37.11% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 67: Chapter 66: (N) The test Part 1

章 67: Chapter 66: (N) The test Part 1

Chapter 66: (N) The test Part 1


Introduction to the Testing Phase

Malik's spacious, well-equipped mansion, specifically a large briefing room where the six inmates have gathered after selecting their new wardrobes. The room has a tactical ambiance, with a large digital map displayed on one wall, illustrating a complex underground maze.

Malik stands in front of the group, his expression serious but filled with a palpable sense of excitement. The inmates, now dressed in their new attire, listen intently, sensing the significance of the moment. "I've seen your willingness to embrace a new path, and now, it's time to put that commitment to the test. Over the next day . . . or three, you'll undergo a series of challenges designed to assess not just your individual abilities but also your capacity for teamwork and strategic thinking."

He gestures to the digital map, which zooms into the intricate details of the maze. "Your first test will take place in the maze below this mansion. It's no ordinary structure; I've designed it to withstand and facilitate the use of your unique abilities. You'll start at different points, but how you navigate the maze—whether alone or together—will tell us much about your potential."


Test 1: The Maze Challenge

The basement maze is a vast, sprawling structure, with walls reinforced to handle the most extreme of abilities. Each inmate is equipped with their personal gear or weapons, restored to them for this test. Malik Continues, "As you make your way through the maze, you'll encounter a series of magical illusions—monsters, each specifically designed to challenge one of you. How you handle these threats will be crucial. Remember, the maze can handle your full power, so don't hold back."

"This is more than a test of strength; it's a journey towards understanding and mastering your own powers. I believe in each of you. Let's see what you can do." With that, he leads them to the entrance of the maze, ready to observe as each begins their trial, marking a pivotal moment in their path towards redemption and freedom.

Part 1: Hana "The Blaze" Kimura's Maze Challenge 

The first section of Malik's intricate underground maze. The walls are high and made of a dark, heat-resistant material that absorbs light, giving the area an ominous feel. Flickers of faint light outline the labyrinthine paths, creating an eerie, almost surreal ambiance. 

Hana Kimura stands at the entrance of the maze, her expression one of determination mixed with a hint of curiosity. She adjusts her gloves, embedded with flint, ready to ignite her path both literally and metaphorically. Malik watches from a control room, observing her progress through security cameras. 

As Hana steps into the maze, the air grows humid and cool—a direct counter to her fire abilities. She cautiously navigates the winding corridors, each turn heightening her senses. The sound of dripping water echoes, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Rounding a corner, she suddenly faces her first obstacle: a Hydra made entirely of water. The beast roars, its multiple heads rearing up, each one regenerating quickly despite the blasts of fire Hana throws at it. 

 Hana says, "Guess it's not going to be that easy." 

 The Hydra's heads lash out, trying to engulf her in torrents of water. Hana dances around the attacks, her agility allowing her to avoid direct hits. She quickly realizes that simply trying to evaporate the Hydra with her usual flames isn't enough. The creature adapts, its watery form absorbing the heat and splitting into smaller versions of itself. 

Hana pauses, taking a deep breath as she recalibrates her approach. Remembering her ability to create blue flames, which burn at a much higher temperature and are capable of burning even on water, she concentrates her chakra. Her hands glow with an intense, almost electric blue light as she unleashes a torrent of azure fire. 

The blue flames envelop the Hydra, and this time, the water begins to steam and evaporate rapidly, preventing the creature from regenerating. The beast thrashes wildly, its heads flailing in a desperate attempt to extinguish the flames. One by one, the heads dissipate, until nothing but a puddle remains. 

 "Blue flames don't just burn; they purify." She says with a scary smile.

Having defeated the Hydra, Hana moves forward through the maze, her confidence growing. She encounters other minor traps and illusions, such as walls that suddenly close in and floors that drop away to reveal spiked pits, but none as challenging as the Hydra. Each victory sharpens her focus and fortifies her resolve. 

When she finally reaches the center of the maze, she pauses, looking back on the path she's conquered. The experience reaffirms her belief in her abilities and her potential to use them for something greater than destruction. 

 Hana to herself, "Maybe it's time to burn away the past and start anew." 

