12.35% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 343: 5

章 343: 5

Chapter V: Infiltrator.

Last Time.

Naruto took the shuriken out of his hands before reaching in his pocket and pulled a black shuriken out with a silver edge.

"These are mine." They looked at him, and Kid quickly took the silver one.


Naruto glanced to Batman before Donna looked to Superboy. "Hey, Earlier... You said you hated monkeys. Why?" Superboy sighed before he started explaining.

"During the first week here... A G-gnome came here because he missed us, and recreated why the League doesn't use this base anymore. It involved Joker and monkeys." (3.)

He walked up to Canary, who looked to him. "I'm ready for your training."

Canary smiled before replying. "Good... Because I'm here for you."


Just Outside Gotham City August 07, 22:42 EDT. (1.)

Naruto and Black Canary walked up to an apartment complex, went up to the top floor, and went to a door with the number '410' on it. Naruto knocked on it and waited for a moment. The door opened to reveal a teenage blonde-haired girl in a bathrobe. (2.)

"K-Kage... Black Canary what are you two doing here?"

Naruto smiled before speaking up. "We're here to see you, Stephanie."

He pushed the door opened, and both he and Black Canary walked inside. "We know what you did the other night." Stephanie's eyes widened at that.


Stephanie was in a tree watching the Team fight Amazo. She's wearing a black-purple trimmed costume with purple knee-high boots, pouch on her left leg, elbow high gloves, utility belt, and a black half-mask that covered the lower part of her face with a purple cape with a hood that's pulled up (3.)

She saw Amazo grab Kid Flash before reaching in her belt, and picked up a silver shuriken, and threw it. She heard laughter and turned back to see a horde of robot MONQI's surrounding her. "Of course it's never easy."

She said reaching into her pouch, and pulling out a Sansetsukon (Three Section Staff) and attacked the robots.

(Flashback End.)

"Listen if you want me to apologize for saving Kid Flash's-"

Canary interrupted her. "We would like you to join the team."

Stephanie continued for a second not hearing them. "Butt. Then you're..." She looked at them with wide eyes. "Wait, what team?" Naruto walked to her and explained.

"Yeah, we think you would make a good addition to the team that you saved back at the school." Stephanie thought for a moment before looking up.

"OK. On one condition. About me... And my parents...?" Naruto nodded before Canary spoke up.

"Yes, we know... Your mother just died while in rehab. And your father is... In prison and you're now a ward of the State.."

Stephanie nodded before speaking up. "Yes. You don't tell the team about me or my parents."

Naruto nodded as Canary walked up, and puts a hand on her shoulder. "If that's your decision... We can make it where you're my niece… Of course, you can tell them later on if you feel comfortable about it or not. It's your decision anyway."

Naruto looked around before speaking up. "OK, we'll wait a day or two to get everything in order. First being you can live in Mount Justice, with either Canary or with me. Although you'll still have a room in Mount Justice either way for times when we're on a mission."

Infinity Island, August 07, 23:49 ECT.

A guard in a full black costume was hit with a shock arrow as Speedy, now wearing a predominantly black costume, with a red chest and collar. His quiver is now attached with two gray shoulder straps connected across the chest, and his black gloves are finger-less. He silently made his way to a room where a bespectacled young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes was working on a computer.

Her hair is short, almost to shoulder length at the back, and with bangs over her eyes. She has a lab coat, with the sleeves rolled to her elbows. The white coat has several pockets, with one holding a pen. She's wearing dark-blue pants that reach to her ankles and an olive-green V-neck shirt. She has a small earring on both ears.

This is Dr. Sterling Roquette.

He kicked the door down and knocked the two guards on the inside out as the woman stood up to look at him. "Dr. Roquette." Roquette moved to the side as he walked past her.

"Where are the others?"

Speedy looked back to her before blasting a hole in the wall. "I'm the only one." Roquette blinked at that.

"No backup? What were there budget cuts?"

