23.8% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 661: 4

章 661: 4

Six years ago:

Sasame and Ruby walked a short distance away from the fire and faced each other.

"All right," said Sasame, popping her knuckles, "time to unlock your Aura, Ruby-chan."

"O-okay," said Ruby, feeling a bit nervous at the prospect.

Children from Huntsmen families often had their Aura unlocked when they began their training. However, for those that weren't, it was generally unlocked upon their entry into combat school. It was a rite of passage, the first major step along the road to becoming a Huntsman or Huntress. She still remembered the day Taiyang had unlocked Yang's Aura in front of her, resting one hand on Yang's shoulder and the other on the top of her forehead, as well as the chant her father had used.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."

"Just relax," said Sasame. "It only takes a few seconds."

Ruby swallowed and nodded.

"Close your eyes," instructed Sasame.

Ruby's lids drifted closed, and she tried her best to stand at ease.

Sasame smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She raised her right hand and extended her index finger, which began to glow with a faint, pinkish sheen. Then she gently pressed it to the tip of Ruby's nose just enough to press it in slightly. "Boop."

Ruby felt a popping sensation, almost like a static discharge, between Sasame's finger and her nose. The sensation resonated through her body, and she suddenly felt a surge of warmth from within. It bordered on feverish, but fell just shy. Finally, the feeling subsided or, rather, felt so normal and natural that Ruby barely noticed any difference.

"All done," said Sasame with the air of a nurse who'd just finished giving a nervous toddler her flu-shot.

Ruby opened her eyes and blinked in confusion. "Wait! That's it?"

"That's it," confirmed Sasame, smiling widely, and with no small amount of humor.

"B-but..." Ruby stared down at her hands, unsure of how to respond.

"I almost forgot how big a deal you outsiders make about unlocking your Auras," said Sasame with a giggle. "In the Mibu Clan, where Kyo and I come from, it's standard procedure. Everyone has their Aura unlocked, regardless of what their profession might be in the future."

"Really?" said Ruby.

Sasame nodded. "Yep."

"But what about the words?" Ruby wanted to know.

"The words..." Sasame's eyes rolled up thoughtfully. "Oh! That's right, those words." She returned her gaze to Ruby. "You could say that those words...or chant rather...are a form of self-hypnosis. It aligns the mind and soul towards the task of unlocking another person's Aura. However, with a little understanding, they aren't necessary in the slightest."

"How come?" asked Ruby.

"Unlocking someone's Aura is actually a simple process," said Sasame, holding up her finger again, pinkish light shining from its tip. "At its most basic level, it is the act of sending your Aura into the other person, and hitting it against their own Aura to stimulate it into an active state. To put it simply, I poked your Aura with my own in order to wake it up."

"That's it?"

"That's it." Sasame's expression sobered slightly. "That said, for all that it is a very simple act, there's a certain degree of skill in doing it right. Aura converts the essence of the soul into a force capable of interacting with the physical world. Because of that, what you feel and how you feel it affects how your soul interacts with objects and people.

"If you aren't careful and in control of your feelings, when you send your Aura into another person, you could wind up affecting them physically, or even do them harm. It would still unlock their Aura, but depending on what feelings or emotions color your own Aura, you could wind up injuring them, possibly even fatally.

"Oh!" said Ruby, paling at the thought.

"You needn't worry, though," said Sasame, her good cheer returning. "I've unlocked countless Auras. I'm a healer by trade. Learning to send your Aura into another person without harming them is the most basic technique of our art."

"Oh..." said Ruby, relaxing a little, not knowing why she was so worried in the first place, seeing as it was already over and done with.

"For people in the Kingdoms, I imagine that the chant is a way of purging their mind and heart of anything that might harm the person whose Aura they're trying to unlock," explained Sasame. "But, in truth, it's actually very easy, once you realize what's needed."

"Okay," said Ruby.

"You're still a ways off from doing it, though," said Sasame firmly. "So no trying to unlock other people's Auras. All right?"

"All right," said Ruby, nodding.

"Good. Then let's begin." Sasame's expression became serious again, but she was still smiling. "We will begin with the three exercises for harnessing your Aura."

"Three exercises?" Ruby blinked. She didn't remember her father covering any of this with Yang when she'd spied on their training.

"There are three exercises that will eventually enable you to control your Aura," explained Sasame. "In the process, they will also serve to cultivate its strength, so that you will have more of it at your disposal."

Sasame held up her index finger. "The first exercise is known as Temper."


Sasame nodded. Suddenly, a pink outline appeared around her body, making her look as though she was wrapped in mostly-transparent, pink-tinted film. She held out her hand and Ruby raised her own to touch it, and gasped, finding what almost felt like an invisible barrier between her and Sasame's skin.

