92.3% Nahobino In Marvel / Chapter 11: Family

章 11: Family


Shin sat on his front porch in relaxation. A teacup was in his hands, steam rising from the drink. It wasn't just any old teacup. There was a whitish brown texture resembling bone…carved into a beautifully crafted cup.

The tea itself was a bit smokey. A slight hint of sweetness to round out the flavor. The young man had already eaten a good stew. It was a curry variant, using snake and elephant instead of lamb and chicken. Delicious.

A few days had passed since the recent clash. The public had already titled it 'Kami's Epic.' It went back to Tsukuyomi's first official appearance alongside Iron Man when facing the kaiju. Immediately after, the Nahobino disappeared and shockwaves were heard all across the country. Multiple cameras had caught him battling unknown figures. 

Calling it an epic was almost saying that Tsukuyomi was reforging his lore…or having a new journey. Now that the god of the moon had appeared, the public believed that evil entities would come out of hiding as well. Just to try their might against him. 

These civilians couldn't be more wrong. Shin could only shake his head at the news. Nothing of the same level would happen near Japan for a while. Hopefully. It was the Nahobino's fault though. He never would've expected that Okuninushi could appear wherever he was thought of. A cheat teleportation. 

With one of the worst parts of his past memory cleared, Shin was in a great mood. The tea was good. The food was good. The breeze felt good. The blue flower field looked and smelled good. Everything was good. Calm. Tranquil. 

His mood was so good in fact, that he wasn't bothered by the hostile gazes almost 4 miles away. Snipers most likely. Their sights were trained on him from windows, rooftops, and balconies. This only filled the young man with curiosity. How bold. It wasn't like Shin was trying to hide his identity. If they knew who he was, he expected the enemy to be more careful. 

'Hmm. I still need to put down the elephant skin rug and set up the tusk rack. Let's give these people the time it takes to finish my tea…after that I'll go back inside.' He thought.

With all of the repairs that happened to Shin's house, it was beginning to look more and more like a shrine. Traditional in the building's structure but modern in its appliances. It would only improve with time. The place was growing larger by the day. These changes were unconscious decisions, a trait gods unknowingly have.

Shin fell out of his contemplation as the wind grew erratic. Since he was still in Nahobino form his long black hair flowed through the breeze. He was more comfortable in this form and would constantly forget to change back. It seems staying lowkey only worked if he thought about it harder. 

A black aircraft finally hovered down from the sky. Its thrusters had been the cause of the erratic winds. A few familiar presences were felt alongside others. The hover jet landed on the grass, its hull ramp coming down. 

Several people exited the craft. Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, & Clint Barton, were present. Them alongside several unnamed agents. While the Nahobino didn't know who these people represented, he knew it had to be related to some type of authority. 

"You're a hard man to find." Nick Fury commented while approaching. 

"....................." Shin only observed. It wouldn't be hard to find him anymore. This was his home.

"Do you remember me?" Natasha asked. A slight smile tugged at Shin's lips. 

"...Of course. I will never forget you. How could I?"

The redhead smiled at his response. She was a bit confused on why he said it in such a way, but guessed it was due to her looks. The beauty had no idea that she was the first human Shin met in over a thousand years. Something like that would stick. 

"You sound happy to see me." She joked. 

"It will always be good to see you…though I'm a bit confused. You and everyone else are dressed as if a warzone is nearby." He commented. 

His words made everyone flinch slightly. Tony was decked out in his Iron Man suit. Clint had his bow in hand. The agents were rubbing the pistols on their hips. Definitely battle ready. 

"It's just part of the job, really. I hope you don't mind." She finally answered with a wry smile. 

"Eh-erm." Nick Fury cleared his throat. This made Natasha grow quiet, spurring her to step back in formation. A defensive formation around the eyepatched man. 

"My name is Fury. Nick Fury. I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. an intelligence agency that protects the world from threats. The United Nations have given us full authority." Fury flashed his badge. 

"...And what brings you here to Japan? To me?" Shin questioned in a calm manner. He then sipped his tea while waiting for an answer. 

"Just a normal conversation. You've been pretty active these last few days. I've got a lot of camera footage now. Enough to make a short film."

"A…friendly…conversation? Your friends a few miles away seem to believe the opposite. Their guns are aimed at my head…right?"

Only then did Fury realize how strong Shin's perception was. To be able to notice a few figures among hundreds…not to mention that they were hidden behind windows and A/C units. The bald man needed to be careful. 

"Don't mind them. It's only for our safety."

"Are you calling me a threat?"

