39.69% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 72: Chapter 71 (D): The Demon of Envy

章 72: Chapter 71 (D): The Demon of Envy

{Quest Unlocked: Find, The 7 demons of Sin.} (1/7)

Reward: ???}

Chapter 71 (D): The Demon of Envy

 The ancient chamber deep beneath the village of Kurayami. The air is thick with a palpable sense of dread, and the ancient seal glows faintly on the floor, holding the demon Avaritia. 

Malik, Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri stand in a circle, discussing their plan to break the seal and confront the demon Avaritia. Malik begins by saying, "We need to weaken the seal to confront Avaritia. Once she's weakened, I'll use my powers to seal her again, but I'll need to be in close contact to do it. A kiss should be enough." 

Yukari gives her sister a look and says, "Breaking the seal is dangerous. We have to be ready for anything." 

Sayuri returns the look, "We've trained for this. Waraji, Zōri, you two must give it everything you've got." 

Waraji gives the girls a cocky smile, "We've been training under our Master Haku. We're ready to make him proud." 

 Zōri acting like this is nothing says, "We won't hold back." Waraji and Zōri's voices only cracked a little when they said that.

Yukari and Sayuri approach the ancient seal, their hands glowing with chakra. They begin to channel their energy into the seal, weakening it. 

 Yukari steps back, "It's time. Stay alert." 

 Sayuri jumps a little further back, "We're about to face a great evil. Be prepared." 

The seal begins to crack and splinter, the ancient magic unraveling. A dark, oppressive force fills the chamber as the demon Avaritia begins to stir. 

Avaritia rises from the seal, her form ethereal and menacing. She is a beautiful but terrifying figure, her eyes glowing with malevolent energy. "Who dares to break my seal and disturb my slumber?" 

Malik (to himself), "We need to weaken her first. Then, I can use my powers to seal her again." 

Malik steps forward, attempting to speak to the demon. "Avaritia, listen to me. We don't want to harm you. We seek peace." 

Avaritia's laughter echoes through the chamber, filled with scorn. "Peace? You know nothing of what I desire. I am Envy incarnate, and I will not be subdued by your pitiful attempts at diplomacy." 

 Yukari seeing no reason to try again, "We tried it your way, Malik. Now, we fight." 

Malik steps back, ready to support and heal his allies. "Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, Sayuri—give it everything you have. I'll be here to heal you when needed." 

Waraji shouts out, "For Haku and for Kurayami!" 

Zōri shouts alongside his brother, "We'll show her the strength of our training." 

 Yukari: "Let's end this, sister." 

 Sayuri: "Together." 

Yukari and Sayuri complete the breaking of the seal, and Avaritia emerges fully. The chamber shakes as the demon's power is unleashed. 

Malik to Waraji and Zōri, "Don't hold back. We need to weaken her as much as possible." 

Waraji charges forward with his Inferno Edge, the blade glowing with fiery red chakra. Zōri follows, his Storm Fang crackling with electric energy. Yukari and Sayuri prepare their own attacks, channeling their elemental powers. Malik watches intently, ready to step in and heal anyone who gets injured. He knows that once Avaritia is weakened, he'll need to land a kiss to use his powers of love effectively. 

Waraji: "Inferno Wave Jutsu!" 

Zōri: "Lightning Flash Jutsu!" 

The combined power of fire and lightning strikes Avaritia, who roars in anger and pain. The battle is fierce and intense, the chamber filled with the sounds of clashing jutsu and the demon's rage. 

As the battle rages on, Malik stays focused, healing his allies whenever they are injured. He knows his moment will come soon. 

Malik thinking, ("Hold on, everyone. We're almost there.") 

The ancient chamber beneath Kurayami, now an arena of chaos and energy. The demon Avaritia stands in the center, her form radiating dark power. The air crackles with the tension of the impending battle. 

Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri launch their attacks simultaneously, aiming to weaken Avaritia. 

