32.47% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 58: Chapter: 57 C

章 58: Chapter: 57 C

Chapter 56: U

A deadly encounter unfolds in the shadowy underbelly of the Hidden Leaf Village. Hayate, a special jōnin of Konohagakure, finds himself eavesdropping on a clandestine meeting. Hidden in the shadows, he listens as Baki, the jōnin leader of the Sand Siblings, converses with Kabuto, a shinobi of questionable allegiance.

Their conversation, laced with treachery and deceit, sends chills down Hayate's spine. They speak of an invasion, a plot to bring chaos and destruction to the peaceful Konoha. The gravity of their words weighs heavily on Hayate, his heart pounding in his chest.

However, before Hayate can slip away, his presence is detected. Baki, his senses honed from years of experience, senses the intruder. With a swift movement, he confronts Hayate, his eyes cold and ruthless.

Caught off guard, Hayate fights back. He uses his Dance of the Crescent Moon technique, attempting to slash Baki's face. But Baki, unfazed, counters with his Wind Release: Sand Cloud Whirlwind technique. In a swift, brutal move, he stabs Hayate through the chest with his wind blade, killing him instantly.

Hayate's body falls to the ground, his life extinguished in the blink of an eye. His death, a tragic end to a brave shinobi, marks the beginning of a dark chapter in Konoha's history. His sacrifice, however, would not be in vain. His discovery of the invasion plot would serve as a crucial piece of information, a warning of the impending danger that threatens the peace of Konoha.

In the heart of the Hidden Leaf Village, under the cloak of darkness, a clandestine meeting unfolds. Malik, a short, fat, rich black man, ascends to the rooftop with an ease that belies his physique. His arrival is silent, his presence barely disturbing the stillness of the night.

On the rooftop, he finds Kabuto, her figure outlined against the moonlit sky. Kabuto, a shinobi known for her intelligence and cunning, recognizes Malik immediately. Memories of their time at Orochimaru's base come flooding back. She remembers him as the jovial cook, always ready with a warm meal and a kind word. But she also knows him as the richest man in the Land of Fire, a man of influence and power.

Their reunion, however, is interrupted by the sudden departure of Baki. Unbeknownst to Kabuto, Malik had used his magic to create an illusion of Hayate, effectively distracting Baki and buying them some time.

Once they're alone, Malik turns to Kabuto, a playful glint in his eyes. He begins to flirt with her, his words smooth and charming. Kabuto caught off guard, feels a blush creeping up her cheeks. But she doesn't let it show. Her icy, steely gaze never leaves Malik, her sharp mind already piecing together the puzzle.

"Why are you here, Malik?" she asks, her voice steady despite the surprise of his sudden appearance. "And how did you know I was going to be here?" Her questions hang in the air, a challenge and a demand for answers.

As Malik prepares to respond, the tension between them is palpable. Their past connections, their present circumstances, and the uncertainty of their future all converge in this moment. And as they stand there, on the rooftop under the starlit sky, they know that this conversation could change everything.

The rooftop, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, is a sight to behold. It's a traditional design, with sloping tiles and ornate carvings along the edges. The tiles, worn by time and weather, hold a certain rustic charm. The edges of the roof are adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures, their forms bathed in shadows. The rooftop overlooks the village, offering a panoramic view of the landscape below.

Malik, standing on this rooftop, finds himself facing Kabuto. "I'm here because I wanted to see you," he says, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. He takes a step closer to Kabuto, his gaze never leaving hers. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

As he speaks these words, a flurry of thoughts race through Malik's mind. He's aware of the risks, and the potential consequences of his actions. But he also knows that this is a necessary step, a part of his mission. He's here not just because of his personal feelings, but also because he's spying for the Third Hokage. He already knows why Kabuto is here, thanks to his knowledge of the plot of Naruto.

"I knew you were here because I placed a magic mark on you a while back," Malik continues, revealing a bit of his strategy. His words hang in the air, a testament to his foresight and planning.

Kabuto, taken aback by Malik's flirtation and revelations, takes a moment to process his words. Her icy gaze softens slightly, replaced by a hint of curiosity. She's surprised, not just by Malik's proposition, but also by his admission of placing a magic mark on her.

As the night deepens, the rooftop becomes a stage for their conversation, their words echoing in the silence. It's a moment that could change the course of their relationship, a moment that could redefine their roles in the events to come. And as they stand there, under the starlit sky, they're ready to face whatever comes their way.

