and barked out a laugh, "Look around you Commander Snow." he gestured to the men surrounding him, with their spears pointing towards the two men in the room, "I have you outnumbered. What can you do?" Jon just glared at the men, "Yes I know what this say about you and those swords you have. You are the greatest swordsman alive. But you can't take down two dozen Unsullied."

The room was quiet for about three minutes. The silence was broken by Jon laughing, and George snickering. The Prince looked confused, but it ended quickly when the door flew open and the Brotherhood's men entered.

Jon stood and spoke, "The Palace of Pentos is now in my hands, Prince Gessio. All the guards are dead or have surrendered." Jon was walked to Gendry who entered with the men. Gendry handed him Blackfyre.

"The Palace is ours. The smallfolk are outside waiting, Commander." Gendry spoke.

Jon nodded and turned to the shaking Prince, "Now I'm going to ask you again Prince Gessio." Jon walked towards the man putting his sword belt on, "Bend or Die."

Gessio looked like he was about to run. He did but was gutted by the guards.

Jon laughed, and told his men to take the former Prince outside. Jon turned around to George, and asked, "What was the debt the Prince of Pentos owed the Iron Bank?"

George looked to be in thought, "I believe Tycho Nestoris, said that the Prince owed the Palace to them." Jon looked to him with a 'please explain' look. George shook his head, "Tycho said he lost a bet, and it was on the house."

Jon nodded, and walked to leave, "Give it to them. This place smells of shit, and sperm. I believe wouldn't want to live her the rest of you life." George laughed and nodded, "When the debt is paid take this place down, stone by stone, and make a new place."

George nodded, "Already planning that, Your Grace." George grinned.

Jon rolled his eyes, and laughed a little.


It has been an hour since former Prince Gessio was beheaded. And already the city was a little bit better than it was before.




All the leaders of the Cities, Fortresses, and Towns of Yi-TI, were called to the Capital CIty, for news of something happening in the West of Essos. So they waited in the Hall of the God-Empress, Chang Co. The current God-Emperor of Yi-Ti. A girl who was given the title by the People's Saviour, Jon Snow, but to those who have known and talked to him, Emperor Daeron Targaryen.

When the doors opened to show that Empress Chang Co, everyone stood and bowed as the Empress entered. The Empress was a lady of twenty-seven-name-days, with black hair going down to her waist, brown eyes, and height of five feet two inches(*1). She was currently wearing a black kimono with white flowers on it.

When she got to her set, she slowly kneeled onto her cushion. Everyone followed, some sitting criss cross, and some with there buts on there heels. No-One spoke a word, until there Empress spoke first.

"Great-Emperor Daeron, has called for us to kneel to the dragons, and join the new Empire of Valyria." Everyone nodded, so the Empress continued, "He has also asked send our Samurais and Shis, to help deal with the west city Qarth." More nods, "So I have called you all here to ask you to provide us with men."

One of the Commanders of the Great Fortress, spoke, "I will have 1500 Shis ready for you Empress." She nodded in thanks.

He was followed by the other Great Commanders, saying that they would be able to send there Samurais and Shis.

The Empress thanked them all, and continued with the meeting, "Form the scroll, you will all be working under Princess Rhaenys Blackfyre, Commander of the Unsullied Black Snake, and Commander of Defence Ser Alliser Thorne. They are bringing 5000 of there men. Also form the scroll it also said that Princess Rhaenys will be bringing an infant dragon." No-one spoke and just nodded, not arguing that they will be lead by a female, "Now that we have come to an agreement. I have chosen some of you to lead our army."

The Empress looked to the crowd, and spoke a name, "Li Xinge." a man of six feet, two inches stood. The man had hair of black going down to his mid back. The man also had brown eyes. The man was currently wearing a black and white hanfu with his house sigil on the back(a giant 'X' made out of Daos), and in front of him, on the floor was a Dao. The Empress continued, "I have appointed you as Commander of the Shis. Don't let me down."

The man bowed, "Thank you Empress. I won't let the trust you put in me down." The man then went back to sitting down. Many of the other Leaders, Commanders nodded in acceptance of the man being name of the Shis.

