80% Naruto: Shinobi SI / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 : Sabotage-1

章 19: Chapter 19 : Sabotage-1

----------Root 94/ KK------

--------Time classified----

--------Location: Kusagakure-----

The only minor village that has the pleasure of an S-rank is Amegakure, but Hanzo has been silent. So, a platoon led by ino-shika-cho is enough to keep it at bay. 



I ran on the roofs of Kusagakure, realizing how backward it is compared to Konoha. Sure, every place is backwards compared to Konoha, but this is something else.

The place is a sieve filled with so many holes that any competent shinobi can come and go. Well, you can guess by now that we are here to deal with its betrayal of Konoha. 

Deal with it means killing every idiot that supports stabbing Konoha in the back and functioning as the logistics to the other villages. Unfortunately, they didn't realise that the other 4 sizeable villages have their feuds and will war against themselves too.

Frankly speaking, Kusagakure is on the way to filling the basic 3- genin, chunin, and Jonin ranks. From that point forward, Kusagakure would operate as a war machine, replenishing and deploying soldiers. But, like I said, they made a mistake in believing the other 4 sizeable villages too much.


I noticed that most of the root squadrons were here. Oh! The Anbu is here too. A Joint operation.

Guess, Anbu sign language it is. The root is in hibernation mode and will function as Anbu.

I watched as the Fox mask stepped forward. Well, well, an Anbu commander. The number and identity of Anbu commanders are a mystery, but one thing remained the same for every generation- the Fox mask is an Anbu commander. Anyone can guess why.

Fox gave a quick whistle three times.

3 on 1 formation. It took not even a second before everyone found their teammate. The standard 3 under Jonin's leader is the leaf bread and butter. The Anbu/root takes its apex, exhibiting explosive strength with any combination of its members.

Because it has everything to do with its sign language. I watched as the Biceps Fox twitched thrice rapidly and his eyes scrambled all over the squads, selecting the leaders for each squad. 

Yes, this bullshit sign language is Anbu's core tactic and, frankly speaking, it works. In any situation, even combat, the specific rhythm and movements of muscles are a message to be sent.

With the leaders selected, the mission details were collected from Fox personally while I waited for my squad leader to come back.

I wish I grow strong enough to have my squad. In Anbu, certain squads can be formed if they sync enough to show performance, exceeding their strength because of the Team synergy. Unfortunately, I have never met one till now.


I watched as my squad leader return and with a single nod; we were off into the night sky to cripple Kusagakure.


Temp Anbu Squad # 4

Mission details: Kill the noble Ono Ryuuto and disperse on success.


Post mission aim to Anbu White Tora: Escape Kusa on your own and meet at checkpoint #234 within 5 days. 


[A/note: White Tora is Kyudo's Anbu code. Too many codes for me. The poor guy is still an academy student.

So much for not wanting to graduate. /_ \]


------------Kusagakure, unknown Inn. Meeting spot of squad #4---------------

My squad leader is Anbu. There is no doubt about it. Because he was talking the moment we were in the clear.


"OK, team. Tell me your strengths and specialities. I am a Jonin with wind and earth natures, good at traps. Average in Genjutsu. Ok with Taijutsu."

Not give his name or any specifics in his monotone voice while indicating about his strength.

Guess I will follow his lead with a monotone voice, "I am chunin level combatant, but have short chakra reserves. Fire mastered. Sensor. Medic-in. Fuinjutsu Practitioner, so we will not have trouble regarding explosion tags and storage seals."

Yep, the most common Fuinjutsu tools degrade in a short time. The ones that stay for a long time spanning years are S-rank stupidity made to look common by anime.

"Also, one of the best in Anbu records in terms of Info gathering and analysis."

I can thank the AI for it. No matter how tiny the info is, it is stored in an AI profile. I have 6983 profiles in my AI database, which is only if I am counting the ones more than a page. 

[A/Note: Remember the Hospital chapter, how he made a profile on Dr. Tanaka.]

The squad leader whistled in a hideous monotone. "I like that."

Considering I just put multiple rare fields in my resume. Rare means good killing tools in the Shinobi profession.

Teammate #1 is a high chunin Kurama, piss at Taijutsu.

Teammate #2 is a Jonin with Fire and lightning with ninjutsu speciality and has large chakra reserves. A Demolition Expert. Noice.

The Squad leader went on, "Good. It means me, Kurama and the kid will attempt infiltration and killing. If things go sideways, the demolition expert is to burn down everything."