 "I have always been an ass man, and you Kabuto have a great ass," Malik tells her walking around her to look at her butt. Malik's words, bold and unapologetic, fill the air as he circles Kabuto, his gaze fixed on her backside. His appreciation for her physique is clear, and it's hard to tell if his intentions are genuine or if they're part of a larger plan.

Kabuto, however, is not one to be easily flustered. She stands tall, her body tense but controlled, as Malik makes his appraisal. Her mind races, piecing together the puzzle that is Malik's sudden appearance and his proposition.

She takes a deep breath, her voice steady as she responds, "That's quite an observation, Malik. But let's focus on the matter at hand. Why are you here?"

Her words cut through the tension, reminding both of them of the importance of their meeting. As Malik stands before Kabuto, he knows he has a delicate task at hand. He needs to extract information about the impending Konoha Crush invasion for the 3rd Hokage, all while maintaining the guise of a casual conversation.

Malik begins by engaging Kabuto in light banter, his words laced with flirtatious undertones. He compliments her, his praises genuine and heartfelt. He talks about their shared past, bringing up memories of their time at Orochimaru's base. All the while, he subtly steers the conversation towards the topic of the invasion, his questions cleverly disguised as casual inquiries.

Kabuto, for her part, seems to be enjoying the conversation. Her body language is relaxed, her posture open. She leans in slightly as Malik speaks, a clear sign of interest. However, her eyes, sharp and observant, never leave Malik's face. She's cautious, aware of the potential implications of their conversation.

As for Malik's personal feelings towards Kabuto, they're complex. He respects her, admiring her intelligence and skills. However, he's also wary of her, aware of her allegiance to Orochimaru. Despite this, there's a part of him that cares for her, a remnant of their shared past at Orochimaru's base.

The moonlight plays a significant role in their encounter. It bathes the rooftop in a soft glow, casting long shadows that dance around them. The light illuminates their faces, highlighting their expressions and adding an air of intimacy to their conversation. It reflects off Kabuto's glasses, making her eyes seem brighter. On Malik, the moonlight softens his features, making him appear more approachable.

As the night deepens, their conversation continues, a delicate dance of words under the moonlit sky. Each question, each answer, brings them closer to their goals. And as they navigate through the intricacies of their dialogue, they do so with a shared understanding of the stakes at hand. It's a moment that encapsulates their complex relationship, a testament to their past connections and their present circumstances. Malik, ever the smooth talker, responds to Kabuto's question with a playful wink. "Oh, you know me, always full of surprises." He then proceeds to lean against the ledge of the rooftop, crossing his arms as he looks out over the village. The night air is calm, and the sounds of the village below lull a sense of peace over the otherwise tense situation.

Kabuto, however, remains unconvinced. She narrows her eyes, studying Malik's body language and searching for any hints of deception. Her mind is sharp, and she can sense that there's more to Malik's sudden appearance than meets the eye. After a moment of tense silence, she finally speaks.

"You're hiding something, Malik. I can sense it. Why don't you tell me the truth?" Under the soft glow of the moonlight, Malik and Kabuto continue their conversation. Malik, with his easy charm and playful banter, keeps the atmosphere light. He talks about their shared past, their time at Orochimaru's base, and even the latest happenings in the village. All the while, he subtly steers the conversation towards more serious topics.

He starts by mentioning recent events in the village, the increased security, and the heightened tension. He talks about the upcoming Chunin Exams and the influx of shinobi from different villages. He then casually brings up the topic of the Sand Village and their unusual interest in the exams. His questions are cleverly disguised as casual inquiries, his tone nonchalant but his gaze sharp.

Kabuto, for her part, answers his questions, her guard lowered by his casual demeanor. However, she's not completely oblivious. Her sharp intellect picks up on the subtle shift in the conversation, her observant nature noticing Malik's particular interest in the invasion.

To extract more information, Malik might employ other tactics. He could use his **Silver Tongue** skill to persuade Kabuto to reveal more details. He could also use his **Offspring of Cupid and Medusa** skill to induce a sense of trust and camaraderie in Kabuto, making her more likely to share information.

As for Kabuto's secrets, she may have some that could be exploited for information. However, Malik would need to tread carefully. Kabuto is a skilled shinobi, trained to guard her secrets closely. Any attempt to pry into her personal life could raise her suspicions and jeopardize Malik's mission.

