42.59% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1183: 33

章 1183: 33

[Status: Izuku Midoriya. Lvl 15 Harem Protagonist - Chef of Love

Strength: Once motorboated Nejire and lived.

Dexterity: 18 year champion of hint dodging.

Constitution: Survives intercourse with Momo Yaoyorozu.

Intelligence: Is the smartest person in the room. When he's alone.

Wisdom: Tried to google this, still have no idea.

Charisma: Can cook a steak.

Feats: Quick Cooking, Double Double Skill Growth (Cooking, Doctor)

Items: Golden Spatula +15% cooking skill, Dragonscale Stethoscope +10% Doctor skill ]

[Status: Itsuka Kendo. Lvl 27 Frenzied Monk of Punch.

Strength: When she does push ups she's actually pushing the world down.

Dexterity: Somehow the least flexible member of the party despite years of kung-fu.

Constitution: Got tired once, then she blinked.

Intelligence: In her case, the answer really is just punch stuff.

Wisdom: Min-maxing IRL.

Charisma: D. Is now the smallest of the group. And it's weighing her down.

Feats: Flex It Off, Battle Endurance (fighting restores endurance), Battle Regeneration (Fighting restores health)

Items: Sexy Underwear. ]

[Status: Momo Yaoyorozu. Lvl 21 Arsenal Angel

Strength: Trained by Alfred.

Dexterity: Can pole dance.

Constitution: Is powered by a sadistic glee.

Intelligence: Finding out that Nejire Hado scored higher than her in six subjects has made her question everything in life.

Wisdom: Wiser than Shoko which uhh, isn't saying much.

Charisma: A candid shot of her was used on a fashion magazine.

Feats: Quick Craft (Can make magic items quickly but they vanish after a while), Fearful Combatant (Amplifies fear affects and increases damage to feared targets), Maker's Mastery (Can wield any weapon she makes as long as she has trained with something similar)

Items: Numerous temporary items. Favorite is fear inducing black smoke.]

[Status: Nejire Hado. Lvl 28 Titty Monster

Strength: Devoted follower of the 'bring everything back in one trip' path.

Dexterity: Can turn herself into a human pretzel.

Constitution: Can't stop won't stop, literally can't stop, where the hell is the off switch?

Intelligence: How the fuck is she the highest scorer in her classes?

Wisdom: Surprisingly insightful on certain subjects.

Charisma: Tidd so strong she conquered a dragon.

Feats: Boob-storage, Quick Change, Enhanced Sex Techniques, Lesbomancy Master (used on Shoko)

Items: Bra of holding, dragon head, entire campsite, generator, if her cleavage could support life she could charge rent.]

[Status: Shoko Todoroki. Lvl 25 Sorcerer of Elements

Strength: Currently getting used to her new body. Got trapped under the mattresses the other day.

Dexterity: Really impressed by how her handwriting suddenly improved.

Constitution: In love with cuddling. Will cuddle anyone in the privacy of their home.

Intelligence: Somehow the fourth smartest member in the party.

Wisdom: Helped the party discover what wisdom was not.

Charisma: Literally adorable.

Feats: Boob storage (Nejire's idea), Expanded Elements, 1 undecided.]


Overhaul, crossed his gloved fingers and hooked his hands in front of his knee as he leaned back in his seat, one leg firmly planted on the ground. As terrifying as that mask was it was mitigated by the casual, almost emotionless expression in the man's eyes. "Well then, I must say your credentials are superb, you might actually be exactly what I was looking for."

Izuku swallowed and pulled at his shirt collar, it wasn't that his skin was uncomfortable or anything, the girls were actually right, the skins were really comfortable and it didn't really feel like anything was off about his outfit. Rather, he was just nervous. Very nervous. Extremely nervous. And for good reason. Getting interviewed by a Yakuza boss wasn't exactly nerve calming. The interview part was bad enough.

Still, he hadn't blabbed his entire reason for being here so he had that going for him.

