57.44% Naruto, Be My Son / Chapter 216: Chapter 216: Whitebeard: You bad Hokage, Do You Want To Touch My Foolish son? 

章 216: Chapter 216: Whitebeard: You bad Hokage, Do You Want To Touch My Foolish son? 

"Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Izumi?" This battle combination, even Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned.

He was afraid that Whitebeard misunderstood something, and hurriedly explained to Whitebeard next to him: "Whitebeard... The third round of Chunin exam battles are all decided by drawing lots to decide who will fight."

"Everything is random, there is no dark box operation, and there is no deliberate factor in it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that his third-generation Hokage explained to a pirate like this, it was very embarrassing.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen knows even more that if Whitebeard gets angry, how terrifying it will be.

Anyway, his face has been tarnished.

Losing a little bit more is not a big deal.

Unexpectedly... Whitebeard ignored him again.

"Gurararararara..." Whitebeard let out a chuckle.

Just a light laugh made the surrounding people uneasy.

Whitebeard's smile at the corner of his mouth did not decrease: "The battle between my foolish son and my foolish daughter! It's quite interesting!"

"Huh..." Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Whitebeard's words finally let his hanging heart down.

Standing next to Whitebeard Pops, Kisame "tsk" said: "The battle between Uchiha and Uchiha. Ha! Is this a destiny?"

Shisui next to Kisame, smiled and said: "Sasuke meet a bad oponent!"

Standing behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Kakashi muttered: "Uchiha Izumi, it sounds familiar... Is this the girl I saved?"

Thinking back to the night of the Uchiha clan's extermination that day.

Kakashi couldn't help but shudder.

The terrifying power of Mangekyou Sharingan tortured him enough that night!

If it weren't for Uzumaki Fuushi generously saving himself with blood...

Kakashi might still be lying in Konohagakure Hospital!


And the parties involved, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Izumi.

The two have already come to the arena.

"Sasuke-kun, I didn't expect my opponent to be you. I thought I would have a battle with the ninja of Kirigakure Village."

Uchiha Izumi was dressed in a very normal female ninja outfit, and the back of her clothes was embroidered with the emblem of the Uchiha clan.

She also has a ninja sword around her waist.

In addition to being good at Fire Release Ninjutsu and Kunai throwing technique, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are also quite good at "Uchiha Sword Technique".

Uchiha Izumi said: "Sasuke-kun, I won't hold back!"

"Good." Sasuke slowly took a deep breath, his eyes full of seriousness and seriousness: "Just right, I also want to see the power of Three Tomoe Sharingan."

Sasuke paused for a while, and continued: "If I can't even defeat you, what qualifications do I have to kill that man?"

Izumi was taken aback, and the corners of her mouth raised: "Very good Sasuke-kun, let me see if you have made any progress recently!"

"Start!!!" With the examiner's order.

Uchiha Izumi's pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan opened instantly.

Sasuke's pupils contracted.

Without a word, he pulled out several shurikens from his Ninja Tools bag.

And threw them in all different directions.

The next moment, Sasuke quickly shifted his position, drew out a kunai, and fiercely stabbed it into his own thigh.

The intense pain caused the scene before Sasuke's eyes to suddenly change.

He saw a sharp ninja blade getting closer and closer in his vision.

The cold gleam of the blade's tip set off alarm bells in Sasuke.

Sasuke's single Tomoe Sharingan also instantly activated, slowing down Uchiha Izumi's movements in his eyes.

Sasuke quickly bent down and dodged the incoming blade, then swiftly jumped back to create distance from Izumi.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!!!" During the jump, Sasuke had already formed the seal for the Great Fireball.

The moment he landed, he spat out a fireball towards Izumi.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!!!" Uchiha Izumi held a ninja blade in one hand and formed a seal with the other.

Two fireballs, one large and one small, collided on the stage.

An intense explosion occurred immediately!

The explosive shockwave from the two Fire Release Ninjutsus made everyone feel a hot wind blowing in their faces, causing many people's hair to flutter wildly.

When the raging flames dissipated...

A crater with a diameter of three meters appeared in the center of the final stage.

The huge crater was covered with black burn marks.

