74.72% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2075: 5

章 2075: 5

Chapter Text

Izuku woke up and was confused. The ceiling wasn't right. He looked around the room, and it was larger than his room should be until it clicked that this was his new room in his new home where his guardian? Or mom?... Izuku shook his head 'no, that's uh... not yet.'


He jumped a bit at the short rapid knocks on his door "Midoriya, you up?"


"U-uh yeah. I'll be out in a minute."


Nemuri sighed "it's alright. We got a bit of stuff to look over and finalize, but you can uh take your time."


Izuku got ready for the morning and met Nemuri in the kitchen. She finished signing some papers then looked up to him "ah, Midoriya... there are a couple things you need to sign."


"Alright, um, what are they?" he asked nervously as he sat across from her.


"This one is for medical stuff. Basically allows me access to your medical records and such."


Izuku signed it after a quick glance and nodded "and the other?"


Nemuri blushed a bit and cleared her throat "it's on the issue of your name. You can keep it or take mine... if you want."


"O-oh um..." Izuku looked over the papers. The longer he took to do anything, the more nervous Nemuri felt. Eventually, something clicked in Izuku's eyes "can I have your last name as my middle name?"


Nemuri blinked, and Izuku blushed as he elaborated, "I uh... well, I like my last name. It reminds me of the few memories I have of my parents, but... I want to be part of this family, and I think a middle name would be good because most people don't ask for it, and it doesn't show up on official records, so it'll be something for myself, y'know. It'll be something for just me to remind me of who's my family now."


Nemuri wasn't about to cry, and if anyone said differently, she would hurt them. She shook her head yes as she didn't trust her voice. Izuku smiled as he tried not to cry either. He filled out the paperwork and double-checked it before handing it back to Nemuri, who put it in a folder. A comfortable silence fell over them as they looked at the folder. After a moment, Nemuri clapped her hands "let's make some breakfast."


Izuku nodded and was surprised by how well Nemuri could cook. It wasn't that he thought she would be bad at it. It's just Nemuri didn't seem like the type to like cooking. After breakfast, Izuku realized he still didn't have a school to go to. "Um, what do I do today?"


Nemuri double-checked her bag. "Uh... your usual workout routine and whatnot. I've started the process of getting you into a school so you can finish junior high. You should be able to start going in a couple days. Until then, I guess learn about the area and try not to get lost."


Izuku nodded "ok, um... have a good day at work then."


Nemuri smiled. "Have a good day as well, Midoriya."


Since he still didn't have anything to do, Izuku went through his morning workout minus a jog since he planned to wander around for a bit. Once he was dressed in his usual red sneakers, jeans, and new hoodie, he started learning the area.


Izuku thought about his new neighborhood as he walked around. The orphanage he grew up in wasn't in a bad neighborhood; it was just closer to the bad ones than this area was. He spotted a few stores he'd have to check out more another day. As Izuku walked, he noticed a few school uniforms passing by and realized junior high students were probably heading to school now. School... it would be interesting and weird since they were in the final months of school; it would be odd to get a new student. Izuku hoped he would make friends or at least keep new bullies from showing up until highschool.


His thoughts were interrupted as he bumped into someone. Izuku immediately felt panic rise up in him as he stepped back and ducked his head "s-sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry."


He felt worse as a girl spoke, "Hey, it's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going. Um, no harm done, so yeah."


Izuku risked a look and saw... nothing. He stared at where her head should be for a second too long as the girl stepped back "you're staring at me."


Izuku blushed "ah, I'm sorry. I just... wasn't expecting this."


He saw a floating silver bracelet fly back and forth. "It's fine. I'm used to it."


"N-no, I'm sorry it's rude to stare at people... even if your quirk seems really cool."


The girl stopped her attempt to walk around him and said a little defensively, "wait, what? You think this seems cool?"


Izuku blushed and stepped back reflexively "s-s-sorry i-it's just um, it seems really useful for hero work and stuff. You could do a lot of infiltration and scouting. It would make it easier for heroes going into unknowns to have someone who can walk around mostly freely and not be spotted."


He clenched his eyes shut against the deafening silence between them. The girl spoke quietly after a moment, "you think I could do hero work?"


Izuku nodded quickly "y-y-yeah. You'd excel at stealth and ambushes."


He risked a glance up, not that it mattered since he couldn't tell what kind of face she was making. After another moment, the bracelet extended towards him. "Toru Hagakure. Thanks for what you said."


Izuku relaxed a bit and spoke as he reached for where he was pretty sure her hand was. "Izuku Midoriya-" dread filled him as he grabbed her closed fist, and the two stood there for a moment before Toru started laughing and took his hand, giving it a firm shake.