As the night deepens, their conversation continues, a delicate dance of words and wits. Each question, each answer, brings them closer to their goals. And as they navigate through the intricacies of their dialogue, they do so with a shared understanding of the stakes at hand. It's a moment that encapsulates their complex relationship, a testament to their past connections and their present circumstances. Malik, sensing Kabuto's growing suspicion, decides to take a bold move. He uncrosses his arms and turns to face her, his gaze steady and sincere. "I'm here because I want to help Konoha," he says, his voice firm and honest. "I have information about the impending invasion, and I believe the village must know about it."

Kabuto raises an eyebrow, taken aback by Malik's sudden honesty. "What kind of information?" she asks, her guard still up but her curiosity piqued.

Malik proceeds to tell Kabuto about the intelligence he's gathered, detailing the plans of the enemy forces and their tactics. He speaks with conviction, his passion for protecting his village evident in his words. He also mentions the involvement of the Sound Village and their connection to Orochimaru. "I can help you get into the village," Malik says, "Why . . .," Kabuto tries to ask, "Because, I'm magic, but you'll have to go on a date with me." Malik says, "Pulling out a little cake." Malik, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, pulls out a small cake from seemingly nowhere. He offers it to Kabuto, his actions lighthearted yet calculated. The cake, with its intricate design and sweet aroma, adds a sense of normalcy to their otherwise tense conversation.

Kabuto, surprised by Malik's sudden gesture, can't help but be taken aback. She looks at the cake, then at Malik, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity. She takes the cake, her actions are measured and thoughtful. "Fine," she finally says, "I'll go on a date with you."

Malik, pleased by Kabuto's acceptance, grins widely. He knows that this is a small victory, a step closer to his mission. But he also knows that there's still a long way to go. "Great!" "Don't you want to try my cake?" Kabuto looks at the cake, "This has your "magic" in it doesn't it." "You're no fun," Malik answers. As the night deepens, the two of them continue their conversation, now with a lighter tone. They talk about various things, from village gossip to personal interests. Kabuto, despite herself, finds herself enjoying Malik's company. He has a way of making things seem less serious, and she appreciates that.

Malik, on the other hand, is content to just be in Kabuto's presence. He knows that he has to tread carefully, as his mission is far from over. But for now, he's just happy to be sharing a moment with her.

The moon continues to bathe the rooftop in its soft glow, casting long shadows and creating a romantic atmosphere. The village is quiet, the only sounds coming from the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant howl of a wolf.

As the conversation comes to a lull, Kabuto looks at the cake in her hands. She takes a bite, her eyes widening in surprise as she tastes the sweetness of the dessert. "This is quite good," she admits, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Malik grins at her comment, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm glad you like it," he says, his tone sincere. "I take pride in my baking skills."

As they continue to enjoy the cake, Malik takes the opportunity to steer the conversation back to more serious topics. He asks Kabuto about her allegiance to Orochimaru, and whether she would consider helping Konoha instead.

Kabuto looks at him thoughtfully, her gaze steady and unwavering. "I have my reasons for serving Orochimaru," she says, her voice quiet but firm. "But that doesn't mean I don't care about Konoha."

As Malik and Kabuto continue their conversation, an unexpected presence lurks in the shadows. Baki, having returned from his fruitless chase, spots Malik on the rooftop. Recognizing him, Baki decides to observe from a distance, his figure concealed in the darkness.

His eyes, sharp and calculating, watch as Malik and Kabuto engage in their discussion. He takes note of their body language, the subtle nuances of their conversation, and the unusual familiarity between them. His mind races with questions and suspicions, but he remains silent, choosing to watch and wait.

The rooftop, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, becomes a stage for this silent observer. Unaware of Baki's presence, Malik and Kabuto continue their dialogue, their words carrying through the cool night air.

As the night deepens, the rooftop holds three individuals, each with their thoughts and intentions. The air is thick with unspoken words and hidden observations, a testament to the complexities of their intertwined fates. And as they navigate through this night, they do so with the knowledge that every action, every word, could tip the balance of their delicate situation.

Amid their conversation, Kabuto's sharp eyes catch a movement in the shadows. Recognizing Baki's presence, she pauses, her gaze shifting towards the concealed figure. "Baki," she calls out, her voice steady and clear, "there's no point in hiding. Malik already saw us both."

Her words hang in the air, a clear invitation for Baki to join them. The rooftop, once a stage for a private conversation, now becomes a meeting point for three individuals, each with their roles in the unfolding events. As they wait for Baki to emerge from the shadows, the tension of the moment is palpable, a testament to the complexities of their intertwined fates. Baki hesitates for a moment before stepping forward, revealing himself from the shadows. He looks at Malik with a mixture of surprise and suspicion, but also a hint of recognition. "Malik," he greets, his voice low and cautious.

