49.15% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1365: 30

章 1365: 30

A/N: I'm glad you all enjoyed the direction the story is going. I'm really excited to write these next few chapters. I mean in the manga Izuku only trained with Endeavor a week and he's way better at controlling Black Whip. I believe the time between when the students moved into the dorms and the provisional license Exam was two months, so he's going to have plenty of one on one time with Endeavor to train.

Sparkydragon98: Not exactly retired, they still have their licenses so they can perform hero work, but they don't have an actual agency or anything.

Izuku looked at Momo as she sat next to him and took a deep breath. She was mad he could tell that much, but she also seemed excited to have him here. "Momo I'm sorry about what I did before Kamino." He said looking down at his hands as Momo looked at him.

"You mean knocking me out and taking my tracker?" She asked crossing her arms as she looked at him. He flinched under her words. What she said was true and he did feel terrible about it.

"I wanted to keep you safe." Izuku said and immediately regretted that as he heard Momo inhale in the most disappointed way he'd ever heard. He didn't even know it was possible to inhale disappointedly.

"And who asked you to do that Izuku?" Momo said looking at him drawing his eyes to hers. "I didn't ask to be kept safe, in fact I was going along to keep you safe, and if I had maybe you wouldn't be expelled right now." She said as Izuku sighed.

"Momo I wanted to protect you. It was dangerous out there, you saw what happened. I mean even All Might-!"

"That could have been you!" Momo shouted cutting him off as she swiped unshed tears from her eyes.

"You're right I did see what happened and it was the most painful thing I have ever had to do. Do you know how helpless I felt Izuku sitting in my hospital bed as you fought for your life? You wanted to protect me Izuku? So what whenever we do anything dangerous you're going to knock me out and place me out of harm's way? If that's the life I wanted I wouldn't have enrolled in UA. I don't want to be some precious jewel to be put in a display case and kept under lock and key. Is that what you want for me Izuku, and if so is that what you want for all of us?" Momo said looking at Izuku as he clenched his fist.

"I just don't want to lose any of you Momo. I lost All Might I don't want to feel that way ever again." He said clenching his fists.

"Neither do we Izuku. None of us want to lose you, and that's why we need to be there to protect you, just like you protect us." Momo said grasping Izuku's hand looking at the bandages across it. "You're just as precious as we are to you. You don't have to bear the burden alone Izuku we are all here to share that with you. The question is will you let us?" She asked as Izuku looked into her eyes and sighed.

"I understand Momo, I won't sideline you again. Whatever I face I want to face with all of you too." He said smiling at her before kissing her as she wrapped her arms around him he gave a hiss of pain.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said looking at his battered and bruised body. "Izuku did your mentor do this to you?" She asked as Izuku nodded.

"Not really he has me going up against his sidekicks mostly, but I do train with him too." He said as Momo looked on worriedly.

"Well try not to push yourself." She said sighing she wished he would take things easier, but that just wasn't Izuku's way unfortunately. Izuku grabbed her hand before speaking.

"I did come here to say I'm sorry Momo, and I do have the rest of the day free, so what do you want to do? Whatever you want consider it my apology." He said as Momo's face split in a big smile.

"I have just the thing." She whispered.

"Aww man we were too late! Stupid Endeavor he doesn't even like kids or anyone for that matter!" Shouted Ryuko also known as Pixiebob of the Pussycats. She and the other members aside from Tiger were sitting at a table with Midnight.

"Well you're not wrong Ryuko, but what's done is done." Shino or Mandalay said sipping at her drink. "I'm a little disappointed as well I was hoping we could pay him back for what he did at the Forest Camp but I think Kota is even more disappointed. He really wanted to see Midoriya and thank him properly." She said smiling as she remembered the bright look in Kota's eyes when she told him that Izuku may come to train with them.

"You couldn't have told us sooner Nemuri!? I know, you wanted to keep him for yourself and turn him into one of your little Midnight Boys didn't you?" Ryuko said as Midnight sipped at her drink.