"The art of Tempering your Aura congeals it around your body and maintains it in that state," said Sasame. "For Aura-users, this is our first line of defense. With your Aura unlocked, it passively protects you from damage, but it can be overwhelmed, and each blow you take will scatter it. Also, sufficient force can break through it at a given point. Tempering your Aura essentially forms it into a more substantial barrier that makes a more effective defense and keeps it from scattering as much, when you do take a hit, which gives you more staying power on the battlefield."

"Cool!" gasped Ruby.

Sasame beamed. "On top of that, Tempering is the first step in strengthening your Aura. In its passive state, your Aura is always streaming away into the surrounding ether. Tempering your Aura keeps it around your body, maintaining its vigor, and allowing it to naturally increase over time."

Ruby nodded eagerly.

Sasame held up her hand again, this time holding up two fingers. "The second exercise is Suppression."

Abruptly, the pink light lining Sasame's body vanished. Furthermore, Ruby found herself blinking in confusion, seeing Sasame, but also getting the disconcerting feeling of absence, even though Sasame hadn't moved a step and was standing right in front of her.

"Suppression completely shuts off the outward flow of your Aura and contains it within your body," said Sasame. "As you can see, or feel rather, it also eliminates what you might call a person's 'presence.' Aside from perceiving the world through their physical senses, even a person without their Aura unlocked passively perceives the Aura of other people around them. For alert individuals, that perception, that hint, is often the first indicator that someone is around, striking them even before the physical indicators of a person's presence do. However, Suppression hides the user from that sense. It's not quite invisibility, but it makes you harder to notice, though truly skilled and experienced individuals will still be able to recognize you are about from your physical indicators. But it is useful if you are trying to hide.

"More importantly, for our purposes, Suppression also serves to contain your Aura within yourself, which enhances your recovery after you've expended it. Thus, Suppression is a good way to recover, if you are in a hurry.

"However, using this skill comes with its own risks. In this state, the user's condition is no different from someone whose Aura is not unlocked. Because of that, if you take an attack in this state, it will injure you as though you had no protective Aura in the first place."

Ruby swallowed.

"Don't worry about it," said Sasame. "While you're practicing, Kyo and I will be monitoring your environment, so that you won't be at risk when you're practicing Suppression, at least during the beginning. Later, when you begin to use its more practical aspects, there will be some risk, but that won't come until much later."

"All right," said Ruby, nodding.

Sasame's smile widened and she held up three fingers. "The third exercise is Projection." She paused for a second. "Please step back."

Ruby backed up nervously.

"A little farther," prodded Sasame.

Ruby took another couple steps back.

"A little bit more," urged Sasame.

Ruby took another two steps.

"Good enough," said Sasame. "I'll go slowly to give you an idea. Brace yourself."

Ruby frowned and tensed. She saw the pink outline appear on Sasame's body. It began to glow brighter. The, without warning, it suddenly exploded outwards from her rushing away from her body like a burst of warm wind, sweeping forest detritus ahead of it, and buffeting Ruby with shocking force, actually driving her back. If it hadn't been for Sasame's warning, Ruby would have been blown off her feet.

Then the force was gone and Ruby relaxed.

"That's Projection," said Sasame, "sometimes called Production, generating more Aura than what you already have. Of all the exercises, it's the one that will do the most to increase your capacity over time."

"Okay," said Ruby with wide eyes.

"For now, we'll start with Tempering," said Sasame. "We can only move on to Suppression when you've become proficient in that. Then, once you are competent in Suppression, we move on to Projection."

"All right," said Ruby. "What's the point of all this, though…besides giving me more Aura to work with?"

Sasame's smile widened. "The purpose of these exercises is to refine and cultivate your Aura in order to prepare you for the fourth level of your training, Manifestation."

"What's that?" asked Ruby.

"Transforming your Aura into a definitive form or force," said Sasame. "Through the three exercises, you can use your Aura to affect the world in rather basic and simple ways. Manifestation transforms your Aura into something capable of having a more dramatic effect on the world around you. For all intents and purposes, it is what you people in the Kingdoms refer to as…a Semblance."

"Semblance?" Ruby's eyes went wide. "But…that's not how Semblances work, is it? I thought people discovered their Semblances."

"That's how people in the Kingdoms do it," said Sasame. "However, that's actually quite crude. A Semblance is a basic form of Manifestation, one that is decided entirely by your nature and inclinations. Yes, while it is generally suited to you as a person, it's not what a person could accomplish with their full potential. A Manifestation is shaped and refined. It is informed by your nature, but you have the final say in what its end form will be."

"What does it look like?" asked Ruby.

"It can be any number of things," said Sasame. She glanced over her shoulder. "Kyo!" she called. "A demonstration, please!"

Kyo stood up, stepping away from the fire. He drew his sword, and left the sheath resting against the log where he'd been standing. Then he vanished.

