74.38% Naruto: Behind the Scenes Emperor / Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Council of Shadows

章 90: Chapter 90: Council of Shadows

Morning sunlight filtered through the curtains of the Hokage's office, casting warm rays over the village of Konoha. Despite the golden hour, the atmosphere inside was anything but sunny. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat behind his desk, exuding calm wisdom, but the weight of the upcoming Chunin Exams was pressing on his mind. Across from him, the three Hokage Advisors—Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitokado, and Danzo Shimura—stood like a formidable (if slightly grumpy) panel of judges on a ninja talent show.

Hiruzen took a thoughtful puff from his pipe, savoring the familiar taste of tobacco. "Well," he began, exhaling a small cloud of smoke, "it's that time of year again. The Chunin Exams are just around the corner."

Koharu adjusted her glasses, her expression as sharp as ever. "We must ensure everything is meticulously planned. This is not just an exam; it's a display of Konoha's strength." She was already drafting a mental checklist that would make even the most detail-oriented ninja sweat.

Homura nodded, his brows furrowed in thought. "With the participation of the Sand and the Sound, we need to be especially vigilant. The other villages will be watching closely, and we can't afford any... slip-ups." He managed to make "slip-ups" sound like a catastrophe on par with a tailed beast going on a rampage.

Danzo, who had been leaning against the wall with his usual brooding intensity, stepped forward. "We must be prepared for any and all threats. The other villages will not hesitate to exploit any weakness they find. We should consider placing additional ANBU and Root operatives on high alert." His voice was so serious that you'd think they were planning for the end of the world rather than a ninja exam.

Hiruzen looked at Danzo with a raised eyebrow. "Danzo, I understand your concerns, but the Chunin Exams are meant to foster cooperation between the villages. We can't afford to turn this into a full-blown security operation."

Danzo didn't flinch. "Cooperation is a luxury we can't afford to take lightly. Especially with Orochimaru lurking in the shadows." He paused dramatically, as if waiting for a thunderclap to punctuate his words. Hiruzen could almost hear the ominous background music swelling up in Danzo's mind.

"Orochimaru, again?" Koharu sighed, shaking her head. "We have enough to worry about without conjuring up specters from the past."

Danzo narrowed his eye. "You can never be too careful when it comes to that snake. He's more slippery than—" 

"—a greased eel at a summer festival?" Homura interjected with a deadpan expression. The rare joke caught Koharu off guard, and she nearly let out a snort before catching herself.

Danzo, of course, remained stone-faced. Humor wasn't exactly his strong suit. "As I was saying, Orochimaru's influence in the Sound Village is undeniable. We should be prepared for anything."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "While we can't overlook the possibility of trouble, we also can't let suspicion cloud our judgment. The Chunin Exams are a test of our young shinobi's abilities, not an excuse for us to see shadows where there might be none."

Koharu, ever the pragmatist, leaned forward slightly. "We should also consider the morale of our Genin. Too much security could make them nervous, and we need them focused on the exams, not on watching their backs."

Danzo gave a slight grunt, which was probably his way of conceding a point. "Then we monitor from the shadows—quietly. Root and ANBU will keep an eye on everything without being seen. If anything suspicious arises, we will be ready to act."

Hiruzen allowed himself a small smile. "That sounds like a reasonable compromise. After all, this is a moment for our young shinobi to shine. Let's not overshadow their achievements with our own concerns."

Homura, who had been silently considering the conversation, finally spoke up. "Perhaps we could also add a few diversions to keep the participants at ease—nothing like a good old-fashioned festival game or two to break the tension. And maybe... a raffle?" 

Koharu shot him a sideways glance. "A raffle? Really, Homura?"

"What?" he replied with a shrug. "Even shinobi need to unwind. Plus, who doesn't like winning prizes? It could be fun."

Danzo blinked slowly, processing the idea of a raffle at a high-stakes ninja exam. "As long as it doesn't interfere with the operations, I suppose... a little fun wouldn't hurt."

"Great," Hiruzen said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'll make sure we have plenty of kunai sharpeners and shuriken polishers as prizes."

The advisors exchanged glances, and for a brief moment, the heavy atmosphere lightened. Even Danzo seemed to relax, if only by a fraction of a millimeter.

Hiruzen stood, signaling the end of the meeting. "Let's proceed with the necessary preparations. We'll ensure the safety of the village and the success of the exams. And who knows? Maybe we'll even see some future stars among the participants."

As the advisors filed out, Danzo lingered for a moment, casting one last look at Hiruzen. "Remember, Hiruzen, vigilance is the price of peace."

Hiruzen nodded. "And trust is the foundation of that peace, Danzo. We need both."

With that, Danzo turned and left, his cloak billowing slightly as he made his way down the corridor. Hiruzen watched him go, then turned his gaze back to the window. The village was already bustling with activity, and in the distance, he could see the preparations for the exams underway.

"Let the Chunin Exams begin," he murmured to himself with a smile, "and may they be as entertaining as they are challenging."

And perhaps, just perhaps, there might be a moment or two of laughter amidst the trials. After all, even the most serious of shinobi could use a good laugh every now and then.


