93.81% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 177: Chapter 173: Sasuke's Awakening

章 177: Chapter 173: Sasuke's Awakening

Chapter 173: Sasuke's Awakening

Kin Tsuchi grumbled to herself as she trudged through the forest, the heavy weight of Sasuke's coffin slowing her every step. Her muscles ached, and her back was screaming in protest. The large, cumbersome object seemed to weigh twice as much with each passing hour, and it wasn't helping that the terrain was becoming more uneven. Rocks and tree roots jutted out of the ground, tripping her up, and the thick foliage of the forest only made it harder to navigate.

"Why me?" she muttered under her breath, kicking a loose stone in frustration. "Of all people, I get stuck carrying this brat."

Her footsteps crunched over dried leaves as the forest began to thin out. The trees were sparser now, the thick canopy above giving way to patches of open sky. She could hear the distant rushing of water, probably a river nearby, but she didn't care. All she wanted was to dump the heavy coffin and be done with it.

And then there was Naruto, constantly screaming in the distance, still chasing after her. His voice had been echoing through the trees for what felt like hours, always yelling the same thing.

"Bring Sasuke back!"

Kin rolled her eyes. Trust me, you can have Sasuke, she screamed internally, barely resisting the urge to throw the coffin off a cliff. The sooner this part of her mission was done, the better. She wasn't even getting any credit for this; no, all the glory went to Kimimaro and Tayuya. Great. Lucky me, she thought bitterly.

As she stumbled forward, her tired legs feeling like jelly, the ground shifted underfoot. The lush green forest floor had given way to a rocky, dirt-covered terrain. The trees were thinning even more, and the rushing sound of the river grew louder. She sighed in relief, happy to be nearing something resembling a clearing. Maybe—just maybe—she could find a decent spot to rest for a minute.

But then, something odd happened. From within the coffin, a voice spoke.

"Put me down."

Kin blinked, momentarily stunned. She hadn't been expecting to hear Sasuke's voice. But when the words registered, her exhaustion turned to excitement.

"GLADLY!" she exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face as she unceremoniously dropped the coffin to the ground with a loud thud.

The lid of the coffin began to creak open, and Kin stepped back, staring at it with wide eyes. Sasuke emerged slowly, his body transformed. His skin had turned grey, his once short hair was now wild and long, and large, grotesque wings sprouted from his back.

The Cursed Seal of Heaven had fully taken over Sasuke's form, enhancing his strength and speed. His power radiated from him in waves, like an aura that distorted the air around him. The transformation was monstrous, a reflection of the dark path he had chosen under Orochimaru's influence.

Kin stared at him, completely unimpressed. She crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow, too tired to care about his new form. "Great. Wings. How… scary." She rolled her eyes, letting her sarcasm drip from each word. He's still a brat.

Sasuke, ignoring her completely, glanced ahead and saw Naruto gaining on them. His eyes flashed with a mix of irritation and determination. Without a word or even a glance back at Kin, he vanished, moving at a speed so fast that even Kin couldn't track his movements.

Naruto dashed past her, his focus solely on catching up to Sasuke. His orange jumpsuit was a blur as he sprinted forward, his expression determined, completely oblivious to Kin sitting there in the middle of the forest.

"Yeah, sure. Just run right past me, Naruto," Kin mumbled to herself, sitting down heavily on the ground. Her large bosom bounced slightly as she plopped onto the rocky terrain, letting out a deep, exasperated sigh. She glanced at the now-empty coffin and the dusty path Sasuke had left in his wake.

"I would've given him a map to Orochimaru's hideout, but whatever," she muttered to no one in particular. "If he can't figure it out, then too bad."

Leaning back, she sprawled out on the ground, letting her back rest against the cool earth. Her eyes drifted up to the sky, now a brilliant baby blue. The sun was shining brightly, but in the distance, dark rain clouds were beginning to gather on the horizon.

"My job is done," she muttered. "If Orochimaru gets mad at me for not babysitting her little pet project when he runs off to play with his 'friends', then I'm going to be pissed!"

Kin closed her eyes, letting the cool breeze wash over her. She wasn't about to chase after Sasuke or Naruto. This was someone else's problem now. She had done her part, and frankly, she was too tired to care what happened next.

Back at Malik's mansion, the atmosphere was far more relaxed than the chaos unfolding in the forest. Malik sat alone in one of the spacious rooms, the once glowing screen he used to watch the battles now faded to black. The mansion, which had been bustling with activity earlier, was quiet. Sakura and the others had gone to rest or join the Hidden Leaf's efforts to retrieve Sasuke.

Malik, however, had no such plans. The weight of exhaustion hung over him like a blanket, and he sprawled across his couch, sinking into its comfort. He had been up for almost three days straight, using his magic and watching over the unfolding events. His body and mind screamed for rest.

"Naruto's going after Sasuke, huh? Friendship… bonds… yada yada…" Malik muttered to himself, barely paying attention to the outcome. It wasn't that he didn't care. He did. But right now? He just didn't have it in him. He was drained—mentally and physically.

His eyes drooped, and his breathing slowed, sinking deeper into the plush couch. "They've got it under control," he mumbled to himself. "Nothing is moving me from this spot for at least ten hours. I'm done…"

Just as he was about to slip into the much-needed sleep, a familiar voice rang out in his mind.

"Malik! You better come get me! NOW!"

It was Kin Tsuchi. Malik groaned internally, not bothering to open his eyes. He could sense both the frustration and exhaustion in her voice.

"I've had the WORST day," she continued, her tone a mix of begging and demanding. "First, I had to carry that stupid coffin through the forest for what felt like forever, then I got left behind while that brat Sasuke decided to go play ninja with his little Leaf buddies!"

Malik sighed, too tired to argue. Without opening his eyes, he reached for the magic tied to the mansion, connecting it to his bond with Kin. With a simple flick of his hand, the familiar pulse of his magic wrapped around her, and he teleported her straight to him.

A soft thud landed directly on his chest, and Malik's eyes snapped open to find Kin on top of him, her large bosom pressing into his face. He blinked, completely caught off guard.

"I didn't think that was actually going to work," Malik thought to himself, amused despite his exhaustion.

Kin, her long black hair cascading down her back like an inky waterfall, smirked as she shifted slightly on top of him, making herself comfortable. Her dark eyes glinted with satisfaction.

"That's much better," she said with a sigh of relief, her voice a low purr. She adjusted her position, settling against him as if she had every right to be there, her snake-patterned clothing brushing against him.

Malik chuckled, though the sound was muffled by her weight. He was too tired to protest, and honestly, it was kind of nice. He raised a hand lazily and snapped his fingers again, using his magic to transform the couch beneath them into a plush bed.

Kin, still fully on top of him, didn't even bother to move. Malik's arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer in an instinctual, tired embrace. Both were too exhausted to say anything more, the day's events weighing heavily on them.

Within moments, they both fell asleep, tangled together in the comfort of the newly-formed bed. For now, the world outside could wait.

{End of Part 5}

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C177
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


