53.79% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1494: 18

章 1494: 18

Chapter 18: Naruto doing some stuff

'So much to do.. and yet so little fucks to be given.' Naruto looked out of the window of the classroom bored as he thought about various things. He thought about his inventions, his girls, future mates, the future period, what else he could create, weapons, future ideas for techniques, Tama and the twins fight anod how to counter it in the future, weapons, ramen, meat, life, his ancestry, the poke girls, etc., all the while not paying attention to the lesson at hand. But it was fine because he was the top student and teachers had learned by now that that likely won't change regardless of what he is doing at any give moment.

Even after his little demonic change he was still just as smart and cunning as he always was, his mind was just a little different. The speed at which he could think had upped a little even more which in turn made him have an even more laid-back demeanor when doing these mundane things. He craved a challenge more and more now. Something to get him going, to excite him.

Sure part of it could be blamed on ADHD but that was part of the reason he thought of so much now. Being able to think of many different things at the same time and still perform excellently in school made it more entertaining if only a little.

He even had fun with his abilities now as his branch of techinques went up in leaps as he had a wider range of thing he could do now but hadn't told anyone yet.

The bell rang and Naruto got up and left the class ignoring the teacher who was still talking at the moment not even caring. The look made the girls in his group sweat drop as Naruto didn't just ignore the poor teacher, it was like he didn't even register the human being's presence.

As Naruto walked through the halls he felt someone follow after him.


He turned around with a bored looked and smiled as he saw Rias run up to him. It only took a few days for Rias change of relationship status to spread like wildfire. Actually it would be more accurate to say it only took 3 hours. 2 hours for everyone to hear of it and another for most to believe it.

"Something wrong Ri-hime." She blushed a little at the nickname as girls who heard it giggled already when they heard it before.

"You know you could have waited for me before you left the room. You might have hurt the teacher's feelings." They started walking through the halls by people as students watched them.

"You know I don't like school. Or rather I like the competition and grades and all but I won't stay in a classroom longer than I have to. Why do that when I can be sleeping, eating, fighting, training, or dicking around with my powers?"

She giggled at the crudeness.

"So basically everything else you do would be a preferred more than classwork?"

"Heh well of course it would. Except for school everything I do is a favorite of mine. And I do me everything I do. Everything, and everyone. So of course I can think of a few things I would rather be doing right now.~" He leaned down as the worked and spoke the last half into her ear making her face and ears heat up a little. He had lowered his voice a little so that only she heard it but it didn't change the fact that people were still watching them in the hallways.

"N-Naruto-kun this isn't the time for that." He chuckled at her loving her reaction.

"Making you blush is another thing that's my favorite thing to do. But don't worry you get away this time since we are still in school."

He walked a few more feet before he groaned and held his left eye catching Rias's concern.

"Naruto-kun what's wrong?" She looked at him and saw purple light shining threw the space between his fingers. She curiously ran a hand threw his hair and felt something poke her on his forehead. Lifting his hair out of the way she rose an eyebrow in realization as she saw a small black horn starting to poke through.

"Oh that."

He sighed as he dropped his hand showing his other eye was violet again before closing that one.

"Yeah I guess my essence power is starting to overflow again..." Rias nodded at this understanding the situation.

"I see now. It has been a couple days so I suppose this is this will likely be the expected amount of time that your demon features would start to emerge again. A todays time frame speaks volumes about how much your energy builds since a lot of it is wasted into the environment and air."

"Yeah I should work on fixing that. Anyway how are we going to take care of this?"

"Well we can't exactly do what we did the first time to solve this problem.

"...unfortunately." No sex because of school? That didn't make him any more positive about the educational establishment. He would have to find a way to work around that. Rias ignored him as she kept talking.

"I do have other methods to drain the energy from you that would work but unfortunately I have more business to attend to."

"Huh? Then what the hell are we going to do then?"

"Well I will call up Akeno and we can count this as a club activity to get you out of class for a bit."

"I forgot I could do that."

