14.92% Naruto: Time Traveler / Chapter 10: Library contents summary, learning plans

章 10: Library contents summary, learning plans

After the classes ended Yuta went to the library once again. After checking in and entering the library he starts to go through the books and scrolls that he hadn't checked yet.

After 3 hours of going through the titles and sometimes descriptions of the books and scrolls Yuta finally clears the whole library and now, he has some understanding of what the library contains and how much stuff is here.

With that out of the way, Yuta grabs a specific thick book and takes a seat at the table.

'Well, looking through the library content I must say - it's somewhat disappointing, but at the same time there's a lot of useful stuff here. The other half of the library that I checked today - contains more good stuff then the other half.'

'Today I found some books on basics of medicine, biology, anatomy, herbs and poisons. That's actually useful stuff there, and the amount of information the library contains on this topics is quite a lot.'

'If I want to learn all of that it will take, I don't know how long, maybe years?'

'Then there is some more history stuff about the warring states period, and some books with legends about the Sage of The Six Paths. Well, around 60% of the library is about the history of some sorts.'

'The sad part is that there are no records about the nature transformation or any practical stuff about jutsus. There are some theory books about genjutsu, mostly about how to recognize it and how to dispel it, I should definitely read those.'

'There is some theoretical knowledge about 5 basic elements and some theories about its nature, but once again – nothing practical.'

'There are books about shinobi rules and guidelines, and when I opened it out of curiosity – that was such a joke! The things in it are mostly stupid crap and self-sacrifice propaganda. As if I don't have enough of that stuff during the classes!'

'All of the shinobi rules start with 'A shinobi must …' and there are hundreds of them, like 'A shinobi must never show any weakness' and 'A shinobi must never show their tears during a mission' or 'A shinobi must always put the mission first'. Damn! Give me some slack will you! The last thing I will do in this library is to read and memorize those stupid rules!'

'Well, there are some books about physical training regimes and right diets for shinobi in training. With how we were taught for the first two days - these books will be very useful to me to start training my physical body right.'

'Well, I still don't have plans to do the physical training seriously, I just want to do it for around two hours a day to not fall out too much in the physical strength department. Anything more than that I consider a waste of time because of my time travel ability.'

'After all, if later on I need to train my physical body to the maximum – I have to start all over again from the beginning to do it the right way. In the future I might need to have a very strong and trained body, and in that case, I will travel back in time and start doing it right from the beginning. And for now, just two hours a day should be enough for me.'

'What I need to train seriously and focus on now - is my spiritual energy!'

'And I found some books on chakra theory and there I might find some information about spiritual energy and the ways to train it, that will be my first priority to learn in the library. But there are a lot of books and scrolls on this topic, so I will start with it tomorrow, as for now…'

'As for the second priority…' With that thought Yuta opened the thick book on the table in front of him that he grabbed earlier, 'The basics of Fuinjutsu!'

'Seriously, in the whole library the only two things that I can implement on practice to increase my combat capabilities - that is basics on poisons, and fuinjutsu. And there are a lot of books and scrolls about fuinjutsu! They are all about basic and fundamental things and with the scroll about explosive tags being the most advanced among them. '

'But hey, if I learn all of this stuff and master it, maybe I will be able to apply for more advanced fuinjutsu materials later on. After all the seals masters are highly valued in any shinobi village!'

'Fuinjutsu or sealing techniques can actually be very powerful if mastered. For example, Orochimaru's immortality technique is based on fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu can create strong barriers to trap enemies, like Orochimaru trapped Hiruzen in the anime. The whole Jinchuriki thing is based on sealing tailed beasts with fuinjutsu. And the most interesting technique – Hiraishin or The Flying Thunder God is based on fuinjutsu as well!'

After reading the book about basics of fuinjutsu for a couple hours Yuta understands that learning it will be very time consuming and overall difficult task.

And with that the decision on the priorities of what to learn before everything else was made. First things first Yuta will find a proper training regime for his physical training for around 2 hours a day. Then Yuta decided to learn all that is there about chakra and spiritual energy to find a proper ways to train his spiritual energy. And after that - learning and practicing fuinjutsu.

Later on, when Yuta finds some spare time for something else, he will eventually read and learn all the things that are in the library, history books included, but of course he will start with more important stuff first, like medicine and poisons, theory on genjutsu and things like that.

'Yea sounds like a good plan! Even if the whole first year of the academy will consist of 99% of the propaganda and 1% of not important facts – I still will be able to learn a lot of good stuff here. I just need to perform a 'paying attention' face during classes while I think about something else.'

'I really need to learn how to completely cut out all that brainwashing lectures during classes from my brain. These two days when I paid attention to lectures was a mistake that only give me a headache.'

After the library Yuta established a new day-to-day routine. When he wakes up at 5:30am, he goes for a simple two hour training in the closest unoccupied public training grounds. The training routine is just from a basic training guide from the library with running at a fast speed, pushups, squats and some other things.

After that Yuta returns home, takes a shower, eats and goes to academy.

