1.69% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 47: 28

章 47: 28

Chapter 28 Unexpected Allies

I had barely finished transporting all of the freed slaves from Meereen settled when I received a delegation from Lhazar. I expected them wanting to join. I did not expect them to volunteer for military dut

Really? It sometimes seems like every tiny village has it's own magic users. And that they all spy on each other. This is ridiculou

Still my annoyance wasn't enough to throw them out. I did point out how many times my empire has come under attack and why I didn't feel the need to shelter a bunch of pacifist

Their response was surprising. It also confirmed they were spying on me with magic. They are pacifists. Sort of. Culturally they just aren't aggressive. So they proposed training as shaman

I of course accepted. The shamans are definitely one of my smaller branches. Most people just seemed to dislike warging on principle. They also seemed to dislike sitting back and meditating while summoned creatures earned the glory they signed up fo

Thinking about it the Lhazareen seemed perfect. If even a fraction of the lhazareen pass training it will easily match if not surpass my samurai in size. I of course accepted. Now I feel a little bad about writing them off so quickl

I quickly extended a new rail line into Lhazar, but the problem was how dispersed they were. They only had three cities and even they were on the small side. Most of them were scattered across dozens of much smaller town

Another benefit was that they brought me the news that Qarth was rebuilding. Seeing as I had destroyed the city I was a bit surprised by that. Qarth it seems, wasn't a single city. It was a small country with at least three major cities. I had only destroyed the capita

I quickly added Qarth to the list of placed to be monitored by my scrying division and it was mixed news. The other two cities were pouring everything into rebuilding their capital. They were greatly aided by the masses of undead beastmen they were using. All controlled by numerous warlocks. And the people were being fed a constant stream of propaganda painting me as pure evi

So it looks like I have another enemy or an enemy has returned. On the other hand they have undead walking around in the daylight. Maybe I can steal that knowledge from them someho

I was settling the Lhazareen just south of Ib. There were dense woods and rich grasslands there. Since I had already scattered ghost grass everywhere I passed out barrels of valyrian steel hoes. Can't have my new subjects starving no

The Lhazareen it seemed were more comfortable in small villages. They had only formed cities to hide from the dothraki. Even the towns were caused by people moving from destroyed villages. Once safe, they wasted no time in scattering into hundreds of tiny village

Oooo - Ooo - Oo - O - oOo - O - oO - ooO - oo

It was while the Lhazareen were setting up their new villages that they discovered something incredibly valuable. Bones. Massive humanoid bones dwarfing anything I've seen befor

The skeletons belonged to a race of giants I hadn't seen before. They stood about thirty feet tall, which is easily twice as tall as the giants I had. A bit of research labeled them as the Jhogwin, which I had actually taken as myth

I should have known better. It seems every myth here is based at least partially on fact. And all too many of them are returning. I just need to make sure they're on my sid

I wanted them. I can already imagine the enormous golems I could create from them. I post large bounties for any skeleton they find and have them all shipped back to Lorath. I dive into my research and scrap half my projects involving giants for thi

The Jhogwin seemed tailor made for my powers. Their skulls were so large they were at the very limit of what I could store in my Inventory, but never passed it. It unlocked a new golem recipe which I immediately teste

The new golem was forty feet tall and took hundreds of blocks to construct. It was worth it though. It was just as strong as it was large. A giant zombie was easily crushed with a single blow. It then went on to kill a giant armored golem and then an ender dragon. It was fairly damaged by that point, but I was very satisfie

This changed things. Given decent armor my new golem, named Jotun, would be unstoppable. Even better, it's armor would be thick enough to shrug off light siege weapons and make it immune to manticoreme

It was a very slow process. I had to incorporate small chunks of Jhogwin essence into each generation of giant in order to gradually increase their size. Any more and the mother would die during child birth. Still it was workin

During this time my empire settled down and got used to all the new settlers. I had strained it a bit with the influx of so many people, but their eagerness to make a new and better life kept tensions within reasonable limit

I was glad to see everything working out since it allowed me to concentrate on my projects. I still didn't have an answer to the manticoremen, but at least the completion of my wall meant I no longer needed to fly out mysel

It was probably due to my sudden interest in the Jhogwin skeletons that I was approached. Several of the marines in Oceanus brought an entire ship of exotic skeletons. I almost missed their explanation when I saw one of the

It was a deinonychus, the dinosaur the velociraptors from Jurassic Park were based on. There were dinosaurs her

I thanked and rewarded them in a daze. Dinosaurs. That's crazy. And awesome. I need to send an expedition ther

Oooo - Ooo - Oo - O - oOo - O - oO - ooO - oo

I check and see the manticoremen seem pretty entrenched in Westeros. They haven't spread too far yet, but already parts of King's Landing are overrun. The capital has turned into a warzone. Looks like I don't have to worry about Westeros any time soo