"I tried getting Kage. But he's on another mission as are other ones that were near here." He shot an arrow down with a rope and connected it to the ceiling. "Now or never Doc." Roquette looked to a metal tube.

"I can't leave without this."

Speedy raised an eyebrow at her. "It's you, or that." Roquette sighed as she took off her glasses.

"Right then, take me."

Roy hooked a zip-line handle, grabbed Roquette, and went down as two men, one with a visor with a red light on it, and an elderly man ran in and looked to the tube. "She's gone, but she finished it before leaving." The one with the visor said making the elderly man smirk.

Mount Justice August 8, 9:58 EDT.

The team minus Naruto, Wally, and Donna ran to the beach with M'gann in a yellow bathing suit with a bikini top, and shorts, Artemis in a dark green two-piece bikini, Starfire in a purple two-piece bikini, Robin in red trunks, Superboy with black, and Kaldur in dark blue.

"You cover up right now young lady!"

Superboy looked to where Naruto yelled and his jaw dropped seeing Donna in a red two-piece bikini with gold stars on the top, and five on the bottom.

"No way dad!" She said before running past them, winking at Superboy who started looking lower and blushed slightly.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Naruto in red trunks with a black flame design on it glaring at him. "Keep your eyes above the neck." He said before walking to Artemis, and kissed her, as M'gann blushed looking at him.

They spent the day swimming, playing volleyball, building sandcastles, and eating.

Later Inside.

"Recognized: Kid Flash, B04."

Wally came out of the zeta-tube wearing a yellow bathing suit, sunglasses with sunscreen on his nose carrying a bunch of beach stuff including an umbrella dashed forward.

"The Wall-man is here let's get this party start-OOF!" He tripped over the umbrella having a ball bounce to Batman. He looked up and saw everyone but Donna along with Green Arrow and Black Canary. "-Ted." He finished before hearing a female chuckle.

"Wall-man huh? I love the uniform. What's your power?" Wally looked up to see a new girl in the cave.

"Who are you?" He asked getting up.

"I'm Spoiler. Your new teammate."

Wally puts his hands on his waist before speaking up. "Kid Flash. Never heard of you."

Canary walked up and puts a hand on Spoiler's shoulder. "She's mine and Kage's new protégé."

"Both of yours?" Wally asked as Naruto nodded.

"Yes. I'm teaching her in weapons and helping Black Canary in teaching her hand-to-hand combat since I mainly use jutsus and my 'Frog Kata' fighting style." Suddenly, the computer spoke up. "Recognized: Speedy, B09."

Speedy walked in with an eyebrow twitch. "First off... It's not Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow."

Naruto snorted before speaking up. "Yeah... Way to distance yourself from Green Arrow."

Red Arrow ignored Naruto as Green Arrow walked forward.

"Roy... You look..." He trailed off as Red Arrow walked forward.

"Replaceable… How's my replacement holding up." He said making Artemis glare.

"OK, Roy. What do you want?" Naruto asked as Spoiler looked at him. "You were right. He does have a stick up his ass."

"Who are you?!" Wally asked as Canary and Spoiler spoke up at the same time.

"I'm her/She's my niece."

Red Arrow raised an eyebrow at her. "I didn't know you had a niece Canary."

Aqualad walked over to Red Arrow before speaking up. "And Artemis is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team-! " Naruto interrupted him before he could speak further.

"Not anymore with your bratty attitude! So, you have another mission for us?"

The Team looked to him as Starfire spoke up. "Another mission friend Naruto?"

Naruto nodded before explaining, bringing up a couple of screens with Dr. Roquette's information. "Yes. He found where Dr. Sterling Roquette was taken after mysteriously disappearing two weeks ago. He asked for my help since I'm one of the few from the League he's able to contact, but I was preoccupied with something."