"Well I can't say the thought didn't cross my mind. Couldn't you imagine it? Little Midoriya crying his eyes out at having been expelled and then there I would an angel of hope telling him he can learn to be a hero under me as I cradle his head on my bosom. Doesn't that just scream romance?" Midnight said her face red as she panted at the imagery.

"Wow and they call you a cat in heat Ryuko." Tomoko or Ragdoll said looking at the fuming Pixiebob.

"I knew it!" Ryuko hissed pointing at Midnight who shrugged.

"Not that it matters now Endeavor beat us all to the punch. I wonder if he offered to take Midoriya on or if the boy himself asked? Either way he's in good hands I think. Endeavor is the number one hero after all." Midnight elaborated swirling her drink as the other heroines nodded.

"Yeah I guess we'll just have to admit defeat this time." Shino said as Ryuko drained her glass.

"Yeah Endeavor got the jump on us, but at this rate Midoriya will be a hero in no time, can you imagine that?" Ryuko said as the image of Izuku as a fully-fledged hero arriving on the scene causing all of them to blush.

"I'd love to have a team up with that!" Ragdoll said raising her glass in a toast as they all joined in.

Endeavor sat at the desk in his office looking through the list of incidents his sidekicks had compiled for him when the door to his office opened admitting one of his sidekicks a woman by the name of Burnin and another of his sidekicks Ember. Burnin had flaming hair with dark eyes and wore a light colored jacket with a belt and wrist guards. "Endeavor sir where is that green haired brat. I've got some stress to vent and he makes the perfect punching bag!" Burnin said as Endeavor looked up.

"I gave him some time off to recover." Endeavor said as Burnin slumped on her feet.

"What, when's he coming back?" She asked as Ember chuckled. Ember wore a blazing red leotard emblazoned with a burning E as well as a white cape and boots.

"What's wrong Burnin you missing our rookie already?" He smirked at Burnin who glared at him.

"No, it's like I said I need to relieve some stress is all." She said crossing her arms.

"You really shouldn't use the newbie like that. It might give him a warped sense of women going forward, if not downright traumatize him." Ember retorted as ember blushed.

"Shut the fuck up Ember I didn't mean like that. He's a snot nosed kid, and I am a grown woman he has nothing to offer me!" She shouted as the door opened behind them gaining the attention of all in the room even Endeavor who'd up until this point had been ignoring his two sidekicks bickering.

"I'm coming in." Shoto Todoroki announced as he walked into the office.

"Shoto why are you here?" Endeavor asked as Shoto walked to his desk.

"Tell me why you're training Izuku Midoriya?" Shoto asked as Endeavor eyed his son.

"Not that I was keeping it a secret, but how did you kn-?" Endeavor was cut off by Shoto's speedy retort.

"I heard Burnin's voice over the phone when Izuku's mom called him." Shoto explained hiking a thumb over his shoulder to point at Burnin as all eyes settled on the woman.

"S-sorry boss I didn't know Shoto was on the other end of the line!" Burnin shouted bowing to her boss as Endeavor sat back in his chair.

"It doesn't matter Burnin, like I said I was never hiding the fact that I took on Midoriya for training. It was his choice not to inform anyone about his decision, which I respected. You two can leave." Endeavor said as Burnin and Ember left the room shutting father and son alone together.

"Answer me. Why are you training Midoriya?" Shoto asked as Endeavor looked at his son.

"It doesn't concern you Shoto. I will still make time to train you as well if that's what you're worried about." Endeavor said as Shoto grit his teeth.

"It does concern me! I know firsthand what your "training" is like! Is that why no one's seen Midoriya? Have you beaten him to the point you can't let him out in public?!" Shoto shouted as Endeavor sat in his chair.

"Shoto I realize you don't trust me, and after the things that have transpired between us I don't blame you, but if you can't trust me, then trust Midoriya. He's your friend right, that's why you're here now. Are you worried for him?" Endeavor asked as Shoto exhaled through his nose scenes of his childhood running through his mind.

"He doesn't know the kind of monster you are. Even after what I told him I'm sure he thinks you're a good person. That's just who he is, and I won't let you crush that like you do everyone else around you." Shoto said placing his hands on his father's desk. The two stared at one another for a moment before Endeavor leaned back and sighed.

