62.72% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 69: Chapter 69 The Words

章 69: Chapter 69 The Words

Naruto looked carefully around the newest room they were inspecting. It was spartan, but all evidence pointed to it being Danzo's office, or at least one of them. There was a map against the wall of Konoha that Naruto supposed detailed other secret bases, but it had been destroyed beyond repair and any useful information was slashed away. By the looks of it Wind Jutsu was used. He turned his attention to the desk. It would contain little on what he sought, but any evedence of Danzo's rather elicit activities could be sed to strong arm him into a corner. That which would not succumb to force could be taken out politically, or it was at least worth a shot anyway.

He opened the desk, leaving Sakura and Sasuke to examine the room themselves. There were few files. Most would have been taken, Anything rather sensitive at least, but even minor offenses could be used. As Naruto read the documents, he began to question what was Danzo's definition of minor.

Perhaps Danzo believed Naruto would only be looking for the files he'd stolen, assuming he knew he was coming. It was hard to say. Though if that was what Danzo believed, he was foolish, then again he would have little time to get everything in order, it made some sence.

While the files had nothing on any activity Danzo was apart of, it did have his contacts, including various ninja who either owed Danzo a favor, or Danzo had blackmail information on. business men, merchants, and the like. Even a Daimyo or two. While it was nothing that could be used against Danzo politically, after all every nation had similer contacts, it was useful. With this information, any of Danzo's contacts were now Naruto's. He had blackmail material on S-rank missing nin, even on high profile jonin. When someone had information on a missing nin that even they would fold to those who knew it you knew you were on top the world. Looking at it, it was rather surprizing. Naruto never considered missing nin would want to hide something, but they were human after all. Naruto took the files with him. He could add to his contacts, which before were rather sparse and consisted entirely of Zabuza's and Dr. Shinno's contacts. Maybe after this was over he should ask Zabuza if he could obtain Gato's old contacts as well, he at least knew where the mad hid. The tycoon may have been a fool, but it was worth a shot. Naruto would have to remember to ask Zabuza later.

With that done Naruto looked through more of Danzo's files. It revealed little on the man himself, maybe Danzo knew what he was doing. Either way there was some information on the seals used on the ROOT agents, that could prove useful though repugnant. Perhaps those who learned to much of his organization and were enemies could be outfitted with it. Hard to say for now, it felt manipulative, and it was. He hated doing it, bt that lessened as time went on. Naruto mused if he was truely as good as he believed himself to be, but shook those thoughts from his head. Self pity and doubt never helped anyone.

"Find anything", asked Sakura.

"Various contacts and blackmail material. Could prove useful, nothing incriminating of course, Danzo was not stupid enough to so much as leave his name. But this will do. I fear he may have escaped with the reagent. For safety reasons, refrain from saying out loud anything related to it. There could be unseen ears", said Naruto.

They nodded. Naruto smiled as he took the remaining documents. One mans trash was another mans treasure as they say. He hefted Samehada over his shoulder causing the sword to squirm. Naruto patted the blade.

"Sorry Samehada, no one to attack is near", said Naruto.

Samehada shrunk. It was slightly humorous. The Blades new mannerisms were so childlike it was hard not to form a bond with the sword. Perhaps he should ask Herbert to refrain from teasing Xel. He wouldn't listen, but he should do it anyway.

"So what about Danzo", asked Sasuke.

Naruto sighed.

"I'm afraid he escaped. We will have to be cautious. Maybe even hide in our own village. He could name us traitors, as Hokage he has the authority. We will have to wait and see, then react accordingly", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded, but Sakura was somewhat worried.

"What do you mean traitors", asked Sakura.

"As vile and repugnant as Danzo is, I am almost certain he would go to any lengths to achieve his own personal vision of the world. Not through coperation, but through fear, and might. I believe he is planing to start a war, I have no proof, but it fits his character", said Naruto.

"We have to stop him", said Sakura.

"Yes, but we have to be smart and vigilant. Patience is something Danzo has an excess of. We have to know when to strike and how to do it, it's to dangerous to talk about here but later I will begin writing up some plans", said Naruto.

He searched the room in Eldritch form, using his unique visions to try nd find an exit to the room. He found it and shifted to normal. He walked over to a wall that slid to a ladder. Above it was a watchtower near the northern gate. Naruto turned to Sasuke.

"Burn the base", said Naruto.

Sasuke smiled.

"Don't have to tell me twice", said Sasuke.

As Sasuke prepared his seal kunai shot toward him. He activated his jump jets to get out of the way. Even with the back jets missing it helped.

"Sai", said Naruto.

Sai jumped down surrounded by various beasts made of ink.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave with those documents", said Sai.

Naruto nodded.

"Well then I guess we re going to have to bring you in", said Naruto.

