14.04% Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories / Chapter 34: Chapter 14: Meetings & Aftermath

章 34: Chapter 14: Meetings & Aftermath

Summary: Three jinchuurikis have a meeting after the mission against Konoha.

AN: Disclaimer in Chapter 1


...ooO Meetings & Aftermath Ooo...

"Gaa'ra, it's time." The familiar voice of his elder sister broke the silence.

The Kakzekage nodded and stood up to join his sister. The pair walked down the quiet hallways, occasionally stopping to speak to a shinobi or bureaucrat. Or rather Temari spoke and Gaa'ra watched.

The kunoichi was used to it. It was Gaa'ras strength. He observed and spied out flaws and weakness. Often others babbled to fill the silence and inadvertently spilled interesting information. Once they were in the more restricted areas she relaxed and decided to breach a topic that intrigued her.

"Are you serious about finding a wife?"

"Not a wife Temari, a mate."

When Naruto destroyed Akatsukis statue-container the bijuus trapped within had been freed. Most had chosen to return to their home plane, Makai, however Shukaku had chosen otherwise.

The brief freedom from his human host and the subsequent events had changed the bijuus view on ningens, enough so that when he was freed he had returned to Gaa'ra and Asked to rejoin his vessel.

Gaa'ras first thought had to refuse the request. His growing observational skills stilled his knee-jerk reaction. The safe path would have been to politely refuse. If he accepted Suna would once again fear him. However that was what most would do. Gaa'ra was never one to follow conventional wisdom so he agreed after insisting on specific conditions that would not allow one to be completely subject to the other. To his shock Shukaku had agreed and commented it was the proper way, the true way, how the first jinchurikis were created. In the months that followed Gaa'ra had spent several nights just talking with the bijuu and found the tanuki was a sharp insightful individual, quite good-humoured and tolerant of those he respected. Gaa'ra found the key was to give Shukaku choices and options. Just like any other he was negotiating with.

Gaa'ra had not told anyone he was once again a jinchuuriki until after his daughter died and he went on a hunting excursion collecting a good chunk of Bingo Book heads. Along the way he had broken down in Temaris arms. To his shock she had not turned from him in disgust but supported his choices. She would not have supported him when Shukaku had made his offer but now that she had seen Shukaku was not pushing Gaa'ra into blood-lust frenzies and there were no Akatsukis hunting jinchuurikis she saw no real problems. She had seen the positive changes in Gaa'ra. Even the hunting excursions had fattened Sunas coffers.

"So, are you serious about finding a mate? A true match? Like Hibara-chan is for Naruto-kun?" Temari wanted to know.

Gaa'ra smiled faintly as he remembered the conversation he had with Kankuro just after the puppet-master returned from the joint-mission with Iwa and Kumo.

...ooO Start Flashback …

Gaa'ra blinked at the sight of his dishevelled smelly brother. Kankuro had not bothered stopping for a bath or change of clothes. But from the initial comments the joint mission had been a success. There was no real hurry to get the report immediately.

"Is something wrong Kankuro?"

The puppet user hesitated briefly before griding his metaphorical loins. "Gaa'ra, are you aware of the advantages of a jinchuuriki having a mate?"

Teal green eyes widened briefly. Gaa'ra waved at a chair and poured out a cup of flavoured water from an ewer resting on a sideboard. After handing a cup to Kankuro and sipping from his own Gaa'ra felt somewhat ready to talk.

"How did you find out?"

Kankuro blinked. He had not expected Gaa'ra to capitulate so quickly.

"I saw Naruto and Hibara after the mission was completed and camp set up. He put a Kumo jounin named Tsukino Akito in charge and left. I asked the others why and they told me when Naruto and Hibara mate without restrictions it sparks firestorms and floral growth. The Iwa jounins indicated when the Tsuchikage and his wife go on camping trips it brings ore suitable for mining close to the surface." He hesitated and pressed on. "Would a mate have similar benefits for you?"

Gaa'ra decided to be blunt. "Yes. But only one who is accepted by Shukaku."

That rocked Kankuro back on his heels. But the benefits for Suna...

"What would the spill over create?" Kankuro wanted to know.

Gaa'ra thought hard and decided to be truthful. "Shukakus domain is over the earth, more specifically sand. He also has lesser domain over streams and rivers. I can sense the waters travelling under the sands."