"Which is not a good thing." Overhaul leaned forward, darkness coming over his eyes. The skinny, nearly unremarkable man had a dreadful aura that could not be matched by any foe Izuku had faced. Though, it was only half as scary as Momo was with her gas.

Maybe a third.

"Umm." Izuku swallowed. "Why?"

The only difference was that he could probably die here if he wasn't careful.

[Sys-admin: Don't be such a baby, I'm ready to teleport you out in a moment's notice.]

That only kind of helped.

"It's just too perfect," Overhaul continued. "My cook gets arrested for being a drug addicted idiot, then a few weeks later when I start looking for a new one, someone with a cooking quirk just so happens to bump into one of my underlings and then, well here you are."

"Uhh, that just sounds like luck?" Izuku half shrugged looking from Overhaul to the tall lanky looking man wearing a plague doctor's mask and a wide hat. "After I got kicked out of U.A. because my quirk wasn't heroic enough I was looking for a place where I could use it. But, I don't have it in me to be a villain. Not on my own. I need something with more structure."

Izuku bowed further, a difficult task while sitting and keeping both hands on his knees. Hopefully the Liar's Ring that Momo had made for him would keep up the good work. "That's why when I heard about the Shie Hassaikai I knew that I wanted to try and join."

"And what if I refuse you?"

"Then I go back to trying to find my way in life."

"I can respect that. Now then, if your desire is true then you will be willing to answer a few questions."

Izuku looked up. "I thought that's what we were doing?"

Overhaul let out a small chuckle that was barely louder than the regular ticking of the clock that hung on the wall. "Not by me. Shin here has a quirk that requires any question he asks to be answered truthfully. Surely you'd be willing to answer a few questions asked by him."


"Sure. I have nothing to hide."

Shit shit shit shit shit.

The man behind Overhaul took a step forward and bowed slightly. That must be Shin. "Nice to meet you. Now then. What's your name?"

"Minato Hyuga." Even if that was his fake name for this task it flew out of Izuku's mouth way too easily. Less like he said it and more like it was grabbed from within his mind and brought outwards. Guess the Liar's Ring was stronger than this guy's quirk.

"What exactly does your quirk do?" Shin pressed.

"I have no fucking idea," Izuku replied smoothly.

Overhaul raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, I have some idea, it allows me to cook meals that have healing and other random benefits, I believe I can also cure some illnesses with certain soups, though I'm working on other cures as well."

"Interesting," Overhaul commented and then nodded for Shin to continue.

"Why didn't U.A. accept you?"

"I turned the dean human." This was actually true. It was weird. "He didn't like it."

Also true.

"Also hard to fight giant robots with pies."

That earned him a laugh from Shin.

"What are your true intentions here?" Shin asked firmly.

"I want to develop my quirk. I want to see what it can and cannot do." Another half truth. "And I want to feel like I belong."

"Will you betray us?"

"I would never betray my family."

Overhaul took a long frustrated groan and leaned forward. "Do you think your food could affect quirks?"

"I've never really tried."

Overhaul stood and extended a hand. "Very well. Minato Hyuga. Show me what you can do."

Izuku took that hand and shook it firmly. Well he was now a part of the Yakuza. That was not something he ever thought he'd think before.

How the hell did he end up like this?

XXXX Three weeks ago XXXX

"Thank you for coming on such short notice today Izuku. There was much I needed to talk to you about." Sir Nighteye pushed up his glasses and gave a slight nod while shuffling the papers on his desk. Though Izuku wondered if he should instead be calling him Mirai, or . "There is something important we need to discuss."

"Is this about you and my mom going steady?" Izuku asked, watching Mirai's face falter from the blunt accusation. It was only mildly amazing in the best way possible. "Because I'm pretty okay with it, I mean I know that my dad's not coming back and that you appear to make her happy so it's all-"

"What? No. I assure you that is not why I called you here today." Mirai's face was red for once and he flailed his hands out in front of him like Itsuka did whenever she got caught off guard. "Though, it's good to hear that you're accepting of it. I won't try to umm." He coughed. "We're getting off topic."

