After Zero Two's memories flooded my mind, I realised what has happened in this summoning realm.
It was the world of Darling in the Franxx, and in the middle of the series, an asteroid hit earth, and like dinosaurs, everyone died eventually due to sunlight not coming for years due to dust.
Most of the people's bodies have decomposed, except Zero Two, and Klaxosaur Princess's.
But, they are undoubtedly dead.
Sadly, there aren't any technical memories from Zero Two, so I guess I can't just easily recreate the technology.
Still, this doesn't explain me existing in Naruto, and why did I find Zero Two's body, which looks exactly like me.
Well, I guess I got a good body double.
I took her out of the rubble, and carefully came out of the mecha, taking her to my lab.
I sensed that she doesn't have chakra. Well, figured as much.
But, she, and the Klaxosaur Princess are good puppet materials. Especially Zero Two. I can send her outside after altering her a bit so that Reto can't poison me.
I just hope that Tobirama will soon give prepare and give me the antidote.
Sigh... Poison can't be underestimated. Good thing I already got Chiyo as my disciple. Though, Reto took Ebizo.
"Well, let's get to work."
Several hours passed, and I had successfully turned Zero Two into my puppet.
Moreover, with our horns, I can even control her telepathically, without needing chakra strings.
I controlled her to act like me, and I think I have gotten the sufficient hang of it.
Let's test it.
I reverse summoned myself to Roran, and using a transformation jutsu, went to the top of my palace while controlling my puppet. She does have a lot of my chakra sealed in her, and can do basic wind release jutsus.
I closed my eyes, and focused.
The PoV shifted, and I was now seeing everything from my puppet's eyes.
"Good evening, Ichika-sama!"
People greeted me cheerfully, and I smiled.
"Are you guys training well?"
"Of course!"
Roran only had normal people before. But when I arrived, and realising that it was the Warring Clans Era, decided to become a ninja and started turning Roran into a ninja country.
Afterall, one puppet user was able to take over the country in the series and was able to bring it to ruins.
And if anyone got wind of Ryumyaku, if I didn't have the strength, something really bad would have happened. And I didn't know if someone knew or didn't know about it. Afterall, that puppet user knew, but it was so much in the future.
Thankfully, Roran had good relationship with the Wind Daimyo, so I was able to hire a some samurai to train me and my people.
But, this made Reto and Suna target Roran.
Unlike Konoha, where Hashirama just subdued Madara, and had even never killed any Uchiha, and every clan in the Land of Fire had to join Konoha just by watching Hashirama requesting them and Madara glaring at them from behind, desert people are mostly brutes and savages, with low intelligence.
Maybe this opinion of mine has bias, but hey. Reto is the stupidest Kage.
So, I agreed to join Suna, but on the condition that we will duel for the position of Kazekage.
I didn't want the army of Suna invading Roran, which isn't very strong.
I lost. My summons were cut in half by Reto's wind style, but just as I was about to drop a Rasengan on him, I got paralysed by his scorpions' poison.
And he intended to kill me, because I had killed his subordinate in the past who would have become the Second Kazekage in canon when he was snooping around for my Ryumyaku, and threatened me to hand it over for his puppets. He had even resorted to take hostage.
If not for my physique and a lot of Rymyaku's chakra sealed inside me, I would have certainly died.
Thankfully, he didn't deliver the finishing blow after I surrendered.
But this doesn't mean that he isn't developing a stronger poison. Afterall, he is that puppet users boss, and has taught him a lot of things.
My sister is in the Daimyo's palace right now, so I don't have a good check that my puppet is indistinguishable or not.
Oh well.
"Isn't my kingdom peaceful, Tobirama-dono?"
I said without glancing back.
"Ichika-dono, forgive my rudeness, but, can we talk?"
"Of course. Follow me."
I finally looked back and smiled.
Tobirama has finally arrived. This sly guy left a Flying Thunder God mark on my summon.
I led him inside my palace to a confidential room, and prepared tea.
Which is expensive for common people. Desert really is a harsh place to live without oil.
"Fuguki-kun, please leave us alone."
I said to my Samurai, the son of the Hatake clan leader.
After the implementation of One country-One ninja village system, Samurais, who were in huge demands for protection, were suddenly unemployed, and even driven out by the combined might of the ninjas.
Most Samurai weren't getting accepted by any place, since every country, big or small, is establishing a ninja village. So, they had to turn to the northern barren lands of the continent, where no one loved due to harsher environment than Land of Snow.
I made use of this and brought Hatake clan that was expelled from Land of Lightning to directly serve me. And I have given some supplies to the resourceless unemployed Samurais through the Hatake clan.
Well, those barren lands will soon discover huge iron deposits, and possibly chakra metals. I could have taken over that territory, but it would have made Suna a target, and it is too far from Land of Wind. So, it's best to help them when they don't have anything, so that they will help me in the future.
