66.14% Naruto: Winds and Changes / Chapter 84: Chapter 084

章 84: Chapter 084

"It's not wise for a shinobi to be distracted on the battlefield Naruto-kun," Haku commented.

Naruto grunted as he wiped away the blood from his already healed lip, "Sorry, but it's not every day I get to see such a beautiful sight."

Well, technically I see it all the time with Anko, but who's counting.

Haku looked down and noticed that her chest bindings had been ripped up, revealing her mid C cup chest and there was a rip in her battle kimono exposing the lower part of her left breast. She blushed a bit before looking back up at Naruto, "Pervert."

"Am not," Naruto defended himself, "I was merely saying it's distracting. Besides, I thought we already established your beauty when we first met…tenshi."

Haku blushed a bit but shook it off as she looked at the blond with a small smile, "Only you could say that in the middle of a battle Naruto-kun."

"I figured as much," Naruto grinned and gave a careless shrug, "it's just cuz I'm awesome like that."

They ran at each other again. Naruto came in with a low kick to the knee caps, but Haku jumped over it and attempted to kick Naruto in the head. Bending backwards slightly, Naruto let the attack pass over his head.

Turning around he lashed out with a fist while Haku was in the air. But she managed to swat the attack away, landing on the ground and coming at him with a kick of her own.

Naruto backpedaled, letting the kick pass him by a few inches. He stopped his reverse momentum, jumped forward and came in with a punch to Haku's face. The raven-haired girl swatted the attack to her left and tilted her head slightly to let the attack pass by, it was close enough that she could feel the rush of air as the blonde's fist brushed against a few strands of her hair. Closing the distance between her and Naruto, she managed to hit him in the ribs with two quick jabs. However the attack cost her and she was unable to retreat in time to get away from the blonde's counter attack; said counter being Naruto grabbing onto her head with both hands, and smashing it into his knee.

Haku stumbled back and shook her head in an attempt to clear it. When she did it was to see Naruto coming at her hard. He sent a kick, punch, elbow, knee combination at the raven-haired girl. She managed to bend backwards slightly to dodge the kick, letting it pass a few inches from above her face. She came back up and brought out her left hand, twisting her body at the same time as she pushed the attack to her left.

Despite being overextended Naruto used the slight forward momentum it granted to come in a little faster and launch an elbow at the girl's face. Haku had other plans however and ducked under the attack. As soon as she ducked the blond stuck out his knee and tried to hit her in the face. Realizing she could not block this attack and did not have the time to dodge, she put her arms in a cross guard, taking the attack.

Haku was pushed back as Naruto's knee collided with her forearms, with said attack being forceful enough to send her backwards into a tumble. However, she managed to plant her hands on the ground before she completed her first somersaulted roll and pushed herself back onto her feet. As she landed she saw Naruto coming towards her and began making several hand seals.

"Hijutsu: Koori Kiri (Secret Technique: Ice Mist)!" Haku inhaled a deep breath before exhaling. As she did Naruto saw noticed that the mist in front of her turned white and looked like the small water molecules were becoming crystalized.

It only took a second for him to analyze what she was doing. She's freezing the mist by infusing it with her chakra! If I get caught in that I doubt even Kyuubi will be able to heal the frostbite I'll receive!

Not wanting to become a popsicle, he kawarimi'd with a clone he had created when the Zabuza Mizu Bunshins had attacked them. The clone froze in his place, turning pure white as it became a crystalline structure.

Haku ended the technique and waited for the mist to clear, before walking over to the now frozen Naruto. "I'm sorry Naruto-kun, I did not want to do this to you," she apologized.

"That's alright."

Haku's eyes widened as she turned around and saw Naruto right behind her. She was unable to dodge the blow to her face, however despite her surprise, she was still able to counter and catching his foot with her own as she stumbled back, forcing the blond to catch himself when he got tripped up and make sure he could not counter attack, allowing her some time to work out a plan.

The point became mute as Naruto began a set of hand seals, "Fuuton: Kamikaze Seiken!" Linking his fists together the blond thrust them out and a powerful blast of concentrated wind in the shape of his fist shimmered as it pushed through the mist.

Haku jumped out of the way, feeling the air get displaced as she dodged the attack. But Naruto knew she would and had only used it as a distraction while he closed the distance between them. He managed to get in front of her and plant a knee into her stomach before she could react. The fake Kiri hunter ninja gasped in pain as she coughed up a mixture of spit and blood as the attack folded her over Naruto's knee. However, Haku was not about to be outdone and latched onto his leg, using one of her own to trip him and send the blond sprawling to the ground.

Naruto's back hit the concrete with a small 'oomph!' from the whiskered blond as the wind was knocked out of him. As he tried to regain his breath he saw Haku throwing a punch at his neck with several senbon being held between her fingers. Rolling out of the way Naruto was able to dodge the attack and pushed himself onto his feet several feet away from Haku.

"This is getting us nowhere," Naruto muttered to himself. They were simply too evenly matched, and nothing they did seem to affect the other for long.

Haku seemed to be having the same thoughts. He truly is a strong opponent…I really don't want to use this, but to help Zabuza-sama I have to.

"You really are strong Naruto-kun," Haku said as she began more single handed seals. "But I'm afraid that means I have to use my secret weapon on you. Makyo Hyosho (Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors)!"

Naruto watched as he became surrounded by a dome of ice mirrors. Haku stepped inside one of them and an image of her appeared in all of them.

Naruto looked around at all the Haku's. "Well shit," He said as they all brought out senbon.

"This is the end; forgive me…Naruto-kun." Haku said before all of the Haku's disappeared and Naruto found himself being hit by dozens of senbon at what felt like almost the same time. It was only because of his spars with Lee that Naruto was able to tell they were not at the same time, being maybe several tenths of a second from each other. Though with the pain he was feeling from getting stuck with several dozen senbon needles, he was unsure if that tidbit of information really mattered.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C84
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


