100% Naruto :TheGame(18+) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

章 4: Chapter 4

When Naruto woke up the next morning, he was met with an incessant alarm from his alarm clock, memories from clones that dispelled during the night and notifications from the system regarding last evening. Rising from bed with a groan, he slapped a hand over the alarm clock with practised ease, shutting it up in the process. As he laid there wondering if he could just go to sleep again, he realised that today he was going to train with Hinata, so that was out. He still had quite a bit of time, so he figured he could take his time and go through everything from yesterday.

With a tentative plan in mind, he rose from the bed and got ready for the day. He had a clone prepare breakfast while he got ready. As he did, he went through the memories from the clones. They had apparently spent most of the night, and the supplies they took, to make various basic types of fuuinjutsu. Surprisingly, they had actually got several types working with just a few tries, but had run out supplies before they could try all of them due to getting a bit overzealous with the basic exploding tags when they figured those out. On the plus side, Naruto now had a couple dozen basic exploding tags on hand, which he had to admit brought him more joy than it probably should have.

Thinking about joyous feelings had brought back memories of last night with Ayame, which provoked a perverted and goofy grin to appear on his face. He had not imagined that something like that would happen so soon, but there was no way he was going to complain. He spent the rest of the time getting ready lost in a combination of memories and daydreams about Ayame. It was safe to say, he was really looking forward to tonight!

In any case, since he was running low on supplies for fuuinjutsu, so he made a clone to go buy some more. The hokage had mentioned a couple of stores that he could get more supplies from so he would have the clone check them all out before deciding which one to patronize.

As he sat down to eat the breakfast prepared by the clone, he decided that it was time to get started on the messages from the system. He had to admit to actually being quite curious, despite ignoring them since yesterday. So with that thought he called forth the system notification while slowly consuming his food.

[Continuous Quest: 'Cooking with Ayame' cleared!]

Reward: +3 SP to Cooking, +1 AP to Charm

'Nothing surprising, next!'

[Sexual encounter with Ayame!]

Reward: +1 AP, +1 AP to Dexterity, +3 SP, +3 SP to Cooking

Just the memory of it brought a wide smile to Naruto's face. After being lost in a very nice daydream for a moment, he shook it off and decided to ask for a clarification. It was neither a quest reward nor an achievement.

[Sexual encounters]

Due to the nature of the game, you are rewarded for performing acts of intimacy. These are repeatable and the rewards will vary depending on the participants and their actions.

'...So basically, have as much sex as possible? No way am I gonna argue with that!' Naruto thought with a perverted grin appearing on his face. After another brief moment of naughty thoughts, he grew serious again.

'Even the basic reward was good and it will probably increase if we have actual sex. Considering the time and effort needed in comparison to normal quests it would definitely be worth going for even if it wasn't so much fun! Anyway, on to the next one.'

[Achievement: 'First sexual encounter' unlocked!]

Reward: +5 AP to Dexterity, +5 AP to Charm, +10 SP to Persuasion, +10 SP to Foreplay, +10 SP to Seduction, +10 SP to Sexual Arts, +1 PP

[Ayame Achievement: 'First sexual encounter' unlocked!]

Reward: +2 AP to Dexterity, +2 AP to Charm, +5 SP to Persuasion, +5 SP to Foreplay, +5 SP to Seduction, +5 SP to Sexual Arts, +15 SP to Cooking, +1 PP

[Ayame Achievement: 'First Orgasm' unlocked!]

Reward: +5 AP to Dexterity, +5 SP to Foreplay, +15 SP to Sexual Arts

Naruto's eyes widened at the generous reward and he was more determined than ever to increase the amount and variations of sexual encounters. When he was done going through all these messages, he would probably need to go over his status, skills and perks.

[Perk: 'Path of the Harem Master (Step 1)' unlocked!]

Naruto might have been new to the game but he had already realised just how much of a game changer perks could be. And unless he remembered incorrectly, he knew what a harem was. So it was with great anticipation that he accessed the information about the new perk.

[Path of the Harem Master (Step 1)]

Prerequisite: Have a sexual encounter, have more than 1 target

Reward: People you have had sexual encounters with are less likely to seek sex with other people as long as your relationship do not deteriorate. They will try to subconsciously justify it if you flirt or are intimate with other people, but you will need to give them plenty of attention of their own to placate them. Note that the effect of this perk is based on the strength of your relationship. It has no effect unless you have a good relationship.