Waraji charges forward, Inferno Edge blazing with fiery red chakra. He swings the sword in a wide arc, sending a wave of intense heat toward Avaritia. The fire roars through the chamber, illuminating the dark corners with its ferocity. Avaritia counters with a swipe of her clawed hand, deflecting the fire but wincing as the heat sears her skin. She hisses in anger, her eyes glowing with malevolence. Zōri darts in from the side, moving with lightning speed. His Storm Fang crackles with electric energy, and he slashes at Avaritia, sending bolts of lightning coursing through her body. The air hums with electricity, and the ground trembles under the force of his attack. Avaritia roars, the electric shock causing her muscles to spasm. She lashes out with a whip-like tendril of dark energy, aiming to entangle Zōri. He nimbly dodges, leaving behind afterimages that confuse the demon momentarily. 

Yukari stands back, her hands weaving complex signs. She calls forth a torrent of water, creating a massive water dragon that surges toward Avaritia. The dragon's eyes gleam with predatory focus and its scales shimmer with chakra-infused energy. The water dragon crashes into Avaritia, its force like a tidal wave. The demon staggers but quickly recovers, her dark energy forming a barrier that disperses the water. She glares at Yukari, dark energy gathering in her hands. Sayuri leaps into the fray, her dual war fans unfurling with a snap. She spins gracefully, sending blades of wind towards Avaritia. The wind slices through the air, sharp and relentless, aiming to cut the demon down. 

Avaritia snarls, her barrier flickering as the wind blades pierce through. She retaliates by summoning dark tendrils from the ground, attempting to ensnare Sayuri. Sayuri dances around them, her movements fluid and precise, countering with bursts of lightning from her fans.

Waraji and Zōri regroup, charging their chakra for a combined attack. Waraji's Inferno Edge glows brighter, the heat intensifying to a near-blinding level. Zōri's Storm Fang crackles with raw power, arcs of lightning dancing along the blade. 

Waraji: "Inferno Wave Jutsu!" 

Zōri: "Electrifying Slash Jutsu!" 

The combined attack unleashes a devastating storm of fire and lightning. The air around them becomes a vortex of heat and electricity, roaring towards Avaritia with unstoppable force. Avaritia braces herself, her dark energy forming a shield. The impact of the combined attack shatters the shield, the fire and lightning tearing through her defenses. She screams in agony, her form flickering as the damage takes its toll. 

Yukari and Sayuri seize the opportunity to press their advantage. 

Yukari channels her water and wind chakra, creating a swirling vortex of water blades. She launches the attack, the blades spinning with lethal precision towards Avaritia. The vortex cuts through the air, the sound like a thousand whirling knives. 

Sayuri amplifies the attack with her wind and lightning chakra, sending waves of electrified wind to merge with Yukari's vortex. The combined elements create a maelstrom of cutting and shocking force, engulfing Avaritia in a relentless assault. 

Avaritia struggles against the onslaught, her dark energy flaring in desperation. She lashes out with waves of corrupting energy, trying to push back her attackers. The chamber shakes with the force of her rage, debris falling from the ceiling. 

Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri synchronize their attacks for a final, coordinated strike. 

Waraji channels his remaining chakra into Inferno Edge, the blade now a blazing beacon of fire. He charges at Avaritia, slashing with all his might. The fire engulfs the demon, burning away her dark energy. 

Zōri leaps above, Storm Fang poised for a downward strike. He infuses the blade with lightning, bringing it down with a thunderous crash. The lightning surges through Avaritia, paralyzing her movements. 

Yukari and Sayuri combine their elemental powers, creating a colossal dragon of water and wind, its scales crackling with electricity. The dragon roars and dives towards Avaritia, its massive form crashing into her with overwhelming force. 

The combined attack hits Avaritia with the full might of their chakra. The chamber is filled with light and energy, the demon's form disintegrating under the relentless assault. 

As Avaritia weakens, Malik steps forward, ready to use his powers of love to seal the demon. "Now's my chance." 

He approaches the weakened Avaritia, his heart filled with determination. Despite the demon's malevolence, he knows that his powers work best through direct, full contact. He leans in and kisses Avaritia, channeling his love and magic into her. 

The demon's form flickers and shudders, the dark energy dissipating as Malik's power takes hold. The chamber gradually calms, the oppressive atmosphere lifting as Avaritia's influence fades. 

Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri stand victorious, breathing heavily from the intense battle. Malik steps back, watching as the seal reforms, trapping Avaritia once again. 

Yukari: "It's done. We've sealed her." 

Sayuri: "Malik, your power... it truly is something extraordinary." 

Waraji: "We did it, together." 

Zōri: "Haku would be proud of us." 

