33.33% Naruto Thus the Lonewolf of Konoha / Chapter 1: The battle and Die
Naruto Thus the Lonewolf of Konoha Naruto Thus the Lonewolf of Konoha original

Naruto Thus the Lonewolf of Konoha

作者: cielfathan

© WebNovel

章 1: The battle and Die

"Demons" said the Sangheili who now charge at him with his plasma blade but something unfortunate for the Sangheili because of the the Spartan shoot him with MA37 round at the Sangheili "gahrk" said the Sangheili before he fall down from the agony of the wound itself.

"king how the situation" said the comander, "this is king we got some covvies but is controtable all ONI Personel is KIA" said the spartan.

"Roger your pelican will be go to your position ETA 10 minute" said the commander, "Affirmative i will go down to see if there any survivor or hostile" said the king, "Copy that" said the commander.

The spartan begin to go down to see if there any ONI personel or covvies he goes down to see many dead body but wait there many burn mark when he reach and grab the dead Covvies, this is new because the heat itself.

He began to aim at the direction of the door and the door open he found a ONI Personal who hide in the table and unconcucious , "Commander we found ONI Personel alive do you copy", "Affirmative bring him for information" said the commander , "roger" said the spartan.

the Spartan begin to pull up the ONI Personel and run as he can because he can see that the ONI Personel set a detonation on this cave at twenty minute he got time ten minutes to go out of the shelter.

He finally reach at the front of the cave and he can see the commander and there many of his personnel group like Jeremy and Lily at the front of the spartan, "do you finally get the ONI Personel" said the commander, he nod and begin to bring him to the pelicans.

the commander began to give the a powder to wake him up, the ONI Personel began to consciously wake up because the powder itself is very strong for him to not wake up, "Uhh where am i" said the ONI, you currently in the pelican the spartan found you at the cave, said the commander.

The ONI began see that they are true not covenant itself.

"How much time we go to on the ship" said the Commander, "ETA 5 minute sir" said the pilot, the commander nod and wait for the pelican to go to landing down on the ship.

Booooom, the sound of the explosion can be heard, but something strange happening they have been crack on the sky after the explosion, "commander what is that" said the spartan, the commander see that and suprised what is that, he now in fubar position.

"Fuck that probably covenant ship they propably arriving"said the commander.

" brace for the impact" said the commander, the commander know that this probably their last time because if the covenant open the portal that lead a unstable so that make some explosion under some difference covenant ship, it can be range ten kilometer the spartan begin to quick preaperation for this because they know their life in dangerous.

boom the sound of unstable of slipspace can be heard because the turbulence can be see like they want to crash because of this the ONI Personel is scare about what happent.

for five minute the turbulence can be feel but after 3 minute the turbulence is disappear now they can be relax,

"incoming five plasma torpedoes come from the covvies" said the pilot,"evade" said the commander under no command the pilot began to Evade the torpedoes but five is very impossible for the pilot to evade.

"Incoming on the all backside" said the Pilot, they now can see a white light of them self and.

Boom the pelican is destroys by the torpedoes.

next chapter
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