As the advisors made their way out of the Hokage's office, the tension that had hung in the air began to dissipate. Outside, the village was already alive with the usual morning bustle. Koharu, Homura, and Danzo walked together in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, Homura broke the quiet with a seemingly random observation. "You know, I've been hearing rumors that the Yamanaka flower shop has started selling a new kind of tea blend. Apparently, it's supposed to help improve chakra control."

Koharu raised an eyebrow. "Tea that improves chakra control? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me."

Danzo, ever skeptical, gave a small snort. "If improving chakra control was as simple as drinking tea, we'd have a lot fewer failed Genin exams."

Homura shrugged. "Maybe, but I've heard it's actually pretty good. They're calling it 'Chakra Chi-Chai' or something like that. I thought it might be worth a try."

Koharu smirked. "Are you saying you need help with your chakra control, Homura? Should we be worried?"

Homura chuckled. "Hey, I'm just saying—if there's a chance it works, why not? Besides, I like trying new teas. Life's too short to stick with the same old flavors."

Danzo looked straight ahead, his voice as dry as ever. "As long as it doesn't interfere with mission readiness, you can drink whatever you want."

Homura gave Danzo a sideways glance. "Come on, Danzo, live a little. Next time I go, I'll pick up a pack for you. Who knows, it might even help with all that brooding."

Danzo's eye twitched almost imperceptibly, the closest he'd get to a smile. "I'll pass. Brooding doesn't need enhancement."

Koharu chuckled softly as they reached the end of the corridor. "Maybe the tea could use a different name. 'Brood Brew,' perhaps?"

Homura laughed. "Or 'Ponder Pouch'—perfect for those long nights of strategizing."

Danzo shook his head, but there was a faint hint of amusement in his tone as he replied, "You two are impossible."

With that, the three advisors parted ways, each heading off to their respective duties. The serious matters of the day awaited, but for a brief moment, the looming Chunin Exams and the weight of village affairs had been set aside for something as simple as a bit of tea talk.

And maybe, just maybe, Homura would surprise them all by showing up with a steaming cup of "Chakra Chi-Chai" at the next meeting—though whether Danzo would actually drink it was a different matter entirely.


As the day went on, the village of Konoha continued to hum with life. The upcoming Chunin Exams were the talk of the town, with everyone from shopkeepers to academy students buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Even the usual morning rush seemed infused with an extra spark of energy.

Over at the Yamanaka flower shop, Inoichi Yamanaka was busy arranging an elaborate display of fresh blooms, each one perfectly positioned to catch the eye. As he worked, he couldn't help but overhear the chatter of two customers browsing the shop.

One was a young woman, Yumi, who worked at the bakery down the street. The other was Kenji, the local blacksmith who prided himself on his ramen-eating prowess. The two were engaged in a lively debate, their voices carrying easily in the small shop.

"I'm telling you, Kenji," Yumi said, holding up a small packet of tea. "This is the one everyone's talking about! 'Chakra Chi-Chai'—they say it helps with focus and control. Perfect for when you're working on those delicate metal carvings of yours."

Kenji, who was examining a bonsai tree with great interest, shook his head with a grin. "Yumi, I've been hammering steel since I was old enough to lift a mallet. If I needed tea to help with my focus, I'd be out of a job by now."

Yumi laughed, placing the tea back on the shelf. "Fair point. But you should at least try it. Besides, it might help you stay calm the next time you lose the Ramen Tower Challenge."

Kenji rolled his eyes playfully. "I didn't lose—I was pacing myself. And I'll have you know that I'm going to beat the challenge next time. You'll see."

Yumi leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "If you say so. But just to be safe, maybe you should bring a pack of this tea with you. You know, for 'focus.'"

Inoichi, who had been quietly listening from behind the counter, couldn't resist chiming in. "I'll tell you what, Kenji. Buy the tea today, and I'll throw in a free sample of our newest blend—'Mind's Eye Mint.' It's got a refreshing kick and might even help you visualize your victory over the Ramen Tower."

Kenji scratched his head, looking between the two teas. "You know, maybe I will. If anything, it'll make for a good story the next time we're all at the ramen shop."

Yumi clapped her hands together. "See? Now you're thinking like a winner!"

As Kenji picked up the tea and headed to the counter, Inoichi couldn't help but smile at the exchange. Life in Konoha was often filled with challenges and trials, but it was moments like these—simple, lighthearted, and full of camaraderie—that truly made the village feel like home.

As Kenji left the shop with his teas in hand, he called back over his shoulder, "Next time we meet, Yumi, you're going down in the Ramen Tower Challenge! And I'll be sipping my victory tea while I watch you struggle with those noodles."

Yumi laughed, waving him off. "We'll see about that, Kenji! Just don't spill your tea when you lose again!"

With that, she left the shop, humming to herself as she headed back to the bakery. Inoichi chuckled to himself as he returned to his flowers. Konoha was indeed a village where the smallest moments could bring the greatest joys.

And somewhere, maybe not too far from here, the Third Hokage was likely enjoying a quiet moment of his own—perhaps even with a steaming cup of tea in hand, savoring the peace before the storm of the Chunin Exams descended. 

After all, even the strongest shinobi knew the value of taking a break every now and then. And who knew? Maybe the next big discovery in chakra control would come from something as simple as a cup of "Chakra Chi-Chai."

CosmicMystery CosmicMystery

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C90
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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