The surroundings went silent. Each of the agents behind Fury grew nervous, while Nat and Clint's heart rate sped up. Tony's energy reserves circulated a bit faster. 

"I'm not calling you a threat. I'm asking. Are you?" The question was blunt.

 Shin poured another cup of tea and held it to the eyepatched man. Fury calmly took the cup and had a sip. As he pondered the taste of it, the Nahobino answered.

"A threat to you? Maybe. I know your kind, always scheming something. Everyone is a threat to you." Shin declared. Nick Fury could only nod with a shrug. 

"And what about to humanity?"

Shin couldn't help but chuckle at the question. His gentle voice washed over the group, quelling their nervousness. The dangerous situation had been defused. Such a serious matter had been transformed into a light joke. 

"Do you even know who I am?" The young man asked while placing a strand of hair behind his ear. His looks were breathtaking. 

"The locals call you Tsukuyomi. Are you really the god of the moon?" Clint spoke up from behind Fury. The Nahobino blew on his hot tea. 

"...I will neither confirm nor deny."

"Even gods that are known to help humans become threats. Several stories show them laying waste to kingdoms and cities they deem unfit. Even realms." Fury commented. 

"Then let us pray that I'm not that type of person. That is all you can do."

"I see." The eyepatched man spoke solemnly.

"I don't think he's like that. Shin and I go way back." Tony finally spoke up. Everyone acknowledged his words.

"Hmph. Would you come to our aid if we asked?" Fury continued. 

"If the world is threatened, I would naturally be forced to act. To help you specifically…that depends on the situation. I'm not a police officer nor one of your agents, Mr. Fury." Shin answered. 

"Hm. It's hard to get a read on you, Shin. Or Tsukuyomi. Whichever you prefer."

"Be grateful that you only feel wariness. This hostility at my home is grounds enough to smite you for sacrilege."

"I understand." Fury nodded while placing the teacup down. He'd finished his drink as well as his conversation. 

"So? What does the rest of the day look like for you, Mr. Fury?"

"Well…Now I go and explain to the other idiot board members that they're barking up the wrong tree…at least when it comes to you."

"...That sounds quite fun." Shin joked. Fury sighed. 

"The opposite really."

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. then made their way back to the quinjet. Nat and Tony both waved goodbye as they went up the ramp. It closed behind them, but the aircraft didn't leave just yet. 

Shin wasn't worried about them leaving fast or slow. Fury seemed to gather that as well from his personality. It seems the director would call his superiors right then and there. Right inside the jet. 

The Nahobino didn't bother with them. There was still one more presence he needed to account for. A figure could be seen peeking at him from behind a shrine pillar. It was unknown how this person had gotten behind him and inside his home.

Finally rising to his feet, Shin couldn't help but stretch. The day was still beautiful. Gusts of wind made for a nice breeze. With his hands behind his back, the Nahobino strolled into his home. His gaze immediately snapped over to the peeking figure. 

"Eeep!" A feminine cry resounded. 

The figure hid behind the pillar again, but the moving fox ears couldn't be hidden. They moved to and fro…listening to his actions. Not to mention the multiple tails. Shin picked up his tea set and gracefully put it away. There was one more cup of steaming tea set down for this unknown woman. 

"...Would you like some tea?" He asked. 

Those furry ears moved again, but there was no response. A slight smile tugged at his lips as a familiar feeling invaded him. Family. That's what it felt like. He acted on this feeling, approaching the hiding woman. 

"Why are you hiding back here? You didn't come to my home just to hide, right?"


Shin quietly circled the pillar and reached her. A beautiful woman was revealed. She seemed to be peeking around the other side. 

Lovely strands of ink black hair flowed down her back. Traditional robes covered her body, ornaments on her hair and used as a tie for her robes. She was quite mature looking. With orange eyes that could almost be called yellow…she was truly a beauty. 

"...Found you." He whispered in her ear.

"Eeeek!" She jumped in surprise. 

Before she could bolt, Shin grabbed her wrist. Nothing forceful…he just wanted her to stay. As soon as their skin touched, he felt it. Divinity. They were in the same pantheon.

"...Why are you spying on me?"

"I-I am NOT spying!" She exclaimed. 

Her voice was soft with a lovely timber. Even her robes matched Shin's in traditional design, though not the same color. His smile grew wider upon seeing her slight glare. 


The Nahobino pulled her toward the serving table and sat her down. After placing the tea in front of her, he then sat beside the fox woman. His hand rested on his chin as he gazed at her. His yellow eyes bore into the side of her cute face. 