At least one area isn't causing me problems. Too bad I can't say the same for the sea. The Deep Ones have stepped up their attacks recently, going to far as to assault coastal villages. The defenses have held in most cases and losses were minimal. The inconvenience and fear the attacks engender are the real proble

Everyone is demanding more defenses. They are often diverting production towards local defenses and are holding back the air ships and weapons made for personal use. Soldiers are also requesting to return home in greater numbers then ever. And my marines are far from read

I don't fight it. There isn't any point. I do need to deal with the issue. Not to say I just sit back. No I actively help the push for local defenses. Of course I make sure I'm in charge of the proces

Air ships still go to my fleet, but in return a few are stationed to protect each village. Since I'm the one arming the zeppelins there isn't much argument with that. I station small garrisons and build more elaborate fortifications. My entire empire is bunkering u

While extensive and expensive, the process was most of all time consuming. With so much production diverted I can't mount any offenses. I now have to wait for at least the newest generation of recruits to graduate if I don't want to return to attacking by mysel

Instead of that I started expanding my empire deeper inland. I extended my railroads and made dozens of iron wyrms. My council arranged schedules to allow civilian use even as I laid down more and more line

Not only did this increase trade and productivity, the new railroads had the benefit of finally convincing Omber to sign up. The Kingdom of Omber had been very wary of my empire even as I expanded all around it. The few times one of the nobles there had attacked me I immediately responded. Well, it was more like raiding. I still destroyed them and seized all their land

Now they were eager to join up and take advantage of the trade opportunities. Or at least most of them were. Enough that I felt justified in scheduling the conquest of the resisting nobles as training exercises for the recruits. Need to make sure they're blooded after al

Offering trade meant I needed to extend my trading partners. Pentos already had a new railroad. Now I started pushing my railroads further eas

Trading with Yi Ti has always been a lucrative endeavor before and I can always use more allies. Besides my scrying revealed that they're protected by thousand foot stone walls. If I'm lucky they'll have a new branch of magic for me to lear

I didn't make it to Yi Ti. When I extended the line from Lhazar I had to pass through the Bone Mountains. The only pass there was guarded by Bayasabhad, one of the three cities in the Patrimony of Hyrkoo

I had expected attacks and raids until I was forced to destroy them. I did not expect a welcoming committee. I had left them alive in the hopes that eventually the fanatics would die out and I could trade with them. I figured it would take a few generations, but would eventually work ou

That plan hinged on the fact that I had already killed the majority of the fanatics. It turns out they're all fanatics. I just killed off the ones that supported Viserys. Taking this as proof of my divinity, along with my demonstrations previously, the remaining populace had apparently converted to m

I of course accepted. No way was I going to pass up new willing territories. They don't really have much to trade, but location is often as important as natural resources. And to me they have the most important resource of all. Peopl

Caught between the Dothraki and the Jogos Nhai they evolved into a fierce martial culture that literally bred warriors. I had crushed their standing armies, but the next generations were already training hard to replace them. It helped that the Dothraki were shattered and no longer a proble

Seeing the women training gave me an idea. The hot climate had lent itself towards wearing little to no armor and they were no exception. The custom of baring their chest to reveal their piercings also supported that habit. They also trained primarily with long polearms and javelins to better combat light cavalr

The only reason they don't have cavalry of their own was horses took too much land to raise. With my aid that can easily be gotten around though. However, instead of riding horses I wanted them to ride my winged drake

The drakes had not been nearly as successful as I had hoped. Sure they worked well and a few people used them, but overall they were thought of as status symbols. Their limited carrying capacity limited their use, especially after the zeppelins started becoming widespread. Charioteers also vastly preferred my golems and if not available still used horses simply for logistical reason

Oooo - Ooo - Oo - O - oOo - O - oO - ooO - oo

It took a week to arrange. I shipped down several winged drakes along with parachutes and new weapons. In particular I brought a specially designed saddle for the drake that was equipped with a chain crossbo

As expected from people as devoted as they were, they loved it. They wasted no time throwing themselves into training and competed fiercely to be the first to receive mounts. I'd like to think they'd be just as enthusiastic over the drakes even if I wasn't the one presenting them since I also brought the means to feed the

Like I did for Dragonstone I built them an extensive underground farm. Most of it was devoted to soybeans since I wanted the drakes to flourish here. Soybeans ironically enough came from Yi Ti and could easily be used for the bulk of their diet. Combined with all the other crops I brought and I solved not only the drakes food supply issue, but the people's as wel

I check on the other two cities in the Patrimony and they welcome me just as enthusiastically. I pour a lot more resources into building the cities up than I had initially planned. I figure between the three cities I now have an actual eastern border and I wanted it secur

I never did extend the railroads past the cities. It just didn't seem right to have them go past them. Instead I extended a rail line between the three cities. Besides Yi Ti wasn't even an ally yet and I doubt they would appreciate me building a rail right up to their wall

Which turned out to be a good thing. Merchants and scouts were already bringing back word that Yi Ti was in the middle of a civil war. They had an Orange Emperor and Azure Emperor, both controlling most of the territory immediately past the Patrimony. They're also both also fighting the Jogos Nhai, which is good for me since it means I'm unlikely to be threatened from that directio

