17.52% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 29: Chapter 28: For my Master

章 29: Chapter 28: For my Master

Chapter 28: For My Master

[Day 4: Electric Boogaloo]

Malik makes his way to Kimimaro's room, knocking lightly on the door before entering. He finds Kimimaro in a moment of quiet, away from the usual "hustle" of the base.

"Kimimaro," Malik begins, his voice respectful. "I've been wondering about something, and I hope you won't mind me asking."

Kimimaro turns to face her, her expression is neutral. "What is it?" she asks.

"I've noticed your unwavering loyalty to Orochimaru," Malik says. "I'm curious to understand why. What is it about Orochimaru that inspires such loyalty in you?"

Kimimaro looks at Malik for a moment, considering his question. Her response would provide Malik with valuable insight into her character and motivations. This understanding could be crucial in building trust between them. Malik waits patiently for Kimimaro's answer, respecting her need for time to formulate her thoughts.

Kimimaro looks at Malik, her expression thoughtful. It's clear that Malik's question has struck a chord. After a moment of silence, she begins to speak.

"Orochimaru gave me a purpose when I had none," she says, her voice steady. "She saw potential in me when others saw a monster. She gave me a place to belong when I was alone. My loyalty to her stems from the gratitude and respect I have for her."

His words hang in the air, a testament to her unwavering loyalty to Orochimaru. Malik listens attentively, understanding that this loyalty is a significant part of Kimimaro's identity. He nods, appreciating Kimimaro's honesty and openness. This conversation, while difficult, has helped to build a bridge of understanding between them. Malik knows that gaining Kimimaro's trust will take time, but he's willing to put in the effort. He respects Kimimaro's loyalty and hopes to prove that she can be trusted as well.

"But why, I need to understand, why," Malik asks no heat in his speech.

Kimimaro is silent for a moment, studying Malik. Malik's words have given him something to think about. After a moment, she nods, a sign of respect. "Your willingness to learn and understand is… unexpected," she admits. "But it's a quality I can respect. We'll see how things go."

Her words, while cautious, indicate a willingness to give Malik a chance. This is a significant step in building trust between them. Malik's respectful and understanding approach has started to break down the barriers, opening the door for a potential alliance. It's a small victory, but an important one in the context of their relationship. Malik knows that he has a long way to go, but he's ready for the journey. 

Kimimaro looks at Malik, a serious expression on his face. "There's something else you should know, Malik," she begins, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words. "I'm… I'm sick."

She pauses, allowing the weight of her confession to sink in. "It's a rare and incurable disease. It weakens me, and limits my abilities… but it doesn't define me. I continue to serve Orochimaru-sama to the best of my abilities, despite my condition."

Her admission is a significant moment, a testament to her trust in Malik. It's a step forward in their relationship, a sign of the growing bond between them. Malik, for his part, listens with empathy and respect, understanding the courage it took for Kimimaro to share this part of her life. He nods, acknowledging Kimimaro's strength and resilience.

"I appreciate your trust in sharing this with me, Kimimaro," Malik responds. "Know that it doesn't change my respect for you or my willingness to learn from you. We all have our battles, and I admire your strength in facing yours." His words are sincere, reflecting his respect and understanding for Kimimaro's situation. 

Upon hearing Kimimaro's confession about his illness, Malik responds with empathy and understanding. He maintains his composure, ensuring his reaction doesn't add to Kimimaro's burden.

Malik's response reflects his respect for Kimimaro and acknowledges the courage it took for him to reveal his condition. This moment deepens the bond between them, marking a significant milestone in their growing relationship. Malik's understanding and supportive reaction to Kimimaro's confession further solidify the trust between them.

Malik approaches Kimimaro, a sense of determination in his eyes. "Kimimaro," he begins, his voice steady, "I was wondering if you would like to join me for a walk in the Village Hidden in the Grass."

Kimimaro looks at him, surprise evident in her eyes. The village, once bustling with life, is now almost a ghost town due to Orochimaru's actions. It's a place filled with memories, both good and bad, but mostly bad.