"Oh, umm, sorry." Izuku sunk into his chair and gave a half shrug. "Then why did you call me here?"

"I told you that I would have you intern at my agency, in addition, I promised that I would help you however I could when it came to developing your quirk. And we still have that upcoming event we need to find a solution for." Mirai sighed and pinched his nose. "Have you found anything?"

"Not really, Menu-chan has-"


"My quirk, well, part of it, she's uhh, she's mildly malicious, but she's been helping me, we're trying to open a dungeon to try and get more information. So far it hasn't actually worked. But I've gotten really good at using my healing foods and I can even treat injuries now. Oh, and Itsuka is amazing and -"

Mirai raised a hand. "I'm aware of how you're doing, Recovery Girl has said that you're well on her way to taking over for her, and even Aizawa said, uhh, some positive things about your skills. I'm also aware that your uhh, I believe Ms. Hado said that it was a love pile? And that now Shoko Todoroki, who was once a boy is now a part of it." He sighed. "And that she has fox ears?"

"And a tail," Izuku admitted softly. "The tail was really important to her."

"Yes. And a tail. That aside, I have been keeping up with you as best I could. And I must say, you have accomplished quite a bit, your rescue work was impressive. You have a wide skill set and now I have a need for that skill set."

Izuku blinked. A mission? Something he was needed for?

[Warning, if you get any more excited about this, you may or may not receive an erection.]

Izuku coughed. "Alright, what do you need me to do?"

Mirai shuffled the papers on his desk and pulled out a photo of a well dressed man, his plain face was covered by a large beaked mask, his hands were covered by a pair of white gloves. "This is Kai Chisaki. He's the current head of a Yakuza branch. He has been making some unusual movements of late, far outside of how the Yakuza normally operate."

"So what are we going to do? Hero patrols? Should I get Itsuka and the others to help?" Izuku sat forward in his seat and tried not to let his smile show. No. Remember the Philippines. That was no reason to smile, and neither was this. People's lives were going to be on the line, as was his.

"As I said your quirk is very versatile. You can teleport to safety or summon more firepower than some hero agencies have at their disposal all in the blink of an eye. You have untraceable, instant communication with people you trust and your quirk, though unreliable, has granted you insight multiple times. You even have the means to change your appearance, in addition you can even fake having a quirk just by using one part of yours. All of this makes you uniquely qualified."

His face felt warm. That was just about that nicest thing anyone besides Itsuka, Nejire, and Shoko had ever said about his quirk.

[Sys-admin: Hey, he's talking about me, not you. Tell him I say thanks.]

"Qualified for what?" Izuku asked, trying not to feel too giddy.

"Being a chef."

Well that all came crashing down. "How does being a chef help?"

"Well, as it turns out, Chisaki's chef was recently captured, and he happens to be looking for a new one. So, the plan is for you to go undercover and learn what you can. With any luck you'll be able to find out what Chisaki is planning, and if my hunch is correct, maybe even something about what will come to pass. Though that may just be hopeful thinking." Mirai took his glasses off and pinched his nose for a brief moment before folding his hands in front of his face. "I believe that this is the safest option for us."

Another breath and Mirai opened his eyes. "Ideally, I wouldn't put you in harm's way. But. I believe you are capable of this Izuku. So the choice is yours. Do you accept?"

An infiltration mission into the heart of the Yakuza.

[Quest Accepted: Machnications of the Yakuza.

Reward: ?]

He didn't even get the chance to say yes yet.

"Sure. Just tell me what I need to do."

"First, we need to create a disguise for you, and help you get around a few potential roadblocks. Do you have any ideas?"

Izuku nodded. "I think I might be able to work some things out."

AN: Shortish chapter to start off the arc and give stat sheets!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1183
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