"Akeno knows how to drain essence through physical contact as well so she should be able to help you out as well."

Naruto stopped in his tracks as his mind played out the different possible scenarios in his head that could happen with Akeno.

"Wait Rias. Do you have any idea what you are even telling me to do?!"

"Fufufu come on Naruto-kun surely you can handle Akeno for 10 minutes without falling into temptation so fast? I will be disappointed if you do." She patted his cheek and pecked him on his cheek making girls who saw chatter amongst themselves before walking off.

"Have fun Naruto-kun.~" He had a conflicted smile on his face. He wasn't sure how this would go with the Lightning Priestess but he had a feeling he knew.

"Damn that girl..."

The weirdness of it all was a very Tama-like situation. Speaking of which...

Tama had a hard look in her eyes as she watch Naruto and Rias talk from behind a corner. Something about seeing that girl with him made her reckless. It got even worse when she saw Rias give him a small kiss as she started to leak killing intent with a dark grin on her face.

She kept watching as the two finally split off before walking off in two different directions. She saw Naruto pause in his step before he kept walking again.

"Who are you spying on." She jumped as a figure put an arm around her shoulder when she heard a voice from behind talk into her ear.

She glanced to the side nervously seeing someone that resembled but with dark aura flicking off of him and darker shading and half shadow like with horns on his head. His hair was also spiked as one eye had his hair swept over it. His one showing eye looked like a glowing white orb under the dark shadow on his face.

"You we're thing of doing anything bad were you Tama-chan?~"

"N-Naruto-kun? Why do you look like that?" He chuckled with his voice having a darker intone than usual.

"I'm not Naruto but wait I am. Or rather I'm not all of him, we are not whole."

"...Are you on something right now?"

"Hahaha let me start over. You could call me his shadow or his tail as that would be accurate. We are both the same person but now we are able to split up our mind into separate beings and exist independently." 'To a certain extent...' "But that's not why I'm here right now. I told you I would be watching you so why were you just sending killing intent in Rias direction? It was small but I still felt it."

He stepped back and crossed his arms as the shadow on his face lifted showing his violet eye staring down on her with a spiraling pupil giving off an intimidating presence.

They started at each other for a while as Naruto's swirling pupils locked with hers neither having a readable expression. This continued for a bit until there was the small twitch of Tama breaking eye contact and glancing away. Naruto had a shit eating grin as he figured it out and leaned forward.

"Oh so that's it? Is Tama-chan jealous?~ You know that I'm with more than just Rias though so you're jealous of the interaction aren't you?" Before she could stop him her eyes widened when he pulled off her hair ties letting her hair flow straight down around her.

She blushed as he got close to her with one hand on the wall to the side of her and ran a hand through her hair.

"Well this is a treat now Tama-chan is shy. It's rare I get to see your hair down. You look so cute and vulnerable. Your twin tails were your weapons and now without that personal Armorer trigger you are a lot more normal now to advances aren't you?"

She whined when he started to sniff her hair.

"Hmhmhm I could eat you right now and no one would ever know it. What are you going to do about it Tama?"

"Naruto please..." She was losing her will to those eyes as she lay up against a wall. He cupped a dark hand under her chin and lifted it up as he looked at her with his fangs gleaming.

"You're acting a lot like Rias now Tama. Come on I know you of all people can put up a bigger fight than that! My arm is my weapon now and you can't get rid of that as easily as a hairstyle.

She whimpered as he inched closer able to feel his breathe on her lips. This was getting to her more than it should and a big reason for that was because he caught her off guard and how much he had grown.


"The roles have changed now haven't they? The opposite of what they were. Now I'm in charge and you are the one that has to worry about me biting your head off!"

She tried to tilt her head away in a poor attempt to stop him but it was a terrible effort when they both knew how much damage she could cause if she didn't like something. The strength difference between them wasn't actually as big as you'd think it'd be, it's just that her switch had been flipped and Naruto knew it.

Naruto grabbed the her chin back to him and went closer.