The initial prototype plan is done. Time to get to specifics.

"I will set traps for enemies a kilometre away in the desolate park if frontal combat becomes a reality. Meanwhile, White Tora will gather the info. With the Info, we will get to specifics."

I am realizing even the profession of Anbu doesn't mean the person is not an idiot.

I gave a nod and got to my task.







As I finished tying up the cook in the target's residence, I used my variation of transformation.

Ever since I joined Root, the basic foundation I laid down over my academy years exploded into rapid progress.

Combined with my skills and Medic knowledge, I could do the signature skill of Naruto. Sexy * Cough * physical transformation Jutsu. Essentially, I can use my skills to replace his absurd chakra usage to form a physical Chakra coating around me that works the same way as normal body words. Most importantly, it masks the chakra to the level of a normal citizen. 

Frankly speaking, this transformation is at the edge of Yang Nature. Noice. I will thank Naruto in the future or scream at Naruto that he is a freak to do this on instinct.


I turned into the cook easily. With enough drugs in me, He spits everything from the day he was born to right this moment.

So, I walked through the gates of the target's residence as his decade-long cook. Starting my work.

"Hey, be careful! lord Ono's new wife is upset with me."

"Then we are fucked. She will be a bitch all day long, showing her frustration with us."

"Shh! Do you want to be whipped?"

On and on it went.

By the time I am in the kitchen, I have enough info on Target from the original cook and the gossip.

[Generating Target Profile.

Ono Ryuuto: A Kusa noble. Greedy, lustful, a sloth and has a complete lack of pride. He is currently in the role of Iwa to convince Kusa to join them. 

He is married to 4 wives and has a dozen lovers. Overall, 14 kids.

He prefers greasy food after sex with his lovers. Mostly deboned chicken meat as he is too lazy to bite the meat off the bone- an important point for the host.

Well, who knows that the maids will gossip about his recent lover being fucked in his wife's bed?

So, I cooked the most famous chicken rice dish in Kusa and had it ready for the call for food. Rather than waste time, I have got to sense the best skill of mine at this moment.

I put down my pinkie to send the waves. Tobirama style that gives info of a cross between infra and Sonar in Chakra style. Thank you, Root.

You see when sensing, you can feel Chakra. But it is not a sense like vision, hearing etc. Humans are not used to understanding the info from it naturally, except in certain clans.

So, sensor training is like giving hearing to a born Deaf person. So, they must be trained well to understand the info they receive from it. 

But, taking info and analysing it is a speciality of mine.

[Module for Chakra since starting.

Receiving the info from Sensing.

Map of the Residence made with the lifeform locations marked.

32 civilians were detected.

2 chunin detection. No 1-Earth natured, no 2- Wind natured.

3 jonin detected- All three show Earth and Water nature.]

You know this info is enough to increase the success of the mission by 30 %. A prepared Shinobi is fucking scary.


The Sound of the bell ring echoed through the Kitchen. Time to feed the target. I like a scared cook running through the hall, with my assistants bringing the food to my scary master. 

With a decade of experience working as a cook for the asshole, I tried to show the right emotions on my face- being scared shitless when compared to my assistants.

"Run, you idiots. Master Ono will be angry if he is hungry." 




I watched as we stepped inside the room. The smell of semen and other unholy fluids hit us. The Iwa Jonin was the one to appear in front of us for the food inspection.


"Hold, the food needs to be inspected."

I sensed him taste the food while coating his mouth with Chakra. He nodded after a second.

So, I brought it to the half-naked Ono, who greedily took the food from his sex bed. It felt nauseating as crunched on it while covered in semen.




I was hit with his spit half-chewed food to the face, while he threw the food I made for 2 hours on the ground, "You idiotic shit."

I felt his slap on my face after that.

Fucking Asshole, you want to die. I will make sure you die.

-------------A few hours later-----------

"So, why did he spit on you?"

I felt pissed off as the Kurama Anbu laughed at my retelling. I bite back by saying, "Apparently. it felt boring to him as he kept eating it every day."

I clenched my teeth. "To not blow my cover and potentially die, I fucked off from the room."

The squad leader nodded at that, but he asked the million Ryo question, "Then why is dead right now and the entire block is in chaos?"

I smiled deviously by saying, "He wanted to eat the newly rising dish, pizza. So, I made him one. "

I took out a small pepper bottle and uncorked the down end to show an empty vial. Thank Danzo for supplying freaky poisons that can withstand the intense heat of the Oven.

