9.79% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: A long time coming 

章 14: Chapter 14: A long time coming 

Chapter 14: A long time coming 

HOURS after looking death in the eye, Malik burst through front his door collapsing to the ground. Maids and Butlers running to him, "LORD MALIK!" Many shouted. "What happened to you?" A female butler with black hair and green eyes said kneeling down cradling him in her arms, "What happened, what happened indeed, it all seems like a dream now, a far-off dream, farrrrrr-off, faaaarrr-off,"Malik said fadding away. "DON'T YOU PEOPLE SEE HE NEEDS SOME GOD-DAMN WATER!" she shouted at the others, pushing them into action, all of them rushing towards the kitchens. "What's your name?" Malik said as she ran her fingers his hair, making the pain not so bad. "Mitsukihime," she said with a smile, "Mit ... Mita . . . Mitime . . . mmmm . . . Mar . .. bles . . . Mitsu . . .Hime . . . Hime," he said struggling. "Close enough," she said. 

"What's going on here, wow, you look like you drowned," Shisui said while walking up holding a cold drink and sipping. 

"You! If I was sure my bones wouldn't break if I took another step, I would slap you on your fat well-defined ass!" He said, "You saw, you were there, why, I ask again why, did you leave me there, I was crying, truly crying, part of me even prayed for sweet death," he said trying not to tear up. 

"You looked like you had it handled," Shisui said while shrugging. 

"You know what she said to me when I got done puking for the 5th time, she said to me I quote 'Good work, now you can run faster because you weigh less' end quote," he said trying not to scream. 

"that's rough, buddy", she said while walking away from the conversation as others came running in with cups, bowls, and a tube of water. 


The Next Day 

"And then she said it would make me run faster," Malik said while his head was in Sakura's lap face down. "I'm sorry that happened to you, but maybe . . . it was good for you," she said. 

"what are you trying to say, my love?" Maliks body flipping over to look up at her. 

"Never mind, Malik I can't stay for long, I need to get to training, but it's nice seeing you," Sakura said while kissing him on the cheek and changing the subject. 

Sniff, sniff, "Fine but can you at least sit on my head before you go?" Malik asked. 


Later that day in Ino's room 

"quote 'good work, now you can run faster because you weigh less' end quote," Malik said while on top of Ino, on her bed giving her a back massage. 

"HHHHHHHMMMMMMMM," she said into a pillow. 

"I know right!" Malik then began to move his hands under her clothes sliding them to her stomach, moving up on her large breast, her nipples starting to get hard. 

"Ah! Mmmm, don't stop," Ino moaned, arching her back to give him better access. 

As Malik continued his massage, starting to kiss her neck. Ino: "Oh, Mmmm, that feels good." She purred, her eyes closing in pleasure as he started to nibble on her neck. "You know, I think you might be getting a little carried away there." She teased, her fingers lazily combing through his hair. "Maybe," Malik said, his hands slowly moving down her stomach, stopping at her waistband. "But aren't you enjoying it a little too much?" he asked, his voice low and seductive. Ino couldn't help but moan as Malik's fingers brushed against her sensitive skin. "Mmmm, maybe a little," she admitted, her breath catching in her throat. "But that doesn't mean I want you to stop." She said, her eyes still closed. With that, Malik continued his teasing massage, slowly working his way up to her breasts again. Ino could feel her heart racing, her body begging for more, but she couldn't help but enjoy the sensations coursing through her. 

Her brain going on a buzz, her thoughts slipping out as words, "I mean you could lose a few pounds," she said without truly thinking. 

Suddenly his hands pulled out, she felt him move from behind her. Looking she saw him leaving. 

"Malik wait!" she said getting off the bed. 

"No, no, I know when I'm not wanted," not stopping to look back. 

"i'm sorry, ok," she said walking after him. 

Exiting her room and heading for the door Malik made his way through the house walking past Ino's mother on the way, "Thank you for letting me come over future mother-in-law, but I'm busy so I'll be seeing you later now," he said speed walking out. 

"MALIK!" she tried one more time before he was gone, "dammit ..." 

"Hm, Ino men have feelings too, but as women, we have specialized talents for manipulating these feelings, tell me what happened so I can help you plan." She said smiling at her daughter. 


Walking around the village, looking like a lost prince, Malik saw a food stand in the distance that read: Ichiraku ramen. 

"I might as well," he said walking closer to the "restaurant"? " Feed me, noodle man," he said while taking a seat, "Look who it is, the popular brat everyone is talking about, stealing my business!" he said turning around to face him. 