"Come on Tama-chan what are you gonna do?! If you aren't going to stop me I might as well do what I want." He their lips were inches apart now as she succumbed and closed her eyes as she wait. She felt him come closer and closer and closer and closer. After a moment nothing happened and confused she openned her eyes and saw no one there. She head Naruto's laughter echo though the hall causing her to twitch as she started to get angry.

Naruto was on the other side of the school walking though the halls to the ORC room. Even though the hallway was empty no one would have notice the small black trail that seeped out of the ground and back up into his pant leg. his memories fluctuated and he groaned in response.

"Aw what the hell did I just do. Oh well can't say seeing her like that wasn't awesome."


His senses went off and he leaned his head back as a javelin went right across his face and stabbed up in the wall next to him.

He twitched at the weapon and expanded his senses. What he saw in his mind eye was Tama with her arm out mid throw and looking directly at him with black and yellow eyes. He sweated a little as that pike was thrown straight across the school and had gone through multiple walls and still almost got him.

"Shit I made her mad. Well it was kind of a dick move but worth it." He just knew or had a feeling that he would be paying for that teasing later unless she cooled down.

"Oh well might as well get my visit with Akeno over with." He remove the pike and hide it in his sleeves before fixing the minor damage Tama caused before anyone could come by and notice.

"Did I need to have my clothes off...?" He hard a dry look as he sat back in a couch. The girl in front of him giggled in response. He tried his best to keep his blood down as he absently took in the sight of Akeno in front of him. The buxom priestess was clothe in nothing but a white robe and dripping with beads of water. He was certain she was naked under it as her stared at her abundant cleavage of her breasts. His eyes followed a small trickily of water as it went down her neck into the valley of her breasts only to be lost in the thin folds of white fabric that barely concealed her matured figure. Her hair cascaded down undone all the way to her legs as she walked towards him.

Akeno herself had a light blush as she looked him over. Her eyes ate up the sight of him as she took in his toned body to his muscled pecs and solid abs to his strong looking arms, all the why compacted into a streamlined build and yet his disposition exuded power. Seeing him like this was something she could get used to and yet may never get tired of.

Oh what she would give to handle that body...

"Fufufu silly boy you know this is that its more effective this more skin on skin contact, they better it is for me to suck all that demonic essence from you.~"

He twitched as she leaned forward when she spoke in a seductive tone. Her breasts bounced against each other as she did so subconsciously drawing Naruto's eyes back to them.

"And why are you wet."

"Sorry about that. I didn't have much time to dry off before the ceremony."

He mentally glared at her at that. 'That's a lie and you know it!'

"Now then lets get started shall we?"

He was startled when she came down and sat on his lap facing him, though he hid it well. The small smile told him she knew exactly what she was doing which made it worse for him.

Akeno picked up his right arm and undid his bandages undoing his black arm that turned into its demonic shape of long claw-like fingers when it made contact with the air.

"Ara ara looks like someone's ready." She felt his altered hand in hers running her fingers along it and massaging it. "It's surprisingly warm." She then started to suck on the fingers sensually as she made sure to treat everyone. Naruto did his best to make sure he didn't make any noises of arousal as she did so as she circled her tongue around each finger before retreating and repeating.

On the outside Naruto looked relatively unfazed if not for a slight twitch.

'Damn you Rias. You wanted me to go through this and not do anything? Maybe if I was Issei that would work but for me... don't expect me to not do anything every time.'

It wasn't the fact that she was sucking his fingers. It was the feeling he got from her draining out his magic and energy. The feeling was extremely stimulating and made it harder to focus. He had too much power but it was still somewhat effective. It was only more effective than it usually would have been because he stored as much excess energy as he could into his tail now. Kind of like an extra reserve as well as feeding his "other body." If Akeno had had more practice in this or if a succubus had done it he would probably have lost it right then and there.

The way she was sucking his fingers wasn't helping his mind either. It was purposely sexual and way too skilled to be accidental. And all her moans and movements weren't helping things at all.