Cost: 2 PP

While Naruto felt a bit guilty about it, he still decided to buy it with little to no hesitation. It did seem a bit amoral to influence his lovers like that, but he managed to get placate his consciousness by telling himself that he would treat any lover he had with love and care, not just as a hole to stick his dick in. And it didn't seem like they would have a change in personality, just be more accepting of his actions with other people. The 'warning' at the end was actually helping his conscious a bit. If it depended on the strength of their feelings, then it would only come into effect once he was already close with someone. Naruto could live with that. When he bought it, a new window appeared.

[Perk: 'Path of the Harem Master (Step 1)' acquired!]

[Perk: 'Path of the Harem Master (Step 2)' unlocked!]

He couldn't honestly say that he was surprised about that one.

[Path of the Harem Master (Step 2)(upgrade)]

Prerequisite: Have 'Path of the Harem Master (Step 2)'

Reward: People you have had sexual encounters with are unlikely to seek sex with other people as long as your relationship do not deteriorate. They will subconsciously justify it if you flirt or are intimate with others, but you still need to give them attention of their own to placate them. Targets will not be discouraged by your having other partners. There is less likely for there to be conflict within your harem. Note that the effect of this perk is based on the strength of your relationship. It has no effect unless you have a good relationship.

Cost: 2 PP

Naruto was not sure what to make of that one. The part about targets was obvious so he didn't wonder about that, but there was a change in the wording from the previous version. Taking that into consideration as well as the addition about conflict, he guessed that it would basically make it easier to maintain and expand his harem. Still, he wasn't sure if he should get it now. He did have 2 PP left, but it was so tempting to make do with 'Step 1' for now and get one of the Uzumaki perks first.

In the end, no matter how much he was tempted to get one of the Uzumaki perks, he knew that increasing the chance for regular sex was more important for now. Hadn't he just a few minutes earlier realised how high the rewards were? And it wasn't like he truly needed more stuff to practise at the moment neither was he in need of a sudden power-up.

Considering that apparently the average difficulty of a D-rank mission was on the civilian level and Kakashi didn't seem to have any intention on going for a higher mission for now, or at all if his laziness was as bad as it seemed. So it was with a hint of resignation that he decided to spend his last 2 points on the harem perk instead, but he couldn't help the few naughty thoughts that appeared when he thought about having his own harem.

[Perk: 'Path of the Harem Master (Step 2)' acquired!]

This time he was quite surprised when he did not get a follow up notification about step 3.

'Maybe it has other requirements? Not like it really matters, I'm out of perk points anyway. It would have been nice to have an idea of what was to come next. But if I had to guess, it probably requires me to have an actual harem to progress any further.'

'Either way, it seems I'm actually out of notifications now. A bit disappointing, but I will take what I can get. I would have easily done it even if I got nothing out of it. Hell, I would even take a punishment if I had to. I'm really looking forward to what happens tonight. Ayame seemed to be as happy about it as I am.'

The new perks had distracted him from his earlier rewards, making him forget to spend his attribute and skill points.

When he checked the time he realised that it was almost time to head off to the training ground and meet up with Hinata. Sadly, he didn't actually know all that much about Hinata, neither had he hanged around with her before so he didn't know what to expect from this training session. Though given her shy nature and the crush she had on him, as well as her bouts of fainting, he had an idea about how this would go. He would have to desensitise her somehow to his presence.

Either way, it was time to make some clones that could study at home while he went to the training ground. Now that he had some experience with making seals he felt safe enough to let the clones make and test some of the simpler and safer ones at home. He assigned some of the factual books to the clones so they could switch between reading and making seals. If they ran out of material, they would just have to have of them get more. He then set off towards the training ground.

While traveling he was trying to come up with ways to desensitise her towards him so she wouldn't faint whenever he got too close. It would greatly limit how much progress could be made with her otherwise. In the end, he didn't reach a satisfactory conclusion before he arrived at his destination. The training ground was still empty which suited him just fine, he could send off some more clones to practise water walking. He was getting the hang of it, but there was still a lot of progress to be made before he would be able to battle while water walking.

So he made some clones then began to go through some taijutsu stances and maneuvers.

[A few minutes later]

He was still going through them when he noticed Hinata approaching. Judging by the glances she was throwing the surrounding area, she probably hadn't been here before. Either way, she was slowly, and hesitantly, approaching him. Naruto took the chance to take a closer look at her.

