76.48% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2124: 54

章 2124: 54

Mina giggled as she talked with Himiko; the blonde girl smiled as she sat on her bed with her legs crossed. "It sounds like you had a crazy time at school. I'm glad you're ok, though."

"Yeah, we had some close calls, but everything's been going smoothly recently."

Himiko smiled, but Mina watched it fade, and the blonde glanced at the one-way mirror. "Kinda wish I could go see what you guys do when you're not here."

Mina smiled. "I know it's gotta suck to be stuck here. I'll see what the doc says when I leave."

Himiko hummed. "Thank you, Mina. I'm kinda tired right now, so..."

Mina nodded as she got up and hugged Himiko. "Get some rest, girl; we'll be back tomorrow."

"Thank you," Himiko murmured into Mina's shoulder before the pink girl pulled back and flashed a smile.

"Sleep well, Himi," Mina said before she left and headed back to the observation room to tell Iva about Himiko's desire to leave her room.

Iva smiled sadly. "I see. She isn't as fragile as she was last week, but she's still not completely healed. Though this is UA, I don't think there will be anything here to cause her mental harm."

Iva hummed and tapped her chin. "I'll talk to the doctor though we have been told to not let her out of her room. If you want her to get some free time, then you'll need to talk to Nezu."

Toru looked at Izuku as she asked. "Why would he keep her confined?"

Izuku hummed and looked at Himiko as she lay down. "It could be because of the UHD stuff, but the trial is over. Guess we should just go talk to him."

Izuku's partners nodded, and the trio headed for Nezu's office in hopes that the dean would have some free time to talk to them.


Nezu smiled as Izuku, Toru and Mina entered his office. "Hello, you three. This is an unexpected visit. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"We wanted to talk to you about Himiko, sir," Izuku said as the trio sat down on one of the couches.

Nezu walked over and climbed onto the table, where he started to pour some tea for the students as he said. "Oh, is there an issue? I do hope her operations are going well."

"No issue, sir. She's healing well though she is tired most of the time," Toru said as she accepted a cup.

"Well, I am sure healing from psychological damage like that is quite exhausting." Nezu took a seat across from them. "If there is no issue with her recovery, then is there some other problem I may be able to help with?"

Mina sat forward a bit as she said. "We were wondering why you told Doctor Reger and Iva to keep her in her room. She's getting better and wants to leave her room."

"Ah, that," Nezu said as he set his cup down. "While what happened to those used by the UHD is terrible, the Japanese government cannot simply forgive all of them for everything they did before being grabbed by the UHD."

Nezu held up a paw to keep the students from voicing their outrage. "Almost all charges for crimes before joining the UHD have been dropped, and the most punishment that others are facing is community service or house arrest. Himiko Toga and a few others are in a worse position." the dean sipped his tea before continuing. "Toga killed people."

The students tensed and looked away from the dean as he nodded slowly. "I am afraid that those like Toga who committed multiple murders will not be forgiven. I am, however, working on making sure that they are able to pursue normal lives after an appropriate punishment."

Izuku swallowed and looked up at Nezu as he said, "What about Himiko then? She... I don't know how many she's killed but-"

"I am working on a solution for Toga, but I cannot speak on it at this time. Please understand it is quite a delicate situation."

The trio wasn't happy with the explanation, but they also knew that if Nezu wasn't willing to talk, they wouldn't be able to get answers from him, so they thanked him and left.


"So that's how it is," Himiko said as Toru nodded in her visible form, and Himiko sighed. "It sucks, but I guess he's the dean of UA for a reason. I should trust him, shouldn't I?"

"Eh... yeah, he's trustworthy," Toru said, not sounding like she believed it herself.

It was the day after Toru and her partners had gone to Nezu about Himiko's desire to go outside. Toru was spending some time with her friend before her next operation.

"Let's move on to something else," Himiko said as she grabbed a small cooler. "The old lady... uh, what's her name?"

"Recovery Girl."

"Yeah, her," Himiko said as she opened the cooler and pulled a blood bag out. "She gave me these to help with my craving for blood."

"Oh... yeah, that's right. I forgot you need to drink blood." Toru said as a strange look passed over her face.

Himiko fidgeted and wanted to hide the bag suddenly. Something was up with her friend, and she wasn't sure what to do. "Um... yeah, I do."

Toru looked up. "It's nothing to worry about, Himi. I'm sorry if I made you think I was disgusted or something. I'm not, I promise. It's just... we never knew about your cravings or your past before you went missing."

Himiko felt guilt stabbing at her chest as Toru said. "Hawks had to tell us before he went and rescued you."

Tears threatened to spill over as Himiko clutched the bag. "I'm sorry. I wanna explain everything, but-but it's still all jumbled up."