"I owe Midoriya something Shoto, but you are my son, and though you don't believe it you are my priority. If you ask me to I will stop training Midoriya. As you said you told Midoriya about our past, and even knowing this he accepted my offer to train here. I'm sure he had some misgivings about it, but he still said yes. He put his trust in me, and I don't want to betray that, but I will if you ask me to. Do you want me to stop training Midoriya Shoto?" Todoroki clenched his fists as he looked at his father's face. There was no anger or irritation he was being honest.

"Damn you. Fine keep training Midoriya!" He shouted before turning and walking away. Endeavor looked at his son before bowing his head slightly.

"Thank you Shoto."

"I'm not doing this for you. This is for my friend Midoriya!" He shouted slamming the door as he left.

Izuku couldn't believe the situation he'd gotten himself into. He knew Momo had rather eccentric tastes, but this was more than he expected. Right now Izuku was sitting on Momo's couch that probably cost more than the apartment he shared with his mother. He was dressed similar to the disguise he wore when he and the others infiltrated Kamino. His green hair was combed back and he wore a green open jacket with a purple t-shirt. He had baggy jeans with no shoes on his feet which he'd propped up on the coffee table, the action screamed against the very core of who he was, but this was what Momo wanted.

"Izuku if you really want to make things up to me there is something I wanted to try." She said with an adorable blush. If only he'd known what she had planned. Momo wanted to roleplay, and not in a D&D way. He heard her footsteps behind him as she walked over to him with a cup of tea. He swallowed as he looked at her. She was dressed in a green t-shirt and purple shorts.

"Izuku I want you to be mean to me." She said before. "You're such a nice guy and I love that about you, but when you get angry or rough I think that would be even hotter!" She said face flushed her bountiful chest rising as she panted before him. He didn't know if he could do this, but he had to. He'd promised Momo he'd make things up to her and he would. She sat his cup down before looking at his feet on her table.

"Izuku take your feet off the table." She said looking at him and immediately he began to withdraw his feet. No don't do what she says! He thought to himself before dropping his feet back on the table causing the tea to spill.

"You shut your mouth. I'll put my feet where I want you stupid girl." He felt his gut wrench at his words. He wanted to apologize right then and there. He was so far out of his element it was almost painful. He looked through squinting eyes to see Momo and her face flush as she gave him a goofy grin.

Guess th-that was the right thing to say. He said composing himself for the next part. "Instead of telling me what to do why don't you clean up this mess you've made!" He shouted at her as Momo flinched dropping to her knees.

This was even hotter than she'd expected she didn't know if she could keep it together if he kept this up. "O-of course I'm sorry let me go get a towel to clean that up right now." She said getting up only to have Izuku grab hold of her shirt.

"Looks like you've got a rag here already use this." He said jerking on her shirt as she turned back to him.

"B-but this is my-"

"Are you talking back to me Momo, you know what I think I've had enough of this. I'm going to go see Mina maybe she'll actually do what she's told." He said getting up and walking towards the door. Izuku hoped he wasn't doing this wrong being mean wasn't his thing. Assertive sure, aggressive only when he had to be, but this, he just wasn't sure about.

"N-no please I-I'll do it." Momo said as she slowly pulled off her t-shirt. Izuku turned around to watch as Momo revealed her large bust cupped inside a teal bra. He swallowed hard as he watched her get on her knees and began wiping up the tea her breasts swaying ever so gently with the motion.

I-I can't believe this. I feel so hot. Izuku's looking at me as he orders me to clean up a mess with my shirt! She said only to give off a yelp as she felt top of Izuku's foot brushing against her crotch through her shorts. She looked over her shoulder into Izuku's eyes as he looked away from her pretending like he wasn't doing anything. Oh my god why is he so good at this!? She asked herself.

Izuku made sure to look away from Momo if he made eye contact he was sure he wouldn't be able to keep this up. "I-Izuku I can't clean w-with you touching me like that." She whimpered.