Kabuto turns her attention back to Malik, her gaze expectant. She wonders how he will react to this unexpected intrusion. Malik, ever the quick thinker, grins at Baki, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Baki! Fancy seeing you here," he exclaims, his tone light and casual.

Despite the circumstances, Malik manages to maintain an air of calmness, as if this were a casual encounter between old friends. He turns to Kabuto, his gaze warm and inviting. "Baki is a friend from the sand village. I'm sure he won't mind joining us for a bit."

As the moonlight bathes the rooftop in a soft glow, a figure emerges from the shadows. It's Baki, his stern features etched with suspicion and caution. He steps forward, his gaze locked on Malik. "Why shouldn't you be afraid?" he asks, his voice echoing in the silence of the night. "Why shouldn't I cut you down where you stand?"

His words hang in the air, a challenge and a threat. The tension on the rooftop spikes, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Kabuto watches the exchange silently, her sharp eyes flicking between Baki and Malik.

Malik, however, remains unfazed. He turns to face Baki, his expression calm and composed. "Baki," he begins, his voice steady and clear, "let's talk about why the Hidden Sand Village is so desperate that they would team up with Orochimaru."

His words strike a chord, the mention of Orochimaru hanging heavy in the air. He doesn't shy away from the truth, his gaze never leaving Baki's. He speaks of the hardships faced by the Hidden Sand Village and the struggles that led them to seek an alliance with someone as dangerous as Orochimaru.

As Malik speaks, the rooftop becomes a stage for their confrontation. His words, filled with truth and understanding, resonate in the silence of the night. Baki listens, his stern features softening slightly as he digests Malik's words.

The night deepens, their conversation continuing under the watchful gaze of the moon. It's a moment that signifies a turning point, a moment that could change the course of their paths. And as they stand there, on the rooftop bathed in moonlight, they're ready to face whatever comes their way.

Under the soft glow of the moonlight, Malik turns to Baki, his gaze steady and serious. "For years," he begins, his voice echoing in the silence, "Sunagakure, or The Hidden Sand Village, suffered a series of budget cuts by the daimyō of the Land of Wind. This weakened the village, causing the re-routing of ninja missions to Konoha."

He pauses, letting his words sink in before continuing. "One day, Orochimaru, a missing-nin from Konoha who founded Otogakure, approached the Fourth Kazekage with a proposition. He proposed a joint invasion using the Chūnin Exams hosted in Konoha as a cover to attack. The Kazekage accepted this proposition to induce fear in the daimyō and bring funding back up."

His revelation hangs in the air, a testament to the harsh realities of the shinobi world. Baki, taken aback by Malik's knowledge, can't hide his surprise. He's a little freaked out that Malik knows so much, his eyes wide with shock and a hint of fear.

"I believe that the Hidden Sand Village possesses immense potential, yet it has been betrayed and trampled upon so frequently that it has lost the ability to speak or walk. Now, it can only bike and crawl, which is truly disheartening. My point is, I want to assist the Hidden Sand; it requires a course correction, even if it doesn't understand what that entails."

Meanwhile, Kabuto, who has been silently observing the exchange, finds herself attracted to Malik. His gentle manner, his aura of wisdom, and his skill in handling intricate situations with ease all hold an odd allure for her. She observes him, her frosty stare warming just a bit, a spark of curiosity lighting up her eyes. ("I love a man who can blackmail someone three times in a single compliment," she muses.

As the night deepens, the rooftop becomes a stage for their interactions, their words carrying the weight of secrets and revelations. It's a moment that signifies a turning point, a moment that could change the course of their paths.

"Now, let me teach you a little something," Malik says, pulling them into a little group huddle.

Chapter: 57 C

Under the soft glow of the moon, Malik and Kabuto find themselves in a quiet corner of the village. The hustle and bustle of the day have given way to a serene calm, the only sounds being the distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Kabuto, her usually guarded expression softened by the tranquility of the night, turns to Malik. "You asked why I work for Orochimaru," she begins, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes, usually so sharp and calculating, hold a hint of vulnerability.

"I was an orphan," she continues, her gaze fixed on the moon above. "I had no family, no home. I was alone." Her words hang in the air, a stark reminder of her harsh past. "Orochimaru took me in. She gave me a purpose, a place to belong."