Malik nods, a sense of relief washing over him. They had faced a great evil and emerged victorious, but the journey to transform the village and its leaders was far from over.

Suddenly, Malik's body collapses to the ground. His mind and soul are pulled into the seal with the demon, leaving his physical form lifeless.

Waraji: "Malik!"

Zōri: "What's happening to him?"

Malik finds himself inside the seal, facing the demon Avaritia. Her form is divided into three distinct aspects: The Demon, The Envy, and The Wind/Lightning. All three laugh with crazed expressions, their eyes filled with malice.

Avaritia (The Demon): "Welcome, Malik. Now you face us in our true form."

Avaritia (The Envy): "Your love is meaningless here."

Avaritia (The Wind/Lightning): "Prepare to be destroyed."

Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri stand their ground, determined to protect Malik's body and finish the fight.

Waraji swings Inferno Edge with renewed ferocity, flames licking at the edges of his sword. He charges at The Envy aspect, their attacks clashing with explosive force.

Zōri, despite his exhaustion, channels his remaining chakra into Storm Fang, creating a shield of lightning around him. He strikes at The Wind/Lightning aspect, their electric energies crackling and sparking in a deadly dance.

Yukari and Sayuri combine their elemental powers once more, focusing on The Demon aspect. They summon a whirlpool of water and wind, aiming to trap and weaken the core of Avaritia.

The Battle Inside the Seal: Malik, devoid of attack magic, must rely on his wit and resolve. He stands firm against the three manifestations of Avaritia.

Avaritia (The Demon) lunges at Malik, her claws sharp and deadly. Malik dodges his illusions his only hope, using his invisibility and tricks to stay one step ahead. He feels the pull of the seal, knowing he must outlast the demon's assault.

Avaritia (The Envy) tries to envelop Malik in a shroud of dark energy, but Malik's aura of love repels the darkness. He focuses on maintaining his inner strength, countering the envy with pure, unwavering love.

Avaritia (The Wind/Lightning) unleashes a storm of electrified winds, aiming to tear Malik apart. He braces himself, enduring the onslaught with sheer willpower.

Outside, the battle intensifies as the fighters grow weary. Avaritia's manifestations become more aggressive, their attacks relentless.

Waraji's movements slow, his energy waning. He blocks a powerful strike from The Envy aspect, the impact sending him staggering back.

Zōri, barely able to stand, continues to parry The Wind/Lightning aspect's attacks, his lightning shield flickering.

Yukari and Sayuri struggle to maintain their combined jutsu, their chakra reserves nearly depleted.

Inside the seal, Malik realizes he must take drastic action to save everyone. He focuses all his love and energy, channeling it into a single, overwhelming force.

Malik (thinking): "This is for everyone. I can't let them down."

With a final burst of determination, Malik confronts the three aspects of Avaritia. He projects his love and compassion, overwhelming the demon's malevolence.

"Poor people BEGONE!!!!!!" Malik shouts.

A force of power and shame because they truly lack washes over them.

Avaritia (The Demon): "What... is this power?"

Avaritia (The Envy): "Impossible!"

Avaritia (The Wind/Lightning): "No!"

"I Said Begone foul begger! " Malik shouts once again

The combined force of Malik's love disrupts the demon's hold, weakening the aspects and destabilizing their forms. But he knew his work was not done.

Inside the demon's seal, was a realm of swirling darkness and fragmented memories. Malik finds himself standing in an ethereal space, surrounded by shifting images of Avaritia's past. 

Visions of the Past: Malik stands amidst the swirling memories, feeling the weight of Avaritia's emotions. The first vision takes shape around him, revealing a scene of happiness. 

Avaritia, once a beautiful woman, smiles radiantly as she dances with her lover in a sunlit meadow. The air is filled with laughter and joy, the love between them palpable. Malik feels the warmth of their bond, a love that once burned brightly. 

The vision shifts, darkening as it transitions to a moment of sorrow. Avaritia kneels by a grave, her tears falling onto the earth. Malik can feel her heart breaking, the loss of her lover tearing at her soul. The pain of this loss is overwhelming, a grief that consumes her entirely. Next, Malik sees Avaritia's children, playing and laughing. These are bittersweet memories, filled with both joy and regret. Avaritia watches from a distance, unable to approach. The regret of never saying goodbye to her children, of never being able to protect them, weighs heavily on her. Malik feels her longing, her deep sorrow for the life she lost. 