"Sorry, Midoriya, I can't help myself but give people the awkward fist-bump handshake mix-up."


Getting his hand back, Izuku took a shaky breath as he clutched his chest. Her laughter didn't hurt like he was used to. Instead, he smiled a bit and chuckled, "I'd probably do the same with your quirk."


Toru looked at her other wrist, which had a pink watch on it, and sighed, "well, I better get going. Don't want to be late for school."


Izuku nodded "sorry for bumping into you, Hagakure. Have a good day."


"You too, Midoriya. Hope you don't get in trouble for skipping."


She was gone before he could correct her on that. Not that it mattered; he probably wouldn't run into her again.




Toru sighed as she sat at her desk. Yesterday morning had been interesting, and she was surprised that she was still thinking about it. That random guy she bumped into had been so scared. He looked like a kicked puppy, and she wondered if he was suffering. Then when he saw her and she prepared for all the jokes or stupid comments about her invisibility, but they never came. He just got this glint in his eye and told her what she always hoped people would say that she could be a hero and that she could do a good job at it.


Toru felt great the rest of the day and even this morning. The comments and jokes at her expense had stung less yesterday, and she felt hopeful that she could keep these good vibes going, but as her usual tormenters approached, she felt that maybe the vibes wouldn't stay as good as she hoped.


The middle girl who stood a few inches shorter than the other two smiled down at Toru. Her icy blue eyes shone with malice as she spoke, "hey little thief have you seen Shira's wallet? She can't seem to find it anywhere."


Toru looked up, her eyes flicking to all three girls, then to a girl in the front of the class with a mutation quirk that gave her reptilian features. She was frantically searching her bag and desk as everyone packed up to leave today. "I don't know. I've been back here all day."


The center girl smiled as the other two moved to either side of Toru "but how can we know that for sure? Someone like you could be anywhere, and we wouldn't know it. Why don't you come clean little thief, and I'm sure Shira will forgive you. We don't want to have to get a teacher involved in this, right?"


Toru sighed. "I told you I don-"


The girl to her left scoffed and grabbed her bag while the other quickly put a hand on her to keep her from getting up. The girl with her bag pulled Shira's wallet out of her pocket then dropped it into Toru's bag. She turned with a grin as she pulled it back out and said, "hey Shira isn't this yours?"


The lizard girl brightened but still looked nervous. Toru knew they picked on her as well. "Y-you found it?"


The girl tossed it to her "looks like Hagakure had it in her bag. Though can you blame her. She's got a thief's quirk, so it only makes sense."


A few people looked at her with mixed expressions, and Shira looked conflicted but said nothing as she quickly grabbed her things and left. The three tormentors laughed and made comments about Shira as they left. Toru just sighed and picked her bag up off the ground before moving to the exit. Another day done, and more people who'll avoid her from now on. She considered just skipping school tomorrow. Maybe she'd run into Midoriya... no, if she did that, her parents would get onto her. It was bad enough with how much they fretted after she told them about the bullying.


They had gone to the school, and the teachers had made attempts to curb the bullying, but the bullies just backed off until the teachers were satisfied and stopped paying so much attention. It wasn't that bad, though; they just accused her of being a thief, bump into her on purpose and say it was her quirk's fault for making it so hard to notice her and occasionally pull stunts like they did today with Shira's wallet.


Toru jumped a bit as the girl she was just thinking about popped out from around a corner. Shira's green scales reminded her of the scared looking guy she had run into. "O-oh um Shira, what can I do for you?"


The lizard girl twitched nervously, her yellow eyes flicking around as she wrung her hands. "I'm sorry, Hagakure. I know you didn't steal my wallet, but if I said anything..."


Toru shook her head "it's fine, Shira. I'm used to their antics. Keep yourself safe; that's all that matters. I can manage on my own."


She didn't look happy, but Shira nodded "o-ok, and I'm sorry again."


The two girls parted ways, and Toru sighed as she walked down the streets. Once she was getting close to a convenience store, she liked she decided to get something before heading home to try and make the day feel better overall.


As she approached the doors, they opened, and Toru came face to face with a pair of emerald eyes she recognized. Izuku eeped and stepped out of the way "ah, sorry... H-Hagakure right? I didn't mean to-"


Toru waved her hands "no, it's fine... wow, I uh didn't think I'd run into you again... Midoriya?"


Izuku nodded "yeah... uh, I got some errands to run, so I-I'll see you around."


Toru raised an eyebrow, not that he could tell, "you'll see me around?"


Izuku blushed "ah- no, uh, sorry. It's just an expression-"


He stopped his frantic apology as Toru giggled, "I'm messing with you, Midoriya. I'll see you around as well."