An instant later, Kyo appeared directly behind Sasame, sword raised high overhead. Ruby's mouth opened to scream a warning, but she couldn't even begin to make the sound before Kyo's blade descended, cleaving through Sasame's head, and cutting straight down to divide her in two with a single stroke. Then Kyo stood up and stepped back.

Time seemed to stand still for a second. Ruby waited for the spray of blood, for Sasame to fall in two pieces. But that didn't happen. Instead, the line that Kyo's sword had drawn through Sasame's body vanished, and Sasame stood there, whole and healthy, as though Kyo's blade hadn't even touched her.

"Thank you, Kyo," said Sasame.

"You're welcome," said Kyo, before glancing past Sasame at Ruby. "But…perhaps you should have picked a less traumatizing way of making your point."

"The dramatic way is the best for impressing the importance of what we're teaching," said Sasame. "Besides, we work with what we have."

"True enough," said Kyo, before looking apologetically at Ruby. "I'm sorry about scaring you, Ruby-chan."

"I-it's…it's okay," said Ruby, feeling her entire body quake from the nerves.

Sasame came in close and took Ruby's hand in hers and guided it to her forehead, where the cut from Kyo's sword had been. "Here," said Sasame. "Feel for yourself."

Ruby did so, with no small amount of reluctance. To her amazement, there was no evidence, none whatsoever, of the attack that had divided Sasame's body in two.

"I am a student of what is known as the Mumyo Kodama Ryu, often referred to as the Wood School." said Sasame. "A master of the Wood School is a master of the regenerative arts, with complete control of their physiology. I have the capacity to heal a lethal wound in a matter of seconds, if even that long. I can modify my shape and form to a certain extent. For example…"

Sasame's fox-tail rose up behind her, and Ruby gasped as it unraveled, splitting into nine identical tails, looking as though the nine of them had been braided together into a single tail, before being untied to extend separately. Furthermore, Sasame's tails extended, their length increasing as they wove around each other in a fashion that was almost hypnotic. Abruptly, Ruby was reminded of how Sasame had stopped her earlier, wrapping her tail around Ruby's wrist. As far as Ruby knew, fox-tails couldn't move like that.

Sasame's tails merged back together, until they once again composed a single, undivided limb. "This is but one example of what forms Manifestation can take. Kyo's is expressed through his style of swordsmanship, the Mumyo Jinpu Ryu, which is based upon the mastery of wind and atmosphere. When we reach our destination, you'll get to see other, even more diverse, forms of Manifestation. There are wielders who can conjure water, spark flames, or command the force of gravity…all through the application of their Auras. I daresay, some would look upon what we're capable of, and even call it magic."

Ruby's eyes were wide, her imagination running wild at the prospect. But then, a question occurred to her. Fire…water…gravity… "You mean…you don't use Dust?"

"Nope," said Sasame. "To my knowledge, no one in the Mibu does. We haven't felt the need to use Dust because, when properly cultivated, one's Aura is infinitely more capable. It's not easy, compared to learning to use Dust. It takes hard work and years of dedication to achieve that level of skill. Compared to that, you can use the appropriate Dust crystal and learn to use your Aura to shape its effect in a comparative fraction of the time…or equip yourself with a weapon that uses Dust-rounds and simply learn how to hit what you aim for."

"Is it better?" asked Ruby.

"Well…I would say so," said Sasame. "When, after those years of training, you achieve the Manifestation you seek, I've always considered that end result to be superior to Dust. Because it is a product of your Aura, your soul, it will be something you will be able to use much more effectively than Dust. Furthermore, you are only limited by how much Aura you have, which you can always increase through continuing to train. In contrast, a Dust-user, regardless of the method they use, will always be limited by however much Dust they have on their person.

"When you think about it, Manifestation is ideal for an aspiring Huntress, like yourself. Many Huntsmen and Huntresses encounter difficulties, or even perish, because they find themselves in a situation where they cannot rearm themselves with Dust. Perhaps they are too far away from the nearest supply. Perhaps they have been cut off from civilization for too long. Maybe the Grimm attacks are too constant for them to get a chance to restock. Someone who uses Manifestation, however, will be able to 'rearm,' essentially, simply by getting some decent rest."

"What if you can't rest?" asked Ruby.

"Then you're sunk, whether you use Dust or not," said Sasame plainly. "Ultimately, both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks. But I believe that Manifestation allows you to operate more independently. Besides…" She grinned cheekily. "…think of how much extra space you'll have for other supplies, and how much money you'll save, if you never have to carry or buy Dust."

Ruby blinked and thought that over. She's not wrong.

And, truth be told, what Sasame had suggested did sound exciting. It went beyond anything she had ever heard Huntsmen and Huntresses, even her own mother, were capable of.

"Of course," said Sasame, "that's a ways off in the future. You have a lot of hard, tedious work to do before you should even be considering Manifestation. Before we get to that, we need to cultivate your Aura, which means practicing the three exercises, which means starting with the first one."