Descent into Madness: The memories continue to shift, showing Avaritia's descent into madness. Her love and grief morph into envy and rage. Malik witnesses her transformation, the once loving woman becoming a figure of darkness. He feels her sanity slipping away, consumed by the envy that gives her power but also leads to her downfall. 

Scenes of destruction and chaos follow. Avaritia's rage and envy lash out at those around her, spreading misery and despair. Malik sees villages burning, and people fleeing in terror. The demon's power grows, but it comes at the cost of her humanity. 

After what feels like hours, the visions slow and Malik finds himself standing before an ancient, crumbling altar. Avaritia is there, her form ethereal and ghostly, kneeling as if in prayer. The atmosphere is heavy with sorrow and regret. 

 Malik knows what he must do. He approaches her slowly, feeling the weight of her pain and longing. ("I must show her true love again, help her find peace.") He thinks to himself. 

 He reaches out, his hand trembling slightly, and touches her shoulder. Avaritia looks up, her eyes filled with centuries of grief and torment.

Malik kneels beside her, his heart open and full of compassion. He speaks softly, his words filled with love and understanding. "Avaritia, I see your pain, your regret. You loved deeply once, and that love still resides within you. Let me help you find peace." 

He takes her hand gently, his touch warm and reassuring. Malik channels his empathic powers, sharing his love and compassion with her. A soft, radiant light begins to emanate from their joined hands, slowly enveloping Avaritia. The demon's form flickers, her harsh features softening as the light grows brighter. Malik can feel her resistance fading, replaced by a longing for the love she once knew. "She needs to feel true love again, to remember the person she was."

The light around them intensifies, creating a bubble of warmth and peace. Malik's love begins to heal the wounds in Avaritia's heart. Her form transforms, the dark energy dissipating to reveal the woman she once was. Tears stream down her face as the memories of her past life wash over her. She sees her lover, her children, and the moments of happiness she once had. The madness and envy that consumed her begin to fade, replaced by a sense of acceptance and peace. 

Malik softly, "You are not alone, Avaritia. You are loved, and you are forgiven." 

The light slowly fades, leaving Malik and the now-transformed Avaritia kneeling at the altar. She looks at him with gratitude, her eyes no longer filled with malice but with a gentle, serene light. "Thank you, Malik. You have given me peace." 

Malik smiles, feeling the warmth of her gratitude. He knows that this journey has brought healing not only to Avaritia but to himself as well. 


Avaritia's slender fingers begin to explore the contours of Malik's plump form, her touch gentle and teasing. She runs her hands over his broad shoulders, feeling the strength hidden beneath the soft fabric of his shirt. Her fingers trace the curve of his round belly, eliciting a contented sigh from Malik as he relaxes under her touch. Avaritia's hands continue their journey downward, pausing to caress the firm muscles of Malik's thighs before coming to rest on his ankles.

Her touch is like a warm breeze, causing Malik's skin to tingle with anticipation. He gazes into Avaritia's eyes, seeing the desire and longing reflected there. Malik reaches out to touch her face, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. He leans in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. "Heal me, Malik, Heal me," Avaritia says as she sticks her long demon tongue down his throat. Avaritia's long, forked tongue slips past Malik's lips, exploring his mouth with a sensual intensity that makes his head spin. He responds in kind, meeting her passion with his own as he tastes the unique flavor of her demonic essence.

Her fingers continue to dance over his body, tracing patterns of pleasure on his skin. Malik feels a warmth spreading through him, a healing energy that seems to seep into his very bones. The pain and stiffness from his injuries begin to fade, replaced by a feeling of renewed strength and vitality.

Malik breaks the kiss, gasping for breath as he looks into Avaritia's eyes. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "I feel...amazing."

Avaritia smiles, her eyes shining with pride and affection. "I'm glad," she says, her voice soft and gentle. She then pushes her double J cup breasts onto his chest. Avaritia's generous bosom presses against Malik's chest, her nipples hardening as they make contact with his skin. Malik can't help but gaze at the delicious mounds of flesh before him, feeling a surge of desire as he takes in their fullness and softness.