Malik's Observation: Watching Hana overcome her challenge, Malik nods in approval, impressed by her adaptability and the mastery she displays over her unique abilities. Malik, "True strength is in control, not just power. She's beginning to understand that." 

 Hana's trial sets a high standard for the challenges to come, proving that the journey through the maze is not only about facing external threats but also about conquering internal battles. 

Next Phase: 

As Hana rests at the center of the maze, a new door opens, revealing a path leading to the next section. The sound of distant machinery and the faint glow of hidden lights indicate that the challenges ahead will be even more demanding. Hana steels herself, ready to face whatever comes next, knowing that each step forward is a step toward mastering not only her abilities but also her destiny. Hana, "Let's see what you've got next, Malik." 


Part 2: Toru "The Beast" Saito's Maze Challenge 

 A different sector of Malik's elaborate underground maze, characterized by its reinforced steel structures and wide corridors designed to accommodate Toru's imposing size. The area has a cold, industrial feel, with the echo of distant machinery adding to the tension. 

Toru Saito begins his challenge with a visible determination, his large frame filling the entrance to the maze. He cracks his knuckles, ready to test his strength against whatever Malik has prepared. His section of the maze is dimly lit, echoing each of his heavy footsteps. 

As he navigates through the labyrinth, the ground beneath his feet suddenly rumbles. From a large opening ahead, a Steel Golem emerges, its body glinting metallically under the sparse lighting. The Golem, towering and formidable, mirrors Toru's physical prowess but is designed to be an unyielding opponent. 

 Toru with a small smile says, "Looks like it's time to see if I'm really the strongest." The Golem charges, its fists aimed to deliver crushing blows. Toru meets the challenge head-on, his own Earth Release abilities enhancing his defensive capabilities as his skin turns to rock. The impact of their clash sends shockwaves through the maze, causing dust and debris to fall from the ceiling. 

Realizing that brute strength alone won't be enough to defeat a foe designed to absorb and match his power, Toru decides to outmaneuver the Golem. He recalls the strategic combat training he received in his youth, using feints and grappling techniques to throw the Golem off balance. "Let's see how you handle this!" 

 He cleverly uses his Earth Release to alter the terrain, creating quicksand pits around the Golem. As it struggles to free itself, Toru delivers a seismic punch to the ground, creating a shockwave that tips the balance, causing the Golem to stumble backward into one of the pits, its movements becoming sluggish. With precision and timing, Toru leaps onto the Golem, delivering a barrage of powerful strikes to its vulnerable joints, slowly dismantling its structure. 

With the Golem incapacitated, Toru moves forward, wiping sweat from his brow. He feels a renewed sense of pride in his abilities—not just in his strength but in his tactical thinking. Toru to himself, "I'm more than just muscle." 

 Reaching the center of the maze, Toru pauses to catch his breath, reflecting on how he can apply his strength for protection and constructive purposes rather than sheer destruction. He thinks back on past battles where he relied solely on brute force, realizing now the importance of strategy and intelligence in combat. 

 Malik's Observation: Watching Toru adapt and use his environment, Malik is impressed by the growth in his tactical awareness and his ability to think beyond direct confrontation. "Strength is not just physical; it's also in the mind. Well done, Toru." 

Toru's journey through the maze highlights his evolution from brute force to strategic force, setting a tone of personal growth and adaptation. 

As Toru awaits the next test, his confidence is high, but he remains alert, knowing that the upcoming challenges will demand even more from him, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. The next stage is poised to test his self-awareness and his ability to confront and control the darker sides of his strength. 

Malik, observing from his control room, nods in satisfaction. Each challenge is designed to push the participants beyond their limits, not just in physical prowess but in mental and emotional resilience. Toru's progression is a testament to the effectiveness of these trials. "They're all growing in ways they never imagined. This is just the beginning." 

As the door to the next section of the maze opens, Toru takes a deep breath, stepping forward with a renewed sense of purpose. His journey is far from over, and he is ready to face whatever comes next with a blend of strength and strategy. 