"Too bad!" He shouted crossing his arms as he slowly looked her away seeing Momo trying to diligently clean while he toyed with her pussy. "L-look at this sexy body of yours this is not the body of a high school girl. Face it Momo you were made to be f-fucked." He growled as Momo moaned out pushing against his foot. Each word having to be forced from his mouth giving it a harsher tone than he'd intended

"D-don't say that!" She panted feeling the edge of her climax coming at her.

"Are you telling me what to do?!" He growled forcing his toe hard against her pussy causing Momo to cover her mouth as she came drenching her panties and the shorts she was wearing before falling against the couch.

"Now look at the mess you've made you stupid girl. You can't do anything right!" Izuku shouted slapping her ass hard making Momo yelp at the harsh contact.

"Guess I'll just use you how I see fit then." Izuku said as he did away with his pants and sat down on the couch next to Momo giving her a look at his impressive manhood robed in a condom. Her eyes went wide staring at it. "Don't just sit there get up here Momo!" Izuku shouted jolting her from her shocked state as she shakily got to her feet. "Take off your clothes." He ordered as Momo slowly undid her bra and then slid down her drenched shorts and panties. "You're a damn mess." He whispered making Momo flinch. The verbal abuse was only heightening Momo's arousal as she climbed atop Izuku's cock.

She slowly lowered herself down onto it feeling his head press against her opening. "If you can't do it I'll just go to one of the others." Izuku said placing a hand on her shoulder. It was a gentle pressure that contradicted his words. Momo knew that at the crucial moment Izuku wouldn't be able to fully devote himself to the masquerade she'd set before him, but that was ok. He'd done more than enough, and she wanted to give her best as well. She slid down Izuku's cock feeling it spread her with every inch until she fell against his pelvis.

Momo bit her lip as she felt Izuku stroking her back as his other hand played with her breasts teasing her hard nipples as he kissed at her neck. He exuded nothing but love and concern for her. Any pain she had felt disappeared as she lavished in his loving touch like a warm blanket as she slowly rose from her perch before thrusting him back into her. She moaned as she picked up speed bouncing on his cock as Izuku gripped her hips coming around to clasp her ass as he thrust up into her. Momo threw her head back as Izuku filled her so completely. She was sure she would burst at any moment.

Izuku grit his teeth as he felt Momo slide along his length. He'd been hard for so long and now he could finally cut loose a little. He grabbed Momo's hips moving her faster as he pounded upward into her slamming himself into her deepest parts. Momo felt the wind be pushed from her as Izuku took pleasure from her body. She leaned forward feeling her lower body explode in pleasure as she came again her juices raining down on Izuku as he pounded her pussy until giving a final thrust and cumming inside her. She leaned forward placing her forehead against him both panting heavily and sweating riding out their subsequent orgasms.

Momo lay next to Izuku on the couch as he played with her hair and her just looking at him. "Are you sure you can't stay?" She whispered as Izuku sat up and stretched.

"I wish I could Momo, but I need to be back at the agency. I don't want to abuse my mentor's generosity in giving me a day off." He said getting dressed as Momo snatched his boxers from his hands and slipped them on. "Uhh Momo those are-"

"Yours, yes I know, but mine are currently unwearable." She said pointing to the moist shorts and panties she'd been wearing. "Besides I thought guys like going commando." She said with a smile that let Izuku know there was no arguing with her.

"Fine I deserve that." He said sliding his pants on never having taken off his shirt. That concerned Momo, but she didn't say anything. Izuku looked at Mina and smiled before kissing her.

"You should probably get some rest you're going to have a busy time at school when you get back Class Representative Momo Yaoyorozu." He said chuckling at her blush as she hit his arm.

"Don't tease me!" She huffed as she saw him off with a smile.

Izuku rounded the corner of Momo's block and sighed clutching his chest. "Keep it together, smile even when it hurts." He said pounding his chest. All Might's death was still fresh in his mind, but he didn't have time to be sad, no he needed to keep his head. He was working to be the number one hero, he couldn't let his sadness take over.

"Give it up nerd you're not fooling anyone with that fucking act." Bakugou said as he came from around the corner. Izuku jumped as he looked at Katsuki.