Kankuros eyes widened and he suddenly realized just how Gaa'ra had become so good and pinpointing the best places to dig wells.

"Can you bring the water to the surface? As a spring to create an oasis?"

Gaa'ra shook his head. "Suiton is not my domain just as Mokuton is not Narutos. It will only be brought out during a mating."

"Sooo. Has Shukaku shown interest in anyone?"

Gaa'ra smiled faintly. "No. Most of the females in Suna are afraid of me. He will not tolerate a mate who fears us."

Kankuro nodded slowly. "Okay. Someone outside Suna then. Naruto probably knows girls who aren't easily scared." He nodded more firmly. "Yeah! He spent years travelling. I'm sure he must have told a few folks about being a jinchuuriki."

"Kankuro. What are you talking about?"

The puppet user blinked. "I'm trying to find someone for you. Someone who knows of jinchuurikis and is not afraid. She doesn't have to be a shinobi but a fighter of some sort would be preferrable. And not too much older than you. Naruto knows more people outside the Hidden Villages so we should ask him."

Gaa'ra blinked. Kankuro was trying to play matchmaker. Kankuro, the Match Maker. Shukaku was laughing hysterically.

"Stop it Kankuro. If and When I decide I want to mate I will start the search."

Kankuro blinked. "Don't you want a girl? It's been years since Matsuri died. And don't tell me you have a girlfriend because you don't."

Gaa'ra sighed. "Kankuro, I'm not going to find a mate because it will benefit Suna."

Kankuro cocked his head to one side. "It won't just benefit Suna. It will benefit you. You'll have someone who supports and trusts you, someone committed to you and only you." Seeing he was getting through Kankuro decided to back off. "Just think about it Gaa'ra. Someone who makes you happy. Like Hibara makes Naruto happy."

Gaa'ra was silent for a long while. "I'll think about it."

… End Flashback Ooo...

Temari sighed. It was nice to see Gaa'ra beginning to show an interest in the 'softer' side of life. He was a distant uncle to her own children. She only hoped he would be more affectionate towards his would-be mate and future children. She only wondered where he would find a woman who would accept him and Ichibi as Hibara accepted Naruto and Kyuubi.

"Have you any plans? How to go about finding this 'mate'?"

Gaa'ra tilted his head to one side. "I am uncertain."

His first wife had been a political arrangement, to solidify his alliances within Suna. She had died in childbirth. Gaa'ra had cared for her and mourned her passing. It had taken him longer to recover from the loss of his only child, a daughter. An infection that went out of control. At the time Sunas medics were not the best. The alliance with Konoha had been shaky at the time. He had sent a message to Tsunade. The medic she'd sent had not reached Suna in time. A few months after Gaa'ra had found out the medic had taken her own sweet time traveling to Suna. She had lost relatives in the Kyuubi attack and hated jinchuurikis. Tsunade had her arrested, stripped of her shinobi status and chakra vessels sealed; but it would never bring back his daughter. That was when he completely gave up on Konoha and actively began looking for other allies. When Naruto contacted him, claiming to be an agent of the Raikage he was more than willing to listen.

Temari huffed impatiently. "You must have some idea." She gripped.

Gaa'ra blinked. "Shukaku will help."

Now it was Temaris turn to blink. "Are you nuts?" She yelped. "No, don't answer that because it is the truth!"

Gaa'ra smirked. "To have the benefits it must be a mating that Shukaku approves of. Someone strong, loyal, and honourable. Qualities of a demon." Temari blinked. "Demons will only respect individuals with those characteristics and consider them as equals or potential mates."

"But how will you know?" Temari pressed the point.

Gaa'ra shrugged slightly. "I'll let Shukaku choose the candidates and make my choice from them. I believe I will be spending many months traveling to find as many candidates as possible. Once I narrow my choices it will take longer to court her and get her and her clans consent."

Temari sighed. Oh yeah. She'd forgotten that. Then she brightened. With any luck the girl would be an orphan or one with relatives who didn't give a damn or brains to see the bijuu from the jinchuuriki.

"That sounds good. You could use the excuse of diplomatic meetings to travel." Busily she began making plans and plotting an itinerary for her brother. She was barely aware of her feet taking her to a particular room with a heavily engraved metal door.