Who knows, I might get Sakumo and Kakashi as my subordinates in the future?
And I intend to bring clans like Chinnoike and Yuki after I take control over Land of Wind amidst the First Ninja War.
As Fuguki left, I looked at Tobirama.
"I will be frank. How did you know that Madara is alive?"
"You know, I visited the Land of Fire a while ago, when the Warring Clans Era was still ongoing. Of course, to have Hashirama-dono and you create a forest and water body for my country.
But somehow, Uchiha clan got wind of this, and they attacked me. They weren't that strong, but there was one thing that caught my eye.
A person I killed, woke up. Uchiha clan has some sort of resurrection jutsu. So I just guessed that Madara might have used it. I guess my guess was correct."
Tobirama frowned. As someone more knowledgeable about Uchihas than Uchihas themselves, he probably didn't know about Izanagi at this point of time.
Of course, what I just said was a lie. But instead of claiming to see the future and have Zetsu on my case, it's a better lie.
Tobirama took out ten vials, and said, "I have prepared some antidotes. And here is the recipe."
Phew! Finally I don't have to worry about poison a lot. Even if Reto creates a stronger poison, this antidote should have some effects.
"Kazekage is about to assassinate you?"
"That fool will definitely try to. Afterall, Konoha may have elected the Hokage democratically by the clans. Suna chose it's Kazekage by eliminating opposition.
Since I provided you such an important information, you will help me, right? Although we are not Samurai, I believe that Hashirama-dono is more noble and trustworthy than any samurai."
"What help do you need?"
"After Hashirama-dono passes away, a ninja war will definitely happen, engulfing the whole world.
Land of Wind lacks any resources. So, ideally, no village should attack us.
But I realised that even Kages lack basic intelligence. Reto has shown it. Hashirama-dono has shown it by intending to donate tailed beasts. And while I don't about the other Kages, it is a high possibility.
Maybe to divert the focus from internal issues, a village might target the weakest of the five, Suna?
What I want is, the seal that Konoha used to seal away Kyuubi. And by that, I mean teaching me that seal. And, Land of Wind and Fire would not interfere with each other, neither espionage, not drawing kunais at each other.
Just allowing Land of Wind to buy food from Land of Fire. And usual trade too. Konoha is too strong, I don't want it to interfere with anything in Land of Wind.
And while Suna won't participate in any wars, if it is unavoidable, we would like to ally with Konoha."
"You believe that after elder brother, the world won't be at peace?"
"With people like Reto in charge, what do you think?"
Tobirama sighed.
"Alright. Let's talk about this after you become Kazekage. Konoha won't interfere in any way with your matters."
Well, it doesn't seem like he will help in taking care of Reto huh?
I expected as much.
"By the way, how old are you?"
Oh... The age gap is very significant huh.
"I will deliver the scroll for jinchuriki seal when I and elder brother come for the mission. I thank you for informing me about Madara.
Konoha will never forget Suna's help."
"Then I will leave my summon with you, that you marked. Afterall, if Madara comes here, only Hokage-dono will be able to deal with him."
"Alright. I will leave now. Good night."
Saying that, he teleported away.
Flying Thunder God is just too OP. I have to make sure he didn't leave any marks behind.
It is a perfect jutsu for assassination.
Well, as soon as I get the jinchuriki seal, I will be able to wield the power of Ryumyaku fully, since it listens to me, there isn't any danger anyway.
Inside the Kazekage Office, Reto was fuming.
Word has spread across Sunagakure about his ridiculous 'request' in the 5 kage summit, and threatening for war.
For the first time in the known history, the Land of Wind is at peace. In the desert, resources are very less, so there has always been fighting for resources.
Amongst the 5 big Shinobi villages, Sunagakure formed the last, even after Kiri, which has the most kekkai genkai clans after Konoha, who are at each other's throat all the time.
So, most of the villagers were angry at the Kazekage for trying to drag them into war.
While some would have admired Reto for being brave to work for getting more resources, his humiliating defeat where he couldn't even touch one of Hokage's clones, even though it was just standing on the top of his wood golem, has also spread.
"Hashirama Senju is strong enough to easily defeat every ninja village alone himself."
This rumour is spreading. And while Reto has judged it to be true, that he can't offend Konoha as long as Hashirama is alive, this doesn't mean that he will admit it.
As for the source of rumour? Since he wasn't the one who spread it, there can only be two explanations.
First is Tobirama or some other ninja village doing it. But, that would mean that a ninja village bothered to plant spies in the newly formed Suna. None of the major village should be interested in doing that at this point. Maybe a small ninja village?
No. Even if countries like Land of Grass, Rain or Waterfall have more food resources, there isn't a strong ninja in those villages.