Toru slipped into the store as Izuku gave a small wave before heading his own way. Toru smiled as she walked down the aisles, looking for a snack to get. She felt lucky to run into Midoriya again. He still looked like a kicked puppy but somehow not as sad as yesterday though she wondered why both times she ran into him, he was in street clothes and not a school uniform. "Maybe he's homeschooled?" she wondered aloud as she grabbed a candy bar and headed back to the register.




Another day at school, and Toru's mood was souring. Her mom bugged her about buying candy on the way home, which wasn't an actual issue since she knew her mother loved her and loved to give her grief. This morning though, her older brother had seen fit to eat the food she had claimed the night before, and then she ran into the trio of bullies on the way to school, and they had their usual round of insults to hurl at her. The only thing of note was the whispers about a transfer student, but... they were in the last semester of their third year of junior high; who the hell would transfer schools at a time like that? 


'Maybe they were at the school that got busted for discrimination.'  she sighed, not really wanting to deal with someone who went to a school like that.


Their homeroom teacher came, and everyone quieted down. He smiled tightly, and Toru could tell he was baffled by what he was doing, "so we have a transfer student. Treat him well, alright."


The door opened, and Toru's eyes widened as a familiar mop of green hair, and emerald eyes walked in. Izuku smiled nervously "h-hi, I'm I-Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."


Izuku shrank back from the murmurs, and the teacher raised his hand to quiet them "shush. Midoriya take the empty desk by Hagakure."


Izuku nodded and found his way to the desk on Toru's right. He smiled a bit nervously at her as he sat down. Toru gave a small wave and whispered, "so you weren't just skipping school when I saw you."


Izuku blushed "n-no, just waiting for paperwork to finish."


Toru nodded "tell me more at lunch."


Izuku's brain froze as the teacher continued going on about their final semester. Ignoring the fact that it was a girl, this was the first time in... longer than he could remember where someone wanted to talk to him during lunch. He smiled a bit and felt hopeful.




Lunchtime rolled around, and as Toru and Izuku stood, one of Toru's main bullies spoke up, "Hey, new kid, better be careful. You're sitting next to our class's resident thief who knows what'll go missing when you're not looking."


Izuku looked at Toru and could tell even without being able to see her face what was going on. Izuku looked at the girl and said, "I'll keep my eye on you then." he turned and looked at Toru. "Hagakure, can you show me where the cafeteria is?"


Toru nodded as she spoke, "y-yeah, Midoriya. This way."


The two walked in silence to the cafeteria. Toru wondering how the guy who looked like a kicked puppy 'I need a better description for him.'  suddenly hit them with that confidence.


Izuku was mentally freaking out about suddenly saying something like that. 'What the hell was that? I've never talked like that to someone my age, and I didn't even stutter.'


Izuku jumped a bit as Toru giggled. He relaxed and started to chuckle as well as they made their way into the cafeteria "wow, Midoriya. I had this impression of you being kinda shy and stuff, but I see you've got more going on."


Izuku shook his head and arms "n-no I d-don't I don't know why o-or how I said that. It just slipped out."


Toru laughed again, and as they got their food, she asked, "so you just moved to this area?"


Izuku nodded "y-yeah, my... guardian and I just moved here a few days ago. I'm still settling in and learning the area."


'Guardian? Not mom or dad? Or even parent?' "Well, that convenience store where we bumped into each other has the best selection. There's also some pretty good arcades and cafes around it."


Izuku followed her to a table near the corner where he noticed fewer people tended to sit. He felt some comfort and concern that she basically did what he did whenever he ate in the cafeteria. As they sat, Toru asked, "so I gotta know... did you come from that one school that's all over the news?"


Izuku felt a pit in his stomach form as he nodded slowly "y-yeah... Aldera. It- it wasn't a nice place to be."


Toru's shoulders slumped "ah... I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."


Izuku waved his hands "no, no, it's fine. Aldera sucked in a lot of ways, and I'm glad it went down."


Toru nodded, and the conversation kinda died a bit until Izuku spoke quietly, "um, your quirk... how does it work?"


She stared at his entirely serious, if nervous, looking face for a moment. That moment stretched, and she watched him fidget, but before he could back peddle, she spoke, "I'm not sure actually. I uh... my dad can turn parts of his body invisible, and my mom can change the color of her skin, but it's all at once so like she can only turn one color."


Izuku perked up "can you... did you turn invisible when you got your quirk, and you've been like this the whole time?"


"Yep," Toru said, adding a pop to the p. "I remember waking up and going to the bathroom one day and not being able to see myself. Best guess that doctor gave was that my parents' quirks combined, and now I'm stuck as this."