Gaa'ra shifted and drew on Shukakus chakra to open the heavy doors. Once he and Temari were inside he closed the door and activated the seals causing the engraved walls to glow and illuminate the room as brightly as the sun. Temari and Gaa'ra walked towards the center of the room and waited. Gaa'ra concentrated and activated the seal array beneath their feet.

A faint haze filled their vision, a haze that solidified into illusions of two platforms directly across from him. It was not a typical genjutsu but the true representation of events taking place in two similar rooms in other Hidden Villages.

Gaa'ra smiled slightly as two others joined the virtual conference. The energies slightly shifted to accommodate the presence of the Raikage and his wife, Namikaze Naruto and Namikaze Hibara nee Uchiha.

The method Naruto used to create this communication means was ingenious and impossible to duplicate by the regular shinobi due to the huge chakra requirements. Gaa'ra and Temari stood within a special seal etched within this sealed-buffered room in Suna. Dakuen and Yugito stood within a similar room in Iwa. Naruto and Hibara and just entered and activated the similar room in Kumo. When activated it linked with other similar active seals allowing those within to communicate with each other as if they were standing just a few feet away. One could see and hear everything occurring in the other active rooms. Taste, smell, and feel were not shared between the rooms.

The youki traveled along the planetary ley-lines distributing the sensory information and was impossible to block except perhaps by another jinchuuriki. But even so they could not share/experience the data without a special room. Currently there were only three in existence and they needed a willing jinchuuriki to activate and maintain the sharing link. Luckily enough there were three such individuals in or near the Kage-seat of three Hidden Villages.

Naruto smiled broadly at Dakuen and Yugito. The jinchuuriki to Nibi no Nekomata was visibly pregnant, nearly six months along.

"I wish I could hug you Yugito-nee-chan. I promise I will visit as soon as the baby is born."

Nobunaga Yugito smiled and smoothened her hand over her bump.

"You don't have to rush Otouto." Her smile turned teasing. "If you are thinking of a suitable gift I imagine a garden would be wonderful."

Naruto considered the request and glanced at Hibara who smiled and nodded.

"Agreed. Next time Hibara and I are in Iwa you'll have a new garden before we leave." His smile became more playful. "I'll be certain to put lots of catnip in it."

Yugito sputtered and pouted as everyone laughed.

After the usual catching up routine Naruto opened the subject that was the purpose of this conference.

"Has everyone received copies of the Prune-Back-Konoha Report?" Nods. "Any comments? Suggestions? Ideas?"

Dakuen gingerly took the ball. "Has Konoha retaliated?"

Naruto smirked. "Not on this end. Of course Kumo doesn't have any ties beyond the minimal trade ties with Hi no Kuni."

Everyone looked to Gaa'ra. It was Temari who answered.

"The Godaime Hokage sent Nara Shikamaru to Suna to negotiate a neutrality treaty. Gaa'ra has enjoyed denying Shikamaru but to be honest he has been pretty good natured about the whole thing. He knows Konoha is in the wrong and is not pretending otherwise. He wants to start on a new sheet."

Hibara huffed. "Konoha has blotted many pages. I am not willing to even consider a neutrality option before getting a better handle on them. A lot of their power brokers and Council has been destroyed. How do we know the replacements are any better or more trustworthy?"

Dakuen strangely found himself playing Devils Advocate for Konoha. A strange position for the Tsuchikage.

"No one knows that. But closing doors is what my predecessor specialized in. I do not want to say this but perhaps we should give Konoha a chance."

Naruto snorted. "You can do what you wish in Iwa Dakuen, but in Kumo no Konoha shinobi will ever be allowed entry."

The five others in the room stared at Naruto.

"You are being very unforgiving Naruto." Temari said at last. "To make such a broad unilateral decision."

Then Hibara broke into peals of laughter. The other four stared at her.

"What are you laughing for Hibara-chan?" Yugito wanted to know.

Black eyes gleamed with laughter. "No Konoha shinobi will ever be allowed entry in Kumo. No Konoha shinobi." Then the light dawned in other faces.

Temari laughed. "No shinobi. Nothing about the regular civilians. Or even the shinobis on personal business visiting as private citizens. Of course if they break the rules and start spying you will kick them out. If they try to bypass and sneak in they will be treated as an enemy spy, perfectly justifiable."

Naruto shrugged broad shoulders and grinned. "Shinobis are barred from many places but private citizens they can enter with no concerns. When they enter Kumo it will be on private business only." His face was hard. "I will not tolerate anything to do with Konoha politically. Not for at least another five years. If they have any brains they will not send any genins for Chuunin Exams in Kumo."