'Goddamn this girl. If she's that good with her mouth I wonder how good she'd be on me- No! Control yourself you can give in later now is not the time!'

She let go of his hand as a thin trail of saliva connected it to her tongue.

"Honestly Naruto-kun this may be a simple procedure but there is no reason you can't enjoy it a little." She giggled again as her violet eyes stared right into his own making him a little nervous since he had to restrain himself.

"Normally I would love to see you flustered with this so I could mess with you. But the fact that you are acting so cold now makes me want to make you feel hot under the collar even more.~"

He just simply glanced over at her. "Really Akeno... can't up just hurry this up? I have things to do."

"Ara ara surely as a fellow sadist you know that I can't just do that. I have to enjoy seeing you try not to squirm as much as I can." That said of her was coming out and Naruto twitched at that answer.

'This girl... Rias you are going to pay hard for this! I want to tie her up and show her who the real sadist is till she is crying on the floor from pain and pleasure as I stand over her as her tormentor relishing in her defiled state! Calm down Naruto. Calm down calm down.' He mentally talked himself down as he started to slip for a second there and his control waned for a moment.

His eyes widened when she sat up and licked his horn causing her breasts to be mashed in her face.

He bit his cheek hard as she started to move and suck on his horn causing her body to rub up against his.

"A-Akeno what are you doing?!"

"Didn't I tell you that this is more effective the close we are? I'm just focusing on the more concentrated parts of your essence. Why? Are you getting distracted?"

She smirked to herself when she heard him groan in frustration. This was just as much a treat for her as it was for him. She just enjoyed it more, or rather allowed herself to enjoy it more.

He growled when she started to nibble on his horn. That was a weakpoint he would have to take note of in the future. That anomaly on his body was actually vary durable and could even stab through steel so he should hardly be able to feel what Akeno was doing. But apparently that durability was only if he was in battle or if his body felt threatened. With the scent coming of this girl he was feeling a different kind of threat. And the euphoric feeling of her sucking the magic out of it didn't help either.

She came back down to his face and spoke slyly into his ear.

"Guess what? There is this cute guy I like but I feel he's just been ignoring me. Tell me Naruto-kun, just what should I do to get his attention." The look in her eyes was becoming too much.

'Fuck that was all the permission I needed. Not that I needed to hear it. Why Rias?! Why did you do this to me?!'

"Akeno you're planning a dangerous game..."

She giggled again which was starting to annoy him in this situation. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged him close, rubbing her body up against his as his thigh was pressed up between her legs.

He instantly knew what he was feeling.

"Akeno... are you bare down there as well?"

"All naturale is apart of the ceremony sweetie." His eyes were shadowed now as it was just one thing after another.

"I want you to know I'm keeping a mental list of everything you're saying and doing to me for later you know."

Her breasts were pressed hard against his chest like giant pillows as he could feel her heartbeat.

"Why so serious Naruto-kun? You don't have to worry about me going any further. Rias may not like that and we can't have that now can we? However... If you were to do something to my helpless form. Well I wouldn't be able to stop you now would I?"

Naruto's fangs jutted out at this as his face shadowed.

A black figure appeared behind Akeno with an evil sharp grin. Its clawed hands out ready to grab Akeno and tear her to shreds as it looked at her hungrily.

Akeno squeaked as she felt a chill go down her spine before she looked behind her and saw nothing there. She was confused before she shrugged and got off Naruto.

"Well that's it Naruto-kun that should drain you enough to manage. Your seal should give you a little more time to hide those features if you check it carefully."

He signed as he got up and rapped his arm having it tuned back to a human shape again but now just a gray color. Horn was mostly gone to to where his hair would hide it for now. She couldn't drain much more than that and she only was able to help as much as he did because Naruto was trying to divert some of that power elsewhere...

She hadn't been expecting it but Naruto's essence made aroused her like nothing else but if it was just draining the power she could hide it for now and control herself.

"Yare yare finally. You just had to make it hell for me."

"Fufufu hell's not such a bad place."