Toru quickly crossed the distance and hugged her friend. "It's ok. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Once you're better, we can talk in the meantime; just remember we're never gonna stop caring about you, Himi. Now come on, you need to drink some blood, don't you."

Himiko sniffled and nodded as Toru sat down. The blonde girl grabbed a straw, and after puncturing the bag with one of her fangs, she inserted the straw and started to drink. Toru watched her grimace a bit but continued to drink.

"Is it not good?"

Himiko grumbled. "It's kinda bitter. Whoever this was doesn't have the best diet, but it's still drinkable."

Toru hummed. "I'll tell Recovery Girl about it."

Himiko swallowed another sip and sighed. "You don't have to. I'll be fine... not like I really deserve the treatment I'm getting."

There was silence, and after it stretched for a moment, Himiko looked up to see Toru standing up and knocking on the window before motioning for a moment and sitting down. "What-"

Himiko was cut off as Izuku and Mina poked their heads in, and Izuku asked. "Is everything ok, Toru?"

Toru crossed her arms. "Himiko said she doesn't think she deserves the treatment she's getting."

"What?" Mina said as she stepped in and quickly made her way over to Himiko. The pink girl knelt and took Himiko's free hand as she asked. "Himi, why do you think that?"

Himiko blushed and looked away, only to end up looking at Izuku's concerned face. She clicked her tongue and looked in the other direction. "I'm a villain. I've killed people... and not a small number of people, ok. Even before Psi- even before what that woman did to me a-and now I can't remember how many people."

"Himi that..." Izuku chewed his lip as he thought about how to word it. "It's not something that can be forgiven easily, and I'm sure some will think you don't deserve a second chance or help, but we do. We know that your quirk affected your actions and that you didn't have a support network to keep you from going down a bad path."

Izuku stepped closer and knelt next to Mina as he placed his hand on the one that Mina was holding. "But now you do, and we'll be there every step of the way to help you out."

Himiko blushed and quickly pulled her blood bag up to her lips as she muttered. "Fine, I get it. You guys are being stupid cute right now; it's embarrassing."

The trio chuckled, and after taking some proper seats, they chatted with Himiko for a bit. It was the first time all three of them had sat with the former villain and talked.


Doctor Reger nodded, and Iva smiled as she looked at Himiko. The blonde girl had just finished an operation a couple days after her talk with Izuku and his partners. She was marveling at how clear her head felt. With every procedure, Himiko felt herself feeling more and more like... well, not her old self but the self she was after meeting Izuku, Toru, and Mina.

"Congratulations Ms.Toga." Himiko looked up at Iva, who said, "Doctor Reger has given you a clean bill of health. Your mind is now entirely healed though, for some time, it may take you a moment to remember things."

Himiko felt her eye welling with tears as she processed the words. "I'm fine? Like no more damage? I'm totally me again?"

Iva nodded. "Yes, ma'am, your mind and memories are wholly yours again. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I hope we never meet in a professional capacity again, ma'am."

Himiko stared at the blonde woman for a moment before snorting and laughing. She clutched her sides and nearly fell off her bed as laughter rocked her body and tears spilled out of her one good eye. She was totally and fully herself again.

"I'll let you process this information. Your friends will be in in a moment." Iva said as she and the doctor stepped out.

A couple minutes later, Himiko had pulled herself together and was about to start worrying about what would happen to her now. Before she could go down that path, her friends entered, and she was pulled into a tight hug. Himiko granted. "Can't breathe. Please, I just got better."

The trio quickly released her, and Himiko saw the joy on their faces. Everyone's attention was pulled to the door as someone knocked before opening it to reveal Hawks with Nezu on his shoulder.

Himiko immediately pouted. "Where the hell have you been? You haven't visited me once since I got here."

Hawks looked surprised before rubbing the back of his head as Nezu climbed down. "Sorry, kid, I've had a lot going on."

"Is everything ok, Hawks? I don't really have internet access here, so I'm not sure what's going on outside."

The pro looked a little uncomfortable as he said. "Well... yeah, the UHD has been dismantled, and a bunch of the HPSC people have been fired or are in jail, and I'm not a hero anymore."

He said that last part so quickly no one was sure if they had heard him right. The look in Himiko's eye darkened as she asked, "I'm sorry, what?"

Hawks nodded. "Yeah, so I took part in the UHD a lot, but thanks to our efforts in bringing their crimes to light, my punishment was reduced. I paid a fine and am no longer allowed to be a hero in any capacity."

"Well, that's bullshit," Himiko said as she got up.