At the academy there are classes, usually up to 4pm. After classes Yuta goes to the library to learn stuff, mostly about the chakra theory to find all he can about spiritual energy. Yuta stays at the library up to 8pm, then goes home, trains his sensory technique for two hours, takes a shower, eats and goes to sleep.

On Sundays it's a day off for the academy students, but the library is still open, so nothing really changes on Sundays for Yuta, he just goes straight to the library at 8am instead.

When the normal food that Yuta bought previously runes out, he asked the class teacher for the food ration bars and received 21 of them for the week. With that Yuta starts to get those ration bars every week and eats only them. They tasted like nothing, but hey, free food is free food.

They truly are not that bad, they are compact, easy to eat quickly without wasting time, taste like nothing, but their purpose is not for satisfying the tastes of the shinobi after all, they are for supplying the shinobi body with calories and vitamins and stuff, and they do this job just fine.

When Yuta started to eat ration bars, he started to feel generally slightly better, had more energy on the morning trainings and didn't feel hungry at all during the days. And he no longer needed to spend money on food or waste his time on cooking. 'God bless the creators of the ration bars!', Yuta thought.

But all in all, with such a bland taste of the ration bars Yuta more and more frequently looks at the restaurants and street food stalls on the way between academy and home. And even with that Yuta can't just go and spend around 100ryo to have a good tasty meal there, it just doesn't feels right to waste that little money that he has just like that.

'I have to find a way to make some money, huh… I can't eat just ration bars for the whole 6 years of the academy, I will just snap and go crazy at some point! It's okay for time being, but I need to keep my eyes open for any opportunity to make some extra money!'

And with that the day-to-day routine life of Yuta at the academy continues. From time to time Yuta has some small chats with Hideto Yamanaka, mostly about sensory techniques.

This Yamanaka guy developed his sensory technique to much higher radius and uses it with more mastery than Yuta. But Yuta does not really care much about it, he just develops it at his own pace without any haste.

It's clear for Yuta at this point that he doesn't have any talent in sensory techniques and he only was able to develop it to this point because of the constant everyday efforts and some luck at the start, when he was able to figure it out how it should work on his own. Yuta doesn't have any negative feelings about it or plans to drop it either, sensory technique is a very important thing in his understanding.

And it's not like Yuta can do anything about his non-existent talent in the sensory field either. So, he just does what he can to further improve it over time while he mostly focuses on getting useful knowledge from the library.

A couple times Yuta had some small talk with some of his classmates. He doesn't really like the most of them. Almost all of the clan kids are just insufferable. They are too arrogant and too proud of their respective clans and didn't think highly about civilians in the class. Only Hideto Yamanaka is somewhat tolerable, and in Yuta's opinion, this is mostly because of their interactions on a basis of the sensory techniques.

Aburame kid named Shingo is also one of the okay-ish ones. He is tall and always covered fully in clothes, typical Aburame clan thing. He is always neutral and never arrogant or too prideful and easy to speak to. Even if he mostly responds with short phrases and doesn't take the initiative in dialogue, it somehow doesn't feels awkward for Yuta to talk to him, it somehow feels comfortable to have some chat with Shingo, and Yuta doesn't know why exactly that is.

The rest of the clan kids are not really approachable for Yuta because of their arrogant and prideful nature, and Yuta mostly ignores them, and that is a mutual thing between both parties.

And there are the civilian background kids… Well, Yuta feels conflicted about them really. It seems like the brainwashing of the lectures is really getting in to them. All they talk about is just repeating the same things from the lectures, which is about 'will of fire' and 'self-sacrifice' things among the 'greatness of the Konoha' stuff… Yuta really can't deal with them at all!

'At least those clan kids are not as stupid as the civilian kids. Well, looks like they were taught something useful in their clans after all. Clan kids look like they paid attention to the lectures, but it seems that the brainwashing is not that effective on them after all. Or most likely they are brainwashed with higher force at their clans already, and the academy brainwashing is struggling to overwrite the clan brainwashing…'

'God dammit this shinobi world! Can't you give kids some slack? Let them think with their own brains and make their own decisions? Why did I end up in this fckd-up world? If I'm to reincarnate, why didn't I reincarnate in a world of fantasy and magic without a deadly threat around every corner and without completely brainwashed population? Damn my luck!'



[AN: Well, I might go too far in to character with MC thoughts about shinobi world there. Anyway, there will be some time skips in the next chapters; I still want to end the academy arc as fast as possible, to go into some action after MC graduation. Don't know how many chapters it will take, but I'll do my best.

There will be more dialogs, character interactions, events and fights after chapter 14!

Thanks to Yionfhj, Carlllos, TrueMonarch00, Herbivore, IDB, poonie_jr, YourShadowsenpai, Lanewy_Jaren, inane, Fajar_Coker, Wvttz and none3698 for the power stones!

Some extra chapters ahead of schedule release on webnovel on my patreon /Sycorenovels 

Any support will be appreciated!]

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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