"You know what I mean." He looked at her dryly as one of his eyes slowly turned back to blue again. He turned to walk away but stopped when Akeno started talking again.

"Hey Naruto-kun do you remember your fight with Riser?"

"Well yeah it was like less than a week ago..."

"When you fought Riser you kept going on and on till you throughly defeated your opponent over and over. Even when we thought you were done you came out with something else to surprise us again. The wild way you beat him full of power, and aggression without mercy. Even going through your own damage and pain to make sure you kept fighting. You used both pure force and strategy to beat him. It truly was a display of a true man and beast all wrapped up in one. And then crashing the engagement party to save Rias was something that was both sexy and impressive. You managed to not only beat an immortal opponent but also have him wishing he were dead. Seeing such a display of, I don't even know what, in such a brilliant battle well I don't know..."

She walked back up to him and started to run a finger down his chest. She had a blush on her face as she looked into his eyes. "This feeling I get around you know. Could it be that I've started to-?"


'*Sigh* Saved by the bell literally' Naruto mentally sighed as the school bell rung signaling classes would be starting soon. She wasn't able to finish what she was saying but Naruto was aware enough that she didn't have to actually say anything for him to already know what she was feeling at this point.

Akeno backed off and walked away making sure to have a sway in her step which Naruto followed with his eyes. She giggled as she looked back at him one last time.

"Fufufu well this was fun we should do this again some time, soon."

Naruto walked out of the Occult Research Club Room and into the empty hallway of the barren building. He suddenly leaned a hand against the wall and let out a breathe he had been holding hard. His eye's glowed white under a shadow and spiked hair. As soon as he released his breathe his arm flexed and the wally he had been touching suddenly had a ripple of cracks go throughout it as windows shattered.

"Haa... Haa... Haa...! Damn that girl! I can't take this I need to kill something! She'd neither Rias nor Akeno better expect me to stay idle the next time this happens or neither of them will survive the next night with me!" It was thanks to his control over his body that he was able to control himself from getting a boner and with some help from his aura.

He had been forced to hold his breath repeatedly in long intervals just so that he could get as little of her scent as possible as her sweet odor and her arousal at that range was filling up his nose. He was glad he consciously held back as much of the stimulating aspects of his essence from Akeno's drain or they both would have had a problem. One thing was for sure though, Shio and Miso were going to be having a rough time tonight.

He walked off leaving the damaged hallway. He would fix it later.

At least the girl actually said in a way that she liked him and wanted it. That's something to keep note of for later.

-Next Day after school-

Two people had a small competitive smile on their face as the sat in the student council room playing a game of chess. They were of course Uzumaki Naruto and Sona Sitri. Tama stood off to the side as she watched them critically, or more so the game itself. Naruto moved a knight as me made his move on the chess board.

"So has any peer of yours ever beaten you in this game?" She gave him a superior look as she smile.

"Never so you shouldn't feel too bad when you lose." She moved a piece of her own as she moved as well. Naruto returned her look back at her.

"I've never lost in a game of chess either so don't get ahead of yourself."

"As many wise mean have once said. There is a first time for everything."

"Yes there is but last I checked I'm the top student here miss second place so in a way I've already beaten you once." He smirked at her making her fill little as her eye twitched in irritation.

"You asshole!"

"Hehehe." It was always fun getting a straight and proper individual to speak crudely because of him. The banter continued as they continued to play with Tama watching the exchange back and forth.

After a lot of time had gone by many pieces had been moved and many were lost. Sona pushed up her glasses with a smirk as she spoke triumphantly.

"Well look at this. I suppose you are finally going to lose Naruto-kun?"

Naruto just leaned back and rubbed his head. "Well wow I guess you are pretty good. I'm kind of impressive?" She shrugged off the compliment with professionalism.

"Flattery will get you no where."

"Well that's disappointing. I would have liked for it to get me everywhere." Now this made her blush before she glared at him which was greeted with him grinning now.

There was a knock on the door as Kiba entered into the student council room.

"Gomen, sorry if I'm interupting anything but Naruto-senpai Rias-buchou requires your presence as our club meeting is about to start?"

