50.9% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 56: Chapter 56 Dreamlands

章 56: Chapter 56 Dreamlands

With some tempting Naruto was able to get a traumatized Sasuke and Sakura to the lab. He lead them to an empty room where he had three tables sitting side by side each other. His arms were crossed as Xel walked in wielding Samehada on his back, the sword used it's scales to be held in place, pierced into Xels skin, though he moved as if in no pain.

"How's Konohamaru", asked Naruto.

"He is a Yithian, it takes more than that to break him", said Xel.

Naruto nodded. He turned to his teammates.

"I must ask you to Lay on he table", he said with his arms crossed.

"Why", asked Sasuke.

Naruto sighed.

"I realize now that you are not yet ready to handle the unusualness of this world, and I am sorry about that. But right now you have two choices. Either you leave with a full mind wipe of everything that has happened and go back to your normal life, or we train you to deal with it so you can handle the strain to your sanity. The choice is yours", said Naruto.

"Why have us lay on the table", asked Sakura not really looking at anyone.

"Because both choices involve us lying on the table", said Naruto.

"Fine", said Sasuke lying on the table.

"I pick training", said Sasuke as he was strapped down..

Naruto nodded before turning to Sakura. She was hesitant.

"I'll train", she said albeit reluctantly.

They both were laying on their respective table. Naruto went to his. Several clones attached various wires into them while using straps to keep them in place. Xel lifted both hands into the air and began to glow purple. Soon everyone fell asleep.

Naruto woke in a forest with strange trees. He sat as Sasuke and Sakura appeared. They stood up and examined the world around them. It was alien. The tree's were made of brilliant crystal, the sky was a rainbows hue of different colors and strange winged humanoid figures flew in the skies. After some examining they realized the creatures were Nightgaunts.

"Where are we", asked Sasuke.

"This is the Dreamlands. It is a world that can only be accessed by dreams. It is ever shifting and as alien as can be. The world is less malevolent than the secret beings from our world though just as alien if not more so. We will explore this world to get you both used to the alien nature of reality. Old Ones live here, they may be weaker and easier to trick than Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, but do not under any circumstances anger one. All Old Ones are under the protection of Nyarlathotep and we don't want to get on his bad side", said Naruto.

"Who's Nyar...Nyan...Ninar...That", asked Sakura.

"Nyarlathotep is an Outer God. One of the strongest. Only Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are greater than him, unlike them he is not mindless or sleeping so is much more dangerous", said Naruto.

They nodded. Naruto smiled as he took a step. Somehow he went from in front of them to behind them in a single step despite being over a meter away.

"Remember these lands are strange. If you understand the strangeness of these lands, you can handle the strangeness of the alien forces of our world", said Naruto.

He took a few steps and began to walk on air, quite literally. With each step he walked across the sky. He smiled.

"I guess this is what Ithaqua feels like", said Naruto.

Sensing the question he answered.

" Ithaqua is an Ice Deity, also called the Wind Walker", said Naruto.

He took a seated position while still in the air and looked at his teammates.

"Remember, The Dreamlands are much like your dreams but are outside your mind. You cannot do whatever you want here like you can in your dreams, but anything can happen", said Naruto.

He stepped back on the ground.

"Come follow me, and whatever you do don't wander off", said Naruto.

They somehow walked past the seemingly endless forest of crystal into the side of a river in only three steps.

"How are we doing this", asked Sakura.

Both her and Sasuke were amazed by the strange form of transportation.

"We aren't, I am. I have studied the science of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods enough to know how to travel easily in this world. The Dreamlands are like two parallel lines that meet, or a Circle that has corners. Everything can work on a whim if you understand that the impossible can be possible elsewhere in the multiverse. I have told you all of the other universes that exist, this is the easiest one to enter. And being my body is made of different matter including my brain I can understand impossible concepts, so in this world I might as well be a Great Old One in some small way, so this world lets me use the Great Old Ones laws to a reasonable degree", said Naruto.

After another step they stood before an impressive town. Naruto looked at it with interest before smiling.

"I think this is Ulthar, which means we are in the West region of the Dreamlands and that river we passed was the River Skai. Ulthar houses the Temple of the Elder Ones where the Pnakotic Manuscript is held, the manuscript is a collection of knowledge. It's first few chapters detail the Great Race of Yiths entire history, from their humble beginings to their sad ends. It has other knowledge on locations of secret places and information on other worldly beings and even some information to far into the Necronomicon to be practical to ever make it to by turning the pages one by one. Now the most important law of Ulthar is no man may kill a cat", said Naruto.

"...What", asked Sakura and Sasuke simultaneously.

"Cats in Ulthar are intelligent and can speak. Though there is quite a story Xel told me about the origin of the law", said Naruto.

"What was the Story", asked Sakura.