Part 3: Yumi "The Illusionist" Nakamura's Maze Challenge 

A complex section of the maze designed with multiple reflective surfaces and deceptive pathways, tailored to challenge Yumi's mastery over illusions. The walls are covered in mirrors of varying sizes and shapes, creating an intricate and disorienting labyrinth of reflections and refracted light. 

Yumi Nakamura enters her segment of the maze with a calm, composed demeanor. The corridors here are lined with mirrors and optical illusions, creating a disorienting environment that seems tailored to her skills. Each step she takes is mirrored a thousand times over, making it difficult to discern what is real and what is a mere reflection. 

As she progresses, Yumi encounters her first major obstacle: the Mirror Spirit. This creature is not only capable of creating illusions but also reflects any deceptive tactics used against it back onto the caster. The spirit appears as a shimmering, almost ghost-like figure that mimics Yumi's movements and techniques. "A mirror for my own tricks, huh? Let's see which of us can outwit the other." 

Yumi attempts her usual repertoire of illusions, but each is mirrored and countered by the spirit. She quickly realizes that straightforward deception won't work against an opponent that thrives on the same tactics. 

Thinking quickly, Yumi decides to use the environment to her advantage. She starts creating layered illusions, complex scenarios that involve multiple senses, making it difficult for the Mirror Spirit to keep up and accurately reflect. "If one layer is easy to mirror, let's try several at once." 

She conjures an illusion of a dense forest, the rustling of leaves and the scent of pine needles filling the air. As the Mirror Spirit tries to replicate the entire scene, Yumi adds another layer—a sudden storm with thunderclaps and heavy rain. The spirit falters, its mirrored illusions becoming inconsistent and less convincing. 

Seizing the opportunity, Yumi unleashes her most powerful genjutsu, an illusion that not only confounds the senses but also disorients the mind. The Mirror Spirit struggles, its form wavering and distorting as it tries to keep up with the barrage of sensory information. 

With the spirit confused, Yumi seizes the moment to dispel the creature using a particularly powerful genjutsu that scrambles its senses completely. As it dissipates, Yumi moves forward, her confidence in her abilities reinforced but also aware of the need to continually evolve her techniques. 

Yumi to herself, "Every reflection has its flaws. I just need to find them." 

Reaching the center of the maze, Yumi reflects on her experiences, realizing that true mastery of illusions isn't just about deceiving others but understanding and anticipating their perceptions. She thinks back to the moment the Mirror Spirit began to falter and realizes it was her ability to think several steps ahead that gave her the edge. 


Malik's Observation: From his monitoring station, Malik watches with interest, impressed by Yumi's ability to adapt and overcome an opponent that mirrored her own strengths. "To defeat a mirror, you have to know yourself as much as your enemy. Did I just say that cheesy line and does the fact that I'm alone in this room make it worse? Well done, Yumi." 

{Just act like you are talking to me} Amora says. 

Yumi's trial not only tested her illusion skills but also her psychological resilience and her ability to think under pressure, proving her capabilities extend beyond simple trickery. 

As Yumi prepares for the next phase, her mind is abuzz with strategies. She knows that the next challenge will be even more demanding and will require her to confront her own weaknesses and fears. The door to the next section of the maze opens, revealing a path shrouded in darkness and mystery. "Bring it on. I'm ready for whatever comes next." 

With a determined look, Yumi steps forward, ready to face the next test. She understands that each challenge is not just about defeating an opponent but about growing stronger, both in her skills and in her self-awareness. The journey through Malik's maze is far from over, and Yumi is prepared to meet it head-on. 


Part 4: Rei "The Silent" Harada's Maze Challenge 

A shadowy sector of the maze designed to test stealth and silence, filled with sound-sensitive triggers and dim, motion-activated lighting. The walls are coated with a matte black material that absorbs light, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. 

Rei Harada steps into her section of the maze with minimal noise, her presence barely perceptible. The area seems almost tailor-made for her, with its emphasis on quiet and the need for careful movement. Every step she takes is deliberate, her breathing controlled and shallow to avoid making a sound. 

As she moves deeper into the maze, Rei encounters her first significant challenge: the Ghost Stalker. This ethereal creature is nearly as silent as she is, capable of moving without sound and blending into the shadows. It mirrors Rei's own stealth abilities, turning her greatest strength into a formidable challenge. 