Dozens of clones each wielding their own Samehada appeared. The Ink beasts attacked. While the copies of Samehada lacked the chakra absorbing powers they could still shred Sai to pieces. He kept that in mind as he attacked. Sasuke had shifted into hiss curse seal form with Mangekyo spinning in the event Naruto needed help until then he and Sakura dealt with several or the ink beasts. Sakura literally smashed them into a puddle but Sai seemed to have an infinite source of ink and paper to create new creatures. He currently flew on a massive ink hawk above them drawing more creatures for them to fight. The Real Naruto flew up into the sky he floated before Sai who almost seemed shocked Naruto could fly. He leapt off his mount just in time for it to splash down into a puddle of ink.

"Since when could you fly", asked Sakura.

Naruto didn't answer he would have to tell them some abilities he gained from Menma later. Sai concentrated on drawing more creatures. He was no fool, he saw what they could do and he was prepared to fight to the last drop of ink. Though the fact that Naruto was capable of flight was disconcerting. Maybe he underestimated them, or over estimated himself. He would have to think on that later, for now a set of razor sharp teeth were mere inches from his face. Sai leapt away from Samehada and intercepted it with lions of ink, though they quickly fell. He watched his opponents carefully, this was getting difficult. Then again the information of the Uchiha using the full power of the curse mark was disturbing as was the Haruno girl using it as well. He had earlier seen Naruto use something similar but different t the same time. He had what he needed. Sai charged forward right into Naruto. Who instinctively swung. Instead of blood falling to the floor, it was ink. They were fighting a clone. It should have been expected and Naruto was kicking himself for not considering the possibility. He once again turned to Sasuke telling him to burn the base.

A few hand seals and the liberal use many fireballs later Danzo's base was no more. Naruto sealed away Samehada, their masks, and chakra armor as they walked through the tower and exited the city. Sasuke and Sakura followed behind.

"Mission complete. Danzo may still have the Reagent, but it is useless in it's current state. It will take a while before they figure out whats in it, and even longer to figure out what it does. Sai could pose a problem but it cannot be helped, we cannot change history. Though we may have to be wary", said Naruto.

They walked through the village keeping keen of any possible attack. They were looking for the nearest sewer entrance that was best hidden to return to the lab, alas most were to close to crowds. As they made their way there they came across a rather large crowd around the Inuzuka compound. Naruto could not hear what was going on but it had drawn much atention. And he cold smell something foul. He knew whatever happened, Whateley was involved.

"Whats going on over there", asked Sakura.

"Lets find out", said Naruto.

Kiba was woken by the sound of screaming. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and quickly shot down stairs. Akamaru followed behind him. When he got downstairs Kiba was frozen. Never in his life had Kiba expected to see what he saw when he made it downstairs. He saw his mother cry. It was an alien concept he could not wrap his head around, but once he saw what was in her hand he understood. In his mother, Tsume's hand was an eyepatch, a very familiar eyepatch.

Tsume Inuzuka cried tears of pure despair, she had never cried before, not to her memory at least. She hid that well. She hd been sad, but never cried. But the sight of her partner, one who she had since she was a little girl mutilated in some sick ritualistic fashion, she cred not for her pride. She looked at Kuromaru's eyepatch. Her tears stopped. Carved into the eyepatch was one word. She was no longer sad. Carved into the eyepatch was a word she could not read. She was angry. No this, whatever she was feeling was not anger. It was white hot fury and rage. Someone defaced Kuromarus eyepatch Her hands shook as the ANBU investigated the area. Her mind only looked at the defaced eyepatch. Her mind was no longer able to form a coherent thought. She would have killed the next thing that came next to her. Had it not been Kiba she would have. He said nothing. He only looked at the eyepatch for but a moment before he wraped his arms around his mother in a hug. She did not move, though the actions of her son calmed her somewhat it did not quell the rage.

"It mutilated Kuromaru", said Tsume weakly, she stared off into the distance and her eyes seemed glassy.

She could feel her son flinch slightly, but he only held tighter. She tried to calm but it failed. She turned to her son.

"Kuromaru was...I am going to kill this bastard. Slow, painfully", said Tsume, gripping the eyepatch tighter with each word.

Kiba did not know what to say. He knew he did not want to see whatever happened to Kuromaru, not if it effected his mother in such a way. His sister Hana walked into the room. She was shaking.

"What could do such a thing", asked Hana out loud.

She stared wide eyed at the floor. Terrified. Kiba felt a similar rage his mother felt. But for the first time in his life kept it contained. He would be strong for his family. He had to.

When Naruto smelled the air again he almost vomited. He knew this smell. He was much to focused on battle at the time for it to affect him, but he knew this stench. Suddenly an ANBU operative appeared before him.

"Uzumaki Naruto, we would like to ask if you could come inside", said the ANBU.

Naruto was shocked by this but otherwise obeyed. It would be much to soon for Danzo to have done anything. He turned to his team.