"So now, Ruby-chan, it's time for you to learn how to Temper. Close your eyes and stand at ease…Good…Now, listen and try to do as I tell you…"

As Sasame had warned, the lessons were tedious. Learning Tempering meant Ruby standing or sitting for hours, and focusing on the feeling of maintaining her Aura around her, without letting it escape. Sasame assured her that, with continuous practice, the feeling would become more natural, until Ruby could maintain her Tempering without even thinking about it. But that would be many months of training in the future.

In the meantime, they also began training Ruby in other ways, in order to prepare her to learn how to fight. Sasame oversaw Ruby's Aura-training, while Kyo took over for her physical training. At the moment, it was basic conditioning, strengthening her body. For starters, they walked…for miles…every day. Sasame and Kyo set a moderate pace, with a few brief breaks. At the end of a day's travels, Ruby's legs felt like they were on fire. But she wasn't done yet. After walking, Kyo had her do push-ups, sit-ups, and a variety of other exercises to help build up her arms and core muscles. Perhaps the worst was when he had Ruby hang from her, already aching, legs from a tree branch and curl one way, then the other. Sometimes, if he felt she needed more motivation, Kyo lit a small fire beneath Ruby, forcing her to keep moving her body, in order to keep any single part of her from being exposed to the heat for too long.

After the first week, Kyo began to instruct Ruby in the basics of combat, teaching her the most basic stances, punches, and kicks; and making her practice them relentlessly, alternating between those and her strength-building exercises.

It was tedious. It was brutal. It was tiring...and Ruby loved every minute of it. Every night, she wrapped herself in the blanket Kyo and Sasame had given her, bundled up her red cloak for use as a pillow, and fell asleep almost instantly. But it was truly satisfying to feel that she'd earned her rest. Her new teachers never held back with her, never treated her as though she was delicate or would break under the slightest strain, and Ruby was grateful to them for that.

For over a month, though Ruby began to lose track of the days, they wandered through the wilderness. Even as they trained her, Kyo and Sasame also instructed Ruby in ways to live off the land, how to find food in the wilds, what things were safe to eat and what she needed to avoid. Seeing how this could only help her as a Huntress, Ruby listened raptly to their lessons, soaking in everything like a sponge. At every stage, her evident enthusiasm and determination seemed to encourage her teachers all the more, inciting them to up the difficulty as much as possible to help her grow as quickly as she could.

After somewhere around a month and a half, they arrived at a small village, a settlement nestled up against rolling hills. As positions went, it wasn't hugely defensible. But the landscape was open, and one could see for miles without difficulty, meaning that, so long as a vigilant watch was maintained, Grimm wouldn't come upon the village unaware, which was good, because the land was also well-situated for farms, of which there were around a dozen, most of them growing grain or potatoes.

Kyo and Sasame led the way into town, where they were greeted with an enthusiasm that startled their charge, enthusiasm for Kyo in particular. Ruby watched as the village headman gladly shook Kyo's hands, while the other villagers whispered excitedly.

"What's going on?" asked Ruby.

"As I've told you, the Grimm have an aversion to Kyo," said Sasame. "His presence will drive away even the youngest, most reckless Grimm for miles. Whenever we reach a settlement of any kind, the residents are always happy to have him. A period where they are guaranteed complete freedom from the threat of the Grimm is always a boon."

"That's what has everyone excited?" asked Ruby, looking around in confusion.

"Indeed," said Sasame. "When Kyo comes, the people tend to celebrate, because it's the perfect opportunity for them to let down their guards. They enjoy themselves and lift their spirits, which, in turn, makes it less likely that the Grimm will be actively drawn their way for a while yet."

"Wow..." gasped Ruby, looking around.

Sasame giggled. "It wasn't always this way. At first, Kyo was just as likely to be attacked by the Grimm as anyone. But, as his strength grew, it reached a transcendent level where he could drive them away, simply by being there. At that point, as people learned what he did, his arrival in any place became a happy occasion."

Ruby's gaze rested on Kyo as the villagers swarmed around him. I want to do that someday, she thought, imagining what it would be like to be able to lift people's spirits, simply by being there.

Sasame saw the longing in Ruby's gaze and fondly trailed her fingers through Ruby's hair. "I imagine that, someday, you will obtain that strength, Ruby-chan. Kyo is...a bit different...from most people. But his level of power is not beyond your reach."

Ruby wondered what Sasame meant by "a little different," but decided not to press the issue, not in the least because Kyo was working free of the villagers crowding around him. "The headman has promised us room and board at the inn for our stay."

"And how long are we here for?" asked Sasame, planting her fists against her hips.

"Five days," said Kyo.

"Plenty for a festival, hmm?" mused Sasame.