I answered especially while looking at the Kurama who was eating the Pizza I made, "I added this special made tasty and smell less poison to the Pizza. What can I say? If it is poisoning by using a pizza alone, I am sure I can poison even an Akimichi or Suzuka easily."

Amidst the choking of Kurama, the Squad leader answered, "Good. Disperse to your checkpoints. There, you will receive new orders for the next mission. Konoha is in a dire state since the Kirigakure war front started combat."

Anbu is cool like that. Unlike normal shinobi corps, Anbu has a right to complete the mission when given a chance. Of course, the process will evaluated later on in the village by the council. But if it fails, the Konoha will announce you are a Nuke-nin.

I pumped my chakra to my legs for the Body Flicker and left while clenching my buttock. 

[Anbu sign: Clench Buttock

"It was good working with you.]




In a corner alley in Kusagakure, I stopped for my root orders. What? Do you think the Anbu mission is enough for the Root hidden in Anbu? 

My Root secrecy fun mark has been tingling since the personal scroll was handed to me.

Post mission aim to Anbu White Tora: Escape Kusa on your own and meet at checkpoint #234 within 15 days. 

It is a secrecy fuin similar to Anbu's, but with an added clause of not revealing root missions. 

[Anbu/Root secrecy Fuin Seal: Made by Mito Uzumaki in cooperation with Yamanaka.

It seals the clauses into the host, not allowing for the divulging of secrets to unauthorized personnel.

Completely allowed personnel: Hokage, Danzo

Conditional authorization: Based on the secrecy of info, judged by Hokage or Danzo.]

The scary aspect of it is that my mind tells the seal what is the secret. Meaning, that the clause in the Secrecy seal does not divulge root missions. I can't divulge to the guy if I want. But Minato is OK because he also has a seal. How does it know? Well, my mind tells the seal that Minato is allowed, as I know has the Secrecy seal.

The guy is not allowed because I know he is not a root. But it changes if the Hokage/Danzo informs me that Guy is allowed, then I can tell him.

Frankly speaking, it is a marvel of Fuinjutsu. Unfortunately, only its casting is left, not the principles behind it. Granny Mito doesn't trust someone with this principle. A million Ryo for the one if guessed it right.

So, time to use this sorting key to unlock the info.

I spit on the Mission scroll until it finally changed to my root orders.


Meet up with Tora at Inn Grassy Grass, Kusagakure for further missions. 

The passcode for the meeting: Grass is not a leaf,

Fuck, I Better get to it before my 5 days duration for the Anbu meeting is up. Otherwise, I will have to go back to Konoha myself, through a hostile country. 

Fuck Danzo. This guy squeezes every usefulness from his agents.

-----------------Inn Grassy Grass----------

I entered the inn in my transformation and immediately asked for a beer while silently twitching my forehead muscles in a format of 3, 4, 7, and 9.

["Grass is not a leaf,"]

I got a reply from one customer who is going outside. I followed him out into a narrow alley hidden from eyes. Even if eyes were present, they would sleep for the duration of this meeting.

Under the signal from Tora, I got all clear.


In an instant, I saw the ridiculous mission I was about to get into.

Tora, Hawk, Rat, Skunk, Owl...

Over 25 named guys. A 25 Root shinobi team consisting solely of high chunin, Jonin, and Elite Jonin. It is not even the danger of the prospective mission that gives me bad vibes.

It is the fact that I am the weakest of them. My only use would be info gathering for them, but I am sure one of these guys can do the same. Meaning, that the mission is something Danzo wants me to take part in to correct my thinking.

As expected, the mission details were given in muscle twitches and such.

[Aim #1 - Burn down Kusa Granary.

Aim #2 - Incite Riots among its people about the incoming food shortage.

Aim # 3 Eliminate the Kusa Academy

Aim # 4: Cause Massive Explosions to divert the shinobi forces

Aim #5: Use the chaos from the above 4 objectives to infiltrate and kill the Kusa Daimyo/ Kage Shino Kusamu and his retinue.]

Fucking hell, the unsaid root rules are not giving anything away and blame someone else. Sure, crush a country and blame it on someone else. That's fine.

It might be an S-rank just based on the sensitive nature. Fine.

It will never be put in my records. Fine. That is not a matter because, in Root, no missions are put on record. So, I have done zero missions for Konoha. I grudgingly say, Fine.