She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "She saw potential in me, saw what I could become. She trained me and taught me everything I know. She gave me power, the means to protect myself."

"But it's not just about power or survival," she adds, her voice firm. "Orochimaru is… complicated. She's done things, terrible things. But she's also shown me kindness, shown me what it means to be strong."

She turns to look at Malik, her gaze steady. "I work for Orochimaru because she gave me a second chance at life. Because despite everything, I believe in her vision. I believe that she can change the world."

As she finishes, the silence returns, wrapping them in its comforting embrace. It's a moment of understanding, a glimpse into Kabuto's complex relationship with Orochimaru. And as they sit there, under the starlit sky, they're left with a deeper understanding of each other, a bond forged in the heart of the night.

As the conversation deepens, Kabuto reveals more about her complex relationship with Orochimaru. "There are things we do…things that many would consider bad, very bad," she admits, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words. "But I can't deny that I enjoy some of it. The thrill of the mission, the satisfaction of a job well done, even if the means to achieve it are…questionable."

She pauses, her gaze distant as she loses herself in her thoughts. "It's not just about the tasks, though," she continues, her voice softer now. "It's about the independence it grants me. Working with Orochimaru, I have the freedom to make my own decisions and to choose my path. No one, besides Orochimaru, tells me what to do."

Her words hang in the air, a testament to her loyalty and the unconventional sense of freedom she finds in her allegiance to Orochimaru. As they sit there, under the starlit sky, they're left with a deeper understanding of each other, a bond forged in the heart of the night. It's a moment of revelation, a glimpse into Kabuto's complex world, and a testament to the intricate tapestry of their lives.

As the conversation deepens, Malik takes a moment to address the darker aspects of Kabuto's work with Orochimaru. "There's a cost to all of this," he begins, his voice gentle yet firm. "The hiding, the secrecy, the things you have to do… You could be using your skills for so much good."

Kabuto, however, counters his argument. "Good is subjective, Malik," she says, her voice steady. "What's good for one person might not be good for another. And sometimes, the line between good and bad isn't as clear as we'd like it to be." She goes into detail about her perspective, explaining how her work with Orochimaru, despite its dark nature, has its form of value and purpose.

After a moment of silence, Malik makes a proposition. "Work for me, Kabuto," he says, his gaze meeting hers. "You wouldn't be able to continue your…usual activities. But you'd be compensated, people would know your name, and you'd get to spend time with me." "No," She says without hesitation, "I don't need your money, I don't want your fam, I don't . . . you're a distraction, a distraction who is very good at being one." "So, you do have some interest in me, that's good to know," Malik says. Kabuto raises an eyebrow at Malik's response, a small smirk playing on her lips. "I didn't say that," she replies, her tone light and teasing. "But I will admit, you have a certain charm to you."

Malik grins at her words, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He takes a step closer to Kabuto, his movements calculated and deliberate. "I'm glad you think so," he says, his voice low and husky.

The air between them grows thick with tension, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy. Kabuto holds Malik's gaze, her own eyes shining with curiosity and intrigue.

Suddenly, Malik leans in, capturing Kabuto's lips in a passionate kiss. His hands weave through her hair, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss. Kabuto responds to Malik's kiss, her body melting into his as she wraps her arms around his neck. The rooftop, once a place of tension and conflict, transforms into a stage for intimacy and passion.

As they break apart, Kabuto looks up at Malik, her eyes shining with newfound affection. "I didn't expect this from you," she admits, her voice soft and sincere.

Malik grins, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "There's a lot you don't know about me," he says, his tone teasing.

Despite the gravity of their situation, they can't help but share a moment of laughter. They continue their conversation, their words carrying the weight of secrets and revelations, as they bask in the soft glow of the moonlight. "Now, do me a favor and turn around and show me that fat ass of yours," Malik says running his hand over her face. Kabuto raises an eyebrow at Malik's sudden request, taken aback by his boldness. However, she can't help but chuckle at his audacity. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?" she says, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She obliges him, turning around and giving him a sassy wink over her shoulder.

Malik lets out a low whistle, clearly appreciating the view. "I knew you had it in you," he says, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Now, if only I could get you to work for me..." He trails off, his gaze lingering on Kabuto's form.