"Festival?" asked Ruby, her eyes going wide. She'd attended modest fairs and festivals throughout the year on Patch, but those times had been marred by her father sticking to her like glue, making her feel like she was tethered to him by a leash.

"I told you, people celebrate Kyo's arrival," said Sasame proudly. "The advantage is that the residents are then willing to provide us with a place to stay, and food for the duration."

"So then, we'll get to see it?" asked Ruby.

"The entire reason they're holding it is because we're here, so yes, silly," said Sasame with a laugh, ruffling Ruby's hair.

Ruby wondered how much time she'd have in between training sessions to see what the festival had to offer.

"You're about due for a vacation," added Kyo, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Vacation?" Ruby looked up at him in confusion.

"Of course," said Kyo. "You've been working hard, so this is the perfect opportunity for some time off."


"Rest is an important part of your training too," said Sasame, lightly stroking Ruby's cheek. "Having your Aura unlocked means you can push yourself harder, because you rebound faster. But it still won't allow you to work forever. Your heart and mind need rest too. You'll still practice your Temper, but you don't have any physical exercise scheduled for this period."

"Which means you'll have plenty of time to see the festival," added Kyo.

"So awesome!" squealed Ruby, making both her teachers laugh.

That evening, Ruby climbed into bed, relishing the feeling of her new pajamas, which Sasame had just gotten her. She had also taken charge of Ruby's clothes to see that they were laundered and mended, after she'd worn them through the wilderness for so long. Ruby had also gotten the chance to take a nice, warm bath, relaxing completely for the first time in a long time. As she leaned back onto the mattress, relishing in the feel of actual sheets and a pillow, Ruby was amazed by how far she had come.

Granted, it was hard for her to really quantify the progress that she'd made. All she knew was that she had been pushing herself to the fullest, every single day. Her father had insisted that she was weak, delicate, but she was proving him wrong. She felt free, truly in control of her destiny, for the first time ever.

"Comfortable?" asked Sasame as she entered the room that the three of them were sharing. Given what Kyo's presence promised for the settlement, the innkeeper would have happily given them all their own rooms, and his best ones at that. However, Kyo and Sasame insisted that not needing to pay was more than enough, and one room was plenty, so long as it had space for the three of them.

"Yeah," said Ruby, staring up at the ceiling.

"Trouble sleeping?" asked Sasame, settling into a seat by Ruby's bed.

Ruby was silent for a minute. "A little…I guess."

"Well, you walked a good ways, but we didn't make you do your physical exercises for the evening. I suppose that's why you don't feel so burned out," mused Sasaeme.

"I…I guess," said Ruby.

"Perhaps you'd like a story?" posed Sasame.

"A story?" Ruby blinked and looked over at the fox-faunus. Sasame's manner was always sweet and caring, like an older sister, the kind of older sister Ruby would have preferred Yang be. But, after accepting Sasame's offer, Ruby had thought that she needed to think of Sasame as a teacher. Teachers didn't tell their students bedtime stories.

"I know some pretty good ones," said Sasame, "ones you probably haven't heard before."

"Oh!" Ruby's doubts were swept away by the promise of new stories. Yang hadn't read or told her any new ones in a long time and, before Ruby had started turning her down, had insisted on reading only the most boring and uninteresting ones, like The Story of the Seasons.

Saisei proceeded to tell Ruby the story of The Little Peach Boy, who was found in a peach by a childless couple, and who grew up to become a strong young man, who went off to fight a band of monstrous bandits, then returning with their captured treasure. Sasame's storytelling was engaging, and she had Ruby hanging onto her every word within a minute. By the end of the story, Ruby's eyes were drooping and she settled down into the covers.

"Did you like that?" asked Sasame.

"Yeah, it was fun," said Ruby. "Can we do it again…" A yawn interrupted her. "…tomorrow?" she finished.

"I'd love to," said Sasame, tucking the covers around Ruby's shoulders. "Good night, Ruby-chan."

"'Night," Ruby mumbled back before slipping off.

"She's amazing, isn't she?"

Ruby stirred slightly and rolled onto her side to get more comfortable. She figured that Sasame's earlier observation about her not being as tired because she hadn't worked so hard that day was true, seeing as she'd found herself waking up again, just a little bit after falling asleep. She wasn't truly roused, but she was able to hear Sasame and Kyo, over near the other end of the room, speaking in hushed voices. She decided to act as though she was still asleep, mostly because she wanted to hear what Kyo was talking about.

"She definitely has remarkable talent," Sasame observed. "And it is further enhanced by her enthusiasm. When we get home, all the masters will probably be fighting each other over who gets to teach her."

"I'm not certain how anyone could look at her and think she's weak," mused Kyo.

"You say that now, after she's already come all this way with us, despite being only nine," said Sasame. "Even if she isn't weak, I can understand the desire to protect her. She's a beautiful child, so full of life and light. I can understand wanting to protect someone like that from hardship and conflict."