"I know the village has changed a lot," Malik continues, "but I believe there's still beauty to be found there. We could explore it together, maybe find some peace amidst the quiet. What do you say?"

His invitation hangs in the air, a question waiting to be answered. How Kimimaro responds could mark a new chapter in their growing relationship. Malik waits patiently for her answer, hopeful for the opportunity to spend more time with her and deepen their connection.

Kimimaro looks at Malik, her expression unreadable. The invitation is unexpected, and she takes a moment to process it. The Village Hidden in the Grass holds many memories for her, and the thought of revisiting it brings a mix of emotions.

Finally, she speaks. "A walk in the village, huh?" she says, her voice thoughtful. "That's… an interesting idea, Malik."

Malik looks at Kimimaro, his expression sincere. "Kimimaro," he begins, his voice gentle yet firm, "you should enjoy life while you can. What good will staying in your room do for yourself or Orochimaru?"

He pauses, letting his words sink in. "Life is more than just fulfilling duties and obligations. It's about experiencing the world, learning new things, and creating memories."

He extends his hand towards her, an invitation for her to join him. "Come with me, Kimimaro. Let's explore the world outside these walls together."

His words hang in the air, a challenge and an offer.

Kimimaro looks at Malik's extended hand, her expression thoughtful. His words resonate with her, challenging her usual routine and perspective. After a moment of silence, she slowly reaches out and takes his hand.

"Alright, Malik," she says, a hint of a smile on her face. "Let's see what the world outside these walls has to offer."

Upon hearing Kimimaro's acceptance, a smile spreads across Malik's face. His eyes light up with a mixture of relief and excitement. "That's great, Kimimaro," he says, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "I'm glad you're willing to step out and explore. I believe it will be a good experience for both of us."

He gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent promise of his support and companionship.

Kimimaro, seeing Malik's happiness at her acceptance, can't help but feel a small smile tug at the corners of her mouth. It's a rare sight for her, this genuine joy, and it's infectious. "Don't get too excited, Malik," she teases, her voice softer than usual. "Remember, we're just going for a walk."

Despite her teasing, it's clear that Malik's happiness has had an impact on her. For the first time in a long while, she's looking forward to something that's not related to her duties or missions. It's a small change, but a significant one.

As Malik takes a better look at Kimimaro, he sees a young woman of remarkable strength and resilience. Her pale skin contrasts with her vivid green eyes, giving her an ethereal quality. The angular features of her face, marked by two scarlet dots on her forehead - a characteristic of her clan, add to her unique appearance.

Her shoulder-length white hair, divided down the middle with an atypical 'zigzag' parting, frames her face beautifully. Two separate partings on either side of her face give her a distinctive look. As a child, her hair was longer and tied in a loose ponytail near the middle of her back, though her current style is very similar to her earlier one.

Despite her tough exterior, Malik can see a certain vulnerability in her. Her acceptance of his invitation, and her willingness to step out of her comfort zone, speak volumes about her trust in him. It's a side of Kimimaro that few get to see, and Malik feels privileged to be one of them.

But what strikes Malik the most is her determination. Even with the knowledge of her sickness, she carries herself with an air of defiance and strength. She's a fighter, unwilling to let her condition define her.

As Malik holds her hand, Kimimaro finds herself lost in thought. She wonders why someone like Malik would take an interest in her. She's always seen herself as a tool for Orochimaru, her worth tied to her abilities as a ninja. But Malik seems to see beyond that. He sees her as a person, not just a ninja or a tool for Orochimaru.

She thinks about their interactions, the way he's always shown her kindness and respect. He's taken the time to understand her, to see the person beneath the tough exterior. It's a new experience for her, and she finds herself both confused and intrigued.

"Why me?" she wonders. "What does he see in me that others don't?"

As these thoughts swirl in her mind, she looks at Malik. His expression is sincere, his grip on her hand firm yet gentle. In that moment, she realizes that perhaps she's been asking the wrong question. Instead of wondering why Malik is interested in her, she should be asking herself why she's allowing him to get close.

It's a realization that leaves her feeling vulnerable, but also hopeful. For the first time in a long time, she feels seen. And while it's a scary feeling, it's also a comforting one. Because for all her doubts and fears, there's one thing she knows for sure: Malik cares about her. And that's something she's willing to explore, no matter where it leads.

