Naruto: Aokiji Yuki Naruto: Aokiji Yuki original

Naruto: Aokiji Yuki

作者: Navy_King

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 Aokiji Yuki

1st Chapter

Land of Water.

Hidden Mist Village is a village in the vast Land of Water.

This village is surrounded by thick mist, as the name suggests, and numerous cylindrical buildings can be seen everywhere.

In the back of the village, the outline of several Big Mountains could be seen.

Hidden Mist Village, one of the Five Great Nations, was founded 14 years ago by Byakuren, just after the First Big Village, Konoha, was established.

An enormous cylindrical building in the village center could be seen with the Japanese word for "Water" written on it.

This is the office of the village's leader, Mizukage.

Mizukage is the strongest ninja in the village, and many Shinobi aspire to be the next Mizukage.

During the first great Ninja World War, the first Mizukage Byakuren died unexpectedly, and Hozuki Gengetsu became the second Mizukage.

The second Mizukage is a member of the Hozuki Clan, one of Hidden Mist Village's prominent clans.

The three major clans of the village are the Kaguya Clan, the Yuki Clan, and the Hozuki Clan, and the majority of the village's Jonin and Ninja Hunters are Shinobi from these Clans.

Kaguya Clan is famous for its Kekkai Genkai, which uses bones to fight, Yuki Clan has Ice Release, and Hozuki Clan is renowned for its Hydrification Jutsu.


At the village's southwestern outskirts, near a large lake,

It was a clear field beside the lake, and a small figure could be seen sitting with a fishing rod in his hands.

The Child was about 6 years old, with silver hair and lazy black eyes.

Both arms were bandaged in white, and he was dressed in a green Kimono with a dark green high neck underneath.


Suddenly, the child holding the fishing rod frowned and yanked the rod back with great force.

A massive fish about 2 meters dashed out of the lake and fell beside the child, trembling for a moment before becoming motionless.

"It should sell for quite a few Ryo."

Aokiji Yuki had a smile on his face looking at the big fish as for a child without parents, it's hard to survive.

Aokiji Yuki is a member of the Yuki Clan, and despite being from such a large clan, neither of his parents possessed the talent to become a Ninja.

Aokiji's father died of a disease two years ago, and his mother died while giving birth to him.

Dealing with diseases was difficult during this period, when Medical Ninjutsu was still being studied.

Aokiji, as a member of the big clan, was offered to live in an orphanage, but he refused and chose to stay in the small house left by his parents.

If he had been a normal child, he would have grown up in an orphanage.

The soul of a person over 20 years old is housed in this 6-year-old body.

Aokiji is an Earth traverser who took over this Child's body two years ago, and with this Child's memories, he knew right away that he had crossed to Ninja World.

Aokiji was well aware of the entire plot, so when he learned that it had only been 13 years since the founding of Mist Village, he became concerned for his own survival.

It was still around 47 years before the plot began, and what was more concerning was that he was a resident of Kirigakure rather than Konoha.

He deduced from the plot that Kirigakure was simply a Land of Demons, with lunatics of the Kaguya Clan being the most notorious butchers.

The Mist Village's discipline is still somewhat good now, but Aokiji knows that with the death of Second Mizukage, things will change dramatically.

Hidden behind the scenes, Madara would extend his claws towards Mist Village, manipulating the entire village.

Big Clans like Kaguya, Yuki, and Hozuki would all be extinct.

The Kaguya and Hozuki Clans were nearly exterminated, and the Yuki Clan was also hunted down, with some of its survivors later forming their own small village (Yukigakure) in the Land of Snow.

When Aokiji was worried about his survival, which was a must for a traverser, his cheat arrived.

It wasn't a system or anything like that; two years ago, he discovered a space in his mind where two objects were lying.

One was a strange blue fruit, and the other was a gleaming gold object.

He recognized these two objects immediately because he was a huge anime fan in his previous life.

Pirates' Devil Fruit and Pure Gold

Aokiji simply thought of taking them out, and both of these objects appeared in his hands, and the Space in his mind vanished.

Aokiji was distressed by the Space's disappearance, and he waited for it to return for several days, but it never did.

Finally, Aokiji accepted that these two objects were the only things he could rely on to survive in this dangerous world.

Aokiji buried the pure gold at a safe place in the village since he knew this thing was not much of use now.

Then Aokiji focused his attention on the devil fruit and ate it all in one bite.

Aokiji passed out the next moment after hearing a boom in his mind.

When he awoke, he discovered that he had a lot of memories of someone in his mind.

He knew whose memories these were after going through them.

Admiral Kuzan, after eating the devil fruit, Aokiji gained all of his memories as well as the ability to manipulate ice.

Aokiji finally sighed in relief after gaining the memories of Kuzan and the power of Ice Fruit.

As long as he doesn't die too young, he will undoubtedly reach the same heights as Kuzan.

Kuzan, placed in Ninja World, was a Super Kage-level powerhouse; he wouldn't be able to defeat Madara with Rinnegan, but Hashirama and Madara with Eternal Mangekyo, he could definitely give them a run for their money.

Aokiji believed that by combining the power of Chakra with Devil Fruit, he would one day be able to surpass Kuzan.

Aokiji went to a nearby shop, holding the fish rod and the big fish, and sold the big fish; his small wallet swelled significantly.

Aokiji quickly returned home under the red glow of the setting sun, and after making and eating dinner, he fell asleep right away because tomorrow was a big day.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