I'd ignore the east entirely if not for the rumors of a Bonetown further east that trades ancient unrecognizable bones. I'm aiming to convert the Patrimony into a fortified borders and trading hubs. They were already partially inclined that way due to the Valyrian roads. The new railroads would speed that u

To really push them along I constructed a massive set of air docks. Zeppelins would make surveying and patrolling much easier on the cities. They are also unlikely to be used too heavily since the cities are so heavily inclined towards military service. But the docks aren't for the

With all the possible new resources out there I expect a fairly steady stream of merchants. While the majority of airships are being sent to the royal fleet I know people. Some are going to keep some for themselves. And why not? With how easy I made it to build them I actually expect it. There's no point trying to control a new technology after it's spread past a certain point. So I'm planning for the futur

Still even the docks didn't take that long to set up. So after matters had gotten settled I returned back to Lorath and my project

I likely left behind an entire generation of Targaryen blooded babies. I suppose it made sense. Their entire culture revolved around breeding the best males and who was better than their actual hero rebor

I didn't mind. It strengthened ties between us and didn't pose a problem. The oldest of my sons was already fifteen and none of my children so far had exhibited any signs of my power. None of them had exhibited signs of insanity either. Seems a fair trade off to me. Let's just hope the trend continue

Besides it was fun. I didn't really think of myself as a hedonist, but I can definitely see the appeal. Once my empire is safe I might retire here. Ruling the planet sounds like a terrible hassle. I already have enough problems just with my empir

Oooo - Ooo - Oo - O - oOo - O - oO - ooO - oo

My retirement plans were aided greatly by the inclusion of the Patrimony. I was slowly restructuring my government into a sort of democracy. With how fast the empire was growing and how easily I handed out titles for various feats nobility was becoming almost commonplac

No, I wanted everyone to have a vote. At least everyone who I didn't feel was worthless. I was not about to let just anyone have a say. My requirements were simple. Serve in one of my military branches. As soon as you completed training you could vot

The Patrimony helped because until then I was having trouble setting it up so women could vote. Sure Sarnori women fought, but only besides their husbands they the head of their households. Since they were always male, they just treated it like having two votes. With the inclusion of an entire military branch comprised solely of women I was able to force the change through much easie

I was pretty glad the Patrimony was so fanatical given the fallout. Most of the rest of the empire was pretty upset about the forced castrations. I wasn't too happy about it myself. Golems, undead and former slaves replaced most of those positions fairly quickly. It turns out they didn't even mind once I explained my plan for their breeding progra

The idea of an empire wide set of Olympic style games to net them the best candidates for Great Fathers was greeted with enthusiasm. They already understood the basics of breeding so my reasoning made perfect sense to the

Of course I wouldn't feel right retiring while I still had active enemies. It's just too bad that I seem to keep finding new ones. Once again it was the Lhazareen who brought word to be first. One of the best decisions I ever made to let them joi

Ghis had risen once agai

Oooo - Ooo - Oo - O - oOo - O - oO - ooO - oo

The Old Empire of Ghis was the equivalent to Earth's Greece. Free land owners who trained in phalanx formations, although they called them lock step legions here. The Unsullied were actually an attempt to copy the success of those legion

Of course they cut too many corners there. Using drugged slaves instead of warriors and leather armor instead of much more expensive steel. Still what they did produce was decen

Of course New Ghis still kept the old training methods. Worse they were highly militant and had at least seven full legions. Since a legion was a bit over six thousand troops that was over forty thousand soldier

It wouldn't matter accept New Ghis had allied with both Yunkai and Astrapor and were now actively training both Unsullied along with more of the original legionnaires. It looks like they were aiming to at least double the number of active legions. I admit the offer to free any slave that completed training and served in the legions was inspired. I really hate smart enemie

Worse they hadn't stopped there. They allied with Qarth and Lys. Troops from both were steadily massing around the ruins of Meereen, which was being rebuilt. They already seemed to have conquered what was left of Lhaza

Thanks to them they're also training up enormous numbers of beastmen Unsulllied. I'm beginning to regret ever discovering that ritua

At least Westeros wasn't supporting them. Between the zeppelins I sent and the manticoremen all the kingdoms are falling apart. In fact King's Landing has already falle

Maybe it's time to retake Dragonston Bye?n.l.r.s.s.t.s.oOn.n.m.m.r.e.e.oOe.s.n?s.e.m.p.n.s.e.l.m.w.oOs.s.y.m.e.e.t.n.n.t.l.s.s.f.p.s.y.m.n.oOe.e.m.f.s.g.n.d.d.s.e.s.e.oOs.w.w.l.l.s.y.r.s.s.s.y.elins I sent and the manticoremen all the kingdoms are falling apart. In fact King's Landing has already fallen.

Maybe it's time to retake Dragonstone?

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
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