He reaches up to cup one of Avaritia's breasts in his hand, feeling the weight of it and marveling at its size. Her skin is smooth and warm to the touch, and he can feel her heartbeat quicken beneath his fingers.

Avaritia moans softly as Malik kneads her breast, her nipple pebbling under his touch. She begins to move her hips in slow, teasing circles, grinding herself against him in a way that makes his head spin. Avaritia's movements become more urgent, her hips bucking against Malik with a growing intensity. He can feel her heat through their clothes, and he longs to remove the barrier between them and feel her skin against his own.

As if sensing his thoughts, Avaritia pulls back slightly, her eyes dark with desire. "Do you want to see me, Malik?" she asks, her voice husky with need.

Malik nods eagerly, his heart pounding in his chest. Avaritia smiles, then reaches behind her back and unfastens her garb with a practiced ease. The garment falls away, revealing her massive breasts in all their glory.

Malik gasps at the sight, his eyes widening in awe and desire. Avaritia's chest is even more magnificent than he had imagined, her breasts huge and firm, with dark areolas and stiff nipples that beg for his touch. He can't help but reach out and cup one of them in his hand, feeling the weight of it and marveling at its softness. Avaritia moans softly as he touches her, her body responding to his touch with a surge of pleasure.

Malik leans in, taking one of Avaritia's nipples into his mouth and sucking on it gently. She tastes sweet and warm, and he can feel her heartbeat quicken as he pleasures her. He swirls his tongue around her nipple, teasing it with little flicks and nips that make her gasp and squirm with delight. Avaritia's hands continue to roam over Malik's body, leaving a trail of warmth and pleasure in their wake. Her fingers delve into the waistband of his pants, teasing the skin beneath. Malik feels a shiver run down his spine as she touches him, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

He continues to lavish attention on Avaritia's breasts, switching back and forth between them as he sucks and nips at her nipples. She responds with gasps and moans, her body writhing beneath his touch.

Avaritia's fingers finally manage to undo Malik's pants, sliding them down over his hips and revealing his hard length. She wraps her hand around him, stroking him gently as she continues to grind against him. Avaritia's grip on Malik is firm and confident, her hand gliding up and down his shaft with a practiced ease. He can feel the heat of her body, the softness of her skin, and the wetness of her desire as she continues to grind against him. The sensation is overwhelming, and Malik can feel his pleasure building with each passing moment.

He breaks away from her breasts, gasping for breath as he looks into Avaritia's eyes. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, his voice thick with desire. Avaritia smiles, her eyes shining with affection and lust. "And you're so strong, Malik. You have healed me in ways you cannot imagine."

Malik feels a surge of warmth and happiness at her words, and he leans in to capture her lips in a deep kiss. Avaritia responds eagerly, her tongue dueling with Malik's as they explore each other's mouths. Her hand continues to stroke him, her grip tightening slightly as she feels his pleasure build. Malik can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, and he knows that he won't be able to hold back much longer.

He breaks the kiss, gasping for breath as he looks into Avaritia's eyes. "I'm close," he whispers, his voice hoarse with desire. Avaritia smiles, her eyes shining with anticipation. "I know," she says, her voice husky with need. "I want to feel you inside me, Malik. I want you to heal me completely."

Malik nods, his heart pounding in his chest as he positions himself at Avaritia's entrance. Avaritia pulls her garb aside, revealing a wild and untamed sight. Her super thick, dark curls of hair completely cover her entrance, making it difficult for Malik to find his way. He gazes at the sight before him, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. He has never seen anything like it before.

Avaritia notices his hesitation and takes his hand, guiding it to her entrance. She is already wet, and Malik can feel the slickness of her desire through the curls of hair. He takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he begins to explore her with his fingers. He traces the outline of her lips, feeling the heat and wetness of her body beneath the curls.

Avaritia moans softly, her hips bucking against his hand as she feels his touch. Avaritia's body reacts to Malik's touch with a surge of pleasure. He explores her entrance gently, parting the folds of her flesh and teasing her with the tip of his finger. She is warm and inviting, her body eager for more. Malik slides his finger inside her, feeling the slick walls of her passage contract around him. Avaritia gasps, her body trembling with pleasure as he begins to move his finger in and out of her.