Naruto looked up in realization. He moved one piece quickly before getting up. "Oh sorry time more time must have passed than I thought. I'll be right there."

Sona tried to stop him as he abandoned the game. "Wait a moment you can't just stop in the middle of this!"

Naruto grinned slyly before tilting his head back at her. "I think its for the best if I did." She didn't know what he meant by that as he walked out. She grumbled in distaste at his departure.

"Tch... and I was about to win."

"Look at the board." She jumped a little at the voice but then remembered Tama was standing to the side of her.

"What?" Tama just looked down at her simply and repeated.

"Look at the board again."

Sona did as instructed and after a few moments her eyes widened in shock.

"H-He played the fool and knew." 'Checkmate.' Was no way she could get out of it and somehow she hadn't noticed it till then.

"You lost the moment you decided to face him. You thought without a doubt you would win regardless of what Naru-kun did and that was your mistake. Naru-kun may have thought he would win from the beginning and may act arrogant but he wasn't underestimating you the whole time. He watched your every movements, where your attention was directed, and controlled the flow of the conversation as he saw fit. He didn't just beat you, he won in several ways. Granted if you took him seriously you would have still lost just not as bad.

Sona looked at her astonished and a little angry.

"H-How do you know all this there is no way he did all that?! Wait a minute... I don't think we've ever met before."

"My name is Tama-chan! Or you can call me onee-chan. I'm Naru-kun's childhood friend who tried to kill him and now lives with him and his incestrous sis-mmph!"

She suddenly had her mouth sealed with black aura as the shadow appeared behind her. She shivered as it leered behind her.

"I shouldn't have to tell you to not say unnecessary things Tama." After he said that piece Naruto's tail vanished again as Tama could speak again. Sona saw the exchange and was startled by the dark individual who suddenly showed up and vaguely resembled Naruto in outline.

"What was that?"

She nervously chuckled as she shrugged it off.

"Don't worry about it, it's just Naru-kun. Now as I said I'm a close friend of his. But I also know him well enough to know how he works. We had similar grades growing up too so I'm not exactly an idiot either. Just know that Naru-kun rarely loses to anyone but me. I won't allow it."

With that she walked off leaving a very confused Sona as she kept looking at where Tama left and back at the chessboard.

- ORC Room -

The door opened to reveal a young boy with blond and black hair as he walked into the clubroom with a sleepy look. Everyone quickly noticed the knew arrival as Issei looked over at the boy confused.

"Whose the kid?" Rias got out of her desk and walked over to the boy. She bent down and gave him a warm mature smile.

"Sorry honey you aren't supposed to be here are you lost?"

"Rias it's me?"

"Huh?" The voice was too high and little but she looked him over again and paid attention to the eyes, hair, whisker marks...

"Naruto?! Why are you little?"

"I just felt like it. This is another exercise. Changing my age helps me build up my control as well as nostalgia."

She pulled him into a hug as he was the cutest thing. "Awww you're so cute! I just want to carry you around!"

Naruto just gave a simple response.

"Acceptable I suppose." Both Akeno and Rias gushed at this now.

"Awww! You use such big words and act despondent even though you're so little! You're just like Koneko-chan!"

Rias finally set him down from having his face buried in her chest and the others walked up to him. Koneko walked up to him and the both looked at each other with a bored gaze. Kiba chuckled and the girls looked like they couldn't take much more cuteness. Koneko walked around him looking him over before putting a hand over his head and bringing it over her own comparing his height to his and seeing them roughly the same. She matched his blank expression as she asked a small question in a monotone voice.

"What age?" He responded with an equally monotone voice.

"10." She nodded and with that walked over and sat in a corner. Akeno went over and patted her with an amused smile.

"Don't worry Koneko-chan I'm sure you'll grow more one day." Koneko looked up at her and saw her large chest bounce as she said that. The white haired girl simply turned back around and grew even more depressed making her sweatdrop.