Red Arrow nodded before explaining that she was kidnapped by the League of Shadows, and her department, which was Nano-technology and was working on something called the 'Fog'; a bunch of Nanorobots that can eat through anything, and steal information from any computer. "Thereby giving the League of Shadows information on anything they want." He finished before Spoiler spoke up.

"Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power brooking... Yeah sounds like the Shadows."

Wally snorted before speaking up. "Yeah like you know anything about the Shadows." He could swear she was smiling under her mask. "Who are you?!"

Red Arrow continued explaining. "She's creating a virus to kill the Fog as we speak." Naruto walked up to her.

"And where is she?"

An image of a high school came up. "She's safe."

Naruto dead-panned at him. "In a school? A place with big windows on almost every room, and no real security system." Red Arrow just stared at him.

"She's safe. I did my job." Naruto poked him in the shoulder. "You should have brought her here. She could have done the work under the watch of the entire League! Or they may have already found her."

Red Arrow left through the tunnel. "Recognized: Speedy-!" Red Arrow stopped the computer and spoke up.

"That's Red Arrow B09 update."

Naruto looked over to Batman before speaking up. "I want his access restricted. At least for going anywhere else but here. He can come here by himself since there's nothing of importance here but-!" He stopped as Wally sped over to him.

"What why? Roy's our Fri-" Naruto raised a hand to him.

"He's not apart of either team. That leaves a villain to mind control him or even make a clone of him. It's been done. Superboy's a clone of Superman. And Donna's mine and Wonder Woman's genetic daughter, and if we didn't rescue them they could have been made to fight us instead of with us."

"Like I said. I have no problem with him coming here. But to the Watchtower... Or any secure place where there's a Zeta-beam where a villain could exploit I don't want him there without someone from the League with him." He looked to the team and gave out orders. "OK, Miss. Martian, Spoiler, and Superboy. I want you three to stay outside to guard the school while Aqualad, Artemis, Kid Flash, and I guard the Doctor inside."

Starfire raised her hand. "What about me?"

Naruto thought for a second before speaking up. "Stay in the Bio-ship in case we need to leave in a hurry. That way Miss Martian can focus on any enemies that will come. Especially since Donna's training with Wonder Woman right now." He felt his phone vibrate, excused himself, went outside of the cave to answer his cell, and then hear a disguised voice.

"There's a team going after your Doctor friend."

Happy Harbor High School, August 8, 21:53 EDT.

Miss Martian, Spoiler, Superboy, and an invisible Starfire in the bio-ship was watching the area on the roof in their stealth suits with Spoilers in full black.

"Miss. Martian. Keep Dr. Roquette out of our link unless we're relocating. We don't want to distract her from getting the virus done." She heard Naruto's voice in her mind before nodding. "OK. Everyone online?" Spoiler grabbed her head for a moment.

"This will take some getting used to." She thought before hearing Kid speaks up.

"Good thing. The good Doctor would just complain... She has since getting the 'B' team as she puts it.." Spoiler snorted at that before she directed her thoughts to him.

"You two should get along. You did nothing but complain since getting this mission."

"Hey don't need that from the newbie that drove Red Arrow away."

Naruto sighed as they bickered. "OK, OK. Kid. Roy does not want to be on this team... Get that through your thick skull." He walked over to Sterling as Robin looked at Kid.

"You should be nicer to her... If it wasn't for her shuriken... You'd be dead by now." Kid crossed his arms and huffed.

"Not giving her the satisfaction."

"I heard that." She said mentally before Naruto walked to Sterling.

"Can you track the Fog?" She nodded before speaking up.

"Yes, I can track it. I made it." She said as a map with a plane on it came up.

Outside, Spoiler landed down with Miss Martian as Superboy landed beside them, and started walking. "Hmm... That boy." Miss. Martian looked at her.

"He. He heard that." Spoiler looked back at her and smiled.

"Oh, I know."