Malik watches Avaritia's face as he touches her, seeing the desire and longing in her eyes. He adds a second finger, stretching her slightly and making her moan with pleasure. Avaritia's body is slick with desire, her hips bucking against Malik's hand as he continues to explore her. Avaritia's breathing becomes ragged as Malik's fingers delve deeper into her, her body trembling with each thrust. She reaches down to touch herself, her fingers joining Malik's as they move in unison, driving her pleasure higher and higher.

Malik watches in awe as Avaritia touches herself, feeling her body tighten around his fingers as she approaches her climax. He can feel her heartbeat quicken, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Avaritia's body tenses, her muscles clenching as she reaches her peak, her orgasm washing over her in a wave of pleasure.

Malik continues to move his fingers inside her, drawing out her pleasure as she rides out the waves of her orgasm. Avaritia's body relaxes, her breathing slowing as she comes back down from her high. Avaritia's super thick, dark curls of hair completely cover her entrance, creating a wild and untamed sight. The hair is dense and thick, each strand glossy and healthy-looking. It's clear that Avaritia takes great care in maintaining her body, as the hair is soft and well-groomed. The scent of her arousal mingles with the faint musk of her natural fragrance, creating an intoxicating aroma that fills the air.

As Malik explores her entrance, he can feel the hair tickling his fingers, adding an extra layer of sensation to the experience. It's unlike anything he's ever felt before, and he finds himself fascinated by the texture and feel of it. He can see the outline of her lips through the curls, and he gently parts them with his fingers, revealing the slick flesh beneath. Avaritia looks at Malik with desire in her eyes, her body still trembling with pleasure from her orgasm. "I want you inside me, Malik," she says, her voice husky with need. "I want to feel your big, dark cock filling me up and healing me completely."

Malik feels a surge of desire at her words, his heart pounding in his chest. He positions himself at Avaritia's entrance, feeling the heat and wetness of her body. He can see the outline of her lips through the curls of hair, and he gently parts them with his fingers, revealing the slick flesh beneath.

Avaritia reaches down to touch herself, her fingers gliding over her clit as she waits for Malik to enter her. Her body is ready for him, her passage slick and wet with desire. Malik takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he begins to push inside Avaritia. The feeling is unlike anything he's ever experienced before - her entrance is warm and inviting, the walls of her passage tight and slick as they envelop him. He feels a surge of pleasure as he sinks deeper into her, feeling her body respond to his touch.

Avaritia moans as Malik enters her, her fingers still moving over her clit as she feels him fill her up. Her body is like a vice, tight and hot around him. Malik begins to move his hips, thrusting in and out of her with a steady rhythm. Each thrust elicits a gasp of pleasure from Avaritia, her body trembling with each impact.

Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, the sound of their heavy breathing and moans of pleasure filling the air. Malik feels a surge of energy and warmth radiating from Avaritia's touch, and he can sense his injuries healing and his body growing stronger. He is overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude and love for this powerful demoness who has shown him such kindness. Her body envelops him, and he sinks deeper into her, each thrust eliciting another gasp of pleasure from both of them. Their bodies glisten with sweat, and their skin shines in the soft light of the room.

Avaritia wraps her legs around Malik, pulling him deeper into her as she moves her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. Malik feels her muscles clenching around him, the sensation intensifying his pleasure and bringing him closer to the edge. He reaches up to cup her breasts, feeling the weight of them in his hands as he continues to thrust into her. Avaritia's super thick and wild bush of hair is a sight to behold. It is dark and curly, completely covering her entrance and adding an extra layer of sensations to their intimate moment. Each strand of hair is glossy and healthy-looking, and it's clear that Avaritia takes great care in maintaining her body.

The hair is dense and tangled, and it feels like silk against Malik's fingers as he explores her entrance. It has a unique scent, a mix of her arousal and the faint musk of her natural fragrance, creating an intoxicating aroma that fills the air. As Malik thrusts into her, the hair tickles his skin, adding an extra layer of pleasure to the experience. Avaritia's moans grow louder as Malik continues to thrust into her, her body trembling with each impact. Her breasts bounce with each movement, her hard nipples brushing against Malik's chest. He can feel her muscles clenching around him, the sensation intensifying his pleasure and bringing him closer to the edge.

With each thrust, Malik feels a surge of energy and warmth radiating from Avaritia's touch, and he can sense his injuries healing and his body growing stronger. The feeling is incredible, and he finds himself lost in the moment, completely captivated by Avaritia's body and the way it responds to his touch.