Ruby's fingers clenched, bunching the sheets.

"But it's also that very nature to calls her to the life she seeks now," continued Sasame. "She has a heart far larger than just herself. That loving soul of hers calls her to seek to alleviate the pain and fear of others. Even as it might make those who care for her want to shelter her from hardship, her soul also draws her to it."

Ruby couldn't stop herself from sniffling. She understands. She'd wondered what impulse had driven Sasame to take Ruby to join her and Kyo on their travels. There were probably plenty of other ways Sasame probably could have helped Ruby off the streets that didn't involve spending so much time and attention. Yet she had instead decided that she and Kyo would teach Ruby directly, and prepare her for exactly the kind of life Ruby wanted to lead.

That sniffle was enough for the two in the room and Sasame came to the bed. "You heard us?" she asked.

Ruby shifted and looked at her, then nodded.

Sasame smiled. "I meant every word of it, Ruby-chan."

"I know," Ruby said. "It just feels so…so…"

"Good?" asked Sasame.

Ruby nodded.

Sasame smiled and kissed Ruby on the forehead. "Rest for now, Ruby-chan. We'll have plenty to occupy ourselves with tomorrow."

Sasame's words proved to be quite true. Granted, a festival couldn't exactly start out of nowhere. As a result, their first day in the village was spent helping the locals prepare for it: setting up decorations and stalls, gathering food, planning activities. Despite being the guests of honor, the three of them were in the thick of things, helping with the dirty, and sometimes difficult work that went into making such an event happen. Ruby, as young as she was, did her best to do what she could, following the example of some of the settlement's other children.

In the evening, she had her Aura lessons with Sasame, still practicing her Temper. However, Sasame introduced a new wrinkle, as she began to instruct Ruby in the art of Flow.

"Flow is a sub-skill of Temper," Sasame explained. "Temper's defensive capacity protects the body by maintaining your Aura around it. However, Flow is adjusting the concentration of your Aura in certain parts of your body."

"Why?" asked Ruby.

"Well, with Temper, your Aura, your protection, is diffused across your entire body. It's a level above the passive protection offered by an unlocked, but unTempered Aura. But it's still basic. Furthermore, it's still a passive skill." Sasame held up her hand, which began to glow with the pale-pink light of her Aura. "But Flow has defensive and offensive applications. Your Aura can be broken, if your opponent concentrates their attack power in a sufficiently small space to overwhelm your guard at a single point. However, you can counter that by, likewise, concentrating your own Aura. Of course, the most effective way to use it is, if you're blocking an attack, to concentrate more of your Aura into the blocking limb."

"And, if you're attacking, you channel your Aura into the limb you're attacking with?" said Ruby speculatively.

Sasame beamed and nodded. "That's right. Very good, Ruby-chan. Of course, it has its drawbacks."

"What?" asked Ruby. It seemed like a perfectly logical thing.

"The effectiveness of your offense and defense is only as good as your Flow," said Sasame. "There's an art to the timing of how it's used to maximize your effectiveness. After you learn Projection, that is integrated into it as well. But that's for later. The basic principle is, if you're attacking, say, by throwing a punch…"

Sasame moved her arm in an exaggerated punching motion. As she did, Ruby saw the light from her Aura flowing down her arm and collecting in her fist, reaching its peak, right as her fist was fully extended. "For the greatest effectiveness, your Flow should gather the Aura in your fist at the moment of contact, which produces greater force than if you simply channeled your Aura into your fist, and then hit with it."

"Okay," said Ruby, not quite getting how that worked.

"It's okay if you don't understand the 'why' just yet," said Sasame. "It's actually an extension of the principle of putting the physical strength of your entire body behind a blow in order to maximize your power. However, the other purpose it serves is to smooth out your Flow, so that it isn't so easy to read."

"Why?" asked Ruby.

"Well, if I was coming to attack you, and you saw my Aura gather in my fist, what would you think I was trying to do?" posed Sasame.

"I'd think you were trying to punch me," said Ruby.

Sasame nodded. "That's right. The idea is to make your Aura Flow as naturally in conjunction with your movements as possible. There are already ways to read a person's moves by observing their posture and movements. If an opponent is able to read the flow of your Aura, that only makes anticipating your moves all the easier."

"Oh," said Ruby, nodding. Then she frowned. "But…I want to use a weapon. Why are you teaching me all this punching and kicking stuff?"

Sasame giggled. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Ruby-chan. Your weapon-training will begin in time. Part of it is that we're still in the physical conditioning phase of your development. In order to use a weapon effectively, you need to develop the requisite physical strength and control to wield it. You need to master your body so that, when you use your weapon, it becomes an extension of your body."

"Okay," said Ruby, nodding more eagerly.