Empress Chang went back to looking around, and when she found her attack she spoke, "Kaname Saito," a man of five feet, nine inches, with black hair going down to his shoulder blades, but is currently being held in a bun, stood, and bowed. The man was currently wearing a white, grey, and black kimono in front of him were two katanas. The Empress continued, "I have appointed you as Commander of the Samurais."

The man bowed, "Thank you, Empress." Saito went back to sitting.

With that done, Empress Chang continued, "The captains are of your chosen, Commanders. I want to hear of greatness when you return." The two commanders nodded. The Empress stood, "With that you may all return to your homes." She looked around, "Those that are giving men to help Great-Emperor Daeron, I want you all to send a raven to both Commanders to tell them that they are ready to go. From there the Commanders will tell me." Everyone nodded. The Empress then started walking down the steps, everyone stood and bowed their heads when she walked pass.


In a sennight the Samurais and Shis of Yi-Ti moved out to help Princess Rhaenys take the city of Qarth. Leading them are Li Xinge and Kaname Saito. Both wearing the armor of their own commanding army. And with them a substance of unknown background.




Magister Rogare, watched as the Magisters argued, some wanting to bow to the dragons, and some don't want to bow to them. So far he has kept his mouth shut, not wanting to be involved in this berking of children.

Drako Rogare, is a man of thirty-eight name-days, with brown hair going to his shoulders, his hair is currently being held in separate braids, with small rings keeping it held. He has velvet eyes, with bolts of blue. He reaches the height of six feet, four inches. He has been a Magister of Lys for twelve years, and has been married for just as long. He has a son of thirteen name-days, and a daughter seven name-days.

Drako looked back to the Magister to see that they were all looking at him, "What?" The magister that was sitting beside him repeated the question. Drako nodded, and spoke his mind, "Well to me it seems like you are all children." he raised his hand to stop them from speaking, "Your all trying to stop the inevitable. We all know if we don't bow now, we will have to deal with his army, and his dragons." he shook his head, "We all know what happened to Volantis. We all know why it got burnt to the ground. And I know that some of you were involved."

He looked around at the Magisters. But when he heard a knock, a grin slowly grew on his face. All the Magisters saw this, and those whom knew about what was about to happen, a grin grew on there face. Those who didn't know what was about to happen looked to the door.

The door started to open slowly, and what was on the other side was a guard with wide eyes, and blood running down from his chest. When the body dropped to the ground to show the back of the body, everyone saw bolts in it. A few seconds later men wearing the sigil of House Rogare, came charging in slaying the guards that were in there. The Magister just watched, some with a grin, and some with fear on there faces.

Drako stood and was followed by the Magister that were with him, and walked towards the door, he turned around, and spoke, "Lys is now under the control of House Rogare. Now you all have a chose bend to the dragon, or die here. Choose wisely." he turned left the room, all the well grinning.


A day later and a raven has reached the Brotherhood, that stated that Lys will bend the knee. The people and the Magisters, have all agreed.




The Tyroshi people watched as their leaders were stripped of their clothes, and forced to walk their streets. Behind them was Archon Aluquo, telling them why their leaders were stripped of their clothes and were walking the streets. He preached that they wanted to turn on their ally, Daeron Targaryen, or more commonly known as Jon Snow, and not to bow to the rightful ruler of the world.

Soon the naked leaders were covered in shit, and was being stripped of their titles and left alone with nothing to wear. Little did they know that in Myr they were having the same, but leading them was Magister Daeno, and his allies.




Ferrego Antaryon sat in his chair, with his First Sword Syrio Forel, his Commander of Army, Jacob Greentree(*5), his Commander of Fleet, Bryan Bells(*6), and the Iron Bank's representative, Tycho Nestoris. They were all waiting on one more, someone who arrived today, someone that worked for the Brotherhood of the Old Gods.

They didn't have to wait long until the man entered. When the door opened, they looked to see a man with a Valyrian Steel rod and mask on. In came Maester Marwyn, the Mage, and the Master of Research.

The Mage looked around, and spoke, "Sorry for keeping you waiting, my Lord." he walked to his chair, and looked around, "So let's begin." he got nods, form the various people around the table, "Jon ordered me here for a few specific reasons, but the major is that he wants to buy all the properties that are not owned."

Ferrego nodded, but asked, "Why does he want to buy all of these properties?"