Avaritia's hands roam over Malik's body, tracing patterns of pleasure on his skin. She runs her fingers over his back. Her touch is like a warm breeze, causing Malik's skin to tingle with anticipation. He gazes into Avaritia's eyes, seeing the desire and longing reflected there. Malik reaches out to touch her face, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. He leans in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. "Heal me, Malik, Heal me," Avaritia says as she sticks her long demon tongue down his throat. Avaritia's long, forked tongue slips past Malik's lips, exploring his mouth with a sensual intensity that makes his head spin. He responds in kind, meeting her passion with his own as he tastes the unique flavor of her demonic essence.

Her fingers continue to dance over his body, tracing patterns of pleasure on his skin. Malik feels Avaritia's fingers tracing patterns of pleasure on his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Her touch is warm and soothing, and it seems to have a healing effect on his body. With each pass of her fingers, he can feel the pain and stiffness from his injuries fading away, replaced by a sense of renewed strength and vitality.

Avaritia's touch is not just physical, but also emotional. As she explores his body, she seems to be reaching into the very depths of his soul, touching him in a way that no one else ever has. He feels a deep connection with her, a bond that goes beyond the physical.

As they continue to explore each other's bodies, Malik can't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. Avaritia has shown him such kindness and compassion, healing him in ways that go beyond the physical. Avaritia's eyes gleam with desire as she looks at Malik, her body trembling with anticipation. She can feel the heat and strength of his body against hers, and she longs to be closer to him. To feel him inside her, healing her in ways that go beyond the physical.

She reaches down to touch herself, her fingers gliding over her slick folds. She is already wet and ready for him, her body eager for his touch. Malik watches her, feeling a surge of desire as he sees her pleasure herself. He wants to be the one to bring her to the edge, to push her over the precipice of pleasure and watch as she falls apart in his arms.

He reaches out to touch her, his fingers tracing patterns of pleasure on her skin. Avaritia shivers with delight as she feels his touch, her body responding to him in a way that no one else ever has. Malik's fingers explore Avaritia's wet folds, feeling her slickness and heat. He teases her entrance, circling it with his fingertips before gently pushing one inside her. Avaritia gasps, her body tensing with pleasure as Malik begins to move his finger in and out of her. He adds a second finger, stretching her slightly and eliciting another gasp from Avaritia.

Malik watches Avaritia's face as he touches her, seeing the desire and longing in her eyes. He continues to move his fingers inside her, feeling her muscles contract around him as she responds to his touch. Avaritia's breathing becomes ragged as Malik increases his pace, her hips bucking against his hand as she seeks more pleasure.

Avaritia reaches up to touch Malik, her fingers tracing patterns of pleasure on his chest. Malik feels Avaritia's fingers on his chest, and he shivers with delight at the sensation. Her touch is warm and soft, and it sends waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He continues to thrust into her, feeling her muscles clench around him as she moans with pleasure.

Avaritia's moans grow louder, and she throws her head back, exposing her neck. Malik can't resist the temptation, and he leans in to kiss her neck, feeling her skin against his lips. Avaritia gasps at the sensation, her body trembling even more with pleasure.

Malik feels a surge of energy and warmth radiating from Avaritia's touch, and he can sense his injuries healing and his body growing stronger. He is overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude and love for this powerful demoness who has shown him such kindness. Malik feels like he is about to cum. As Malik reaches his peak, he can feel his entire body tensing up with pleasure. He moans loudly, his thrusts becoming erratic as he empties himself inside Avaritia. Avaritia feels Malik's release inside her, and she gasps at the sensation. She can feel him pulsing deep within her, filling her up with his warmth.

Their bodies are slick with sweat, and they collapse onto the bed, panting and trying to catch their breath. Malik wraps his arms around Avaritia, holding her close as they both come down from their high.

Avaritia looks up at Malik, her eyes shining with gratitude and affection. "Thank you, Malik," she whispers. "You have healed me in ways that go beyond the physical."

Malik smiles, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness spread through his chest.

The scene fades, and Malik's mind and soul begin to return to his body, ready to continue the journey of transforming the village and its leadership with the newfound understanding of true love and compassion. 

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C72
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