"...Drink." He finally said. 

"I'm not thirsty. Hmph." 

She closed her eyes and looked the other way. After a few moments of silence, she opened a single eye to peek at him. The Nahobino was still watching her with a loving smile. His gaze was full of affection. 

'I'm not alone…I'm not alone. Thank god.' It was all he could think.

"You are not Tsukuyomi." She finally said. 

The way he was acting. His gentleness. It wasn't what she remembered. He even looked different. Shin's smile slowly went away. 

"...I'm not. Did the Tsukuyomi that you know disappear? I'm sorry. There cannot be two of the same gods at one time. My Tsukuyomi disappeared as well. Now it's just me."

"It's because of you that he's missing. You basically killed him."

"...Were you close with him? I'm sorry." He apologized. The fox woman scoffed. 

"Hmph. I wasn't close with that dolt. He was a big jerk!" She exclaimed. 

"I see. Do you like me better then?" He couldn't help but pat her head as he asked. The fox girl pushed his hand away. 

"You're just an imposter. Who would like someone like you?" She exclaimed while crossing her arms. 

"The beautiful goddess of foxes and fertility would. I believe she would like me a lot. She's supposed to be loving and accepting. What do you think, Inari?" He asked. 

Inari Okami, the fox goddess, finally grabbed the teacup. She ignored his words and decided to savor the tea instead. It had an interesting taste to say the least. 

"You know…I only found you due to luck. If there wasn't a shrine here, I would've passed you by. Your presence is invisible." Inari revealed. Her voice shook a little. 

The Nahobino gently held her free hand and smiled. It was from the bottom of his heart. The biggest smile he'd given to date. Shin had finally found someone he could call family legitimately. 

"Thank kami that you found me." He said. Inari's cheeks slowly turned red. His looks paired with his affection was hard to withstand.

"Hmph!" She could only hum as an answer. 

"What about the others in our pantheon? Where are they?"

Though they would never give the same feeling as Inari, he was prepared to meet them. The fox goddess looked at the ground for a moment. Her ears drooped low.

"The other gods and goddesses of our pantheon have been missing for centuries. I had no choice but to wander around Japan alone. Until I came across you." She spoke sadly. 

"That must've been horrible. Hiding in the shadows this whole time…Inari, my home is always open to you."

"If it wasn't open to me…I'd beat you up until it was." She growled. Sadly her growl was too cute.

"Yes, yes. I believe you. I also need you to clean this place when I'm not home. What a great find!" He mocked. 

"Grrr…you! Trying to make me a servant?!" She yelled before throwing punch after punch at his chest. 

The Nahobino could only feel a slight tickle. A chuckle escaped his lips. His hand reached over and cupped her chin. Stroking her cheek with his thumb, he looked into her eyes. Inari had long since stopped moving.

"...Inari." He spoke gently.

"Hmmm?" She hummed while pulling out a smoking pipe from her robes. 

"...Forever." He declared. Inari's face turned red again…but she nodded. 

"Mnn." She agreed. 

It was only a single word but it meant so much. Stay with me. Forever. The half-shrine half-home would now hold two deities within. This place would definitely be much livelier. 

Meanwhile in the parked quinjet, all the agents were looking out the windshield. It was hard to explain what they were seeing. Tsukuyomi suddenly had another person beside him. A woman with multiple tails. Fury was still speaking with his superiors on the phone. He had yet to notice. 

"I'm telling you we should be careful. Yes, I understand. No! I'll take responsibility if something happens. I've made my judgment. Why do you keep second guessing me? Alright. Understood." Nick Fury hung up with a sigh. 

He went on to sit down and buckle himself in. When he finally looked up, he noticed everyone staring out the window. Tony's mouth was wide open and threatened to leak drool. 

"Damn! And she smokes? That's hot." Stark muttered.

"Sir, you might want to see this." Natasha commented. 

Fury unbuckled and approached the reinforced glass. His expression scrunched up for a few seconds before smoothening out. He couldn't help but rub his temples. 

"For fuck's sake." He muttered. 

Another unknown variable. That was the thing about this job. There was always more work that would land on his desk. It was never simple. 

"Just note her down in our file on Tsukuyomi. I've had enough of this shit for a day. Let's go." He said. 

The quinjet finally roared to life. Thrusters were engaged and a strong wind picked up. Tony Stark watched as the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen disappeared from his sight…He was definitely going to visit again.

7DeadViolets 7DeadViolets

"You are never alooooooone"

"You are never alooooooone."


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