Marwyn looked to him, "How many homeless people are in this city, Sealord Ferrego?" he watched as the Sealord shook his head, "The reason Jon wants to buy all of these properties, is that he is going to fill them with all the homeless in this city. He has already had this happened in the Cities of Yi-Ti, Pentos, and Nervos." he watched as the others' eyes widened, "He is willing to pay the city what it needs, and as you all know he has the money for this. The city of Braavos holds about a quarter of the smaller vaults the Brotherhood owns, and it also holds a large vault that holds more gold than the other large vaults."

Ferrego, Jacob, and Tycho nodded, knowing what he was talking about. But the others looked on not knowing what the Mage was talking about. Jacob knew about the vaults but he didn't know how the Brotherhood gets it gold, "How does the Brotherhood gets the amount of gold it has?"

The one to answer his question was Tycho, "The Brotherhood gets the amount of gold form there many sales." Jacob, Bryan, and Syrio looked to him confused, "The Brotherhood has two major sources for its amount of gold, and so much more. The biggest is the Jade Sea, with its mass amount gems like jades, rudies, amethyst, diamonds, and emeralds, those are some of the most popular ones, but there are many more, but the list goes on and on." the others looked on in shock, "The second is the Bone Mountains. The mountains have one of the most reliable sources of iron, steel, lead, gold, copper, and silver. Like the gems the list goes on and on. Also from what i have heard is that they haven't even started on the bulk of it, they are current work on the southern side of the mountains."

Marwyn nodded, "As you can see we have more gold than any other family or company out there. We even have more gold then the houses Lannister, Tyrell, and Martell all combined. We even have more gold then that man in Westeros," he puts his finger to his chin, "what is his name again, Peter, Peiter… Ahhh Petyr Baelish, that was his name." at this the other looked to him, "But that isn't important."

He allowed the others to regain their emotions in check. Soon everyone nodded, and Marwyn looked to Ferrego, "So can you get that done, Sealord Ferrego?"

Ferrego nodded, "I will get that done as soon as I can." he then smirked, "But I can feel that there is another reason for him wanting to buy unowned properties for."

The Mage grinned, "You are smart, Sealord Ferrego." Ferrego bowed in his chair, "But the other season is that, Jon is predicting that some of the some of the Cities, won't cooperate with us." the others nodded, but what Marwyn said next put a frown on there face.

"You all know what happened to Volantis?" they all nodded, "So you all know that every person that lived there got burned?" nods again, "Well when Jon came to his senses, he realized what had happened when he lost control of his rage, and anger. Well he isnt letting that happening again. He will not kill millions of innocents. So when some of the cities deny there rule, Jon will try to do something like Aegon the Conqueror did to Harrenhal." everyone looked to him with wide eyes, "He will evacuate the city during the night, sending the people to either of the cities that have opened houses for them to live. But when the leaders awake the next day, they will find an empty city, with only them in it and a messenger saying that they did this on themselves. He will then burn the city to the ground."

The others looked on in shock. But soon they all nodded.

Ferrego spoke, "How many of the cities have agreed, to Jon's rule?"

The Mage looked to the roof in thought, "When I left Pentos, I believed I heard that Yi-Ti, Asshai, Lys, Myr, and Tyosh, have all agreed. Pentos has also but Jon dealt with that himself. Jon also said that the people of Lhazar are working on it as well." Everyone nodded, "The other reason why we're having this meeting is because Jon has a project in mind and he needs to use the docks for it."

Ferrego nodded and asked, "What is this project Jon has in mind?"

Marwyn looked to the sealord, "It's a new ship he has in mind." he reached into his bag and grabbed a paper. He then handed it to Jacob, whom was sitting beside him, "Jon thinks our technology is behind, and he believes that the Maesters in the Citadel, are sitting on there asses doing nothing to help. Let me say that they are indeed doing that."

Jacob looked over the blueprint in front of him, and grinned, "Where did Jon gets this idea form?" he passed it onto Ferrego.

The Mage shook his head, "Even if I said how he got this idea, you wouldn't believe me."

Ferrego smiled, and passed it to Syrio, "Come on, tell us. You might not believe me but when i say we will believe it, we will."