"You're amazing! You've improved quickly, Sasuke-kun." Uchiha Izumi stood with her blade, exclaiming, "You discovered my Genjutsu in an instant, then used the sensation of pain to break my Genjutsu. Your combat experience is very rich."

Sasuke's thigh was bleeding.

A faint pain kept coming.

But Sasuke didn't care: "Hmph, if the Uchiha clan is defeated by Genjutsu, they don't deserve to be called Uchiha."

Sasuke held two kunais in his hand, knowing that he couldn't always passively resolve Uchiha Izumi's moves, this time it was his turn to attack.

Sasuke quickly rushed towards Izumi.

He threw the kunai in his left hand directly, aiming for Izumi's throat.

The kunai in his right hand didn't hesitate to slash towards Izumi's abdomen.

Sasuke's attack speed was very fast.

But in front of Uchiha Izumi's Three Tomoe Sharingan, his speed was still too slow.

Uchiha Izumi raised the ninja blade in her hand and blocked the kunai that Sasuke threw at her.

Then she turned her wrist.

The back of the ninja blade just hit the kunai that Sasuke slashed.

Having resolved Sasuke's attack, Uchiha Izumi immediately showed her skilled Uchiha swordsmanship, forcing Sasuke to defend.

During these days, not only Sasuke was training hard, Izumi was also training hard.

The effort she put in was no less than Sasuke's.

The sharp ninja blade cut a long slit in Sasuke's clothes, even his skin was cut with a thin wound.

Fortunately, Sasuke dodged in time.

The wound wasn't too deep.

Sasuke's single Tomoe Sharingan was a bit unable to keep up with Izumi's speed.

They exchanged blows more than twenty times in just half a minute.

Sasuke could see that he was at a disadvantage.

After all, he and Uchiha Izumi not only had an age difference.

There was also a big gap in Sharingan.

Such a big gap, it couldn't be made up with just half a month of special training.

If it goes on like this, he might lose in a few seconds.

Sasuke's brain was running at high speed.

He exposed a flaw, allowing Uchiha Izumi to scratch his left rib with a sword. In this lightning and flint moment, he immediately tightened his left arm and clamped the blade of the ninja sword.

Sasuke took the opportunity to grit his teeth and made a hard kick, even if the girl didn't have that big bell, the bottom was also a very fragile place.

Seeing this, Izumi immediately withdrew the ninja sword.

Dodge this foot backwards.

Sasuke also took this opportunity to distance himself from Izumi again.

"Fire Release·Phoenix Fire Technique!!!" Sasuke jumped up, his hands sealed, and he spit out five groups of intense Homura.

Uchiha Izumi's Three Tomoe Sharingan slowly rotated.

She held the blade and slashed a fireball.

After avoiding the second fireball.

Another fireball was slashed.

But at this time... Uchiha Izumi found something wrong, and the corner of her eye instantly locked the ninja sword in her hand.

She found that the blade of the ninja sword was covered with a piece of paper at some point.

A thin piece of paper reads "Explosion".

And this strange piece of paper has already burned half.

"Explosive Tags?" Uchiha Izumi was slightly surprised: "Phoenix Fire Technique, is it to detonate this Explosive Tags?"

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant.

The explosive roar of Explosive Tags enveloped half of the ring.

The violent wind caused by the explosion made Sasuke's face hurt.

A broken ninja sword flew out of the explosion.

Deeply stuck in the ground next to Sasuke's foot.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

Sasuke gasped heavily.

And Uchiha Izumi, who has Three Tomoe Sharingan, has such a high-intensity battle.

Just stick to it for such a short time.

She is already exhausted.

Half of her chakra was consumed.


"Is this Fugaku's child?" In the audience, Hyuga Hiashi was a bit envious: "His eldest son Uchiha Itachi is a rare genius in Konohagakure for many years, and his second son Uchiha Sasuke's talent seems to be not much inferior to Uchiha Itachi."

Hiashi sighed and praised: "Uchiha Sasuke, this child, whether it is combat skills or combat IQ is very high. If I remember correctly, he should be the same age as Hinata?"

Speaking of this, Hiashi couldn't help but look at his daughter's back.