 Rei (whispering), "A shadow among shadows, then. Let's see who fades out last." 

 Rei initially tries to bypass the Ghost Stalker using her usual techniques of silent movement and camouflage. However, the creature is adept at mimicking and countering these tactics, forcing Rei to alter her approach. 

Realizing that out-stealthing the stalker might be impossible, Rei decides to use misdirection. She starts creating minimal disturbances at strategic points around her, subtle enough to pique the creature's curiosity but misleading in direction. "If silence won't work, a whisper might." She says to herself. 

Rei uses small pebbles and dust, carefully tossing them to create faint noises in different directions. The Ghost Stalker, sensitive to even the slightest sound, moves toward the disturbances. As it investigates one of the decoy noises, Rei swiftly but silently maneuvers around it, using the brief moments when it's distracted to advance towards the maze's center. 

As Rei attempts to bypass the Ghost Stalker, it catches a glimpse of her movement. The creature launches itself at her, moving with an eerie, fluid grace. Rei reacts instantly, dropping to the ground and rolling to avoid its grasp. She springs back up, her hand reaching for her kunai. 

The maze echoes with the faint sound of their movements, a deadly dance of silence and shadows. Rei knows she must strike decisively. She waits for the Ghost Stalker to lunge again, then sidesteps, using its momentum against it. With a swift, precise motion, she drives her kunai into what she perceives to be the creature's weak point—a shimmering core at its center. 

The Ghost Stalker lets out a soundless gasp, its form dissolving into the darkness. Rei stands still, her breathing steady as she listens for any sign of another threat. Satisfied that the immediate danger has passed, she moves forward. 

After successfully evading and defeating the Ghost Stalker, Rei continues through the maze, encountering and overcoming various traps and puzzles that require both silence and cunning. She disarms sound-sensitive traps by manipulating the environment, using her kunai to cut wires or her agility to navigate around pressure plates. 

Her confidence in her abilities grows, as does her understanding of how to leverage her skills in new ways. She realizes that true mastery of stealth is not just about avoiding detection but about controlling the environment and manipulating her surroundings to her advantage. 

 Rei to herself, "Silence is my ally, but so is the art of misdirection." 

 Upon reaching the center of the maze, Rei takes a moment to reflect on her journey, recognizing the value of adapting her natural tendencies to meet unexpected challenges. 


Malik's Observation: Malik, observing from a distance, is impressed by Rei's strategic thinking and her ability to remain composed under pressure. "It's not just about being silent but knowing when and how to break it that defines true mastery." 

 Rei's experience in the maze underscores her growth from a purely stealth-focused ninja to a more versatile and strategic thinker, ready to face the upcoming challenges that will further test her limits. 

With the physical and mental trials of the maze behind her, Rei braces for the psychological challenge of the mirror match, where she will face the darkest aspects of her abilities. Her success against the Ghost Stalker has prepared her, but the next test will delve deeper into her psyche, pushing her to confront and overcome the parts of herself she keeps most hidden. "I'm ready. Whatever comes next, I'll face it head-on." 

With a final deep breath, Rei steps forward, ready for the next phase of Malik's intricate and demanding maze, knowing that each challenge brings her closer to mastering not just her skills, but herself. 


Part 5: Kiyomi "The Tempest" Matsuda's Maze Challenge 

A vast section of Malik's underground maze designed to challenge control over elemental powers. The environment features high ceilings and open spaces, mimicking the outdoor conditions Kiyomi's abilities thrive in. The air crackles with latent energy, and distant rumbles echo through the maze, hinting at the challenges to come. 

Kiyomi Matsuda steps confidently into her designated area of the maze, her eyes scanning the expansive setting that seems almost too accommodating for her storm-wielding capabilities. She adjusts her stance, ready to face whatever Malik has planned to test her tempestuous powers. The ground beneath her feet is solid rock, but she can feel the currents of air shifting, waiting for her command. 