Rias sweatdropped at the exchange and called out to her queen. "Akeno you are the last person her who should ever say that. You're only making it worse."

"Ara ara my bad."

"Well then lets begin our regular meeting. This month's contract numbers are in. Akeno got 11."

"That's right."

"Koneko got 10."

"Sounds good."

"Kiba had 8."

"I did."

"3 for Asia."

"Yay!" The others congratulated the girl for being able to get contracts when she was still a newbie.

"And Issei... got zero..." He got down at this.

"Sorry guys I guess I'm just no good at this kind of thing."

"You know Issei if you don't work hard and get contracts you will never become a high ranking devil."

"Yeah yeah I know. Next month I will work hard and get first place for sure!" She winced at that as she was trying to avoid it.

"I... don't think that's going to happen..."

"What? Why not?"

"Well that position would go to Naruto-kun." Akeno realized something at this too.

"Now that I think about it you did skip his name."

"Well the thing is Naruto-kun got... 48 contracts." Everyone was shock at this.

"What!? But he's just as new at this as I am!" They all looked over at the younger Naruto who sat in a couch eating meat. The boy looked over at them boredly.

"Don't compare me to you pleb." Akeno giggled into her hand at this. "Aww even his insults are adorable in his kid form."

Issei pointed at him as he questioned Rias asking the question they all had.

"Buchou how was he able to get that much in a short period of time!?"

"I don't really know. It might be a record for rookies. I'm not even sure why he's trying to get that many so soon." Naruto just continued to eat not caring.

"I have my reasons. One of my methods though is to go after groups. That's all I will tell you." He then jumped out of the couch and went to the door.

"You can come in now!" They all diverted their attention to the door as they wonder who he was talking to. When the door opened Issei drooled as some tall hot girl with white hair in twin tails and purple eyes walked in next to Naruto looking around curiously before looking down at him curiously at his kid form.

"Everyone I would like to introduce you to my childhood friend Tama." They all greeted her at this if abeit shocked at having the hybrid of a death god on par with Naruto in such close proximity to them. There was a ripple of Dream Weaver aura around Naruto's body before he grew and resembled his 17 year old form with a stretch before putting his hands in his pockets.

Tama looked at them all before point over at Issei. "I don't like him." Issei felt a stab go through him as she said that so easily. Naruto just sweatdropped at her but couldn't help but smirk in amusement.

"Well damn." Rias being friendly walked up to her to shake her hand. Tama looked down at the redheads chest and did an unseen glare as she compared how they were fractionally bigger than her own chest. There was a weird presence when she did but Tama just returned her handshake with a smile. Though on the inside Tama felt nervous as she could feel Naruto glancing over at her with an intensely dark look that no one noticed to make sure she didn't do anything.

"Hello Tama-san Naruto-kun has told us so much about you. It's an honor to finally meet." Tama nodded before Akeno walked up and did the same.

Tama looked at the girl and got a read off of her before looking at Naruto.

"I like her."

"Oh crap what have I done." He didn't think about what could happen if Tama and Akeno met. Now there were three sadomasochists in the room of varying dispositions.

Tama looked over at Koneko who walked over to her in interest. Koneko looked over her critically. White hair, lack of appropriately time facial expressions, off way of speaking, breasts, height. This girl was everything she was and more.

Koneko went back in a corner with a raincloud as she sank deeper into her depression.

"It isn't fair..."

Naruto looked sympathetic at the girl though he enjoyed the interaction. At this rate the poor girl will be crying by the end of the day.

Rias turned to him after this moment passed. "Oh and Naruto-kun I saw that Shio and Miso weren't in class today. Is everything alright?"

He chuckled at this.

"Oh yes they were just feeling a little weak is all so they stayed home. Oh that reminds me! Akeno-chan Shio wanted me to give you this note." The girl looked confused as she took the slip of paper.

She opened it and saw a simple message. She wasn't sure why the girl wrote her that but she had a feeling it was her fault and just giggled.

Dear Akeno,

Fuck you.

~ Shio


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1494
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