The Mage sighed, and nodded, "Jon had a vision." the others looked to him confused, "Jon has visions of the pass, but more specifically of the 'Doom of Valyria'. He also gets visions of the future, but there are small, and rarely happens."

The others nodded, and thought of how hard it would be to live with visions of the 'Doom', and what the future holds.

Marwyn spoke, and moved on with the meeting, "The last reason this meeting was called for, is that Jon would like you to help in making the City of New Valyria."

Ferrego looked at the Mage with shook, "Why us?"

"Because Jon trust you to stay loyal. The only other is Norvos. But he also wants the Iron Banks support in this."

They nodded, "So where does he plan on making New Valyria?" Ferrego asked.

Marwyn puts his finger to his chin and tried to remember what Jon said about the location of the city is going to be. After about two minutes the Mage, took his finger from his chin, "He plans on making it where the three slave cities are."

The others nodded. Ferrego looked around the table and saw the others smiling. He looked to the Maester.

"We will help Jon in making the city." Ferrego told him.

The Maester grinned, "I will send Jon a raven right away." The maester stood, grabbing some of the scrolls he brought with him and handed them to the Sealord, "Also Jon will send you a raven when the city is ready to be built. Here are the blueprints of the main buildings, and the buildings he wants. He will also be sending his builders to help with it, and will be standing beside all of you well you are building the city."

Ferrego nodded, and grabbed the blueprints, "Thank you for telling us, Maester Marwyn. We will wait for the raven to come to us. Now I believe you have ravens to send." He smiled as he nodded.

The Maester stood, and nodded, "I wish you a merry day, and best of luck, my friends." He turned and left.


The North of the Bone Mountains


Ser Damian Seyn walked along the cliff of the northernmost part of the Bone Mountains. Along the stone he found burn marks, some older and some newer, that were getting larger and larger the more he followed them.

When he saw the fire marks leading to a giant cave entrance, he walked towards the cave. When he arrived at the entrance he felt a shiver go down his spine.

Even though his instincts told him to run he continued on into the cave. The further he went in the larger the cave got. He also noticed that it was getting darker, and that the burn marks were getting newer.

When he came along a deadend he looked along the walls. He walked towards the walls and placed his hand onto it. He continued to walk well dragging his hand along the walls.

He continued to drag his hand on the wall until he looked towards the entrance… well what he thought was the entrance. What he saw was black. He saw no light coming from what he remembered to be the entrance.

All the while he was looking at the darkness, he did notice the two large blood red eyes, that opened up behind him. When he felt shivers down his spine he looked back to see nothing.

He walked backwards until he came to a stop with his back hitting something. He brought a hand to it to feel what it was. When his hand made contact with what stopped him, he felt it moving… wait not moving… it was breathing.

Now that he realized it, he noticed that it was getting hotter by the second. But then he listened closer, he noticed the sound of something breathing, some large.

He turned around and what he saw made him shit his pants.

What was behind him was two large blood red eyes, staring at him. The thing then opened his mouth to show huge teeth, teeth that were the size of horses.

He knew what this was. How wouldn't he, his commander has three of them. In front of him was a dragon. A dragon that was bigger than his commanders biggest.

The dragon started to send fire up his belly. Before Damian could be burnt alive, he was able to see the scales this dragon had. They were black, the darkest black he has ever seen. He was also able to see the share size.

Just as the dragon spat his fire out onto him, he said the name of this dragon, remembering the stories he read. Mainly the ones on the known dragons, and how they died. He knew which one this is, it matches what the books said about him. He closed his eyes, and whispered the name, "The Cannibal."

All the while Jon Snow watched, beside him was Bloodraven. Jon looked back to the older man, "So the Cannibal, still lives to this day." He looked back to the dragon whom just swallowed the man whole, "And this is where he has lived. The Bone Mountains."

The man nodded, "Yes he has. When the Dance of Dragons ended he left Westeros looking for a home." His one good eye looked to Jon, "He went to Valyria first, then he went to Sothoryos, but he encountered the same beast that gave the giant scar to Balerion."

They watched as the dragon turned around and showed his other side. Jon then saw a scar that started at the top of his left wing to the beginning of his tail. Jon looked at the scar with sadness. Even if the dragon in front of him was untamable, it still hurts to see what has happened to him.