Hinata was clad in her usual cream-coloured jacket that was matched with a pair of navy blue pants. Both her jacket and pants were thick and bulky and hid almost every hint of her curves from view. Around her neck hung a forehead protector marked with the symbol of Konoha, a leaf. She had her dark blue hair in a hime-style haircut with two chin-length strands framing her face. Her lavender-coloured eyes lacked pupils, hinting at her blood relation to the Hyuuga clan. While she looked shy and uncertain, there was still definite signs of happiness if you looked closely enough.

She had intended to be earlier than this, but in her excitement yesterday she had been unable to fall asleep at her usual time, making her wake up a bit later than she had planned. She was still a little early anyway.

"Good morning, Hinata-chan!" Naruto said with a wide grin on his face.

"G-g-good morning, Na-Naruto-kun!" Hinata answered with a deep blush on her face. She was still ecstatic to hear him call her 'Hinata-chan' instead of just 'Hinata' or 'Hinata-san'. She had been very shocked yesterday when he had first called her that and had promptly fainted.

Naruto hid the frown that threatened to appear, she was just so shy. Just a greeting caused her to stutter.

"Are you ready to begin training, Hinata-chan?"

Hinata nodded while poking her index fingers together.

"So, how do you suggest we do this? Should I just go through the forms and let you correct me or should we spar? Or do you have a better way?" Naruto let some more of his excitement leak into his voice at the last part, hoping to encourage her to speak up.

"W-well, ummm." Hinata kept poking her fingers together and mumbling some more. Naruto repressed a sigh. After some more hesitance from Hinata, she finally chose option one.

[15 minutes later]

Naruto had already had enough of this. While she seemed to have an excellent grasp of taijutsu and her advice was as far as he could tell spot on, her crippling shyness made everything take way too long and become a lot harder to understand. Correcting his taijutsu forms would have been short work if she had just been able to get closer than 2 meters to him. Every time he would ask her to correct him, she would hesitate before sticking to speech only. This could not go on.

"Hinata, enough." He said, surprising Hinata quite a bit.


"Hinata, I know you are an awesome ninja and great at taijutsu, but this is not working!" Hinata's blush, which she had had since she got here, deepened at the first part, before she paled at the second part. Had he had enough of her, was he going to dismiss her as well? Her mind was quickly going to worst case scenarios.

"You shy away and stutter whenever I get close, too close and you will simply faint. I can tell you doubt yourself and worry every time you think I made a mistake, fearing that you made a wrong judgment rather than me making a mistake. This can't go on!"

In Hinata's head, her worst case scenarios grew even worse and by this point her blush was gone. It was just like she had though. Now Naruto would want nothing to do with her, she had feared this would happen when he asked her yesterday which was why she had tried to avoid it.

Seeing Hinata not responding, Naruto hid another sigh. He had hoped she would retaliate in some way or at least stand up for herself, maybe even protest some of what he said. She hadn't. Alright, plan B it is. After a moment of silence, he went on.

"Clearly, you cannot help me with my taijutsu like this." Naruto said, confirming Hinata's fears before Naruto continued.

"So instead I will have to help you first!" Naruto said with a wide grin on his face, shocking Hinata out of her spiraling depression.


"Yes, if you are too shy to help me, then we just need to make you less shy first!" At this point Hinata had begun to blush again.

"Alright Hinata! First task! Come over here and grab my hand!" And with those words and a grin on his face, Naruto extended his hand. After a few seconds of hesitation, Hinata took a step forward.

(Two minutes later)

At this point Naruto smile had become a bit strained. Hinata had advanced a little bit before she stopped and just kept poking her index fingers together, throwing brief glances at him before looking down at her feet again. Naruto wouldn't have minded if she was just taking a moment to gather her courage, but the courage didn't seem to be gathering at all.

Naruto growing annoyance allowed his game-gained instincts to come to the forefront. Naruto didn't know, but the fastest way to seduce Hinata was not the same as the way he seduced Ayame. He was already close with Ayame, so there wasn't any need to use some elaborate strategy, he just needed to shift their relationship from friendly to intimate. Hinata's case was different. If he was more experienced he might have realised an even better way instead of relying on his instincts unknowingly, but as it was, his instincts took advantage of his annoyance and made him take action.

"Alright, this is not gonna work either. Shock treatment it is!" Naruto said with annoyance tainting his words, before moving towards Hinata at a rapid pace. The change had been too quick, Hinata was not able to adjust to it fast enough.

Before she knew it, he had her hand in his. To her even greater surprise, he did not stop there. No, he used her hand to drag her towards a small log seat. Still in shock, she had no time to react as he sat down and dragged her towards him.