Izuku nodded "that must suck a bit. I-I uh mean you know not being able to see yourself a-and all. Though I wonder... how does your dad's quirk work?"


Toru shrugged. "I never asked him. I kinda... Haven't tried anything with my quirk. It made me invisible, and I don't need to focus on it, so I decided to dedicate my time to other skills."


That annoyed Izuku slightly, but he also understood why she wouldn't try to mess with her quirk since it seemed to be a constant that took no effort, so it made sense for her to focus on other skills. Also, he had to remind himself that not everyone wanted to be a hero. "I want to be a hero, so I'll need to be pretty stealthy and know how to throw a punch."


Toru watched as Izuku's eyes lit up, and he asked, "you want to be a hero?"


"Yeah. ever since I can remember, I've always loved the idea of helping people and being a hero always felt like the best way to do that, and I'm guessing by your reaction you want to be a hero too?"


Izuku nodded "y-yeah, I've always wanted to be a hero. Saving people and proving that people are more than their quirks."


'Ah, he must have a quirk people don't like; maybe that's why he said Aldera sucked. Could he have gotten bullied for it?'  Toru chewed her lip and decided to go for it. "So what is your quirk Midoriya?"


Izuku slumped a bit "a-ah um, it's called Narcolepsy... do you know the hero Midnight?"


Even though he couldn't see her, he knew she was giving him a look. Izuku waved his hands "b-before you s-start thinking the usual thing. Just uh... I look up to her and whatnot because our quirks are basically the same."


Toru blinked and chuckled "oh, that's... that's pretty cool actually. You'll do great as a hero with that kind of quirk."


Izuku felt the tension leave his body. He hadn't realized how tense he had felt when she asked about his quirk. "W-wow, you mean that?"


Toru nodded "yeah. I mean, there's already a hero with that kind of quirk, so if she can do it, I don't see why you can't."


Izuku smiled, and Toru decided that fit his face better than the scared puppy look. The two chatted idly as they finished their lunch.




Nemuri sank into the couch in the teachers' lounge and yawned as Shota placed some coffee on the table in front of her and sat at the other end of the couch. Nemuri eyed the white mug suspiciously "who are you and what happened to Eraserhead?"


Shota grumbled, "I try to be nice to you one time."


Nemuri wrinkled her nose "you think bringing me black coffee from the machine in here counts as being nice?"


"I could have brought you nothing." Shota huffed as he sipped his own coffee.


"I think I'd prefer that. Now I have to get up."


"You could always not. Adding things to coffee is irrational and does nothing to help the coffee do its job."


Nemuri was already dumping cream into her cup "it makes it bearable. Some of us like to have some flavor in our lives. It can't just always be bitter coffee and lychee jelly packs."


"They're peach, actually."


Nemuri raised an eyebrow at him "then why did you have lychee last week?"


Shota looked away while "Hitoshi had to do the grocery shopping cause I had a case to wrap up. The store was out of peach-flavored, and he didn't know where else to find them, so he got lychee."


Nemuri chuckled "and like a good father, you thanked him and sucked it up even if you didn't like it."


Shota shrugged and sipped his coffee. The two fell into a comfortable silence that lasted several minutes as they simply sat and drank their drinks. Eventually, Shota spoke up, "how's it going with Midoriya? He's starting to go to school again, right?"


Nemuri nodded "yeah..."


"Spit it out, Nemuri. You have something to ask."


"It's just..." Nemuri sighed and twirled a few strands of her hair around her finger "does Shinso have nightmares?"


Shota glared at his empty coffee cup "yeah, It makes his insomnia worse. Some nights I think he sleeps less than I do. How bad is it for Midoriya?"


Nemuri shook her head "nothing bad, but sometimes I can hear him talking in his sleep when I pass his room. He sounds so scared, and I'm just waiting sometimes for him to wake up in a panic, but it hasn't happened. I want to ask, but.."


"But you feel like you aren't close enough to ask about that and get an honest answer from him," Shota stated bluntly, making Nemuri slouch in her seat more. The Erasure hero sighed as he got up "give it time. You care about him; he'll pick up on that and open up to you. Don't be afraid to open up to him either. Trust goes both ways."


Nemuri smiled a bit as Shota headed for the door "wow. You've got this parenting thing down pretty well."


Shota scoffed and said before leaving, "it's just the logical way to do things."


So I don't like Bakugo in canon that much. I use to not really care much about him then I read the manga and rewatched some of the anime and was just like ugh fuck this guy. I'm not sure what changed but I feel like I need to go back and look over his character again.

Unrelated to this fanfiction but related to one I'm kinda working on but what kind of short hairstyle would look good on Momo?

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2075
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