As Kimimaro stands there with Malik, a flurry of thoughts runs through her mind. She thinks about her past, her present, and what the future might hold. She reflects on her loyalty to Orochimaru and wonders what she would think of this moment.

She also contemplates her illness, a constant shadow in her life. She could never dare to hope for a normal life.

She reflects on the kindness and respect Malik has extended to her, a stark contrast to her usual experiences. She ponders over his uniqueness, and why he appears to value her as an individual rather than merely a tool for Orochimaru.

"Why," she says out loud, not even realizing her mistake but noticing Malik didn't hear her.

She also finds herself thinking about the Village Hidden in the Grass, the place they're about to visit. She hasn't been there in a while, and she's not sure what to expect. But she's willing to find out, willing to step out of her comfort zone for the chance at something more.

And finally, she thinks about Malik. His sincerity, his kindness, his respect for her… it's all so new, so different. She finds herself wondering what it would be like to let someone in, to let someone care about her. It's a scary thought, but also a comforting one.

These thoughts and more swirl in Kimimaro's mind, a reflection of the complex emotions she's feeling. But through it all, one thing is clear: this moment, this invitation from Malik has sparked a change in her. And she's curious to see where it will lead.

As Malik and Kimimaro step into the Village Hidden in the Grass, the first thing that strikes them is the silence. The once bustling village now lies quiet, a ghost town bearing the scars of Orochimaru's actions. The streets are empty, the houses abandoned, and the air carries a sense of melancholy.

Despite this, there's a certain beauty to the village. Nature has started to reclaim the area, with wildflowers blooming in the cracks of the pavement and vines creeping up the sides of the buildings. The setting sun casts long shadows, painting the village in hues of orange and red.

They walk side by side, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Malik points out different landmarks, sharing stories and memories associated with each one that the villagers who aren't dead or missing have shared with him. Kimimaro listens, her usual stoic expression softening as she takes in the sights and sounds of the village.

Every now and then, they stop to explore an abandoned house or to rest in the shade of a large tree. They talk, Malik tries and fails to make her laugh, and for a moment, they forget about their duties and responsibilities. It's just them, one ninja and a civilian exploring a forgotten village, finding beauty amidst the ruins.

As they continue their walk, they grow more comfortable with each other's presence. The tension that usually accompanies their interactions eases, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. They share stories, exchange smiles, and for the first time, they see each other not just as fellow servants of Orochimaru, but as friends.

Their walk through the village is more than just a simple stroll. It's a journey of discovery, of understanding, and of friendship. And as they make their way back to Orochimaru's base, they carry with them not just memories of the village, but also a deeper connection with each other. It's a small step, but a significant one in their evolving relationship.

As they continue their walk around the village, Malik turns to Kimimaro with a curious expression. "Kimimaro," he begins, "I realized there's still so much I don't know about you. If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit more about yourself?"

He pauses for a moment before continuing, "For instance, what's your favorite color? And what kind of food do you enjoy? Also, how do you usually spend your free time?"

His questions hang in the air, an invitation for Kimimaro to share more about herself. It's a simple conversation, but one that could help deepen their understanding of each other. Malik waits patiently for her response, genuinely interested in learning more about his companion.

Kimimaro looks at Malik, a hint of surprise in her eyes. No one has ever asked her such personal questions before. After a moment of silence, she begins to answer.

"My favorite color… I suppose it would be white, like the bones I manipulate," she says, referring to her unique ability to manipulate her skeletal structure. "As for food, I don't have a particular favorite. I eat what's necessary for survival."

She pauses, considering the last question. "In my free time, I usually train or meditate. It helps me stay focused and improves my skills."

Her answers are brief and to the point, reflecting her practical and disciplined nature. But the fact that she's willing to share this information with Malik is a sign of her growing trust in him. It's a small step, but an important one in their evolving relationship. Malik listens attentively, appreciating her willingness to open up and share more about herself.