"If a Bakery is stealing business from a ramen shack, then whose fault is it really? Also, what are people saying about me, good things, bad things, sexy things, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. 

"Anyway, what can I get you brat," he said not even tossing him a menu. Malik refused to look at the walls, to see what they soild and just said, "Give me something spicy, old man, (And if you keep calling me brat, I'm "actually" going to steal your fine ass daughter away), please," he said while smiling. 

"Oh you want something spicy, I'll give you something spicy," he said while turning back around. 

"Man I sure am hungry . . ." said a poor protagonist. 

"I wish I knew someone who had lots of money . . . so much money that he could never spend it all on himself," "It" said again. 

"Tooooo bad I don't have any money," he said this time even closer to Malik, " Naruto, just sit your broke ass down already!" Malik said without turning around. 

"Yes Sir," Naruto said sitting next to him. "You too, Hinata," a minute passed, "Hinata Hyūga, I swear to god if you don't get in here," Malik said, again while not turning around. After a few more seconds Hinata walks into the stall sitting next to Naruto. "Thanks . . ." she said, her face burning like the sun. "Woah, Hinata where did you come from, wait Malik how did you know she was out there?" Naruto asked. " . . . I'm psychic . . ." Malik answered. "No way . . . prove it," Naruto said. "Naruto, there will come a day when you will be acknowledged by everyone in the village. You will form bonds stronger than you can imagine now. And remember the name 'Jiraiya'. He will play a significant role in your life and will help you unlock your true potential." "That freaks me out but . . ." Naruto started, "FINE . . . here . . . Red . . .Blood . . .Fox, "Malik gave. "That's not funny boy," the noodle man said still cooking, Malik also noticed Hinata stop looking at the back of Naruto's head and made eye contact with Malik mouthing the word Fox. "Nope don't get it," Naruto lied. 

"Never-mind, it's not important, what is important is that we three good friends get to hang out together for the whole day," Malik said smiling. 

"Were friends!" Naruto and Hinata said at the same time. 

Rolling his eyes, "Yes, we are, now order your food, I'm paying, we got stuff to do today." 

The story continues with our heroes Malik, Naruto, and Hinata spending the day together. They engage in various activities like swimming, shopping, bowling (I guess) and even sneaking into people's birthday parties, yes multiple. I guess you had to be there. As they continue their adventures, Malik pays for everything, which doesn't seem to irritate him. "You know, I wish I could join you guys more often, join anyone more often," Hinata said, looking at them with a sad expression and speaking up for the first time in a while. "But my father always keeps me busy with my training." 


"It's okay, Hyuuga," Malik replied, patting her back. "We'll make sure to include you in our next adventure," Naruto added, giving her a reassuring smile. 


"Really?" Hinata asked, her eyes lighting up. 

"Of course," Malik said. "Besides, I'm sure your father would appreciate a break from all that training." As they continued their day together, the bond between Malik, Naruto, and Hinata grew stronger. They shared laughter, secrets, and even a few tears. Despite the many challenges they faced, they supported each other through it all. 


One such challenge came when they were approached by a group of thugs who demanded money from them. "BITCH I'M RICH, do you know who I am! "Malik said. "Oh no, not again," Naruto said, rolling his eyes. "Let's just give them the money and be done with it," Hinata suggested. "Nonsense," Malik said, stepping forward. "I have a much better idea." Malik then proceeded to use his wealth and influence to get them out of the situation without paying the thugs a single sen or ryo or yen, whatever they call it. He even managed to get the local authorities involved, ensuring that the thugs were apprehended and brought to justice. Throughout the ordeal, Malik never once lost his cool or showed any sign of fear. . . Nah just kidding, Malik yelled "Get them minions", pointing at Naruto and Hinata to fight the thugs. As the battle ensued, Malik watched from a safe distance, cheering on Naruto and Hinata as they took down the thugs. Once the threat was neutralized, Malik approached the two, hands on his hips. "And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen," he said grandly. "The true power of teamwork." 


"Teamwork indeed," Hinata replied with a smile and rolling her eyes. "You know, Malik, you might just make a decent teammate after all," Naruto said. 


"Oh, come on, Hinata," Naruto chimed in. "You know he's just pulling your leg." 

"Well, maybe not this time," Hinata teased back. "Flirting good that's my girl," Malik said, she then began to walk away at a high speed. As the sun began to set, the trio found themselves back at the noodle stand where they first met. It was a bittersweet moment for all of them, knowing that their time together was coming to an end. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways," Malik said, standing up. "Yeah, you're right," Naruto agreed, following suit. "Thanks for everything, Malik. It was really fun hanging out with you." 