"Once there was an old couple who enjoyed capturing and killing cats. One day a caravan came to the Ulthar. One of the caravans members was a child who became an orphan by a great plague. His only companion was a young black kitten. The Orphan's cat goes missing. On the third day in Ulthar the Orphan hears of the Old couple and believe them responsible. He prays a prayer so powerful it effected the reality of the Dreamlands. The caravan left Ulthar that night, but so did all the Cats of Ulthar. The next morning the cats return and are full and fat from a good meal, but the old couple had vanished. The Old Couple are found later in their homes as two skeletons with their bones picked clean. Ever since then the law against killing cats has been in effect. Xel said the prayer is what gave the cats the power to speak but no one knows. I always liked the story, I found I could relate with the Orphan of the story. To have something taken away but to know that no bad deed goes unpunished", said Naruto.

"The proverb is no good dead goes unpunished", said Sasuke.

"The world is pessimistic enough Sasuke, I like to think some optimism brings light to it. Have a little optimism for your own sake. Last thing I need is you adopting the Lloigor races views. Before you ask they are the most cynical race to ever exist, look like dragons sometimes, but are beings of pure psychic energy.", said Naruto.

Sasuke grunted and ignored Naruto's comment causing a giggle from Sakura. Naruto smiled at that.

They walked into the town. Cats slept on every fence and stoop sleeping the day away. They explored the strange town where cats could speak. It was an interesting day when you get to see two cats have a conversation on the meaning of existence and what their favorite fish to eat is.

"Hey I know you", spoke an unknown yet strangely familier female voice.

They turned around to see a cat looking at them. It has a small brown cat with vertical lightcolored stripes on it's head and a red ribbon on it's right ear.

"Excuse me do we know you", asked Naruto politely as if speaking to a cat was not unsual in the slightest.

The cat seemed to sigh.

"It's me, Tora", said the cat.

"Tora...Wait, Tora. As in the evil cat Tora. Tora as in the Fire Daimyo;s wifes cat Tora", asked Sakura.

Tora sighed.

"Please don't remind me of that wench. She is the bane of my existence. I have tried to escape many times yet you ninja always capture me. I fully understand the reasons behind you children capturing me, but that does not mean I have to comply", spoke the cat.

"Well would you care to join us, I was just showing my friends around the Dreamlands and we would love someone who knows the lay of the land so to speak", said Naruto.

"Gladly", said the cat as it leapt onto Naruto's shoulders wrapping around him.

"So how are you here", asked Sakura.

"I have been coming here every night since I could walk and hope. It is my haven away from the hag. The more importantly how are you here, it is difficult to enter the Dreamlands and know where you are going, I fond this place by accident", said Tora.

"Technically the Dreamlands recognize me as a Great Old One, I'm not made of normal matter", said Naruto.

"I thought you smelled unusual, I wish I had that ability, it would have been much simpler to will myself around", said Tora.

"It has its uses, this is my second time here really", said Naruto.

"Really, where were you last time", asked Tora.

"I visited the Yellow Planes to speak with Hastur", said Naruto.

"You are quite fortunate to gain an audience with the King in Yellow that do not involve death or madness. I dare not leave the town of Ulthar. Though I suppose if the Unspeakable one summons you, it is your duty to answer his call", said Tora.

"I just woke here that time. So anywhere interesting to see", asked Naruto.

"Not really, only the temple and various shops. And you can't really take anything with you to the waking world without approval from a resident deity", said Tora.

"Such a shame, though I suppose the rules must be followed even if the rules are unusual", said Naruto.

Tora nodded.

"This place is wierd", said Sakura.

Tora turned to her and smiled.

"Give it time, you'll get used to it. Time has little meaning here, you can stay for years and only a nights sleep would have passed, or only seconds in the same amount of time in the real world. It's your choice really", said Tora.

"Acctually we are here using my friends psionics capabilities", said Naruto.

"A Psychic, in the elemental nations. Interesting, I was not aware", said Tora.

"He's a Deep One", said Naruto.

"Even more odd, I was not aware any of the other beings still remained. Other than the Great Old Ones of course", said Tora.

"Speaking of Great Old Ones do you know of any in the waking world, I'd like to know what I have to worry about", asked Naruto.

"Not really, I know that there are many scattered around the lands, though not which ones", said Tora.

"How many", asked Sasuke.

"Oh, a few hundred. Give or take", said Tora.

Sakura and Saske froze.

"A few hundred. Why are so many on Earth", asked Sasukr.

At that both Naruto and Tora laughed earning a glare from Sasuke.

"No, earth isn't important. It's just there are that many Great Old Ones. Hundreds live on nearly every planet", said Tora.

"Yeah, I mean there are more Great Old Ones in the universe than their are planets, we're talking hundreds of trillions", said Naruto.

Their eyes widened.

"But..", Sasuke was cut off.

"No the Shadowed man was an Outer God. Much different", said Naruto.