Then he sighed slightly.

Although Hinata has joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

But Hiashi knows his daughter's talent very well.

He thinks Hinata is not even half as good as Uchiha Sasuke.

Even if you join the Whitebeard Pirates, so what? He believes that talent is innate, and it can't be changed no matter what.

"Explosive Tags?" Shikamaru was chewing on a weed, and couldn't help but marvel: "Sasuke used Explosive Tags on his family? He is too serious! It's just an exam!"

"Itachi's younger brother..." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Sasuke's small body, his old face couldn't see too much expression: "So young, he awakened the Single Tomoe Sharingan."

"But, that girl named Uchiha Izumi has Three Tomoe Sharingan! A mere Explosive Tags, how could it defeat Uchiha with Three Tomoe?"

"Gurarararara." Whitebeard saw through everything and smiled slightly: "My stupid son is too easy to relax."



On the final stage, Sasuke was struggled to keep his Sharingan open. He first glanced at the broken ninja blade at his feet, then turned his gaze to the lingering dust.

He tried to find Uchiha Izumi's figure, but he didn't notice any movement.

Sasuke's face changed slightly, and he suddenly became a bit worried: "Could it be Izumi? Did I go too far?"

Just as he was worried that Uchiha Izumi might be seriously injured by the explosion, or even in danger...

Sasuke suddenly had a very bad feeling.


A puff of white smoke burst out from the broken ninja blade at Sasuke's feet, attracting Sasuke's attention.

An unscathed Uchiha Izumi appeared within arm's reach.

At this moment, Sasuke's hair stood on end.

"...Transformation Jutsu???"

Sasuke was shocked, and instinctively tried to kick to the side.

But Uchiha Izumi blocked his attack with one hand.

Izumi's other hand pressed against Sasuke's head, followed by a powerful knee strike, directly hitting Sasuke's nose.


With one blow, Sasuke's head was knocked back.

His nose spurted out two clumps of bright red blood.

Sasuke's brain was stunned for a moment.

When he regained a bit of consciousness and opened his eyes to look forward, he found that Uchiha Izumi, who was close at hand, had already formed the seal for the "Great Fireball Jutsu".

"Darn it..."

At such a close distance, if I got hit by the Great Fireball Jutsu...

Sasuke didn't know if he could survive.

But at this critical moment, Uchiha Izumi's hand gesture changed slightly, and two fingers gently poked Sasuke's forehead.

Sasuke, who was already off balance from a knee strike and somewhat dazed, was knocked to the ground by two fingers.

Sasuke sat on the ground, hurriedly covering his bleeding nose.

The sour pain in his nose made his eyes well up with tears.

Uchiha Izumi's crisp and pleasant voice, with a hint of gratified laughter, said: "Sasuke-kun, you've improved really fast! At first, I didn't notice that you had stuck an Explosive Tag on my ninja blade. If the Explosive Tag was hidden a little better, I might have been caught off guard!"

Sasuke, sitting on the ground, remained silent.

He knew early on that he was no match for Uchiha Izumi.

But he didn't expect to lose so cleanly.

He didn't expect the gap between the two to be so big.

Is there an insurmountable gap between the Three Tomoe Sharingan and the Single Tomoe Sharingan?

Sasuke was a bit unwilling to accept it.

But there was no way.

Defeat is defeat.

Sasuke wiped his nosebleed forcefully, stood up, and looked seriously at Uchiha Izumi in front of him. The unwillingness and loss in his eyes had dissipated, replaced by a strong fighting spirit and competitiveness: "I lost to you today but.... One day, I will have a power stronger than yours, and then I will defeat you."

Izumi's smile grew wider, she extended a hand and encouraged: "If Sasuke-kun wants to surpass me, then you need to put in a lot of effort, and absolutely can't be lazy!"

"Tch, who would be lazy!" Sasuke also extended a hand, and made a reconciliation sign with Uchiha Izumi.

"Uchiha Sasuke—loses!"

"Uchiha Izumi—wins!"

The examiner's voice followed.


When Sasuke was going back with his nose covered, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

As soon as Sasuke turned his head, he saw Naruto's big laughing face.