Kabuto laughs, shaking her head at Malik's persistence. "I've already told you my answer," she says, turning back to face him. "But I appreciate the offer." "How about we make a bet, if you don't fall in love with me, then I'll become yours and Orochimaru's little pet for the rest of my life, but if you do, you become mine," Malik says. "What makes you think either of us wants you?" She replies. Malik gives her a look. "Fine!" She says trying not to make eye contact, "How long?" "Easy he says, let's say 3 years." "You'll give me that long?" she says. "Time is both a gift and a curse, a long period of time will give you a chance to ignore me, but me in the back of your mind while you focus on more "important" things, but it also gives me all the time I need. A cold smile appears on her face, "You're going to make a very unique test subject, I wonder which will make you insane the pleasure or the pain." As Kabuto speaks, her voice carries a note of confidence and determination. Despite the potential challenges that may lie ahead, she seems unfazed, her gaze steady on Malik. She raises an eyebrow at his proposition, a smirk playing on her lips as she considers his words.

"Three years, huh?" she muses, her voice low and thoughtful. "And what do I get in return if I win?"

Malik grins, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, that depends on what you consider a win," he replies, his tone light and teasing. "If you manage to not fall in love with me, then I will be completely and utterly devoted to you for the rest of my days."

He pauses, his gaze locked on Kabuto's. "But if you do fall in love with me," he continues, his voice growing softer, "then you will have me as your partner in every sense of the word. We'll explore this newfound connection together, and I'll do everything in my power to make you happy."

The night deepens the silence of the rooftop punctuated only by the distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. The moon, high overhead, bathes the rooftop in a soft glow, casting long shadows and lending an ethereal quality to the scene.

Kabuto considers Malik's words, her expression thoughtful. She knows that this is a risk, a gamble with potentially high stakes. But she also sees the potential rewards, the chance to explore a new relationship, and the possibility of finding a partner who truly understands her. "Now, can I take a picture of you?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I know what that did to Orochimaru, so hell no, you'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way." She says pushing him away and disappearing into the night. As Kabuto disappears into the night, Malik is left alone on the rooftop, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future, despite the uncertainty that lies ahead.

He looks up at the moon, still high overhead, and takes a deep breath. The cool night air fills his lungs, calming him and grounding him in the present moment.

Malik knows that this is just the beginning of a long and complicated journey. He has made a bold proposition to Kabuto, one that could have far-reaching consequences for both of them. But he is confident in his abilities, and he believes that he can win her over.

He smiles to himself, already imagining the possibilities. Three years is a long time, but it's also an opportunity.


Because I don't know where Orochimaru and Kabuto, go after the Ark, especially because I already got them to leave the Hidden Grass Village, I need a way to get to them, long-term.

{We might have something for that, but it's only going to work for people who have an extreme bond with you, it's an extension of your soul and phone, a "promises" ring.} Amora says.

("Will it help?") he asks her.

{Maybe but . . .its better if I just show you,}

The Twin Goddesses of Love bestow upon Malik a unique skill in the form of a Promise Ring. This ring, more than a simple piece of jewelry, serves as a magical conduit that connects him to those who harbor deep love for him.

{Here are some of the effects of the Promise Ring skill} she says.

Location Awareness: Malik will always know the location of those who deeply love him. No matter how far they are, he will have a sense of their whereabouts, as if a compass in his mind always points towards them.

Emotional Connection: Malik will be able to sense their emotions. If they're happy, sad, in danger, or need of help, he will feel a corresponding tug in his heart. This emotional connection works both ways, allowing them to feel Malik's emotions as well.

Communication Link: Malik can communicate with them mentally, sharing thoughts and messages across any distance. This communication is private and can only be heard by the intended recipient.

Protection Charm: The Promise Ring provides a layer of protection to those connected to Malik. It won't make them invincible, but it will offer some resistance against harm.

Bond Strengthening: The more time Malik spends with those he's connected to, the stronger their bond becomes. This could lead to enhanced effects of the Promise Ring over time.

Rings 1 x Level


{This ring will feed off of you and your partner, you'll need to be careful with this one, you're going to gain a lot of sin. While I need you to do so, I don't want to melt your mind.}

("What do I need to do?") Malik asks.

{Reconect your bond with them, give them the ring, . . .enjoy?} she says with hesitation.

("Why did you say it like that?")

{You are not supposed to get this ring it, it has a few other effects . . .that can be harmful, but for what it's worth, I believe in you, I believe in your bonds of love and lust. You should too, just try not to use the ring if you don't have to after you give it to them, like . . . at all.} She says to him, {Now get to work, I bet you can hit them all up tonight.}

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C58
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