After a moment, Naruto spoke up. "Starfire. Land the ship. I'm sending Robin, and Superboy with you to Philadelphia." She landed the ship and turned off the cloaking so Robin and Superboy could run on board. Miss Martian and Spoiler walked back to the school not noticing two shadows moved inside of the building.

Inside, both Naruto and Aqualad looked to the door, hearing something. Suddenly a woman jumped down from the ceiling tiles and grabbed Naruto. She has short whitish-blonde hair and yellowish reptilian eyes. She has black eyeliner across her eyes, which slightly obscured her features and threw her unusual eyes into sharp contrast. She has many tattoos across her upper body and arms and is wearing tight, close-fitting snake-skin clothing.

This is Copperhead's real Name: Larissa Diaz, an assassin in the League of Assassins. (4.)

Aqualad turned around just as a dart hits his left arm, and another woman dropped down. She's a young woman with a slender, but fit build; she stands at 5'6". She has thick black hair and grey eyes. A white mask, resembling a cat's head with red stripes and a wide grin, hides her face.

Her outfit is a dark green colored kimono and appears as though it has shreds and rips along with it. The kimono is tied around her waist, where its length reaches just above her knees with black knee-high boots. Along with having an olive-colored skin tone of what could be seen.

This is Cheshire, a member of the League of Assassins.

"You know... My darts are lined with poison." Copperhead said as the blonde licked Naruto's cheek showing a forked tongue causing the black-haired woman to turn to her.

"What are you doing Copperhead?" Copperhead smirked before pulling Naruto to her. "Just saying hello to my favorite hero Cheshire."

She kissed him on the lips with Naruto's eyes widening in surprise as Artemis ran in, and stared. Spoiler ran in just in time to see Artemis run over to Copperhead and started fighting her as Aqualad made katanas with his water, and attacked Cheshire. Naruto groaned feeling a cut on his neck, and his vision blurred.

"You bitch!"

He turned to see Artemis fighting Copperhead with her bow having Copperhead bend back. Copperhead brought her foot up and kicks Artemis's chin having her walk back. She dashed forward and cuts Artemis's shirt showing a part of her black bra. Miss Martian and Kid ran in causing Cheshire to look to Copperhead.

"Retreat, and regroup."

She dropped a flashbang/smoke bomb down, as Kid ran to her, and ran into Spoiler. He looked at her and glared.

"You let them get past you?!"

Naruto walked up to him. "Easy Kid. They got past all of us." Naruto heard Robin over his earpiece who explained the Fog got to Star Labs and got everything they could.

"OK, we'll track the Fog, and get them next time. Let's move the Doctor." He said as they left with Artemis hanging back. Naruto unsealed another shirt and handed it to her as she took her ripped shirt off.

"Thanks." She said before Naruto turned around.

Later, Spoiler and Kid Flash watched over Sterling as the Aqualad stayed outside.

"Miss. Martian. Stay in camouflage mode, and do a sweep." Suddenly, red webbing attached to him, and brought him in the trees before being thrown to a van, and saw a man who wears a purple spandex costume.

His mask has shades of purple, with the back portion being dark purple and the front portion being regular purple. It also sports a spider emblem that takes up most of his forehead and then intersects with his golden eyepieces. The torso of the suit is a dark purple, along with his hands, knees, elbow, inner elbow, and parts of his feet, while the remainder of the costume is purple. Around his wrist, he has two dull gray bracelets.

This is Black Spider, a member of the League of Assassins

Another man stomped on his head knocking him out. He's a tall muscular man with short grey hair wearing an open leather jacket, jeans, and a hook on his right arm.

This is Hook, who works for the League of Assassins.

Soon both Cheshire and Copperhead dropped down from the trees. "Let's go! The Martian will be here at any moment."

The men ran in and attacked as Kid took care of the spider-themed assassin, and Spoiler took care of Hook. She took out her staff, and attacked him by putting it around his head, and bringing him down on her knee. He reeled back before shooting his hook at her. They never noticed Copperhead and Cheshire come in through the window, and aim a dart at Sterling.