This ended up with Hinata sitting in Naruto's lap, face to face with each other while Hinata's legs were separated by his body. Naruto had let go of her hand and was now holding her firmly by her back while staring into her eyes, their faces separated only by a small distance. There was a moment of silence and stillness, letting Hinata take in the rapid events. When Naruto saw the realisation in her eyes, he opened his mouth and spoke. He was not going to let her faint just yet, so he needed to distract her a little.

"Since you cannot seem to take the first step, I'm doing things my way now. I'm not letting you go until you can endure this without fainting or give me a straightforward protest with no stutter in it. If you keep fainting, I'm going to keep escalating this, understood?"

What he saw on her face was a mix-mash of emotions, most prominently shock, fear and a hint of excitement. When she did not answer his query after a few seconds, he applied some pressure to her back, bringing her a bit closer to him.

"I said, understood?" Naruto said, staring into her eyes, making it clear that he expected an answer from her. After a few moments, he got his answer in the form of a shy nod. Another few moments after that, when she finally regained enough of her equilibrium to realise her position and what it meant, she promptly fainted. With a sigh, Naruto just prodded her until she awoke.

This kept up for a short period of time. She would faint and he would make her regain consciousness. Sometimes it would take longer for her to faint, but as soon as he moved or shifted his weight, she would faint again. Seeing almost no progress, as well as no protests, he did decided to step up the intensity. He didn't understand where all these ideas were coming from, but it seemed to be working so he just went with it.

The next time she woke, he drew her attention immediately and spoke.

"This doesn't seem to be working very well either, Hinata. So as I mentioned, I'm stepping it up now. If you do not want me to, you better say so now." He waited for a few moment to judge her responds, but Hinata did not respond to it.

Naruto couldn't know what Hinata thought about all this. He had an inkling, but he did not truly understand. If he had, he would have moved on to this step far earlier. Because despite what he might think, beneath all her embarrassment, Hinata was truly happy about this turn of events. Ecstatic even.

While she was often paralysed by her crippling shyness, it didn't mean that she lacked desires or imagination. Many times had she imagined Naruto just sweeping her off her feet and taking charge like this. In fact, recently, a lot of the times she fainted was because of her remembering one of her many naughty fantasies she had. She did have a set of eyes that could see through objects, which included both walls and clothes. She had seen her crush's body in all his naked glory plenty of times, and even gotten off while looking at him from a hidden spot a few times. It was not known to anyone, but Hinata was a closet pervert. And it was for that reason combined with her deep crush on Naruto that she had been deemed such an easy target by the system.

And unknown to even Hinata, making use of that was actually one of the easier way to bypass her shyness. So when Naruto changed his grip on her and then roughly pressed her body against his while snuggling against her neck, her hidden perversion warred against her shyness. Feeling his body and sensing his breath on her sensitive neck, sent shivers down her spine and made the naughty parts of her personality come to the forefront.

On Naruto's side, he had made discoveries of his own. While the jacket had successfully hidden her curves from his eyes, it could not completely hide them any longer with her body pressed against his. And if he did not misjudge, then she had hid a delectable body underneath. He cursed the jacket for hiding it from him, at the same time wondering if her pants should be charged with the same crime.

Emboldened by his success and the lack of any protest from Hinata, Naruto once again changed his grip. This time one of his hands trailed slowly down her back, sending pleasant sensations down Hinata's back. Reaching her derriere, it finally grasped one of her buttocks, squeezing it, eliciting a moan from her mouth.

'Fucking pants!' was what Naruto thought when he felt her ass. He could feel how nicely toned her ass was while still remaining fleshy enough to get a good grip on. As if to confirm that thought, he put more power into his next squeeze, eliciting a gasp from Hinata. Naruto decided that he was onto something her and shifted their positions subtly.

He leaned a bit more backwards so she both laid and sat on him, freeing his other hand from supporting her. He shifted his hand to her shoulder, pushing her upper body back just far enough for them to lock eyes again. What he saw in her eyes pleased him. She was lost in a haze of pleasure, enjoying what he was doing to her. At this point it was clear that he wasn't going to hear any protests from her.

Naruto gave her a confident smirk, before grabbing the back of her head with his hand and forcing her mouth down into a forceful kiss while still looking straight into her eyes. While she was still in shock from the sudden kiss, he used his tongue to separate her lips and then shifting into a deep dominating kiss. When Hinata finally realised what was happening, it was too late to do anything but submit.