It was Tora's turn to be shocked.

"You met an Outer God and lived to tell the tale", asked Tora.

"Not so much met as were forced to endure mental torture for his own personal enjoyment", said Naruto.

"An intelligent one as well, wow. I an sorry for attempting to attack you in the waking world, your life is difficult enough", said Tora.

Naruto waved her off.

"Don't worry, it's all in the past", said Naruto.

He turned back to Sasuke.

"Any way the Great Old Ones, while strong is nothing compared to an Outer God. To put it in perspective Cthulhu is the High Priest of Yog-Sothoth", said Naruto.

"The thing we are trying to stop, who you said was a physical God, has a God it worships", asked Sakura.

"Yep", said Naruto.

Tora looked to Naruto.

"You are trying to stop a Great Old One. Are you mad", asked Tora.

"We only have to slow it down. If we don't all life is gone", said Naruto.

"I see, i guess it's time I finally escape the old bat. If time is short I am going to enjoy my remaining years", said Tora.

"Don't worry, we have ten years to stop him", said Naruto.

"Really, then I have nothing to fear. I'm already three. But I only have one life, might as well enjoy it", said Tora.

"I wish you the best of luck Tora", said Naruto as he Turned to Sasuke with a serious face.

"Now, Sasuke, we should find a pub or something. There is something important about your brother you need to know about. And after what I tell you, I have a feeling you are going to want a Drink", said Naruto.

Back in the waking world Herbert was looking over some files copied by Naruto's clones. He looked at every hair color and blood type.

"He says he's going to rip his arm off, but no he goes into another dimension leaving me as fricken Herbert West super detective. Yeah because this is much more entertaining than watching someone tear off their own arm", said Herbert to himself.

He flipped through more files when Konohamaru walked in.

"Sup Leech man", asked Herbert.

"I do not find that humorous. In fact I am insulted by it, now if you excuse me I feel out of place at the moment. I'll be studying the Color, do not bother me", said Konohamaru.

Herbert waved him off. He continued going through the files. Several shadow clones were as well after he got bored doing them one by one and remembered what he was capable of. All the happenings lately made him absent-minded in some ways, though he fought through it. He had separated files into two groups. So far no matches could be found that were not ruled out immediately for various reasons. Weather it be the Ninja was incapacitated or on a mission. He grabbed another file. And smiled when he looked at the person. It was a perfect match. Not only did the boy have the blood type but fit the age group based on hight and movement. The only thing that was missing was ANBU training, but that could have been kept secret.

"I Think I found it", said Herbert.

His clones looked at him.

"Well who is it", asked one of his clones.

He smirked.

"Our old friend Kabuto. He was rather suspicious during the exams, and did quit really early considering his state. We should keep an eye on him", said Herbert.

His clones nodded in agreement.

At the Hokage Tower The council were finalizing their decision on the identity of the next Hokage. And thus far a decision was nearing. With out Hiruzen appointing someone to take the seat, it left them to find someone who fit the qualifications necessary. That was when one of the Hokage hopefuls walked in. Danzo sat at his usual seat and smiled. With his eye still covered in bandages he opened it. It would be his time for greatness and he would not let it pass. Everything was coming together and nothing would stop him. By the end of the day, he would be named the Fifth Hokage.

Deep in The Land of Demons, priestess Shion looked over her subjects, she had the unfortunate ability to see how a person would die. Lately her visions of their deaths detail horrible atrocities that plagued her. Over time this lead to her insanity and the formation of a secret cult. All the members were also seers and were plagued with similar visions that took its toll on their sanity. This Cult of Cthulhu was gaining members fast. It wasn't long until their mad rituals lead them to a horrifying discovery. The legendary deity of insanity known as Cthulhu, the horrible Great Old Ones that slept and waited at various places on this earth.

Thus far they worshiped these beings known as Great Old Ones. This lead them to seek others who knew of these gods that sleep. First they sought out the Jashinists, believing Jashin was one of these beings. Upon learning that there was truth to Jashin being related they welcomed the cultists with open arms. Further seeking lead them to there newest village. They learned of Yig. It wasn't long until they discovered who the snake god favored more than most. Enter Orochimaru.

The seers, Jashinists, and Snake worshipers came together in a horrible fusion of unbelievable ideas and plans. At the top were Shion, leader of the Cthulhu Cult and Orochimaru, leader of the Cult of Yig. The Jashinists had no real hierarchy to speak of, but it did not matter. For Nyarlathotep saw potential for interesting actions in the future by the union of these cults. He manipulated them to come together as a form of entertainment. Watching the foolish mortals seek out the depraved and mad was a boon for the Crawling Chaos. Ten years was a long time to wait for his plan to come to fruition. When he saw opportunity for entertainment and every path it could follow he made sure this new collection of madmen came together. He knew they would not effect his main plan, but what they would do was just enough for him to watch with bated breath.

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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