"Haha, you were great just now! Sasuke!" Naruto and Sasuke hooked their shoulders.

"Not great at all!" Sasuke rolled his eyes: "Have you ever seen a defeated greatness?"

"I'm serious!"

Naruto grinned: "Don't you think that you are now, compared to half a month ago, much stronger? If you were half a month ago, Izumi might be able to defeat you in two seconds."

"Pops said that people can't always compare with others. Sometimes... you also have to compare with yourself a day ago, a week ago, a month ago..."

Sasuke was stunned.

He tried to recall according to the way Naruto said.

Sasuke found that Naruto made a lot of sense.


He is now much stronger than he was half a month ago!

He can instantly destroy Genjutsu of Three Tomoe Sharingan , and it can counterattack at the first time.

And he was only a little bit close to defeating Uchiha Izumi.

Such progress is not ordinary.

Sasuke couldn't help but hold his small fist with a few scratches.

He lowered his head to look at his fist.

Sasuke's mouth corner drew an arc, the gloomy mood in his heart dissipated, and he affirmed word by word: "That guy is definitely not as good as me at my age!"

He was referring to Uchiha Itachi at the age of seven.

Just at this time...

"Next! Kusagakure Village 'Uzumaki Naruto' vs Kirigakure Village 'Chojuro'!" The broadcast sound echoing the finals field sounded again.

Sasuke couldn't help but put his eyes on Naruto again: "Naruto, it's your turn so soon?"

Then, Sasuke looked at the group of Kirigakure ninjas: "Chojuro, seems to be the one with blue hair, right?"

Naruto also looked at Chojuro, he said: "He is a very powerful guy."

"Huh? He... is powerful?" Sasuke looked at Chojuro.

He found that this guy was thin and weak, and the whole person didn't seem to have any momentum.

Naruto nodded and said: "Eyes may deceive me, but my Observation Haki will not deceive me."

On the Kirigakure side.

A Kirigakure Genin poked Chojuro's arm: "Chojuro, your opponent is Naruto-sama, you better secretly... cough, you know what I mean, right?"

Chojuro looked up at this companion, he was puzzled: "But Naruto-sama just told us not to hold back, let us go all out..."

Kirigakure Genin interrupted Chojuro: "Be flexible! Naruto-sama is the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Chojuro thought for a while, he shook his head: "Naruto-sama said let me go all out, then I must go all out."

"...Why are you so stubborn?"

Kirigakure Genin was speechless.

They were whispering, but they didn't know that Naruto heard all their words.

Naruto was suddenly interested: "Chojuro is interesting, he has principles, I am a little interested in him."

Half a minute later.

Naruto and Chojuro both came to the arena.

Naruto stood on the south side of the arena.

Chojuro is on the north side of the arena.

The distance between the two is about twenty meters, and the two are looking at each other across the air.

Many people in the village know Naruto, and they immediately became energetic when they saw Naruto on stage in the audience.

"This kid is a demon... cough! Cough cough!"

A Konohagakure ninja kept coughing, and quickly corrected himself: "Is he the son of the Fourth Hokage? Just like the Fourth Hokage, he has a head of conspicuous golden hair."

Hinata plucked up her courage, her face flushed, and she shouted at Naruto: "Naruto-kun, fighting!"

Terumi Mei's eyebrows furrowed slightly: "A match between the prodigy of Kirigakure and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was extremely complex.


Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a slight pain in his face. The three punches Naruto gave him really messed him up.

It wasn't until a few days ago that Sarutobi Hiruzen unwrapped the bandages.

If you look closely at his face, you will find that there are still some bruises on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face that have not faded.


He, as the Hokage, was being conspired against by the entire village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that Naruto should bear this sin.

If Naruto hadn't revealed everything about his life in front of so many people, this wouldn't have happened.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched his fist.

He was very dissatisfied with Naruto.

Even though he treated Naruto as the "son of the Hokage" with very good treatment!

But Naruto treated him like this!


Suddenly, Whitebeard's voice sounded next to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You, bad Hokage, do you want to touch my stupid son? You, you have a lot of guts!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "!!!"

What's going on?

How did Whitebeard know about my emotional fluctuations?



(End of the chapter)


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