Malik turns to Kimimaro, a curious expression on his face. "Kimimaro," he begins, "have you ever tried ice cream before?" His question is simple, yet it carries a deeper meaning. It's not just about the ice cream, but about experiencing the simple joys of life that she might have missed out on due to her circumstances.

Kimimaro looks at Malik, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "Ice cream?" she repeats, her voice reflecting her confusion. "No, I haven't. We don't usually have such luxuries here." Her response is simple and straightforward, yet it reveals a lot about her life and experiences. Despite this, she seems curious about the dessert, perhaps intrigued by the idea of trying something new.

Opening the shop on his phone Malik buys 2 new skills with the points he has been earning.

Vending Machine Lv.5

Summon snacks and drinks from nowhere. These do not have any magical properties but they will taste good.

White Knight Lv.5

Place a marker on someone and when they are about to die or are heavily damaged, they are summoned into your arms. This skill does not heal. (May gain more abilities at higher levels) Marks 1 x Lv.

With a small smile, Malik reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a vanilla ice cream cone. He holds it out to Kimimaro, his eyes meeting hers. "I thought we could share this," he says, his voice soft. "It's a simple pleasure, but one that's worth experiencing."

The sight of the ice cream cone, a symbol of normalcy and joy, stands in stark contrast to their usual surroundings. It's a small gesture, but one that speaks volumes about Malik's intentions. He's not just interested in Kimimaro as a ninja but as a person deserving of happiness and enjoyment.

Kimimaro looks at the ice cream, then at Malik. His offer, so simple yet so profound, leaves her speechless. It's a moment of vulnerability, of connection, that neither of them expected. But it's also a moment of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that's forming between them.

As they share the ice cream, the world around them seems to fade away. It's just them, two people sharing a simple pleasure, finding comfort in each other's company. It's a moment they'll remember, And as they walk through the deserted village, sharing the ice cream and exchanging stories, they can't help but feel a sense of hope. Hope for a future where they can enjoy more of these simple pleasures, together.

Kimimaro takes a small lick of the ice cream, her eyes widening in surprise at the unfamiliar yet delightful taste. She looks at Malik, her expression softening as she realizes the significance of this moment. "Thank you, Malik," she says, her voice sincere. "I never thought something as simple as ice cream could bring me so much joy."

Malik smiles at Kimimaro, his heart warmed by her response. He's glad he could share this experience with her, and he hopes it's just the first of many. "You're welcome, Kimimaro," he replies. "I'm glad I could bring a little joy into your life."

As they continue their walk, they engage in light-hearted conversation, discussing topics ranging from their favorite childhood memories to their dreams and aspirations. "have you ever gone swiming?'' Malik asks her while they walk around. Kimimaro shakes her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "No, I haven't. I've never really had the opportunity to go swimming before."

Malik's eyes light up with excitement. "Well, that's something we can definitely change! There's a beautiful lake not too far from here, and I was thinking we could go for a swim. What do you say?"

Kimimaro hesitates for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "I'm not sure, Malik. I'm not very good at swimming..."

Malik quickly reassures her. "Don't worry, I'll be there to help you. I promise I won't let anything bad happen. Besides, it's a great opportunity to learn something new and have some fun!"

With a hint of a smile, Kimimaro nods her head.As Malik and Kimimaro continue their walk, The gentle breeze rustles the leaves in the trees, and the sounds of birds chirping fill the air. Malik can't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment as they stroll along, enjoying each other's company.

After a while, they arrive at the lake, and Malik is immediately struck by its beauty. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky and the surrounding greenery. A few ducks swim lazily in the distance, and he can hear the sound of fish splashing in the water.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Kimimaro says, her eyes wide with wonder. Her words echo Malik's thoughts, adding to the tranquility of the moment. It's a peaceful interlude on their journey, a chance to appreciate the natural beauty around them. "Are you ok swimming naked?" He asks her while taking off his clothes, showing off his fake dark skin body. Kimimaro blushes at his question, her gaze flickering to his exposed body before quickly averting her eyes. "I-I don't know, Malik," she stammers. "I've never swam naked before."

He noticed her discomfort and reassured her, "It's okay, Kimimaro. We're alone here, and it's a perfect opportunity to experience something new. I'll make sure you're comfortable the whole time."