Not that she wanted to do anything else. While she would never have admitted it out loud, this was what she wanted. To be desired by her long held crush and at the mercy of his touch. So as the kiss continued, and the fondling of her ass grew fiercer, she felt her pussy becoming wet and her nipples stiffening from the stimulation. It was enough to make her more daring and finally her hand, which had been immobile until now, rose and draped around Naruto's neck.

Naruto himself was losing focus from the pleasure as Hinata's body squirmed against his. Letting his instinct steer his body, he moved his other hand to the other part of her arse and after fondling them for a brief period got a firm grip with both hands. Hinata then let out a small squeak when he rose from his seat while carrying her. The surprise made Hinata interrupt the kiss, but after a stern look for Naruto, indicating for her that she better get back to it. She almost unconsciously responded to the silent command and resumed the kiss. Either of the two would have been very shocked at that just a few minutes ago, but now both of them was so caught up in the flow of events that they barely noticed it.

With the kiss resumed, Naruto quickly moved towards one of the larger trees, pressing Hinata against it with his body while the kiss once more took on a more dominating aspect. Hinata, lost in the haze of pleasure, didn't even react other than immediately submitting. She let one of her hands roam against his body, feeling his muscles underneath his clothes, increasing her arousal further.

Then Naruto withdrew from the kiss and used one of his hands to open up the front of her jacket, showing him the goods hidden from view. It was an even better view than he had imagined. Underneath the jacket she wore a protective mesh shirt over her bandaged breast, but even with those blocking his view, he was very aroused by the sigh. She had a nice taut stomach and a thin waist, forged by hours training her body, emphasising her generous assets both above and below. While he had to admit that her behind was amazing, her bosom was far more generous.

His fingers twitched, itching to draw a kunai and free those wonders from their cruel confinement, but he forced it down. He had no intention to do something as drastic as that, but he did have other plans. So after having taken in the view for a few moments, his hand drew forward, caressing her taut stomach for a moment, before letting it trail upwards over her mesh. He felt her squirm under him, not in panic or anger, but something else. It was mere moments later that he arrived at her bountiful bosom and after a brief moment of rest, he began to fondle her mammaries with gusto.

While her chest was still covered by both bandages and the mesh shirt, they were clearly very sensitive anyway, at least if the deep moan Hinata let out was any indication. Naruto gripped and fondled her breast, both enjoying the soft sensation and the moans she let out. Hinata herself felt her excitement grow to new levels at her crush's hand fondling her breast. She felt a brief moment of regret at having bandaged her breast today, before she was once again lost in the haze of pleasure as she was dominated by another hungry kiss from Naruto.

Before long Naruto shifted their position so her weight rested against the leg that he forced between hers, freeing his other hand to explore her other breast while he used his leg to put pressure on her pants-covered, but still soaked, pussy.

This went on for what seemed like hours to the addled mind of Hinata, but was far less than so. Naruto himself was enjoying himself immensely, switching between fondling her generous bosom and her tight and toned arse, making sure to put his hand within her pants to get a more direct feel of her bottom. He was tempted to try to get free access to her tits by separating the bandages, but decided against it after reigning himself in.

Still, through all this Hinata was at a pleasure overload, which somehow kept overriding her crippling shyness, giving her no reprieve against his wandering hands. In the end, after so much stimulation, she felt herself reach a crescendo. With a shriek she used all her strength to press herself against her crush's body, shuddering against it as she climaxed hard.

Turned on by what he knew was a climax from his experience with Ayame, Naruto didn't stop. Instead he increased his ministration all over her body and pressed back hard against her, prolonging her release. As seconds passed by Hinata's body slowly calmed down before going limp in his embrace.

Noticing her limp state, he shifted their positions so he sat with his back against the tree with a flushed and relaxed Hinata in his lap. She sat sideways in his lap, allowing her to rest against his torso with one of his arms supporting her back.

They sat there, just enjoying the moment for some time. Hinata was still very confused about how this all happened, but she was way too relaxed after the experience to think about it too much at the moment. Naruto was less surprised, but that was not saying much. His surprise was not over that it had happened, just how quickly it had happened and over his own actions. In some ways, it was a very different experience from the one he had with Ayame and while he hadn't gotten off himself, he had still enjoyed it immensely.

The biggest problem was what to do now. There was a chance for this to turn sour if he handled it badly. But no matter how he thought about it, he had no idea what to do in this situation, so in the end he would just keep going with the flow and see where it took him. If it did turn sour, he would just have to make it up to her somehow!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