The biggest pain in the ass is the last aim. Shino Kusama is, frankly speaking, a competent leader and one of the few good things that happened to Kusa. He is developing the nation well and is ensuring that Kusa gets off the light in this mess of a war.

But it meant siding with its neighbour Iwa over Konoha, who can't protect its ally, Kusa. For Danzo, it means he is an enemy.

In logical terms, the Kusa Daimyo is right, considering Kusa's position.

The fucked up thing is that Danzo is also right. Yes, he is right when considering Konoha's position. Everyone is scrambling to survive in Konoha. As far as I know, Minato-senpai is rushing every day using his Hirishin to transport war materials or the Hokage in case of emergency support.

He becomes so exhausted but still works as Jonin-sensei to spread false information to the enemies that he is on leave.

So, every means is being used by Danzo to ensure Konoha stands. 

But the asshole just has to put me here to make me see his so-called darkness of shinobi. 

His favourite tactic in changing a person is a moral dilemma.

Either help Konoha by condemning Kusa and its people for turbulent times of starvation and an unknown future by assassinating Kusa's competent leaders.

Or back out from this, potentially allowing 5,000 KUSA shinobi to join the Iwa army and have Konoha destroyed and live out a dog's life for the rest of my life.

However, living past Konoha's destruction is a big If.


 Time to be history's best-kept reason behind the worst tragedy of Kusa.

Fuck this messed up life.

IMPORTANT Author note: Don't expect Kyudo to be the major force. He is for information gathering and support in this mission. He is a Chunin at best. And can use his skills to go toe to toe with a Jonin for a few seconds.

Maybe kill a Jonin, who is a glass cannon grown in a greenhouse.


Hey guys! Did I put up the ranking info? If not here. But Make note this is for normal skills expected in Konoha documents. It changes based on the individual, but it is expected to hold at least the competence on a par with the guidelines.

[Genin - The basic shinobi that is a qualified killer. Capable of taking on normal bandits, samurais, etc.

Usual repertoire: Basics in Ninjutsu-Academy 3, Genjutsu and Taijutsu. Basic first aid, Survival, Konoha sign language. Each has their ace in the hole like a C-rank jutsu or Exploding tags or Kenjutsu. ]


[Chunin: A veteran shinobi who has touched nature transformation by delving into Elemental Ninjutsu. Can sustain Chakra consumption throughout the battle. Expected to lead the others and show a basic awareness of all professions.

Usual Repertoire: C-rank Justus [Nin/Gen/Tai], Basic Leadership qualities, Ace in the hole as B-rank or A-rank. ]


[Jonin: The core of any hidden village. Capable of holding a battle, acting as military captains, whose every ability is superhuman. Jōnin can use at least two types of elemental chakra.

To become a jōnin, one may be recommended. If enough villagers and the respective Kage deem the shinobi to be fitting to the rank, they will be promoted. Another way to become a jōnin is to take part in the Jōnin Exam.

When a ninja becomes a jōnin, they may be assigned to supervise a three-man genin team. Their duty will be to instruct and train them to become competent. Shinobi expected to become a Jonin force in the future. They also can decide when the genin is ready to take part in the Chunin Exams.

In Konoha, it is up to the jōnin to decide whether a candidate Hokage would be given the position permanently. They also have a special rank known as Jōnin Commander. ]

Shinobi, who have jōnin-level skills in only a specialised area, are classified as Tokubetsu Jōnin. They are individuals like Tsume, Ebisu and Morino. They can fight Jonin using their skills, but they are not as comprehensive as them.

Elite Jonin: Jonin, who is so comprehensively powerful that they are just an edge away from being S-ranks/ Kage level. It is almost considered impossible to kill them with genin or chunin. They can easily take on multiple Jonin on their own. Every one of them is renowned across the Elemental nation. Note: Anbu shinobi are not counted as they are in secret, so they may not be so famous.


[S-ranks: Army killers, who are no longer considered humans. Each of them are freaks of nature who hold to their title. Among them, only 5 people are given special titles officially and acknowledged by the entire world.

The title of Kage is only given to the leader of a hidden village in the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Gokage, The collective term for them is the Five Kage, which translates to Five Shadows. The rest of the Kage, like Kusakage, are not acknowledged as Kage by many nations. 

A Kage oversees the activities of their village, from sending ninjas on missions to making the hard decisions regarding the safety of their people.

A village's Kage is acknowledged as its most powerful ninja.]


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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