"You're welcome, Naruto," Malik replied. "And thank you both for making my day so much better. It was an honor to adventure with you two." As they said their goodbyes, Malik couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He had grown quite attached to these two over the course of the day. But alas, duty called, and he had responsibilities to attend to. Turning around one last time, Malik yelled to Hinata, from a good distance away with plenty of people in between, "Hinata, next time you should make a move on Naruto FAM," all he saw was her walking turning into running. "I am a decent teammate . . . . and wingman," he said walking away. The story continues with our "protagonist", Malik, walking down the street alone after his adventure with Naruto and Hinata. As he walks, he can't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside him. Despite being surrounded by people and bustling with activity, he feels isolated from everyone around him. 


"Maybe it's time for some introspection," Malik thought to himself. He decided to stop at a nearby park bench and sit down, taking in the sights and sounds around him. As he closed his eyes, he began to reflect on his day. 

He thought about his encounter with the thugs and how he managed to manipulate the situation to his advantage. "Perhaps I am more ruthless than I thought," he mused. Then, he remembered the bond he formed with Naruto and Hinata, the laughter they shared, and the trust they had in each other. "How long will that trust last, with the kind of things I have to do . . need to do . . . want to do." He sat there for a good hour letting the sun fall, " almost time to go home, Malik, almost time to go home, but you have work to do." 

The sun was done setting as Malik made his way to the prison, his footsteps echoing in the quiet after evening. This was his third visit this week to the Demon Brothers, Gozu and Meizu. The guards recognized him now, nodding their heads in acknowledgment as he passed. 


He walked down the cold, stone corridor, the clanging of metal doors echoing around him. He stopped in front of a cell, its bars casting long shadows on the floor. Inside, Gozu and Meizu sat, their expressions hard and unreadable. 


"Evening," Malik greeted, his voice echoing in the silence. The brothers looked up, their eyes meeting his. There was a moment of silence, and then Meizu grunted in acknowledgment. 


"I see you're as talkative as ever," Malik said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He leaned against the bars, his gaze steady. "I came to see how you're holding up." 


Gozu snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's it to you?" he asked, his voice gruff. 


Malik shrugged, his smile never leaving his face. "Just curious," he replied. "After all, we've had our differences, but that doesn't mean I wish you ill." 


The brothers exchanged a glance, and then Gozu sighed, leaning back against the wall. "We're surviving," he said, his voice softer now. "That's all you can do in here." 

"I brought you more gifts," he said holding out his hands, revealing cookies. 

 Both stood, walking to the bars, greedily grabbing the cookies and eating them. 

Malik nodded, pushing off from the bars. "Well, keep surviving," he said, turning to leave. 

"Or you could tell me what I want to hear?" Malik said 

The brothers walked even closer to the bars and said at the same time, "We Love you," they said as their eyes glowed a hissing pink. 

Smiling, "Good, and never forget that you are always Mine." Malik said. 

 "And remember, everyone gets a second chance. Even you." 


With that, he walked away, leaving the Demon Brothers in their cell. As he left the prison, he couldn't help but wonder what future he held for them. But for now, all he could do was hope. "Time and Money, Time can get you Money but Money can't get you Time," he said to himself as he walked out of the prison. 


"Wake up," said a soft voice. 

Malik opened his eyes and saw Ino, her blonde hair glowing in the moonlight, after she knew he was awake she leaned up, her large double D breast bouncing in the see-through nighty. 

"I never got to give you a message," she said pulling down his expensive pajama pants. Lining up his Harding cock with her big tits, she pulled her nighty over his penis, rapping her breast around his shaft, getting ready to tit fuck him. 

As Ino began to move her breasts up and down, Malik couldn't help but moan in pleasure. The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before. He gripped the sheets tightly, trying to contain himself as she bounced on him. After a few minutes, Ino slowed down, her breathing heavy. "Ino..." he moaned. 


"Yes Malik," she said smiling, her breasts still wrapped around his dick. 

"You are an amazing woman," he said looking into her eyes. 

"I know," she said, her smile widening. Ino continued to bounce on him, her breasts moving in sync with her hips. "You know," she said, biting her lower lip, "I think you're right." She leaned down and kissed the head of his cock, her breath hot against his skin. "Maybe I should start using my feminine wiles more often." Malik couldn't help but smile at her words. "ok," he replied, his voice hoarse from the pleasure. As Ino continued to ride him, he reached up and caressed her cheek, his thumb brushing against her soft skin. "You are something special, Ino." Ino smiled at his touch, feeling a warmth spread through her. "Thank you, Malik," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You don't know how much that means to me." 