Her first major test emerges in the form of the Storm Titan, a colossal creature made of swirling winds and crackling lightning, designed to absorb and redirect elemental energy. As Kiyomi summons a gust of wind, the Titan counters it effortlessly, its own winds amplifying the force and sending it back towards her. "So, it's a battle of wills, then. Let's see whose storm reigns supreme." 

The Titan's presence dominates the space, its form constantly shifting and crackling with electricity. Kiyomi sends a bolt of lightning towards it, but the creature absorbs the energy, growing larger and more volatile with each attack. She quickly realizes that directly attacking the Titan with her usual tactics only makes it stronger. The creature feeds off her wind and lightning, growing larger and more volatile with each exchange. 

Understanding that brute force will not suffice, Kiyomi shifts her approach. Instead of overpowering, she begins to finesse her attacks, using smaller, more controlled bursts of wind to manipulate the environment around the Titan, rather than directly at it. 

("Control the battlefield, not just the battle.") Kiyomi thinks to herself. 

She starts creating diversionary wind patterns, stirring up dust and debris to obscure the Titan's sensors. Using her control over air currents, she forms a cyclone around the Titan, trapping it in a vortex of dust and small rocks. Then, she cools the air rapidly, causing a sudden drop in temperature that disrupts the thermal energy the Titan relies on. This innovative tactic causes the Titan to falter, its movements becoming sluggish. 

"Wow, well look at that, if I were being honest Kiyomi has to have the most pure power out of all of them," Malik says watching Kiyomi.

Kiyomi continues to manipulate the battlefield, creating mirages of herself within the swirling dust storm. The Titan, disoriented and unable to target her accurately, begins to thrash wildly. Kiyomi takes advantage of this moment, using a combination of downdrafts and precise lightning strikes to weaken the Titan further. 

She moves with the grace and precision of a dancer, every movement calculated to maintain her control over the elemental forces. The Titan charges at her, but she sidesteps effortlessly, creating a gust of wind that sends it off balance. With a powerful, concentrated lightning bolt, she strikes the Titan's core, causing it to short-circuit and collapse into a heap of dissipating energy. 

With the Titan destabilized, Kiyomi seizes her chance. She combines a powerful downdraft with a precise lightning strike, effectively short-circuiting the creature. As it collapses, dissipating into the air from which it formed, Kiyomi stands amidst the settling debris, a satisfied smirk on her face. 

Kiyomi to herself, "A storm is not just chaos; it's a dance of air, water, and fire." 

Malik sends his voice to Kiyomi's part of the Maze, "Fire and lightning are as similar as cats and cheetahs; they might look a bit alike, but you definitely don't want to pet a cheetah!" Or perhaps Malik countues, "Comparing fire to lightning is like comparing a candle to a laser show. Both are bright and can be electrifying, but only one will make your hair stand on end!"

A giant Blush spreads on Kiyomi's face.

"Just remember, while fire warms your toes, lightning is nature's way of saying the clouds are having a flash sale!" Malik finsihes.

Kiyomi rolls her eyes and thinks, ("I thought what I said was pretty cool, and I also didn't know he could hear us!")

As she reaches the center of the maze, Kiyomi reflects on her journey, understanding now more than ever that true mastery of her abilities comes from thoughtful, precise control, not sheer force. Though she still liked using sheer force.

Malik's Observation: From his monitoring station, Malik nods in approval, impressed by Kiyomi's ability to adapt and her clever use of environmental manipulation. "Her power is immense, but her real strength lies in her strategic mind." 

Kiyomi's trial not only reaffirmed her formidable control over the elements but also highlighted her potential to use these powers in innovative and constructive ways. 

As Kiyomi prepares for the next phase, she feels energized by her victory and ready to face the mirror match. This next test will challenge her to confront her internal storms—the insecurities and fears that could destabilize the very powers she relies on. "I'm ready for the real challenge. Bring it on." 

With renewed determination, Kiyomi steps forward, ready to face the psychological and emotional tests that await her in Malik's intricate maze. Each step brings her closer to mastering not just her elemental abilities, but the tempest within herself. 



Part 6: Daichi "The Boulder" Yamamoto's Maze Challenge 

A rugged and cavernous section of Malik's underground maze, with rocky terrain and shifting walls designed to test Daichi's earth manipulation abilities. The air is thick with dust, and the echo of shifting rocks creates an ominous ambiance. 