"Katsuki wh-what are you doing here?" Izuku asked as thoughts careened around his head. Does he know that Momo and I-? No, no, no if he did he'd have said something by now. OH man does Katsuki have a thing for Momo?! That can't be it right? Katsuki growled slamming his palm against the wall next to Izuku's head.

"Get out of your fucking head Izuku. I knew you'd come by here to see Ponytail since she's going to be the new class rep. I didn't think you'd be in there for hours. What'd you do bore her to fucking death with your notes and other bullshit!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah that's right I was helping Mom get ready to take over for me." Izuku lied as Katsuki glared at him.

"Why'd you do it Izuku?" Why'd you come after me, I didn't ask you to!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku looked at him.

"I came because I felt I had to. Whatever our relationship Katsuki you were my responsibility. I wouldn't have felt right in not going after you. That's what I learned from All Might." Izuku said as Katsuki growled.

"That's not all you learned from his is it Izuku?" Katsuki asked as he looked at Izuku. "You know there was always something bugging me about your quirk. I thought at first you had simply been hiding it from me. It was entirely possible you're a ninja right." Katsuki mocked looking at Izuku who simply stared at him. "That was enough at first, but then All Might took notice of you. Maybe he was impressed that you ran into try and save me from that sludge asshole, and that struck me hard. We both wanted to be like All Might, we both trained for it, but he chose you." Katsuki said clenching his fists.

"Then All for One appeared and he was able to take quirks from people and give them to others line that up with All Might getting weaker after coming to UA and putting so much effort into you. There was something about you that he respected, so what was it? What was it that you have that I don't? What was so great about you that All Might gave you his quirk!? God I just want to fight you right here and now and show you who's better!" Izuku looked at Katsuki and the suffering on his face. I'm sorry All Might. Izuku said turning away from Katsuki.

"If you want to know that badly I'll tell you everything, just not here." Izuku said walking and hearing Katsuki follow him. The two boys made their way to Dagobah beach as the moon rose in the sky, and it was there that Izuku revealed everything to Katsuki.

"So you see this power wasn't mine from birth. I'm not an extremely late bloomer. I was just lucky enough to have met All Might and for him to see a successor in me." He said holding up his hand before looking at Katsuki as he stared out at the ocean.

"So that's what it was hunh?" He asked before smiling as he looked at Izuku. "And you still couldn't beat me in the Sports Festival. How are you going to be the greatest hero?" Izuku frowned as he looked at Katsuki.

"You know the provisional license exams are going to take place soon. I plan to be there and I'm going to get my license so I can be the hero that All Might wanted me to be. I just hope I don't have to watch you fail." Izuku said as Katsuki growled.

"You motherfucker I'm going to pass and then it'll be you looking like a failure. Even if All Might chose you that doesn't change anything. I won't lose to you!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku laughed.

"Well I hope to see you there Katsuki." Izuku said walking away from the beach and heading back to Endeavor's agency as Katsuki looked at him go.

The league of villains had set up shop in an abandoned warehouse lying low since the events of Kamino. Shigaraki sat in the corner of the warehouse his back to the rest of them as he watched the news on his phone. He'd been watching the same news broadcast for days; the defeat of All for One. "How much longer are we expected to sit here? Our leader is too busy pouting to give us any orders, so what do we do!?" Shouted Spinner as Kurogiri looked at Tomura.

Tomura has lost All for One, without him he's like a doll without a purpose, but that can't be the end. Come on Shigaraki All for One put everything into you, now what are you going to do? Kurogiri questioned as Tomura stood up. He'd been staring at a picture of Izuku from the battle and his mind filled with one word. KILL! He wanted to kill him, destroy him, to utterly erase him from existence, but first he would make him hurt. He would hurt him like he'd been hurt. Tomura slid the screen of his phone to the left and looked at a picture of Inko Midoriya.

A/N: I don't know what it is but I get the feeling Momo would be a masochist, like a happy medium between Darkness from Konosuba and Hori from Horimiya. Oh well hope you all e

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1365
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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