Ino continued to move up and down on Malik, her breasts rubbing against his dick as she did so. Her hips swayed in time with the movement, making it seem almost hypnotic. As she looked into his eyes, she could see the desire and admiration reflected at her."I've always wanted to please you, Malik," she whispered. "And I'm going to start right now." With that, she began to increase the speed of her movements, her breasts bouncing against him in a rhythmic motion. As Ino picked up the pace, Malik couldn't help but moan in pleasure. The sensation of her breasts rubbing against his skin was exquisite, and he gripped the sheets tightly, trying to contain himself. "Ino..." he moaned, his voice hoarse. "You're incredible." She smiled, feeling a rush of pleasure at his words. "Thank you, Malik," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. 


Ino leaned down, her large breasts swaying with her movements. She grabbed hold of Malik's member, stroking it in time with her movements. As she looked into his eyes, she saw the desire and passion. Ino smiled, feeling a wave of heat wash over her body. "Ino, I can't last much longer," Malik said. Ino smiled, feeling a rush of power. "You don't have to, Malik," she said, her voice soft and seductive. "Just let go and let me take care of everything." With a deep breath, Malik surrendered to the pleasure, letting go and allowing himself to be taken by Ino's skilled hands. As he felt his body reaching its peak. With a loud cry, Malik released himself inside of Ino's large breast, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. As he rode out the wave of pleasure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe for this woman who had brought him so much satisfaction. Ino continued to move up and down on Malik, her breasts still bouncing with each movement. As she felt him release inside her, she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan of pleasure. When she finally slowed down, she looked into Malik's eyes, a satisfied smile on her face. "Thank you, Malik." 


You're welcome. Is there anything else you'd like me to help you with? Getting up she moved on top of him, her boobs covered in his hot cum. She lined up his still-hard cock with her smooth pussy and sank hard. As Ino began to move her hips, Malik couldn't help but marvel at her resilience. The feeling of her warmth enveloping him was intoxicating, and he gripped her hips tightly, meeting her movements with his own. Their bodies moved in sync, their breathing heavy and labored. As they continued their passionate intercourse, Ino leaned in close, her lips brushing against Malik's ear. "You know, Malik," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think you might just be the best I've ever had." Ino's words sent a shiver down Malik's spine. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at her words. "I'm glad you think so," he replied, his voice hoarse from the pleasure. 


their intense lovemaking, as they both lose themselves in the heat of the moment. Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of pleasure. As they reach their climax once again, Ino's large breasts sway with each movement, leaving Malik breathless. Ino looked into Malik's eyes. "You're an amazing lover, Malik," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. With one final thrust, she felt herself climax, her body shuddering with pleasure. As Ino rode out the wave of pleasure, she collapsed on top of Malik, their bodies intertwined. She looked into his eyes, a satisfied smile on her face. "Thank you, Malik," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "That was incredible." 

Before falling asleep, Malik asked Ino, " You weren't a virgin?". Turning around and grabbing his body to use as a pillow she said, "You were my first and only Malik, now go to sleep." 


As the first rays of light moved into his room. 

Malik felt a soft hand touch his face and say, "Wake up,". 

Opening his eyes he saw Sakura, shirtless, her small breast standing firm, her hard long nipples at attention. 

Before he could say anything, she put a hand over his mouth, "Shhhh, I want you to myself," She said climbing on top of him, her black leggings still on. Setting on his lap she started to rub her large fat ass against his waking cock. Getting him hard, she placed his cock between her giant ass checks and started to move up and down. As they continued their intimate encounter, Malik couldn't help but marvel at Sakura's unique body. The feeling of her warm, supple flesh pressing against him was unlike anything he had experienced before. He gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her soft skin as she rode him. "Sakura." She looked back at him with a smirk. "Yes, Malik?" 


"You're amazing." 

She laughed softly. "You say that every time." 

He shrugged. "Because it's true." 

She leaned back and kissed him, her tongue dancing with his. As they continued their intimate moment, Malik noticed that Sakura seemed to be growing more confident in her movements. Her once shy demeanor had given way to a boldness that he found incredibly alluring. She looked into his eyes as she rode him, her expression a mix of desire and playfulness. 


"You know." She said, panting slightly from the exertion. "I've always wanted to try something a little different. You don't mind, do you?" 


"Try something different?" He asked, his curiosity piqued. 

"Yeah," She said with a grin. "this is already amazing," he said getting ready to shoot ropes of hot sperm on her ass. Malik watched as Sakura turned around, presenting her tight, round ass to him. She leaned forward, supporting herself with her hands on the bed. She looked at him, her eyes flashing with excitement. 