After a moment of hesitation, Kimimaro nods, slowly removing her clothes to reveal her slender body. Malik can't help but appreciate her beauty as she stands there, vulnerable yet trusting.

With a smile, he leads her to the water's edge, holding her hand they both step into the cool lake.

The water feels refreshing against Malik's skin as he wades in, the coolness causing goosebumps to rise on his flesh. Kimimaro gasps as the water reaches her waist, her eyes wide with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Malik reassures her, "It's okay, Kimimaro. The water is perfect."

He lets go of her hand, taking a few strokes forward before turning back to face her. She stands there, looking unsure, but he can see the determination in her eyes. She takes a deep breath and follows him into the water, her movements hesitant at first, but becoming more confident as she gets used to the water.

As they swim further out, the water rises to Malik's chest, and he can feel Kimimaro's hand grabbing onto his arm. He turns to look at her, and she gives him a small smile, her eyes shining with gratitude. They both tread water, taking in the serene beauty of their surroundings. The moon casts a cool glow over the lake, and the gentle lapping of the water against the shore creates a soothing melody. Malik can't help but feel a sense of connection with Kimimaro in this peaceful moment.

Kimimaro's grip on Malik's arm tightens slightly, and he looks at her to see her staring at him, her expression filled with admiration. "Thank you for bringing me here, Malik," she says softly. "I never imagined I could feel this free and happy." As Malik and Kimimaro tread water, he can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. The calmness of the lake and the gentle breeze create a peaceful atmosphere that allows him to truly appreciate the beauty of the moment. He looks into Kimimaro's eyes and sees the admiration and gratitude she has for him, making his heart swell with warmth.

Kimimaro speaks up, her voice soft and sincere. "Malik, I want to learn more from you. I want to become stronger, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Will you help me?" Malik smiles at her, nodding his head. "Of course, Kimimaro. I'll do my best to help you in any way I can."

As they continue to tread water, Kimimaro starts to mimic Malik's movements, trying to learn how to swim. He guides her through the basic strokes, gently correcting her form and encouraging her as she practices. She catches on quickly, and soon she's able to swim a few strokes on her own. Her face lights up with joy and pride as she realizes she's doing it, and Malik can't help but feel proud of her progress.

They continue to swim around the lake, exploring its hidden coves and admiring the sparkling water under the moonlight. Kimimaro seems more relaxed and happy than Malik has ever seen her before, and he's grateful for the chance to share this moment with her.

Eventually, they make their way back to the shore, where they both lie down on the soft grass, catching their breath and basking in the warmth of the summer night. The sounds of crickets fill the air, and the gentle breeze rustles the leaves above them. "Have you ever kissed someone before?" Malik asks her turning to face her. Kimimaro hesitates for a moment, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "No, I haven't," she admits softly. Malik smiles at her, his gaze warm and gentle. "Would you like to?" he asks, giving her the opportunity to decide for herself.

Kimimaro looks at him, her eyes searching his face for any hint of insincerity. Finding none, she nods her head, her heart beating faster in her chest. Malik leans in closer, his eyes locked on hers as he gently brushes his lips against hers. The kiss is soft and sweet, a gentle exploration of this new connection between them.

As they continue to kiss, Kimimaro responds tentatively, her hands coming up to rest on Malik's shoulders as she deepens the kiss. He can feel her nervousness, but also her growing excitement and passion.

As they continue to explore each other's mouths, their hands start to wander. Malik's find their way to Kimimaro's waist, pulling her closer to him. Hers, on the other hand, move up to tangle in his hair, holding him in place.

The kiss grows more intense, and they can feel the heat building between them. Kimimaro's breath comes in ragged gasps, and he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at her reaction.

Malik pulls back slightly, resting his forehead against hers as they catch their breath. Kimimaro's eyes are half-lidded, her lips swollen from your kisses. "Wow," she breathes, her voice husky with desire. Malik, feeling a surge of desire, leans in for another kiss. This time, it's more passionate, with a sense of urgency. He can feel Kimimaro responding eagerly, her body pressing against his. As they continue to explore each other's mouths, Malik's hands wander upwards, gently caressing Kimimaro's large breasts. She moans softly, her fingers tightening in his hair.