He looked to Bloodraven, "What is the beast that gave those scars to the two most deadly and most dangerous dragons, the world had ever seen?"

The man looked to him and shook his head, "I would show you but time is running out. I need to show you one more thing before you leave." He looked to the dragon, "Something that involves him."

Jon looked to the dragon, and saw that the dragon was looking in his direction. Bloodraven saw this and quickly puts his arm on Jon's shoulder.

The Cannibal watched as the man disappeared. Cannibal saw something in that man, something he has never seen before. Something that reminded him of a human friend of his, someone that when he died the Cannibal lost everything(*7). Someone who claimed a better, and more dangerous dragon.

He huffed out a bit of smoke and closed his eyes, and said to himself, "The time will come when I am needed, but now I need sleep."


The Lands of Always Winter


The Others watched as the Great Other, or more commonly known as the Night King, placed his hand onto the giant block of ice behind him. They all knew what the block of ice held, and they needed the blood to awaken what was inside the block of ice.

One of the eldest Others stepped forward and spoke in the tongue, "Father, the giants, and the peasants are growing further. We need to stop with them, before they are able to go behind the walls."

The Great Other just nodded and looked to the block of ice in front of him. He looked back to his children, and spoke, "Do you know what this is? And why it's here?"

He watched as the lesser Others shook their heads, minus the oldest of them all. A Other that had the thickest of skin, and the deadliest of fighting styles. The Other spoke, with an old voice, "That is our win to the slaying of mankind." The Great Other nodded and motioned for the Other to continue, "I sadly don't know how it got here, but I remember something about it coming here, and the First Great Other tamed it."

The Great Other nodded, and looked back to the block of ice, "You are correct on both occasions. My ancestors tamed it but it will never awaken until we have the blood, to awaken her."

The Others looked to the block of ice, and saw that something moved on the other side. They saw the Night look around with a confused look, he spoke, "She senses them. She senses the blood."

Jon watched as the Great Other look around. Jon looked to the block of ice that stood behind his greatest enemy. His eyes flew open, already going to question the older man how this got here.

Bloodraven knew what the boy was going to ask, so he just answered, "She is one of the oldest. She was there when the first men lived. She was the one that laid those eggs the Valyrians found. She is the first of her kind." He looked away not wanting to look at the first ever dragon, "How she got here? Well that is simple, Greatfyre was the first summer, and the first Great Other was the first winter. They knew they had to fight. So when she moved to fight the First Great Other, the bastard knew and set a trap that took his life, but it also named him victor." Brayden clenched his fist, "He trapped her in a great frozen ice. An ice that she could destroy. But when the First Great Other died, he made it so that his blood would enter her, and when she has finally broken free, she will have no free will. She will be just like the weights."

Jon looked at the great dragon. The dragon was a great silver color. Her scales, spikes and horns were a bright silver, well the wing membranes, underscales,and her eyes were a light blue. Form what Jon sees is that she is the same size as the Cannibal.

Jon to the older man, but he already knew what the question was, "The ice stopped her grew completely." Bloodraven looked to Jon, "That is why Cannibal needs to fight her. He will be your aces. When she falls the Others lose."

Jon nodded, and looked to the dragon, "She's going to break free soon. And the reason for it will be from my blood."

Bloodraven nodded, "I tried to see what I could do to stop it, but it was destined for you two meet. You will be the reason she will awake and when she does, you will know. The ground will grumble, and the earth shack."

Jon looked to the giant beauty. He watched as the dragons eyes looked to him, he stepped back, but said to himself, 'She needs my blood to awaken.'

When Jon felt his shoulder be grabbed he knew that he has left the land and is now, standing out of Pentos with Braydon. The older man looked to him, "You now know what you will need to do when the Battle of the Dawn will come. When the southern wars are done go North of the wall, and wait for an Other to meet you. You can fight him or you can give your blood freely, but the choice is yours." The man started to vanish but before he did he spoke, "Cannibal isn't the only old dragon alive. There are three others. Two live in Ulthos, well the other fly non stop, she lives East of the Known World."

Jon looked to the man, "I will find them. I have brought the new generation of dragons into this world. So I will also watch the old generation passes." With a determined look, "This I promise you, Bloodraven."

Jon watched as a small smile grew on the older man's face, "I will keep you to it, Great Dragon."

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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