Before the blonde could continue voicing her anger, Nezu cleared his throat. "Before you go any farther, Ms.Toga, I have news relevant to you. If we could have the room, please."

Izuku looked at his girlfriends and then to Himiko, who looked worried but nonetheless said. "I'll be fine."

The trio and Hawks stepped out, and once the door shut, Nezu smiled as Himiko sat down on her bed. "It's wonderful to meet you. By the way, I am Nezu, the dean of UA."

Himiko nodded. "You look like how Izu said you did."

"You have some wonderful and dedicated friends Ms.Toga. It's a wonderful thing to see."

Himiko held her arm as she said. "They're too good for me."

"Would you like a chance to live up to their faith in you?" Himiko looked at the rat, who smiled and continued. "Your crimes are numerous, and many feel that the UHD does not excuse you from what you did before being forced into it and what you did after."

Himiko stared hard at the floor as guilt started to bubble up. Sometimes she still had thoughts about cutting people up and being them, but she kept reminding herself about her time with Izuku and his girlfriends to get rid of the thoughts. "How long am I going to prison for?"

Nezu chuckled, and Himiko got annoyed. He didn't need to laugh at her suffering. "That depends on you, my dear."

Himiko looked up at Nezu, who said, "I worked quite hard to get this option available for you. If you choose to take it, you won't be going to prison, but you'll have a lot of work ahead of you."

"W-what is it?" Himiko asked as her nerves started to itch with anticipation.

"Let UA be your home. Attend mandatory therapy and join the hero course. It won't be easy, and many people will not be happy about you doing this. You'll need to spend the rest of your life protecting society and saving people who may hate you because of your past."

Himiko stared at the rat as she processed the words. Once she realized that he wasn't joking or messing with her, she nodded quickly. "Yes. I'll do it. I wanna make up for all the shitty things I did. I-I don't wanna go to prison."

Nezu smiled as he stood from the seat he had taken. "Wonderful news; let us go to my office, and I can walk you through the proper paperwork."


Izuku, Mina, and Toru were very excited to hear about what Nezu had managed to arrange for Himiko. They would have stuck with her through the day, but the dean reminded them that while their first year of school may be coming to a close, that didn't mean they could slack off on their school work or training.

Hawks excused himself, promising to visit Himiko again once he had more time. Himiko wasn't happy about what happened to Hawks, but she also knew there wasn't anything she could do to change it. All she could do was take Nezu's offer and hopefully become a good hero.

The paperwork was numerous and somewhat confusing, but with Nezu's help, she understood what would be expected of her. Once all the relevant papers were signed, Nezu escorted Himiko to Hound Dog for an introductory session and to establish their schedule going forward.

Once she was done with her first session, Hound Dog escorted her to the Teachers office, where Nezu introduced her as a new hero student once the second year started. They all seemed nice enough to Himiko, but she couldn't tell if that was just because their boss was standing on Hound Dogs shoulder observing them.

As the teachers returned to work, Himiko saw Midnight approach her. She knew the woman was Izuku's mom though Himiko hadn't ever actually met the hero. "It's nice to meet you, Toga. I'm Midnight Izuku's mother."

Himiko nodded. "I know, ma'am... um, it's nice to finally meet you. S-sorry about always being at your apartment while you were gone."

Midnight smiled. "It's ok, dear. Izuku explained how you didn't like being around strangers. I hope you have a good time here at UA."

"Me too, ma'am," Himiko said before excusing herself to follow Nezu.

The dean of UA spoke up as they walked the halls of UA. "Now, I am afraid we can't move you into the dorms right away. The year is almost over, so I hope you don't mind staying in the medical wing. You also have some homework that needs to be completed so that we can assess your education level and give you any extra lessons you may need."

Himiko contained her annoyance and simply nodded. "I understand, and thank you again for all of this."

Nezu laughed. "It's not an issue at all, dear. Most people deserve a second chance. I just hope you make the most of it."

"I'll do my best to live up to your expectations," Himiko said as they made their way back to the medical wing. She had so much work ahead of her, but she reminded herself that Izu and the others were here and would be supporting her to the best of their abilities. She needed to live up to everyone's expectations and become a proper hero.


So I was thinking about the part-timer Izuku fic I mentioned in the last chapter and I realized if I do a slice of life then the villains can just be people which means Himiko can be gyaru girl... which means and stick with me here. Camie/Izuku/Himiko. the responsible part-timer boy who cares for his sister dating two blonde gyaru girls who tease him and dote on his little sister.

also, I kinda want to write a teacher-student relationship like that Yojimbra fic whose name I can't remember. it was a Nejire/teacher Izuku fic. anyways I was thinking teacher Izuku and maybe Mina or Momo idk.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2124
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