Land of Wind's main source of income is Gold, but that is under the control of Daimyo. Maybe a smaller ninja village is targeting the weakest big country because of it?
He shook his head. The possibility of that is too low.
In his heart, he knows who is responsible for spreading these rumours. Ichika.
Afterall, the rumours didn't leave out that she made sure that Daimyos don't use ninjas from other villages, and got Hokage and Tobirama to build a forest and water body near Suna.
She has been showing her fangs against him since the beginning.
She killed his subordinate, Shamon when he demanded her to hand over Ryumyaku for his puppet research.
Well, Shamon did threaten her, and even dared to try to use some her people as hostage.
Moreover, when Reto himself came to her kingdom to subdue her and make Roran a subordinate of Suna under him, he brought a lot of ninjas with him.
In Roran, at that time, only she was strong. She understood it, and he understood it. That's why she challenged him to a duel instead.
In terms of raw power, summons, and chakra, they were almost evenly matched. If not for his poison, Reto isn't sure who would have won that duel.
So, it's natural that Ichika is wary of him. And hostility wouldn't subside easily. Afterall, he tried to use entire Roran as a hostage with the number of ninjas behind him.
She has even brought a clan of Samurais to serve her, and is even sending help to the helpless Samurais up into the cold barren lands in the north through them.
Reto scoffed. In front of ninja, samurai aren't anything. Normally ninjas and Samurais aren't that different in strength. But, Samurais are straight forward, and don't use deceptive things, including ninjutsu. Just chakra in their swords.
Their weakness is their trustworthy and loyal nature.
While Reto doesn't know how strong Hatake clan is, since they come from the land of lightning, it is clear that she is building up her own force.
Reto is afraid that she is planning to overthrow him.
That's why, Reto is planning something.
Ichika's ten year old little sister, Kinoshita, is in the middle of engagement talk with the son of the Daimyo.
What if, she tries to assassinate Daimyo?
That will make Ichika, who is favoured by Daimyo more than Reto, lose her base support, and Reto will be able to assassinate her.
And, Kinoshita will be kidnapped beforehand as someone else tries the assassination. As long as she produces a kid, Ryumyaku, and Roran, will under be Suna's control through that child.
But, Reto is aware that if she asks for help from Konoha, they will. Afterall, he proposed war, and she proposed peace.
If Hokage intervenes, it will be over for him. Afterall, Hokage is someone who even killed Madara, his best friend who founded Konoha for him. And Reto is a stranger who threatened Konoha.
Reto knows that Ichika is very smart, perhaps even more than him. There is no way she wouldn't expect such tactics from him. She must have already started preparing countermeasures against him.
He grumbled in frustration. Hokage is the variable that made him afraid from acting rashly. He previously thought that while Hashirama may be strongest in the Land of Fire, and probably even a bit stronger than Reto himself, they should be comparable as fellow Kage.
But, if Hashirama wanted to, he could do anything in the ninja world.
Still, it is a relief that Madara is no more in this world. Afterall, Hashirama is mild compared to that demon.
The second ninja village, Iwagakure, sent Mu, the subordinate of the old Tsuchikage who will likely due in some years, for goodwill and learning about how Konoha is managed.
Mu will undoubtedly become the second Tsuchikage after the old Tsuchikage's death. And Mu's dust release is as infamous as the Wood Release of Hashirama.
Yet, Madara casually defeated Mu and told him that Iwa needs to be Konoha's subordinate.
That's why, only after Madara died, the leaders of other villages met the Hokage.
Reto sighed.
It's best to not cause any trouble for now. But, he has to bring Ichika under his control so that there isn't an internal conflict in Suna.
If Hashirama Senju died with Madara, he would have gone for assassination.
But, he will have to resort to another method.
He will have to apologize his four wives later.
He will have to sacrifice for his village, and marry Ichika.
Well, it will ensure that Roran comes under his control.
Now that he thought about it, it's better to marry her than trying to kill her.
She is beautiful, Queen of Roran, and their child will be able to control Ryumyaku. It will stabilize Suna, and since she is the second strongest in Land of Wind, it will be a waste to loose the combat power.
But the problem is, he is already 40, at his prime. She is just 16, and with enough time, she will grow stronger than him.
So, the best thing is to have her give birth to his child, which can control Ryumyaku, and disguise her death with childbirth.
Hmm, and by that time, who knows, maybe Hokage will die? Well, even he doesn't die, this will be the perfect excuse.
Satisfied with his great strategy, Reto started preparing for fifth wedding, and it started with a proposal letter to Ichika.
He will announce it once Hokage arrives in Suna to grow the forest. He knew that for peace, she will agree to marriage.
If she doesn't, she will be painted as someone who isn't ready to sacrifice for Suna's peace.