"It also helps to at least be proficient in unarmed combat, in case you're ever in a situation where you can't reach your weapon, for whatever reason," added Sasame.

"That makes sense," said Ruby. "I'm sorry for asking so many questions."

"It's fine," said Sasame. "You're asking questions for the right reasons, because you want to understand the 'why' of what we do. That's very important, if you wish to truly master anything."

Ruby smiled at the praise.

"Now then, let's begin," said Sasame. "Take your stance, and we'll go through the techniques you've been practicing on the road. But, this time, you'll work on channeling your Aura in conjunction with your movements."

Ruby took her stance.

"You'll start in slow motion," explained Sasame. "For now, fluidity of execution trumps speed. Focus on making your Aura Flow as smoothly and naturally as possible. Understand?"

Ruby nodded hesitantly. She thought she understood what Sasame was talking about. She just hoped she understood correctly.

"Start with a right, straight-punch," said Sasame, watching as Ruby obeyed.

It was slow going. Ruby sometimes had to move so slowly, she was practically stopped, her fist inching forward, a bit at a time. The worst part was the kicks. Trying to slow a kick, so that she could properly match the Flow of her Aura down her leg and into her foot, was an awkward balancing act, made all the harder by whichever leg Ruby was standing on growing tired from the prolonged action.

Still, Sasame was happy with Ruby's progress, and it was only her first session after all. Regular practice would, just as with everything else she'd been taught so far, allow Flow to become a natural action she could execute without needing to think about it.

The next day, the festival began in earnest, and Ruby found herself swept up into it, along with her companions. They wandered amidst the crowds, enjoying attractions, playing games, snacking on treats. Ruby found herself enjoying every minute of it. One of her favorite parts was, when the crowd had been getting a little bit thick and claustrophobic for her, a pair of hands clamped onto her waist and hefted her upwards. A second later, Ruby found herself set on Kyo's shoulders, allowing her to see above the crowd, an act that delighted her.

The festival lasted three days, and was one of the most exciting experiences of Ruby's young life. It was such a natural high that it was difficult for her to calm herself back down after dinner, so that she could focus on her lessons. Sasame was understanding, but stern in her insistence on getting Ruby to calm down. It was the most fun Ruby had had in a long time, since her mother had still been alive.

Then, far too soon for her tastes, the festival was over. The trio stayed another day in the village to help with the cleanup, then it was time to hit the road again.

After a week out in the wilderness, Sasame declared that Ruby was ready to move onto the second of the three exercises, Suppression. At first, it seemed easy. But Ruby actually found it was hard to completely contain even the faintest leak of her Aura that might give her away. Fortunately, Sasame and Kyo had a very effective, and fun, way of helping Ruby master the skill.

They played a game of Hide and Seek. Ruby would use Suppression and hide. Sasame and Kyo would then try to track her down through their sense of her Aura alone. If they found Ruby, she faced punishment in the form of an extended tickling session. Ruby enjoyed these lessons even more than the previous ones, mainly because it reminded her of the games she and Yang used to play.

While they tracked Ruby through the faint leaks of her Aura, they also used it as an opportunity to teach her about tracking in general, showing Ruby all of the physical signs of her passage, whenever she tried to hide, expanding the scope of her education even further. Ruby found herself amazed at how many lessons her two teachers could fit into a single day.

Another month passed in the wilderness and, one evening, Ruby returned from her latest round of Aura-training with Sasame, feeling flush in her success at Suppressing her Aura perfectly, ensuring that Sasame hadn't been able to find her within the time limit. When she and Sasame reached their camp, Ruby was surprised to see that dinner wasn't the only thing Kyo was working on.

Kyo had taken a sturdy branch. Having produced a small utility knife from his sash, he was gradually whittling it down.

"What are you doing?" asked Ruby as she and Sasame settled onto the logs they'd set around the campfire.

"I'm making your practice weapon," said Kyo. "It's relatively basic, but it will be a wooden sword for you to use."

"A sword!" gasped Ruby, her eyes wide. A thrill of excitement rushed through her.

"That's right," said Kyo. "You've been working hard. Now we can begin working on your weapon techniques." He paused, hesitating for a second. "I hope you're all right with learning the sword."

"Um...Why wouldn't I?" asked Ruby.

"Well...if you wanted to learn some other weapon…" Kyo scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Kyo can only teach you swordsmanship," said Sasame. "So, if you had a different preference, like say a spear or halberd, we'd have to wait until we got home to find you a teacher."

"Not to mention that the only sword-styles I could teach your are based around katana-type blades," said Kyo. "Scimitars and similar swords wouldn't be too much different to learn, but something like a rapier or the like..." He shrugged.

"Well, a while back, I wanted to learn how to use the scythe," said Ruby.

"Scythe?" said Kyo and Sasame simultaneously.