Suddenly, a desk came in front of them

"The Martian's here!"

The spider-themed assassin shot red webbing getting the desk out-of-the-way having Cheshire jump onto Sterling who soon morphed into Miss Martian. "Damn it's a setup!"

Down the street, Aqualad ran into an Internet Cafe as Sterling was uploading the virus. "Everything good?" He asked as Naruto nodded.

He heard something open and looked up to see the Cheshire dropdown. Artemis ran in and aimed her bow at her. "I got her."

Naruto nodded before going outside and saw Copperhead running over. He dashed to her and threw a punch having her jump up, wrap her legs around his neck, and throw him to the ground with a head-scissor takedown before twisting her body around on him.

Gotham City August 08, 22:30 EDT.

The ship stopped at a Wayne Enterprise building. "This building is running 24/7. There's no way to evacuate everyone in time." Robin said as they stopped the ship, and scanned the area.

Suddenly, Robins's glove beeped, and he brought up a screen. "Got the virus downloading." Superboy looked down, and saw a man with a metal tube in a van, and smirked.

He jumped down having the man look up, and blast him with a beam from his visor sending him flying before releasing the Fog. Robin looked up to Starfire before speaking up.

"Help Superboy. I'll go stop the Fog." He jumped down ran inside past a guard, and into the lunchroom, and hooked to a computer. After a moment, the Fog turned red and disappeared.

Happy Harbor August 08 22:58 EDT.

Naruto was fighting Copperhead before seeing Artemis and Cheshire jump out of the café, and Cheshire's mask fell off having Naruto's eyes widened as Artemis dropped her bow. Copperhead smirked seeing Cheshire leave in a smoke bomb before doing the same.

"Until next time Kage." She said winking at him.

He dashed over to Artemis who still was looking at the spot before the others came out with Spoiler helping Aqualad, who took darts off his chest.

Kid dashed to her before looking at the mask. "Hey, souvenir."

Aqualad looked to Artemis before speaking up." Did you see her face?" Artemis shook her head before replying.

"No. It was too dark and she used a smoke bomb for extra measure."

Aqualad nodded before turning to Spoiler. "You did well on your first mission." Naruto smiled as Kid spoke up.

"Yeah. Hey, can we see your pretty face?"

Spoiler shrugged before slowly reaching up as Naruto walked behind her. She pulled the mask, revealing... Another black mask. "It's another mask, cool huh?"

She asked closing her eyes in a smile as Naruto took a picture of their dumbfounded faces. "Oh, that is funny on this side. So glad I gave her that suggestion."

Gotham City August 9, 01:16 EDT.

An empty phone booth lit up as Artemis walked out, followed by Spoiler. Suddenly they heard a noise and turned to the shadows picking up their weapons.

"Come out."

The person came out reviling Red Arrow. "Nice. I almost believed you were Canary's niece." He said before crossing his arms. "But we know you're not... I'm sure Kage, Black Canary, and Batman have a reason for keeping both of your backgrounds a secret. So they're safe with me."

"But I'm warning you... Don't hurt my friends.."

The booth lit up, and Naruto walked out. "You don't need to worry about the 'Junior Justice League' Red Arrow... After all, they can handle themselves. And they have me watching their backs."

Roy left as the girls looked down. "Just so you know... I think you should tell them. Better to get it out now." He said hugging Artemis before turning to Spoiler. "Come on. I know Paula wants to see you after so long. Last time she saw you, you were five."

Infinity Island August 09, 23:26 EDT.

Sensei was meditating as four screens came up for the Light. "Report."

Sensei opened his eyes and spoke. "Master. We got the Star Labs data before Ojo got captured. But the Wayne Tech still alludes us."

Another voice spoke up after he finished. "Once again the young heroes interfered, so it's fortunate we have an operative on the... Inside." He finished making Sensei smirk.

To Be Continued.

next chapter
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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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