"Go on with out me, I'll see you later", said Naruto.

Though reluctant they left. Naruto turned back to the ANBU.

"What is this about", asked Naruto.

By now the crowd were all eyes on him. It was apparent this was not the best place to talk.

"Let us talk inside, I will warn you however it is disturbing", said the ANBU.

Naruto nodded as he walked inside. He saw the Inuzuka matriarch Tsume being comforted by her son. Another unknown female Inuzuka stood frozen.

"Naruto?", said Kiba.

Naruto nodded. He turned to the ANBU.

"So what is this about anyway", asked Naruto.

The ANBU agent straightened.

"One of the Inuzuka ninkin was viciously murdered. The person who did so left some language around it and on the eyepatch the ninkin wore. We are unable to translate with so few chracters to go on, we would like you to translate using your eyes", said the ANBU.

"I see no reason not to, show me", said Naruto.

He walked over to Tsume who reluctantly handed them the eyepatch. He cringed when he saw what the word was. It was in the Outer God language, it was obviously done by Wilbur Whateley.

"What does it say", asked the unknown teenage female Inuzuka.

Naruto was conflicted if he should tell them but he took a deep breath.

"It says. Mongrel"

Tsume exploded. She stood straight up her face twisted into a snarl. Naruto backed off. More Inuzuka came to calm her down with little success.

"Follow me", said the ANBU.

He led Naruto to the dogs body. The organs arranged around it ritualistically while the pelt was neatly folded and placed on top the corpse. The language of the Outer Gods was written in the dogs own blood. He read it. It was not an insult like on the eyepatch, it was a warning.

"It says. By the Hands of his children, Yog-Sothoth shall come to end it all", said Naruto.

The ANBU were clearly confused. It was to be expected, the message was clear enough for Naruto. It was also something to worry about.

"Yog-Sothoth, what is that", asked the ANBU.

Naruto was never one to lie. Besides he told the third of the gods once, it would hurt him more if he remained silent should that informtion have been recorded.

"Yog-Sothoth is the Outer God of time and space. Said to be both one with time and space, yet somehow separate from it. He takes the form as an infinite number of Iridescent spheres. Some say each sphere holds a different universe within. Essentially all know existence is within Yog-Sothoth, but he cannot interact with it. Much in the same way we cannot interact directly with our own internal organs. As for children, old tales speak of a family called the Whateleys, who were a family who were said to have been in contact with Yog-Sothoth and were his children" said Naruto.

"Where have you heard this from", asked the ANBU.

" These are very old gods. They are apart of a pantheon of deities of madness and chaos. Yog-Sothoth is one of the most powerful. Only Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, and Nyarlathotep are said to either exceed him in power or are his equal. My summons tell me stories of the old cults of the world long before recorded history, I told the third Hokage of this at one time. It would be best to look at those files instead", said Naruto.

The ANBU nodded.

"Thank you for your participation, we will be sure to relay this information to our superiors, and for your troubles, you will be paid as per standard protocol of helping in an investigation of this nature", said the agent.

Naruto nodded before turning around. Tsume was outfitting equipment with various other Inuzuka ninja and many ninkins. Kiba, his sister, and most of the young and old stayed behind. But most Jonin were preparing. Naruto walked up to Kiba who seemed entirely conflicted about how he should be feeling. This concerned Naruto, Kiba was never one to hide his emotions.

"Is everything alright", asked Naruto.

Kiba's head shot to Naruto. He took a deep breath.

"No, nothings alright. Kuromaru, one of our greatest ninja. Is dead", said Kiba, there was a hint of anger in his voice but otherwise it was well hidden.

"I see, and I take it they are leaving to find the one who did it", asked Naruto.

"You're damn right they are, and we are going to kill the bastards", said Kiba.

Naruto nodded. He wanted to warn them of the dangers of following Whateley, but he knew the Inuzuka well, they would not listen. In any event he had to return to his lab.

"I'm sorry for what happened here, I wish you the best of luck", said Naruto.

"Thanks", said Hana.

Naruto nodded one last time and left the residence. As he did he though a lot on what was to be done about Whateley, he shown himself capable of manipulating space nd time to some degree, but only for himself. He would have to be dealt with. Cthulhu and the Shadowed man was bad enough, throwing Yog-Sothoth into the mix was catastrophic. He watched as the Inuzuka followed the scent. They would not find him, of this he was sure. Something had to be done. Naruto froze as he thought of anything that could kill Wilbur considering his clones and strange reverse time powers. He crawled down into the sewers. He still had the contacts of Danzo and had to lay low for now. If Danzo went far enough he would probably never be able to show his face again. He would worry on it latter. His father had to show him the Flying Thunder God. The faster he learned it, the quicker they would leave. Things were becoming far to complicated.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C69
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