"Remember when I said I wanted to try something different?" Malik nodded, his eyes locked onto her perfect ass. 


"Well," she said, her voice husky with desire. "Here goes nothing." 

Without further explanation, Sakura started to move her hips back and forth, grinding against him. Malik couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sakura was riding him, her perfect ass cheeks slapping against his hardened cock with each thrust. It was an erotic sight that left him breathless. He gripped her hips tightly, unable to tear his eyes away from the incredible spectacle before him. "Sakura..." he managed to say, his voice hoarse with desire. "That's... incredible." She looked back at him, a mischievous grin on her face. "You like?" She asked, her tone playful. 


Malik couldn't find the words to respond. Instead, he came, cumming all over her fat ass in her black leggings. "Yeah," he said, his voice hoarse with lust. "You're something else." Sakura giggled, her ass still moving against him. "I'm glad you think so." She turned around, her body glistening with sweat. "Now it's your turn to take care of me." "Yes, Malik," she said, her voice heavy with desire. "I want you to fuck me hard like you've never done before. I want to feel you deep inside me, pushing against my walls. Can you do that for me?" Malik nodded, his eyes locked onto Sakura's. He reached out and grabbed her hips, pulling her leggings off and her closer to him. Reaving her hairy pink pussy, With a deep breath, he thrust his hips forward, his hard cock penetrating her tight, warm bushy pussy. 


As Malik began to move inside her, Sakura let out a soft moan of pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers digging into his skin as he pounded into her. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of desire. "Harder," she whispered, her voice hoarse with need. "Fuck me harder, Malik." He obliged, his thrusts growing more forceful as he pushed deeper into her. As they continued their passionate encounter, Sakura's tight pussy gripped Malik's cock like a vice, her walls pulsing around him in rhythm with his thrusts. Her cries of pleasure echoed through the room, fueling his desire to go even deeper. 


"I'm close, Malik." Malik picked up the pace, slamming into her with all his might. "Cum for me, Sakura," he growled, his voice thick with lust. 


Sakura's body shook as she climaxed, her tight pussy gripping him harder than ever. "Malik!" She screamed, her nails digging into his shoulders. 


"Yeah," he said, feeling his own orgasm building inside him. "Cum with me." With a loud cry, Malik released himself inside her, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. As the afterglow of their intense lovemaking faded, Malik looked down at Sakura, his eyes filled with pride. She looked up at him, a satisfied smile on her face. "I love you, Malik," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you too." Malik looked at her, his heart filled with love and gratitude. He knew that he had found something truly special in Sakura, and he would cherish every moment they shared together. "How many times did Ino make you cum last night?" Sakura asked. "Twice," he said to her. "Well," Sakura said, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is it." 


With that, she slowly lowered herself onto his cock, taking him inside of her ass. As Sakura began to move up and down on him, Malik couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. Her tight, warm ass squeezed him with each thrust, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He reached up and caressed her cheeks, his thumbs brushing against her soft skin. "Sakura," he said, his other hand pulling on her long nipples. Sakura smiled at his touch, her eyes closed in pleasure. "Yes, Malik," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. As she moved up and down on him, her asscheeks slapping against his hardened cock, Malik couldn't believe the intensity of their connection. As their intimate moment continued, Malik felt himself reaching his limit once again. "I'm going to cum, Sakura," he said, his voice hot. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with love. "Do it," she whispered. "Fill me up with your seed." 


Malik thrust into her hard, his body shaking as he released himself into her ass. The sensation of his hot cum filling her up was overwhelming, and she let out a long moan of pleasure. As he finally finished, he collapsed onto the bed, his heart racing. "Sakura." "Yes, Malik?" She asked, her voice still heavy with desire. She leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you for making me feel so special." Malik said while looking into her eyes, "You're the one who makes me feel special," Sakura said to him. As they lay there, their hearts racing, the sun began to rise outside the window. The warm light cast a soft glow over their naked bodies, their love for each other radiating like a beacon. Despite the exhaustion that hung over them, neither could bring themselves to break the connection they shared. 


Ino: *Ino looks down at Malik, a small smile on her face as he moans in pleasure. She leans down and kisses his head, her breath warm against his skin. "I love you too, Malik," she whispers. The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the three lovers as they lay entwined in each other's arms. Ino ran her fingers through Malik's sweat-soaked hair, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept peacefully. 


BlackPolar BlackPolar

this took so long to write, my teeth hurt.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


