/ Anime & Comics / Naruto: Night Owl

Naruto: Night Owl オリジナル

Naruto: Night Owl

Anime & Comics 32 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: KotaroBokutoAce

4.19 (29 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


A person got transmigrated into the world of Ninjas.
See how he just live in this world filled with threats left and right.
But, he's a lazy guy. Find out how he will be doing by reading this.
Update schedule: 6 Chapter per week.

General Audiences
  1. KotaroBokutoAce
    KotaroBokutoAce 貢献した 112
  2. Mountain_Dew_98
    Mountain_Dew_98 貢献した 21
  3. Lycarus
    Lycarus 貢献した 20




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



I'll be writing the tenth review. I would like the reader's to write the review after reading upto ten chapters maximum. It's a request 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 For the readers information:- ♦ 1) MC is lazy, he just do what he wants to do when he thinks he should do. 2) No harem. 3) Good power set (In my opinion). ♦

15 の返信を表示する

Read 3/4 chaps. Good but frustrating that even with desthstroke and Batman fighting experience he can’t beat a 6 year old itachi consistently.

4 の返信を表示する

🛑I have read until chapter 20.🛑 This is good read, I would recommend the reader's to have some patience to read this. Because, some may feel cringe and not using the powers properly and all. Even though this is the first work of the Author, he did good job in writing this story. Some may find his wishes are wasted, but I won't agree with that, because those wishes can be powerful if the MC uses it. Then there is his lineage, which is only explained in the chapter 19. I would say that is a surprise, cause it's not a person I've been expecting to be his father.

2 の返信を表示する
LV 4 Badge

This is a really good Fan-Fiction, with the MC having various powers(through the wishes he was given) and he seems relatable and smart. . The Author has done a really good job keeping MC's parents as a mystery (I hope he reveals them soon). Also the writing quality is good(one of the best). . Thanks for sharing this with us, Author-san. Pls don't drop this.🥺👍🤌

1 の返信を表示する

A very good fanfic well thought out I hope the author doesn’t drop it [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=faceslap][img=fp][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

1 の返信を表示する

Muito boa história e ótimo desenvolvimento de personagem. Espero que continues esta fanfic pois estou a gostar imenso ....................................

1 の返信を表示する

Awsome,fantastic fanfic.Love this really nice. i have read till 18 chap. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

1 の返信を表示する

Merci pour cette merveilleuse histoire. J'attends les chapitres suivants avec impatience. Il n'y a rien à dire sauf, continuez cette histoire svp !!!!

1 の返信を表示する

I don't see how people could read more than 10 chapters of this, the story reads like a diary, we literally knew nothing about his time in the academy. All we know about the academy is he showed up, got friends somewhere in between the year or more, that he fights, and he took the chunin exam, That took 2 chapters to breeze through the academy but the author still somehow found a way to make the mc lose "On purpose" and gave us no reason, just told us he didn't. I don't like when stories try to make the mc actually weak when they were stated to be "Overpowered" and has all these abilities to make winning as easy as possible. When he had 5 wishes to become op, he uses none of them for most of his time I've read. I could forgive half of this if the story didn't feel like he just spawned in, no one knows him besides the people who raised him, Nobody thinks he's a Nara since he doesn't look like it, most of the characters don't even acknowledge him, we've heard 4 people talk, teacher, itachi, random friend, and his uncle(Might be missing 1 person since he probably only had 1 sentence until he disappears. The story reads like we're reading a script of the actions of the characters, it doesn't feel like we're reading a story. Everything about this is, sorry to say this author, trash. Writing quality 1 star for the "story" or whatever diary you're coughing up. Stability 3 as normal. Story development is 1 since getting far in the story is hard with basically no knowledge given by the author, if i didn't have a friend who watches naruto and tells me about it, I would have even less of an idea of what's happening. Character Design 1 star, absolutely none, we're given what changed about him and nothing else, blank slate, npc that respawned, new save folder, whatever you want to call that tragedy of a start, much less him not using his wishes(Besides experience) to do anything to the point if you had said "MC in naruto with experience from top fighters" it'd be more helpful to the story. World background 1 star, Not inclusive to people who saw this fanfic but had no knowledge of naruto, to put it into perspective, if you had told a reader who knew nothing about Naruto that this was an original work they'd believe it 100% since nothing else is this terrible. Now I know what you're going to say "You didn't read enough" but I read enough to know this was a lost cause when we got a speed read through most of the important parts. I'm not going to respond to anyone criticizing this since there's a good chance I'll forget this existed once I wake up and I barely use this site anymore.

0 の返信を表示する

I mean..? Grammar is great. Everything else is just… mediocre. I couldn’ even get past chap 3-4 i don’t remember. His wishes are dumb. He gets beat by a 6 year old itachi when he has about 60+ years of the absolute greatest martial artists in comic books history… author can say he lost on purpose but it sure didn’ seem that way. Youre character is cringy lazy and underwhelming.

7 の返信を表示する

Nothing to see new here. The same generic fanfic with average characters and no interesting plot.........................................................

0 の返信を表示する

well wishes were interesting, but boring book. its like a diary reading. to much forced plot like everything is forced so far. also very passive mc,

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0 の返信を表示する

I have read up to the newest chapter and it is still fantastic, wonderful read. F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect F5 sect

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when you make a story that start with a dialouge with god. then you make several wishes this is the most dangerous way to start a novel. why? because every now and then you have to prove that the MC made the best judgement regarding those wishes. In turn you are shackling/limiting your story around proving why those wishes are the best. If you cant do so then probably the MC or the author is dumb. this is the reason why many writers dont write dialogue with god for wishes as it is a dumb way to start the story. next time just write something like system notification informing that the MC got all those abilities from a starter pack then disband then system while wishing goodluck for the mc.

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Though it is fast paced, it is a pretty good read👍👍. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0 の返信を表示する

I found the story to be creative and overall the writing quality was perfect. I didn't find that many grammar mistakes. I found that the way you built the character development in the novel to be a lot more realistic that other novels where out of nowhere the mc become op or fought like a veteran. Though that doesn't mean the story is slow the pace of the story in my opinion was perfect and how you kept suspense at certain parts of the novel was perfect overall I think this is one of the best Naruto fanfictions you can find. Good job author-san!!!

1 の返信を表示する

Nice to read 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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Ну история средняя, громатика хорошая, обновления стабильные, сюжет есть но развивается медленно, главные проблемы (исключительно на мой взгляд) слишком мало деталей в истории, слабое взаимодействие между персонажами, разговоры кажутся вынужденными. Вывод: читать можно, но рассчитывать на что-то запоминающееся не стоит.

4 の返信を表示する
レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C0
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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