Daichi Yamamoto steps into his section of the maze, his broad shoulders filling the entrance. The ground beneath his feet is uneven, composed of various rock types that seem almost deliberately chosen to challenge his control over the earth. He tightens his gauntlets, feeling the weight and power in his fists, ready for the test. 

As Daichi progresses through the maze, the ground suddenly shakes. From a large fissure ahead, "oh, shit," Daichi says seeing an Earth Dragon emerges, its scales made of interlocking stone plates. "You've could of gone a little easy on us, a dragon is a bet much."

The dragon roars, its body undulating as it manipulates the terrain with ease, creating barriers and launching boulders toward Daichi. 

 "A real challenge at last. Let's see if you can handle my kind of earthbending." Daichi yells to the beast.

The Earth Dragon mirrors Daichi's abilities, using earth manipulation to counter his every move. Daichi summons a wall of stone to block an incoming boulder, but the dragon responds by smashing through it with its tail, the force sending tremors through the maze. 

Daichi charges at the Earth Dragon, his fists encased in rock. He swings a powerful punch, but the dragon shifts the ground beneath him, causing him to stumble. The dragon uses this opportunity to whip its tail, sending a cascade of stones towards Daichi. He quickly raises a shield of earth to protect himself, but the impact is strong, pushing him back several steps. 

The dragon roars again, manipulating the terrain to form sharp stalagmites that shoot up from the ground. Daichi deftly dodges and counters by slamming his fists into the earth, causing the ground to ripple and disrupt the dragon's attack. 

Realizing that a direct confrontation will only lead to a stalemate, Daichi changes tactics. Instead of trying to out-power the dragon, he decides to outmaneuver it. He begins to manipulate the earth beneath him with more finesse, creating quicksand traps and unstable ground to limit the dragon's mobility. 

 "Let's see how you deal with unstable terrain you big ass lizard." Daichi says. 

The dragon struggles as its footing becomes less secure, giving Daichi the upper hand. He then uses his Granite Grip technique to form massive stone hands that immobilize the dragon, holding it in place while he channels his chakra into the ground. 

With the dragon temporarily immobilized, Daichi summons his strength for a final move. He slams his fists into the ground, sending a seismic wave through the earth that shatters the stone dragon into pieces. The ground quakes with the force of his attack, and the fragments of the dragon scatter across the maze. 

Breathing heavily, Daichi takes a moment to appreciate his victory. He realizes that brute strength alone isn't enough; strategic thinking and adaptability are just as crucial. Daichi to himself, "Strength isn't just about power; it's about control and precision." 

 "You see that Boss!" Daichi shouts.

"Great work, Daichi, but you still have a ways to go to find the center," Malik says send his voice over.

Reaching the center of the maze, Daichi feels a sense of accomplishment, knowing he has proven not just his physical strength but his ability to adapt and strategize. The rugged terrain now feels like a conquered battlefield, each step a testament to his growth. 

 Malik's Observation: Malik watches Daichi's progress with a thoughtful expression, noting the strategic use of earth manipulation and the shift from raw power to tactical finesse. "He's learned to use his strength wisely. That's the mark of a true master." 

Daichi's trial highlights his evolution from relying solely on physical prowess to incorporating strategic thinking, showcasing his potential for leadership and tactical planning. 

With the maze challenge behind him, Daichi prepares for the upcoming mirror match. This next test will require him to confront the more volatile aspects of his nature and push beyond his limits, both mentally and emotionally. He knows that facing the mirror match will demand even more from him—courage, introspection, and the willingness to confront his own inner demons. "I've faced the earth itself. Now, it's time to face what's inside me." He says to himself.


"I'm disappointed that no one tried to find each other," Malik says to Amora.

{"You gave people who have been alone all their lives a choice between relying on new people or keeping to themselves. They're too familiar with going it alone, so of course, they would choose to be alone. It's easier for them, even if it's actually harder,"} Amora says.

"If I want them to work together I'm either going to have to force them to or allow it to happen over time, witch might take years for theses types of people." Malik says getting ready for the second test.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