"Y-yeah," said Ruby. "My Uncle Qrow is a scythe-wielder. He's super cool." She blinked. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well...not wrong, per-say," said Kyo, scratching the top of his head. "I don't know if we have any scythe users in the Mibu."

"Not to my knowledge," said Sasame. "As weapons go...it's unusual."

"Why?" asked Ruby. "I mean, I know a lot of people don't use it. But why is it so strange?"

"Well, to put it bluntly, the scythe isn't normally suited for use as a weapon," said Kyo. "The angle of the blade, the position of the cutting edge, its overall size...all those things make it awkward to swing. If you shrink it down to hand-size, you have the sickle, which is not such a rare weapon. But a full-sized scythe would be much harder to use effectively."

"Okay..." said Ruby. "My uncle's really good with it though."

"I imagine he is," said Sasame. "If he's a master of such an unusual weapon, then he most likely is quite skilled."

"To put it bluntly, the scythe is the original lawn mower," said Kyo, making Ruby gasp.

"If you'd really wish to learn the scythe...we'll see what we can do," said Sasame. "But that would mean waiting until we can get back home and find a teacher for you."

Ruby looked at the sword taking shape in Kyo's hands. Part of it was that she didn't want his work and consideration to go to waste. The other part was excited to get her hands on a weapon, on any weapon. It was true that she'd fixated on learning the scythe, because of her uncle. But much of that was because Qrow was one of the coolest people she knew, and she desired to emulate him.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to try the sword," said Ruby.

"It certainly won't hurt," said Sasame. "It's not wrong to try and get a feel for it. We can try out some other things when we get home, so you're not set onto a single path."

Kyo shaved off a few more flakes of wood from his sword. "Well, this is as done as I can make it. Sasame, would you finish, please?"

"Of course," said Sasame, her tail extending out.

To Ruby's surprise, Kyo set the sword on Sasame's tail, and the furry appendage curled around it, until the wooden blade was completely wrapped within it.

"What are you doing?" asked Ruby.

"This is one of the benefits of being a student of the Mumyo Kodama Ryu," explained Sasame. "My primary speciality is the healing arts. However, I am also able to manipulate the form and structure of living things. Kyo provided the basic shape, so I'm making sure the grain is consistent, and the balance matches that of a real sword. I'm also polishing it, so that it doesn't rub your hands raw within the first few minutes of using it."

"Oh," said Ruby, staring at Sasame's tail in fascination. There was no movement from it, so it was hard for Ruby to envision her doing all that at once.

Finally, Sasame's tail uncurled, revealing a wooden blade of light-colored wood, looking perfectly carved and sanded to a fine sheen. "Wow!" she gasped.

Sasame balanced the sword across her tail and lifted it to Ruby, before pausing. As Ruby reached out for it, Sasame suddenly curled her tail around it again.

"Wait!" she said, bringing the sword to her hands. "It's Ruby-chan's first weapon, so it should be something that suits her."

Gripping the sword in the middle with both her hands, so that they were pressed together, Sasame pulled her hands apart, moving them up and down the length of the wood. As they did, the light color of the wood was replaced by a darker, red color.

"There we go," said Sasame proudly, now handing the blade to Ruby. "That looks much more suitable for you, Ruby-chan."

Ruby took the blade almost reverently, staring at it as it rested on her hands. Pressure began to build behind her eyes and her throat hitched, as she realized that she had a weapon. After years of being forbidden to so much as touch, much less hold one, she now had a weapon of her own, and she was even going to be taught how to use it. It might have been just a wooden practice blade. But it was hers.

The warm fur of Sasame's fox-tail brushed against Ruby's cheeks as Sasame used the appendage to gently wipe away the tears gathering under her eyes. "Congratulations, Ruby-chan. You've earned this."

"Thank you," said Ruby.

Warm, calloused hands closed over her own, which were still closed around the sword. "I do need to warn you," said Kyo, "this is a practice blade, but we expect you to treat it with all the respect and care you would give a real sword. You will treat the blade as though it was steel, with a real edge. If you wear it out through the course of practice, which you will, we will replace it. But if you lose or break it because you were careless, then we will not, and you will have to carve your next sword yourself. Do you understand?"

Ruby nodded.

"There is a reason for this beyond simply teaching you to be responsible, said Kyo, drawing Ruby's eyes to his gleaming crimson ones. "To master a weapon, it is not enough to view it as nothing more than a simple object. Your weapon is your partner, someone in whom you invest your trust, practically a person in their own right. If you ever want to fully master how to fight with a blade, you must come to see that blade as something alive...and make it come alive in your hands."

"I don't understand," said Ruby, looking down.

"You will," said Kyo. "But, for now, the warning is enough. Tomorrow, we'll begin your instruction in the Way of the sword."

Despite Kyo's warning, Ruby couldn't help but embrace the warm fluttering in her heart as she stared down at the sword in her hands.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C661
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