Encouraged by her response, He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before leaning down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Kimimaro gasps at the sensation, her back arching as she presses herself closer to him.

Malik continues to lavish attention on Kimimaro's breasts, switching between them as she writhes in pleasure. "Have you ever had your pussy eaten?" He asks her. Kimimaro hesitates for a moment, her cheeks flushing a deep red. "N-no, I haven't," she admits softly. Malik smiles at her, his gaze warm and reassuring. "Would you like to try?" he asks, giving her the opportunity to decide for herself.

Kimimaro looks at him, her eyes searching his face for any hint of insincerity. Finding none, she nods her head, her heart beating faster in her chest. Malik gently pushes her back onto the soft grass, settling himself between her legs. He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before lowering his head to kiss her inner thigh. Kimimaro gasps at the sensation, her body trembling with anticipation.

Malik slowly trails kisses up her thigh, teasing her as he gets closer to her center. Malik sees her Hairy pussy and Kimimaro tells him why she doesn't shave. "Oh, I don't bother with shaving. It's just one less thing to worry about, you know?" Kimimaro explains a bit of amusement in her voice.

Malik chuckles softly, appreciating her honesty. "I can understand that," he replies, his voice gentle and reassuring. He then continues to plant soft kisses along her inner thigh, teasing and tantalizing her. The anticipation is building between them, and Kimimaro's breath hitches as she feels his breath against her sensitive skin.

Finally, Malik's lips meet her wet folds, and he starts to explore her honey pot with his tongue. Kimimaro cries out in pleasure, her back arching off the ground as he tastes her. He takes his time, savoring her unique flavor and driving her wild with every lick and flick of his tongue. Malik's tongue expertly dances around Kimimaro's clit, applying the right amount of pressure to elicit gasps and moans from her. He explores every inch of her, delving into her folds and teasing her entrance. Kimimaro's fingers find their way into Malik's hair, holding him in place as he continues his ministrations.

Feeling emboldened, Malik decides to venture even further, gently inserting a finger into Kimimaro's wet opening. Her body welcomes him, and he slowly begins to move his finger in and out, matching the rhythm of his tongue on her clit. Kimimaro's breath hitches, and she cries out in pleasure, her hips bucking against Malik's face. Kimimaro's body trembles as she reaches her peak, her orgasm washing over her in waves of pure ecstasy. Malik continues to lavish attention on her, drawing out her pleasure until she can take no more. Slowly, he pulls away, resting his head on her stomach as they both catch their breath.

Kimimaro's chest heaves with each breath, her body still reeling from the intense pleasure. She looks down at Malik, her eyes shining with gratitude and admiration. "Thank you, Malik," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "That was... incredible."

Malik smiles up at her, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment. He's glad he could bring her such pleasure, and he hopes this is just the beginning of a deep and meaningful connection between them. As the two of then lay there, basking in the afterglow of their intimate encounter, the cool breeze rustles through the trees, providing a soothing backdrop to their shared moment. Kimimaro's breathing gradually slows, her chest rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm as she gazes down at him with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

Malik takes a moment to appreciate the beauty of the scene before them, the soft grass beneath their bodies, the gentle lapping of the water against the shore, and the warm glow of the moonlight. It's a perfect moment, one that they will cherish for a long time to come.

Eventually, Kimimaro speaks up, her voice soft and hesitant. "Malik, I don't know what to say. That was... amazing. I never knew it could feel like that." "I'm happy you enjoying life but let's head back, I have an early day tomorrow. Malik smiles at Kimimaro, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. He stands up, offering his hand to help her up. As they walk back to the village, the cool breeze rustles the leaves in the trees, and the sounds of crickets fill the air. They walk in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

When they reach the village, Malik turns to Kimimaro, taking her hand in his. "Thank you for tonight, Kimimaro. I won't forget it." Kimimaro looks up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and affection. "Thank you, Malik. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us." Malik leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Me too, Kimimaro. Me too."


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