Temari shivered. "I'll stress that point to Shikamaru when I see him."

Dakuen relaxed minutely pleased Naruto was not on a vengeance kick. "So you have no plans to move against Konoha."

Naruto snorted. "My view is to ignore them. If they have any brains they will not do anything to draw my attention." He frowned faintly. "I know I will have to deal with them in the future but not now. Not now."

Hibara wrapped her arm around his waist from behind and wriggled under one arm dragging it across her shoulders.

"That is the best thing to do. Not when ire and rage is still hot. If you come into contact with them right now the aftermath would be… unfortunate." She winced.

Naruto brushed his lips across her temple and drew her closer. She was remembering her own past, the slaughter she had dealt out on her own clan unable to distinguish guilty, from by-stander and innocent with one exception, her own brother, the only one who loved and admired her unconditionally. Her heart clenched at the thought of Sasuke. He would have found out more about the Uchiha Clan by now. How did he feel towards her? Did he still hate her? Did he feel she should have handled things better? Hibara did not know. She would never know without talking to Sasuke but as things stood she would never take the first step.

Yugito was sympathetic. She knew more of Hibaras difficult past than anyone except Naruto. When the couple had signed up to be Kumo-nins it was Yugito who became Hibaras first and most trusted female friend.

She squeezed her husbands hand. Dakuen had the usual difficult past that came with being a high-class nin but he did not have as much emotional 'baggage' as Naruto and Hibara. Gaa'ra had his own baggage but his kin had never tried to warp and twist him like Hibaras. He might have been hated but he had chosen to bury his heart and hate back; unlike Naruto who continued to reach out because he wanted to give and receive love.

She glanced around. "I think we are done for now and I really need a nap. If we need to set up another conference arrange the time by the usual means."

There was a murmur of consent and then couples began to leave their respective Sealed Comm Rooms.

Once Naruto and Hibara were outside theirs Hibara broke down and sagged against Naruto sobbing softly.

Naruto ignored the discreet looks of the aides around and carried his wife to a small meeting room and activated the privacy seals. He sat down in one of the over-stuffed leather chairs and settled his wife on his lap.

"What is it?" He asked softly.

She buried her face in his shoulder. "Sasuke must know by now."

Naruto nodded. "Yes. He probably does."

"He probably hates me." She whimpered softly.

Naruto shook his head. "I don't think so. If there is anything, Sasuke knows what it is like to be controlled and influenced by a seal. I doubt his time in Oto was easy."

Hibara considered the reminder that Sasuke had been under the influence of the Snake Sannin and a Cursed Seal, molded and trained to become the perfect vessel. Just like she had been shaped to become the perfect nin. Sensing he had her interest and complicity Naruto pressed the point.

"Don't let fear control you. Sasuke is your brother no matter all that has happened. I understand all that has happened has fragmented the ties between you. I am not saying you should reach out for him but do not deny him if he reaches out to you. You might have been his perfect idol when you were younger but now he is old enough to know idols have feet of clay and that reality isn't as absolute as one would wish it would be."

And then he chuckled. Curious Hibara lifted her head to look at him.

"What is it?" She wanted to know.

Narutos eyes were distant. "You know, when I was younger I considered Sasuke as a brother. An irritating one you always fought with but defended against outsiders." He explained. "After he left I chased him because he was my friend, one of the first ones who saw Uzumaki Naruto. He was my brother.

"When he returned everything fell apart. I could no longer pretend and lie to myself. I could not stand the hypocrisy and delusions." He smiled gently. "Sasuke caused me a great deal of pain. By his own choices." He stressed firmly. "It is a bit of an irritant to know that now he is my unwanted brother, my brother-in-law."

Hibaras eyes were wide with shock then laughter. She pressed a kiss on his lips. "Look at this way anata, with Sasuke it will be very unlikely he will visit. You will never have to deal with obsessed controlling in-laws since I've killed most of them off." Humor gleamed in dark eyes. "If Sasuke ever visits I promise to reward you very well for dealing with an unwanted in-law."

Naruto grinned and kissed her hard. Then he lifted his head and responded to her teasing promise. "I'll hold you to that." Then he stood slipping her off his lap. "Come on, the twins must be waking from their nap by now."




next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


